Revision 10282
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza over 11 years ago
index.htm | ||
34 | 34 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="__" ADD_DATE="1344469303" ICON_URI=""><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>VegBIEN</A><a name="__VegBIEN" href="#__VegBIEN" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
35 | 35 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="__" ADD_DATE="1355788711"><img width="16" height="16" src="blank.gif" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>BIEN</A><a name="__BIEN" href="#__BIEN" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
36 | 36 |
<DT><A HREF="http://localhost/~aaronmk/phppgadmin/redirect.php?subject=schema&server=%3A5432%3Aallow&database=vegbien&schema=public&" name="__http://localhost/~aaronmk/phppgadmin/redirect.php?subject=schema&server=%3A5432%3Aallow&database=vegbien&schema=public&" ADD_DATE="1362008964" ICON_URI="http://localhost/~aaronmk/phppgadmin/images/themes/default/Introduction.png"><img width="16" height="16" src="http://localhost/~aaronmk/phppgadmin/images/themes/default/Introduction.png" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>local</A><a name="__local" href="#__local" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
37 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="__" ADD_DATE="1362008923" ICON_URI=""><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>vegbiendev</A><a name="__vegbiendev" href="#__vegbiendev" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a>
37 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="__" ADD_DATE="1362008923" ICON_URI=""><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>vegbiendev</A><a name="__vegbiendev" href="#__vegbiendev" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a>
38 | 38 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="__" ADD_DATE="1361027615" ICON_URI=""><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>vegbiendev</A><a name="__vegbiendev" href="#__vegbiendev" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
39 | 39 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="__" ADD_DATE="1318544417" ICON_URI=""><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>nimoy</A><a name="__nimoy" href="#__nimoy" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
40 | 40 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="__" ADD_DATE="1317673868" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>PostgreSQL</A><a name="__PostgreSQL" href="#__PostgreSQL" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
... | ... | |
55 | 55 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1366707146" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>BlackListPlugin < TWiki < TWiki</A><a name="BlackListPlugin < TWiki < TWiki" href="#BlackListPlugin < TWiki < TWiki" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
56 | 56 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367748409" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>WebNotify < Main < TWiki</A><a name="WebNotify < Main < TWiki" href="#WebNotify < Main < TWiki" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
57 | 57 |
</DL><p> |
58 |
<DT><a name="use cases" href="#use cases"><H3 ADD_DATE="1373785958">use cases</H3></a> |
59 |
<DL><p> |
60 |
<DT><a name="research using VegBank" href="#research using VegBank"><H3 ADD_DATE="1373785119">research using VegBank</H3></a> |
61 |
<DL><p> |
62 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1373786755" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>2006: Spatial variation of climatic and non-climatic controls on species distribution: the range limit of Tsuga heterophylla</A><a name="2006: Spatial variation of climatic and non-climatic controls on species distribution: the range limit of Tsuga heterophylla" href="#2006: Spatial variation of climatic and non-climatic controls on species distribution: the range limit of Tsuga heterophylla" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
63 |
<DD>page's description: jbi_1509 1384..1396 - gavin_jbi06.pdf |
64 |
65 |
"In the USA, known |
66 |
occurrences in vegetation plots were obtained from the |
67 |
VegBank database (VEGBANK Contributors, 2004)" |
68 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1373786393" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>2007: Merging disparate datasets: - stohlgren-proposal_508.pdf</A><a name="2007: Merging disparate datasets: - stohlgren-proposal_508.pdf" href="#2007: Merging disparate datasets: - stohlgren-proposal_508.pdf" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
69 |
<DD>"Modified: 2/16/07" |
70 |
71 |
"The datasets we will be focusing on |
72 |
integrating with GODM to address hypothesis |
73 |
1 include VegBank" |
74 |
75 |
"VegBank ( |
76 | |
77 |
) is the vegetation plot database of |
78 |
the Ecological Society of America's (ESA's) |
79 |
Panel on Vegetation Classi |
80 |
fication. Most plots |
81 |
archived in VegBank contain complete floristi |
82 |
c records, precise geocoordinates, and some |
83 |
measure of taxon importance. At present ove |
84 |
r 20,000 plots spanning 27 |
85 |
states and containing |
86 |
well in excess of 6,000 species ar |
87 |
e archived in VegBank, and in excessive of 10,000 more plots |
88 |
are scheduled to be added in the near future." |
89 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1373785757" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>2009: Temperature dependence, spatial scale, and tree species diversity in eastern Asia and North America</A><a name="2009: Temperature dependence, spatial scale, and tree species diversity in eastern Asia and North America" href="#2009: Temperature dependence, spatial scale, and tree species diversity in eastern Asia and North America" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
90 |
<DD>"using data o f1,370 forest plots |
91 |
in the 2 continents (398 plots for eastern Asia, see ref. 23; and 972 plots for |
92 |
North America, see" (p. 4) |
93 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1373785075" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>2012: Hotter? Colder? Wetter? Drier? Elevational range shifts in response to 50 years of climatic change across western North America</A><a name="2012: Hotter? Colder? Wetter? Drier? Elevational range shifts in response to 50 years of climatic change across western North America" href="#2012: Hotter? Colder? Wetter? Drier? Elevational range shifts in response to 50 years of climatic change across western North America" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
94 |
<DD>page's description: Working Memory in the Two Cerebral Hemispheres M.G. Funnell, M.K. Colvin, & M.S. Gazzaniga Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, Dartmouth College - Harsch.pdf |
95 |
96 |
"Modified: 10/18/12" |
97 |
"Last-Modified: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 22:57:51 GMT" |
98 |
99 |
"Species occurrence data were obtained from four online databases: |
100 |
VegBank" |
101 |
</DL><p> |
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</DL><p> |
103 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367527203" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>/ - BIEN Geo - NCEAS Projects</A><a name="/ - BIEN Geo - NCEAS Projects" href="#/ - BIEN Geo - NCEAS Projects" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
104 |
<DD>page's description: Redmine |
58 | 105 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1363808685" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>/README.txt - BIEN Geo - NCEAS Projects</A><a name="/README.txt - BIEN Geo - NCEAS Projects" href="#/README.txt - BIEN Geo - NCEAS Projects" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
59 | 106 |
<DD>page's description: Redmine |
60 | 107 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1317772288" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>11-02-24 Kickoff Meeting - Scientific Opportunities Team - iPlant Collaborative Wiki</A><a name="11-02-24 Kickoff Meeting - Scientific Opportunities Team - iPlant Collaborative Wiki" href="#11-02-24 Kickoff Meeting - Scientific Opportunities Team - iPlant Collaborative Wiki" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
... | ... | |
79 | 126 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1353554924" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="blank.gif" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Sources « Botanical Information and Ecology Network</A><a name="Sources « Botanical Information and Ecology Network" href="#Sources « Botanical Information and Ecology Network" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
80 | 127 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1340929390" ICON_URI=""><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>starscream phpPgAdmin</A><a name="starscream phpPgAdmin" href="#starscream phpPgAdmin" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
81 | 128 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1317772105" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="blank.gif" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Taxonomic Name Resolution Service</A><a name="Taxonomic Name Resolution Service" href="#Taxonomic Name Resolution Service" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
82 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367527203" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>/ - BIEN Geo - NCEAS Projects</A><a name="/ - BIEN Geo - NCEAS Projects" href="#/ - BIEN Geo - NCEAS Projects" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
83 |
<DD>page's description: Redmine |
84 | 129 |
</DL><p> |
85 | 130 |
<DT><a name="vegetation data" href="#vegetation data"><H3 ADD_DATE="1317767236">vegetation data</H3></a> |
86 | 131 |
<DL><p> |
... | ... | |
204 | 249 |
<DL><p> |
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<DT><a name="Unix" href="#Unix"><H3 ADD_DATE="1346354989">Unix</H3></a> |
206 | 251 |
<DL><p> |
252 |
<DT><a name="Linux" href="#Linux"><H3 ADD_DATE="1373365316">Linux</H3></a> |
253 |
<DL><p> |
254 |
<DT><a name="Ubuntu" href="#Ubuntu"><H3 ADD_DATE="1373365250">Ubuntu</H3></a> |
255 |
<DL><p> |
256 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1329253743" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>[ubuntu] On login 5 packages can be updated - Ubuntu Forums</A><a name="[ubuntu] On login 5 packages can be updated - Ubuntu Forums" href="#[ubuntu] On login 5 packages can be updated - Ubuntu Forums" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
257 |
<DD>page's description: [ubuntu] On login 5 packages can be updated Server Platforms |
258 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1365498064" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Access Shared Folders in a VirtualBox Ubuntu 11.04 Virtual Machine</A><a name="Access Shared Folders in a VirtualBox Ubuntu 11.04 Virtual Machine" href="#Access Shared Folders in a VirtualBox Ubuntu 11.04 Virtual Machine" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
259 |
<DD>page's description: Have you installed Ubuntu 11.04 as a virtual machine in VirtualBox but have had problems getting the Shared Folders feature to work? We were able to add a shared folder, but were unable to access it. |
260 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367519739" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>KVM/VirtManager - Community Ubuntu Documentation</A><a name="KVM/VirtManager - Community Ubuntu Documentation" href="#KVM/VirtManager - Community Ubuntu Documentation" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
261 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1373365205" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>[ubuntu] remove old linux kernels</A><a name="[ubuntu] remove old linux kernels" href="#[ubuntu] remove old linux kernels" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
262 |
<DD>page's description: How does one remove the extra entries of the old linux kernels after upgrade of a new version. Remember Synaptic used to do that but it was the case when Startup manager used to do a good job. Please help if i'm missing something. |
263 |
264 |
this needs to be done periodically, because apt-get unfortunately does not do it automatically |
265 |
266 |
" |
267 |
dpkg-query -l | awk '/linux-image-*/ {print $2}' |
268 |
sudo apt-get --purge remove <Kernel> |
269 |
sudo update-grub |
270 |
" |
271 |
</DL><p> |
272 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1359846610" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="blank.gif" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>liblockfile 1.08, lockfile_8h.html</A><a name="liblockfile 1.08, lockfile_8h.html" href="#liblockfile 1.08, lockfile_8h.html" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
273 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1365495065" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Linux: Delete user password</A><a name="Linux: Delete user password" href="#Linux: Delete user password" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
274 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1359845394" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>lockfile_create(3): manage lockfiles - Linux man page</A><a name="lockfile_create(3): manage lockfiles - Linux man page" href="#lockfile_create(3): manage lockfiles - Linux man page" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
275 |
<DD>page's description: The lockfile_create function creates a lockfile in an NFS safe way. |
276 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1344468179" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>What is used to create the shadow password hash??</A><a name="What is used to create the shadow password hash??" href="#What is used to create the shadow password hash??" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
277 |
<DD>page's description: Hello, When you create a new user thats able to login etc etc, you also create there password for them, this obviously works with the users password |
278 |
</DL><p> |
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<DT><a name="Mac" href="#Mac"><H3 ADD_DATE="1361008732">Mac</H3></a> |
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<DL><p> |
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<DT><a name="10.8 Mountain Lion" href="#10.8 Mountain Lion"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368126870">10.8 Mountain Lion</H3></a> |
282 |
<DD>WARNING: DO NOT upgrade unless you are prepared to fix several programs broken by the upgrade: svn, Apache PHP, Apache ~/Sites dirs, PostgreSQL, Python psycopg2, Python OrderedDict, X11, Xcode |
283 |
instructions are in the corresponding subdirs. |
284 |
these programs will be COMPLETELY UNAVAILABLE until they are manually fixed! |
285 |
</DD> |
286 |
<DL><p> |
287 |
<DT><a name="whether to upgrade" href="#whether to upgrade"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368667925">whether to upgrade</H3></a> |
288 |
<DD>primary advantages of upgrading: |
289 |
Time Machine can now back up to multiple disks *at once*, allowing you to have multiple backups without needing to manually switch back and forth between the disks |
290 |
</DD> |
291 |
<DL><p> |
292 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368132184" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Apple - OS X Mountain Lion - See everything the new OS X can do.</A><a name="Apple - OS X Mountain Lion - See everything the new OS X can do." href="#Apple - OS X Mountain Lion - See everything the new OS X can do." style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
293 |
<DD>page's description: Play iOS gamers in Game Center. Share right from your apps. Send iMessages. And more. Over 200 more features, in fact. All part of OS X Mountain Lion. |
294 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368132025" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Should I Upgrade to Mountain Lion?</A><a name="Should I Upgrade to Mountain Lion?" href="#Should I Upgrade to Mountain Lion?" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
295 |
<DD>page's description: Dear Lifehacker, |
296 |
Mountain Lion is out, and I'm seeing it has some pretty cool new features! Should I upgrade? |
297 |
</DL><p> |
298 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368126846" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Mountain Lion 10.8 Updating requirements: Apple Support Communities</A><a name="Mountain Lion 10.8 Updating requirements: Apple Support Communities" href="#Mountain Lion 10.8 Updating requirements: Apple Support Communities" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
299 |
<DD>"the installer takes 3 minutes before rebooting itself, and 33 minutes after rebooting to complete the installation on an iMac 11,2" |
300 |
<DT><a name="Xcode" href="#Xcode"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368575882">Xcode</H3></a> |
301 |
<DD>note: upgrading this requires a (free) App Store account |
302 |
303 |
also needed for svn |
304 |
</DD> |
305 |
<DL><p> |
306 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368575868" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Mac App Store - Xcode</A><a name="Mac App Store - Xcode" href="#Mac App Store - Xcode" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
307 |
<DD>page's description: Read reviews, get customer ratings, see screenshots and learn more about Xcode on the Mac App Store. Download Xcode and enjoy it on your Mac. |
308 |
</DL><p> |
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<DT><a name="X11" href="#X11"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368673704">X11</H3></a> |
310 |
<DL><p> |
311 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368673746" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>XQuartz</A><a name="XQuartz" href="#XQuartz" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
312 |
</DL><p> |
313 |
<DT><a name="svn" href="#svn"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368575651">svn</H3></a> |
314 |
<DD>note: upgrading this requires a (free) App Store account and a reinstall of Xcode |
315 |
</DD> |
316 |
<DL><p> |
317 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368575835" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>SVN Missing in Mac OS X 10.8 – Mountain Lion | Grapii</A><a name="SVN Missing in Mac OS X 10.8 – Mountain Lion | Grapii" href="#SVN Missing in Mac OS X 10.8 – Mountain Lion | Grapii" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
318 |
<DD>page's description: Having recently upgraded to Mac OS X 10.8 - Mountain Lion, I was surprised to learn that SVN (Subversion) is not included in this release of the OS. This was a |
319 |
</DL><p> |
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<DT><a name="Apache" href="#Apache"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368586198">Apache</H3></a> |
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<DL><p> |
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<DT><a name="PHP" href="#PHP"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368586650">PHP</H3></a> |
323 |
<DD>in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf : |
324 |
uncomment 'LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/' |
325 |
</DD> |
326 |
<DL><p> |
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</DL><p> |
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<DT><a name="~/Sites dirs" href="#~/Sites dirs"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368586643">~/Sites dirs</H3></a> |
329 |
<DD>in /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-userdir.conf : |
330 |
after 'UserDir Sites', add: |
331 |
--- |
332 |
333 |
<Directory /Users/*/Sites> |
334 |
AllowOverride all |
335 |
336 |
Order Deny,Allow |
337 |
Allow from all |
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</Directory> |
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--- |
340 |
</DD> |
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<DL><p> |
342 |
</DL><p> |
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</DL><p> |
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<DT><a name="PostgreSQL " href="#PostgreSQL "><H3 ADD_DATE="1368571842">PostgreSQL </H3></a> |
345 |
<DD>after upgrading to 10.8, you need to modify PostgreSQL: |
346 |
change the postgres user to _postgres: |
347 |
$ sudo chown -R _postgres /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/data/ |
348 |
$ sudo chown -R _postgres /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/postgres.log |
349 |
$ sudo -u _postgres /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/bin/pg_ctl -D /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/data -l /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/postgres.log restart |
350 |
</DD> |
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<DL><p> |
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</DL><p> |
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<DT><a name="Python" href="#Python"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368656550">Python</H3></a> |
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<DL><p> |
355 |
<DT><a name="psycopg2" href="#psycopg2"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368673201">psycopg2</H3></a> |
356 |
<DD>note: `ln -f` will overwrite the existing symlink to the previous libssl version |
357 |
$ sudo ln -fs /usr/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/lib/libssl.dylib |
358 |
$ sudo ln -fs /usr/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib |
359 |
$ sudo easy_install psycopg2 |
360 |
</DD> |
361 |
<DL><p> |
362 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368677358" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>postgresql - Update to latest libssl for Mountain Lion without MacPorts? - Ask Different</A><a name="postgresql - Update to latest libssl for Mountain Lion without MacPorts? - Ask Different" href="#postgresql - Update to latest libssl for Mountain Lion without MacPorts? - Ask Different" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
363 |
<DD>" |
364 |
sudo ln -fs /usr/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/lib/libssl.dylib |
365 |
sudo ln -fs /usr/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib |
366 |
" |
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</DL><p> |
368 |
<DT><a name="OrderedDict" href="#OrderedDict"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368656763">OrderedDict</H3></a> |
369 |
<DD>change all scripts to import OrderedDict from collections instead of ordereddict |
370 |
</DD> |
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<DL><p> |
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<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368656709" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>8.3. collections — High-performance container datatypes — Python v2.7.5 documentation</A><a name="8.3. collections — High-performance container datatypes — Python v2.7.5 documentation" href="#8.3. collections — High-performance container datatypes — Python v2.7.5 documentation" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
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</DL><p> |
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</DL><p> |
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</DL><p> |
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<DT><a name="MacFusion" href="#MacFusion"><H3 ADD_DATE="1367739060">MacFusion</H3></a> |
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<DL><p> |
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<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367738659" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>OPTIONS - macfuse - Commonly useful mount-time options available in MacFUSE - The Easiest and Fastest Way to Create File Systems for Mac OS X - Google Project Hosting</A><a name="OPTIONS - macfuse - Commonly useful mount-time options available in MacFUSE - The Easiest and Fastest Way to Create File Systems for Mac OS X - Google Project Hosting" href="#OPTIONS - macfuse - Commonly useful mount-time options available in MacFUSE - The Easiest and Fastest Way to Create File Systems for Mac OS X - Google Project Hosting" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
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<DD>- |
380 |
defer_permissions: "if the file system retrieves file information from another computer and reports user/group IDs /as is/, the kernel will not see any alien IDs as belonging to the user that mounted the volume. (This can happen if user ID translation is not enabled or sometimes doesn't work with sshfs.) The defer_permissions (formerly defer_auth) option is useful in such cases. It causes MacFUSE to assume that all accesses are allowed" |
381 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367739032" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Issue 257 - macfusion - SSHFS | Finder | copy | Administrator password requested | fails | Finder Error code -43 - General GUI for Fuse Filesystems to be used with MacFUSE - Google Project Hosting</A><a name="Issue 257 - macfusion - SSHFS | Finder | copy | Administrator password requested | fails | Finder Error code -43 - General GUI for Fuse Filesystems to be used with MacFUSE - Google Project Hosting" href="#Issue 257 - macfusion - SSHFS | Finder | copy | Administrator password requested | fails | Finder Error code -43 - General GUI for Fuse Filesystems to be used with MacFUSE - Google Project Hosting" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
382 |
<DD>"-o defer_permissions" |
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</DL><p> |
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<DT><a name="recovery partition" href="#recovery partition"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368131131">recovery partition</H3></a> |
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<DL><p> |
386 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368131142" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>How can I create or recreate a Lion recovery partition? - Ask Different</A><a name="How can I create or recreate a Lion recovery partition? - Ask Different" href="#How can I create or recreate a Lion recovery partition? - Ask Different" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
387 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368131153" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Lion Recovery Update v1.0</A><a name="Lion Recovery Update v1.0" href="#Lion Recovery Update v1.0" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
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</DL><p> |
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<DT><a name="sleep" href="#sleep"><H3 ADD_DATE="1366920274">sleep</H3></a> |
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<DL><p> |
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<DT><a name="wake for network access" href="#wake for network access"><H3 ADD_DATE="1366920286">wake for network access</H3></a> |
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<DL><p> |
393 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1366919680" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Wake a sleeping Mac from the network - Mac OS X Hints</A><a name="Wake a sleeping Mac from the network - Mac OS X Hints" href="#Wake a sleeping Mac from the network - Mac OS X Hints" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
394 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1366920260" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>About Wake on Demand</A><a name="About Wake on Demand" href="#About Wake on Demand" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
395 |
<DD>page's description: <p>The Wake on Demand feature of Mac OS X v10.6 or later, lets your Mac continue to share items (such as music, printers, files, or your screen) when it is asleep.</p> |
396 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1366920588" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Access Your Computer Anytime and Save Energy with Wake-on-LAN</A><a name="Access Your Computer Anytime and Save Energy with Wake-on-LAN" href="#Access Your Computer Anytime and Save Energy with Wake-on-LAN" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
397 |
<DD>page's description: You want access to your home computer wherever you are, whatever you're doing, whether that's via a remote desktop connection, SSH, FTP, web interface, or any other remote access you've set up. The catch is, you don't like throwing money away to an always-on system. Luckily you can have your digital cake and eat it, too, and today I'll show you how to boot and shut down your system remotely so that it's ready for you when you need it and it's not wasting energy when you don't. |
398 |
</DL><p> |
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<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1355942670" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Indicator of iMac sleep status - Mac OS X Hints</A><a name="Indicator of iMac sleep status - Mac OS X Hints" href="#Indicator of iMac sleep status - Mac OS X Hints" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
400 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1366918780" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>pmset(1) Mac OS X Manual Page</A><a name="pmset(1) Mac OS X Manual Page" href="#pmset(1) Mac OS X Manual Page" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
401 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1366917699" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="blank.gif" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>SmartSleep</A><a name="SmartSleep" href="#SmartSleep" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
402 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1366917543" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Why hibernate or 'safe sleep' mode is no longer necessary in OS X Lion (Updated) | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog</A><a name="Why hibernate or 'safe sleep' mode is no longer necessary in OS X Lion (Updated) | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog" href="#Why hibernate or 'safe sleep' mode is no longer necessary in OS X Lion (Updated) | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
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<DD>page's description: Update: Several commenters expressed concern that disabling safe sleep could expose you to the possibility of drive corruption if you lose power or |
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</DL><p> |
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<DT><a name="Time Machine" href="#Time Machine"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368130723">Time Machine</H3></a> |
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<DL><p> |
407 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368130607" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Can I boot from an time machine backup...: Apple Support Communities</A><a name="Can I boot from an time machine backup...: Apple Support Communities" href="#Can I boot from an time machine backup...: Apple Support Communities" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
408 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368130704" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>How to restore data from Time Machine in Mountain Lion | Macworld</A><a name="How to restore data from Time Machine in Mountain Lion | Macworld" href="#How to restore data from Time Machine in Mountain Lion | Macworld" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
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<DD>page's description: If you use Time Machine regularly, you're ready for whatever technological mishaps life throws at you. Restoring data from Time Machine is just as easy as backing things up in the first place. |
410 |
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"start up your Mac from the Mountain Lion recovery partition by pressing (and holding down) Command-R at startup. This launches Recovery Mode, a portion of your drive that Mountain Lion treats as a separate volume" |
412 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1347325122" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Time Machine: How to transfer backups from the current backup drive to a new backup drive</A><a name="Time Machine: How to transfer backups from the current backup drive to a new backup drive" href="#Time Machine: How to transfer backups from the current backup drive to a new backup drive" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
413 |
<DD>page's description: <p>If you want to switch to a different TIme Machine backup drive, use this article to learn how to transfer your existing Time Machine backups to the new backup drive, and then use it for regular Time Machine backups.</p> |
414 |
</DL><p> |
415 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1363045253" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="blank.gif" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Dan Bishop » How to mount SFTP/SSH shares in OS X NOW UPDATED to include OS X 10.8</A><a name="Dan Bishop » How to mount SFTP/SSH shares in OS X NOW UPDATED to include OS X 10.8" href="#Dan Bishop » How to mount SFTP/SSH shares in OS X NOW UPDATED to include OS X 10.8" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
416 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367786323" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Disable the Dock’s ‘bounce to alert’ behavior | Macworld</A><a name="Disable the Dock’s ‘bounce to alert’ behavior | Macworld" href="#Disable the Dock’s ‘bounce to alert’ behavior | Macworld" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
417 |
<DD>page's description: Learn how to prevent icons from bouncing in the Dock to get your attention |
418 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1363328233" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>firewall blocks ssh since Sept 12 update: Apple Support Communities</A><a name="firewall blocks ssh since Sept 12 update: Apple Support Communities" href="#firewall blocks ssh since Sept 12 update: Apple Support Communities" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
419 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367490962" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Force every folder to be arranged by kind and sorted by name? - MacRumors Forums</A><a name="Force every folder to be arranged by kind and sorted by name? - MacRumors Forums" href="#Force every folder to be arranged by kind and sorted by name? - MacRumors Forums" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
420 |
<DD>page's description: Force every folder to be arranged by kind and sorted by name? Mac OS X 10.7 Lion |
421 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368582727" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>How do I remove the "extended attributes" on a file in mac osx - Stack Overflow</A><a name="How do I remove the "extended attributes" on a file in mac osx - Stack Overflow" href="#How do I remove the "extended attributes" on a file in mac osx - Stack Overflow" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
422 |
<DD>"Use the xattr command" |
423 |
424 |
"you can also use the -c option to remove all extended attributes" |
425 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367786460" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>How to Stop Icons From Bouncing |</A><a name="How to Stop Icons From Bouncing |" href="#How to Stop Icons From Bouncing |" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
426 |
<DD>page's description: How to Stop Icons From Bouncing. The dock is a distinctive feature of the Mac operating system. It keeps icons of commonly used and currently open programs visible at the bottom of your screen for quick access. When programs first open, or need to alert the user of some new update, the icons in the dock bounce. Many people find this helpful when... |
427 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367490710" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="blank.gif" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>HOWTO: Fix file sorting in Finder’s column view on Mac OS X Lion « inner.geek</A><a name="HOWTO: Fix file sorting in Finder’s column view on Mac OS X Lion « inner.geek" href="#HOWTO: Fix file sorting in Finder’s column view on Mac OS X Lion « inner.geek" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
428 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1340928610" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Install htop on Mac OS X - opinion, technology, culture, politics -</A><a name="Install htop on Mac OS X - opinion, technology, culture, politics -" href="#Install htop on Mac OS X - opinion, technology, culture, politics -" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
429 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368643133" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Linux Time Capsule Server - Mac Guides</A><a name="Linux Time Capsule Server - Mac Guides" href="#Linux Time Capsule Server - Mac Guides" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
430 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367385714" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Lock the keychain when the screensaver activates - Mac OS X Hints</A><a name="Lock the keychain when the screensaver activates - Mac OS X Hints" href="#Lock the keychain when the screensaver activates - Mac OS X Hints" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
431 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1363155945" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>OS X: How to reset the DNS cache</A><a name="OS X: How to reset the DNS cache" href="#OS X: How to reset the DNS cache" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
432 |
<DD>page's description: <p>Learn how to reset (flush) the DNS cache. </p> |
433 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1361008714" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>osx - List all members of a group (Mac OS X) - Super User</A><a name="osx - List all members of a group (Mac OS X) - Super User" href="#osx - List all members of a group (Mac OS X) - Super User" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
434 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1362840189" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Prevent .DS_Store file creation on network volumes - Mac OS X Hints</A><a name="Prevent .DS_Store file creation on network volumes - Mac OS X Hints" href="#Prevent .DS_Store file creation on network volumes - Mac OS X Hints" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
435 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1332983804" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Quick Look Helper process eating virtual memory on Mac - Operating Systems</A><a name="Quick Look Helper process eating virtual memory on Mac - Operating Systems" href="#Quick Look Helper process eating virtual memory on Mac - Operating Systems" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
436 |
<DD>page's description: Quick Look Helper process eating virtual memory on Mac, Operating Systems, Computer end-user technical support troubleshooting for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Operating system tips and tweaks as well.. |
437 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368582599" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>What is the Mac terminal command to remove ACL? - Super User</A><a name="What is the Mac terminal command to remove ACL? - Super User" href="#What is the Mac terminal command to remove ACL? - Super User" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
438 |
</DL><p> |
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<DT><a name="\0" href="#\0"><H3 ADD_DATE="1370140145">\0</H3></a> |
208 | 440 |
<DL><p> |
209 | 441 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368669773" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Brian Dessent - Re: OT: grep for \x00 = NUL</A><a name="Brian Dessent - Re: OT: grep for \x00 = NUL" href="#Brian Dessent - Re: OT: grep for \x00 = NUL" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
... | ... | |
333 | 565 |
Allows you to enter `.screenrc' command lines" |
334 | 566 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1370786663" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Screen > The `.screenrc' file</A><a name="Screen > The `.screenrc' file" href="#Screen > The `.screenrc' file" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
335 | 567 |
</DL><p> |
336 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1329253743" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>[ubuntu] On login 5 packages can be updated - Ubuntu Forums</A><a name="[ubuntu] On login 5 packages can be updated - Ubuntu Forums" href="#[ubuntu] On login 5 packages can be updated - Ubuntu Forums" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
337 |
<DD>page's description: [ubuntu] On login 5 packages can be updated Server Platforms |
568 |
<DT><a name="sed" href="#sed"><H3 ADD_DATE="1373492072">sed</H3></a> |
569 |
<DL><p> |
570 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1373492042" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Getting "sed error - illegal byte sequence" (in bash) - Stack Overflow</A><a name="Getting "sed error - illegal byte sequence" (in bash) - Stack Overflow" href="#Getting "sed error - illegal byte sequence" (in bash) - Stack Overflow" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
571 |
<DD>" `unset LANG` " |
572 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1372279851" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>sed : using colons as separators instead of forward slashes |</A><a name="sed : using colons as separators instead of forward slashes |" href="#sed : using colons as separators instead of forward slashes |" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
573 |
<DD>page's description: sed : using colons as separators instead of forward slashes - sed \"s:/old/direcory/:/new/directory/:\" <file> - Having to escape forwardslashes when using sed can be a pain. However, it's possible to instead of using / as the separator to use : . |
574 |
575 |
I found this by trying to substitute $PWD into my pattern, like so |
576 |
577 |
$ sed \"s/~.*/$PWD/\" file.txt |
578 |
579 |
Of course, $PWD will expand to a character string that begins with a / , which will make sed spit out an error such as \"sed: -e expression #1, char 8: unknown option to `s'\". |
580 |
581 |
So simply changing it to |
582 |
583 |
$ sed \"s:~.*:$PWD:\" file.txt |
584 |
585 |
did the trick. |
586 |
</DL><p> |
338 | 587 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1369956223" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>/dev/fd | Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment: UNIX File I/O | InformIT</A><a name="/dev/fd | Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment: UNIX File I/O | InformIT" href="#/dev/fd | Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment: UNIX File I/O | InformIT" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
339 | 588 |
<DD>page's description: Learn about the traditional UNIX I/O functions. You will see how to apply these functions when using your UNIX system. |
340 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1365498064" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Access Shared Folders in a VirtualBox Ubuntu 11.04 Virtual Machine</A><a name="Access Shared Folders in a VirtualBox Ubuntu 11.04 Virtual Machine" href="#Access Shared Folders in a VirtualBox Ubuntu 11.04 Virtual Machine" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
341 |
<DD>page's description: Have you installed Ubuntu 11.04 as a virtual machine in VirtualBox but have had problems getting the Shared Folders feature to work? We were able to add a shared folder, but were unable to access it. |
342 | 589 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1332309133" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>BREs Regular Expressions</A><a name="BREs Regular Expressions" href="#BREs Regular Expressions" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
343 | 590 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1351306123" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Command to wait for a process (not a child process) - Ubuntu Forums</A><a name="Command to wait for a process (not a child process) - Ubuntu Forums" href="#Command to wait for a process (not a child process) - Ubuntu Forums" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
344 | 591 |
<DD>page's description: Command to wait for a process (not a child process) Programming Talk |
... | ... | |
350 | 597 |
<DD>page's description: GNU `ed' Manual |
351 | 598 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1359499683" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>How to Convert Uppercase to Lowercase With SED |</A><a name="How to Convert Uppercase to Lowercase With SED |" href="#How to Convert Uppercase to Lowercase With SED |" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
352 | 599 |
<DD>page's description: How to Convert Uppercase to Lowercase With SED. Stream editor, or sed, is a powerful Linux program that you can use to programmatically perform regular edits upon batches of text files. One example of a systematic edit that sed is well-suited for is converting all the letters in a batch of text files from uppercase to lowercase. |
353 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1340928610" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Install htop on Mac OS X - opinion, technology, culture, politics -</A><a name="Install htop on Mac OS X - opinion, technology, culture, politics -" href="#Install htop on Mac OS X - opinion, technology, culture, politics -" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
354 | 600 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1353042695" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Killing zombie process</A><a name="Killing zombie process" href="#Killing zombie process" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
355 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367519739" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>KVM/VirtManager - Community Ubuntu Documentation</A><a name="KVM/VirtManager - Community Ubuntu Documentation" href="#KVM/VirtManager - Community Ubuntu Documentation" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
356 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1359846610" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="blank.gif" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>liblockfile 1.08, lockfile_8h.html</A><a name="liblockfile 1.08, lockfile_8h.html" href="#liblockfile 1.08, lockfile_8h.html" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
601 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1372907100" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>linux - How can I zip/compress a symlink? - Server Fault</A><a name="linux - How can I zip/compress a symlink? - Server Fault" href="#linux - How can I zip/compress a symlink? - Server Fault" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
357 | 602 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1364442666" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>linux - How to clear the scrollback in the screen command? - Stack Overflow</A><a name="linux - How to clear the scrollback in the screen command? - Stack Overflow" href="#linux - How to clear the scrollback in the screen command? - Stack Overflow" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
358 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1365495065" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Linux: Delete user password</A><a name="Linux: Delete user password" href="#Linux: Delete user password" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
359 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1359845394" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>lockfile_create(3): manage lockfiles - Linux man page</A><a name="lockfile_create(3): manage lockfiles - Linux man page" href="#lockfile_create(3): manage lockfiles - Linux man page" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
360 |
<DD>page's description: The lockfile_create function creates a lockfile in an NFS safe way. |
361 | 603 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1343109346" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Nice Value of a Process</A><a name="Nice Value of a Process" href="#Nice Value of a Process" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
362 | 604 |
<DD>page's description: Hi, All, What is the command to display the nice value of a process? Thanks, August |
363 | 605 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368825926" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Overview of Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) (Windows Drivers)</A><a name="Overview of Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) (Windows Drivers)" href="#Overview of Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) (Windows Drivers)" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
364 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1332983804" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Quick Look Helper process eating virtual memory on Mac - Operating Systems</A><a name="Quick Look Helper process eating virtual memory on Mac - Operating Systems" href="#Quick Look Helper process eating virtual memory on Mac - Operating Systems" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
365 |
<DD>page's description: Quick Look Helper process eating virtual memory on Mac, Operating Systems, Computer end-user technical support troubleshooting for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Operating system tips and tweaks as well.. |
366 | 606 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1369938620" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Setup SSH to run on a non-standard port</A><a name="Setup SSH to run on a non-standard port" href="#Setup SSH to run on a non-standard port" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
367 | 607 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1365842989" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="blank.gif" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>uutils - Revision 126: /trunk</A><a name="uutils - Revision 126: /trunk" href="#uutils - Revision 126: /trunk" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
368 | 608 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1365842535" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>uutils - Unix utilities - Google Project Hosting</A><a name="uutils - Unix utilities - Google Project Hosting" href="#uutils - Unix utilities - Google Project Hosting" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
... | ... | |
370 | 610 |
<DD>page's description: What is SR-IOV? Single Root I/O Virtualization is a specification that is designed to allow physical PCIe devices to present multiple virtual instances of themselves to an OS instance or hypervisor. Read the full article for all the details. |
371 | 611 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1363173177" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>What is Umask and How To Setup Default umask Under Linux?</A><a name="What is Umask and How To Setup Default umask Under Linux?" href="#What is Umask and How To Setup Default umask Under Linux?" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
372 | 612 |
<DD>page's description: Explains how to read and setup umask (he file mode creation mask of the current process) for file under Linux operating systems using bash shell. |
373 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1344468179" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>What is used to create the shadow password hash??</A><a name="What is used to create the shadow password hash??" href="#What is used to create the shadow password hash??" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
374 |
<DD>page's description: Hello, When you create a new user thats able to login etc etc, you also create there password for them, this obviously works with the users password |
375 | 613 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1323814009" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Xterm Control Sequences</A><a name="Xterm Control Sequences" href="#Xterm Control Sequences" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
376 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1372279851" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>sed : using colons as separators instead of forward slashes |</A><a name="sed : using colons as separators instead of forward slashes |" href="#sed : using colons as separators instead of forward slashes |" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
377 |
<DD>page's description: sed : using colons as separators instead of forward slashes - sed \"s:/old/direcory/:/new/directory/:\" <file> - Having to escape forwardslashes when using sed can be a pain. However, it's possible to instead of using / as the separator to use : . |
378 |
379 |
I found this by trying to substitute $PWD into my pattern, like so |
380 |
381 |
$ sed \"s/~.*/$PWD/\" file.txt |
382 |
383 |
Of course, $PWD will expand to a character string that begins with a / , which will make sed spit out an error such as \"sed: -e expression #1, char 8: unknown option to `s'\". |
384 |
385 |
So simply changing it to |
386 |
387 |
$ sed \"s:~.*:$PWD:\" file.txt |
388 |
389 |
did the trick. |
390 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1372907100" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>linux - How can I zip/compress a symlink? - Server Fault</A><a name="linux - How can I zip/compress a symlink? - Server Fault" href="#linux - How can I zip/compress a symlink? - Server Fault" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
391 | 614 |
</DL><p> |
392 |
<DT><a name="Mac" href="#Mac"><H3 ADD_DATE="1361008732">Mac</H3></a> |
393 |
<DL><p> |
394 |
<DT><a name="10.8 Mountain Lion" href="#10.8 Mountain Lion"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368126870">10.8 Mountain Lion</H3></a> |
395 |
<DD>WARNING: DO NOT upgrade unless you are prepared to fix several programs broken by the upgrade: svn, Apache PHP, Apache ~/Sites dirs, PostgreSQL, Python psycopg2, Python OrderedDict, X11, Xcode |
396 |
instructions are in the corresponding subdirs. |
397 |
these programs will be COMPLETELY UNAVAILABLE until they are manually fixed! |
398 |
</DD> |
399 |
<DL><p> |
400 |
<DT><a name="whether to upgrade" href="#whether to upgrade"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368667925">whether to upgrade</H3></a> |
401 |
<DD>primary advantages of upgrading: |
402 |
Time Machine can now back up to multiple disks *at once*, allowing you to have multiple backups without needing to manually switch back and forth between the disks |
403 |
</DD> |
404 |
<DL><p> |
405 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368132184" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Apple - OS X Mountain Lion - See everything the new OS X can do.</A><a name="Apple - OS X Mountain Lion - See everything the new OS X can do." href="#Apple - OS X Mountain Lion - See everything the new OS X can do." style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
406 |
<DD>page's description: Play iOS gamers in Game Center. Share right from your apps. Send iMessages. And more. Over 200 more features, in fact. All part of OS X Mountain Lion. |
407 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368132025" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Should I Upgrade to Mountain Lion?</A><a name="Should I Upgrade to Mountain Lion?" href="#Should I Upgrade to Mountain Lion?" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
408 |
<DD>page's description: Dear Lifehacker, |
409 |
Mountain Lion is out, and I'm seeing it has some pretty cool new features! Should I upgrade? |
410 |
</DL><p> |
411 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368126846" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Mountain Lion 10.8 Updating requirements: Apple Support Communities</A><a name="Mountain Lion 10.8 Updating requirements: Apple Support Communities" href="#Mountain Lion 10.8 Updating requirements: Apple Support Communities" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
412 |
<DD>"the installer takes 3 minutes before rebooting itself, and 33 minutes after rebooting to complete the installation on an iMac 11,2" |
413 |
<DT><a name="Xcode" href="#Xcode"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368575882">Xcode</H3></a> |
414 |
<DD>note: upgrading this requires a (free) App Store account |
415 |
416 |
also needed for svn |
417 |
</DD> |
418 |
<DL><p> |
419 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368575868" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Mac App Store - Xcode</A><a name="Mac App Store - Xcode" href="#Mac App Store - Xcode" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
420 |
<DD>page's description: Read reviews, get customer ratings, see screenshots and learn more about Xcode on the Mac App Store. Download Xcode and enjoy it on your Mac. |
421 |
</DL><p> |
422 |
<DT><a name="X11" href="#X11"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368673704">X11</H3></a> |
423 |
<DL><p> |
424 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368673746" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>XQuartz</A><a name="XQuartz" href="#XQuartz" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
425 |
</DL><p> |
426 |
<DT><a name="svn" href="#svn"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368575651">svn</H3></a> |
427 |
<DD>note: upgrading this requires a (free) App Store account and a reinstall of Xcode |
428 |
</DD> |
429 |
<DL><p> |
430 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368575835" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>SVN Missing in Mac OS X 10.8 – Mountain Lion | Grapii</A><a name="SVN Missing in Mac OS X 10.8 – Mountain Lion | Grapii" href="#SVN Missing in Mac OS X 10.8 – Mountain Lion | Grapii" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
431 |
<DD>page's description: Having recently upgraded to Mac OS X 10.8 - Mountain Lion, I was surprised to learn that SVN (Subversion) is not included in this release of the OS. This was a |
432 |
</DL><p> |
433 |
<DT><a name="Apache" href="#Apache"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368586198">Apache</H3></a> |
434 |
<DL><p> |
435 |
<DT><a name="PHP" href="#PHP"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368586650">PHP</H3></a> |
436 |
<DD>in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf : |
437 |
uncomment 'LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/' |
438 |
</DD> |
439 |
<DL><p> |
440 |
</DL><p> |
441 |
<DT><a name="~/Sites dirs" href="#~/Sites dirs"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368586643">~/Sites dirs</H3></a> |
442 |
<DD>in /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-userdir.conf : |
443 |
after 'UserDir Sites', add: |
444 |
--- |
445 |
446 |
<Directory /Users/*/Sites> |
447 |
AllowOverride all |
448 |
449 |
Order Deny,Allow |
450 |
Allow from all |
451 |
</Directory> |
452 |
--- |
453 |
</DD> |
454 |
<DL><p> |
455 |
</DL><p> |
456 |
</DL><p> |
457 |
<DT><a name="PostgreSQL " href="#PostgreSQL "><H3 ADD_DATE="1368571842">PostgreSQL </H3></a> |
458 |
<DD>after upgrading to 10.8, you need to modify PostgreSQL: |
459 |
change the postgres user to _postgres: |
460 |
$ sudo chown -R _postgres /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/data/ |
461 |
$ sudo chown -R _postgres /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/postgres.log |
462 |
$ sudo -u _postgres /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/bin/pg_ctl -D /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/data -l /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/postgres.log restart |
463 |
</DD> |
464 |
<DL><p> |
465 |
</DL><p> |
466 |
<DT><a name="Python" href="#Python"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368656550">Python</H3></a> |
467 |
<DL><p> |
468 |
<DT><a name="psycopg2" href="#psycopg2"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368673201">psycopg2</H3></a> |
469 |
<DD>note: `ln -f` will overwrite the existing symlink to the previous libssl version |
470 |
$ sudo ln -fs /usr/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/lib/libssl.dylib |
471 |
$ sudo ln -fs /usr/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib |
472 |
$ sudo easy_install psycopg2 |
473 |
</DD> |
474 |
<DL><p> |
475 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368677358" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>postgresql - Update to latest libssl for Mountain Lion without MacPorts? - Ask Different</A><a name="postgresql - Update to latest libssl for Mountain Lion without MacPorts? - Ask Different" href="#postgresql - Update to latest libssl for Mountain Lion without MacPorts? - Ask Different" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
476 |
<DD>" |
477 |
sudo ln -fs /usr/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/lib/libssl.dylib |
478 |
sudo ln -fs /usr/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib |
479 |
" |
480 |
</DL><p> |
481 |
<DT><a name="OrderedDict" href="#OrderedDict"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368656763">OrderedDict</H3></a> |
482 |
<DD>change all scripts to import OrderedDict from collections instead of ordereddict |
483 |
</DD> |
484 |
<DL><p> |
485 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368656709" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>8.3. collections — High-performance container datatypes — Python v2.7.5 documentation</A><a name="8.3. collections — High-performance container datatypes — Python v2.7.5 documentation" href="#8.3. collections — High-performance container datatypes — Python v2.7.5 documentation" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
486 |
</DL><p> |
487 |
</DL><p> |
488 |
</DL><p> |
489 |
<DT><a name="MacFusion" href="#MacFusion"><H3 ADD_DATE="1367739060">MacFusion</H3></a> |
490 |
<DL><p> |
491 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367738659" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>OPTIONS - macfuse - Commonly useful mount-time options available in MacFUSE - The Easiest and Fastest Way to Create File Systems for Mac OS X - Google Project Hosting</A><a name="OPTIONS - macfuse - Commonly useful mount-time options available in MacFUSE - The Easiest and Fastest Way to Create File Systems for Mac OS X - Google Project Hosting" href="#OPTIONS - macfuse - Commonly useful mount-time options available in MacFUSE - The Easiest and Fastest Way to Create File Systems for Mac OS X - Google Project Hosting" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
492 |
<DD>- |
493 |
defer_permissions: "if the file system retrieves file information from another computer and reports user/group IDs /as is/, the kernel will not see any alien IDs as belonging to the user that mounted the volume. (This can happen if user ID translation is not enabled or sometimes doesn't work with sshfs.) The defer_permissions (formerly defer_auth) option is useful in such cases. It causes MacFUSE to assume that all accesses are allowed" |
494 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367739032" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Issue 257 - macfusion - SSHFS | Finder | copy | Administrator password requested | fails | Finder Error code -43 - General GUI for Fuse Filesystems to be used with MacFUSE - Google Project Hosting</A><a name="Issue 257 - macfusion - SSHFS | Finder | copy | Administrator password requested | fails | Finder Error code -43 - General GUI for Fuse Filesystems to be used with MacFUSE - Google Project Hosting" href="#Issue 257 - macfusion - SSHFS | Finder | copy | Administrator password requested | fails | Finder Error code -43 - General GUI for Fuse Filesystems to be used with MacFUSE - Google Project Hosting" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
495 |
<DD>"-o defer_permissions" |
496 |
</DL><p> |
497 |
<DT><a name="recovery partition" href="#recovery partition"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368131131">recovery partition</H3></a> |
498 |
<DL><p> |
499 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368131142" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>How can I create or recreate a Lion recovery partition? - Ask Different</A><a name="How can I create or recreate a Lion recovery partition? - Ask Different" href="#How can I create or recreate a Lion recovery partition? - Ask Different" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
500 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368131153" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Lion Recovery Update v1.0</A><a name="Lion Recovery Update v1.0" href="#Lion Recovery Update v1.0" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
501 |
</DL><p> |
502 |
<DT><a name="sleep" href="#sleep"><H3 ADD_DATE="1366920274">sleep</H3></a> |
503 |
<DL><p> |
504 |
<DT><a name="wake for network access" href="#wake for network access"><H3 ADD_DATE="1366920286">wake for network access</H3></a> |
505 |
<DL><p> |
506 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1366919680" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Wake a sleeping Mac from the network - Mac OS X Hints</A><a name="Wake a sleeping Mac from the network - Mac OS X Hints" href="#Wake a sleeping Mac from the network - Mac OS X Hints" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
507 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1366920260" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>About Wake on Demand</A><a name="About Wake on Demand" href="#About Wake on Demand" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
508 |
<DD>page's description: <p>The Wake on Demand feature of Mac OS X v10.6 or later, lets your Mac continue to share items (such as music, printers, files, or your screen) when it is asleep.</p> |
509 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1366920588" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Access Your Computer Anytime and Save Energy with Wake-on-LAN</A><a name="Access Your Computer Anytime and Save Energy with Wake-on-LAN" href="#Access Your Computer Anytime and Save Energy with Wake-on-LAN" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
510 |
<DD>page's description: You want access to your home computer wherever you are, whatever you're doing, whether that's via a remote desktop connection, SSH, FTP, web interface, or any other remote access you've set up. The catch is, you don't like throwing money away to an always-on system. Luckily you can have your digital cake and eat it, too, and today I'll show you how to boot and shut down your system remotely so that it's ready for you when you need it and it's not wasting energy when you don't. |
511 |
</DL><p> |
512 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1355942670" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Indicator of iMac sleep status - Mac OS X Hints</A><a name="Indicator of iMac sleep status - Mac OS X Hints" href="#Indicator of iMac sleep status - Mac OS X Hints" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
513 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1366918780" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>pmset(1) Mac OS X Manual Page</A><a name="pmset(1) Mac OS X Manual Page" href="#pmset(1) Mac OS X Manual Page" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
514 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1366917699" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="blank.gif" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>SmartSleep</A><a name="SmartSleep" href="#SmartSleep" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
515 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1366917543" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Why hibernate or 'safe sleep' mode is no longer necessary in OS X Lion (Updated) | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog</A><a name="Why hibernate or 'safe sleep' mode is no longer necessary in OS X Lion (Updated) | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog" href="#Why hibernate or 'safe sleep' mode is no longer necessary in OS X Lion (Updated) | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
516 |
<DD>page's description: Update: Several commenters expressed concern that disabling safe sleep could expose you to the possibility of drive corruption if you lose power or |
517 |
</DL><p> |
518 |
<DT><a name="Time Machine" href="#Time Machine"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368130723">Time Machine</H3></a> |
519 |
<DL><p> |
520 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368130607" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Can I boot from an time machine backup...: Apple Support Communities</A><a name="Can I boot from an time machine backup...: Apple Support Communities" href="#Can I boot from an time machine backup...: Apple Support Communities" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
521 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368130704" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>How to restore data from Time Machine in Mountain Lion | Macworld</A><a name="How to restore data from Time Machine in Mountain Lion | Macworld" href="#How to restore data from Time Machine in Mountain Lion | Macworld" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
522 |
<DD>page's description: If you use Time Machine regularly, you're ready for whatever technological mishaps life throws at you. Restoring data from Time Machine is just as easy as backing things up in the first place. |
523 |
524 |
"start up your Mac from the Mountain Lion recovery partition by pressing (and holding down) Command-R at startup. This launches Recovery Mode, a portion of your drive that Mountain Lion treats as a separate volume" |
525 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1347325122" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Time Machine: How to transfer backups from the current backup drive to a new backup drive</A><a name="Time Machine: How to transfer backups from the current backup drive to a new backup drive" href="#Time Machine: How to transfer backups from the current backup drive to a new backup drive" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
526 |
<DD>page's description: <p>If you want to switch to a different TIme Machine backup drive, use this article to learn how to transfer your existing Time Machine backups to the new backup drive, and then use it for regular Time Machine backups.</p> |
527 |
</DL><p> |
528 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1363045253" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="blank.gif" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Dan Bishop » How to mount SFTP/SSH shares in OS X NOW UPDATED to include OS X 10.8</A><a name="Dan Bishop » How to mount SFTP/SSH shares in OS X NOW UPDATED to include OS X 10.8" href="#Dan Bishop » How to mount SFTP/SSH shares in OS X NOW UPDATED to include OS X 10.8" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
529 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367786323" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Disable the Dock’s ‘bounce to alert’ behavior | Macworld</A><a name="Disable the Dock’s ‘bounce to alert’ behavior | Macworld" href="#Disable the Dock’s ‘bounce to alert’ behavior | Macworld" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
530 |
<DD>page's description: Learn how to prevent icons from bouncing in the Dock to get your attention |
531 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1363328233" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>firewall blocks ssh since Sept 12 update: Apple Support Communities</A><a name="firewall blocks ssh since Sept 12 update: Apple Support Communities" href="#firewall blocks ssh since Sept 12 update: Apple Support Communities" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
532 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367490962" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Force every folder to be arranged by kind and sorted by name? - MacRumors Forums</A><a name="Force every folder to be arranged by kind and sorted by name? - MacRumors Forums" href="#Force every folder to be arranged by kind and sorted by name? - MacRumors Forums" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
533 |
<DD>page's description: Force every folder to be arranged by kind and sorted by name? Mac OS X 10.7 Lion |
534 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367786460" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>How to Stop Icons From Bouncing |</A><a name="How to Stop Icons From Bouncing |" href="#How to Stop Icons From Bouncing |" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
535 |
<DD>page's description: How to Stop Icons From Bouncing. The dock is a distinctive feature of the Mac operating system. It keeps icons of commonly used and currently open programs visible at the bottom of your screen for quick access. When programs first open, or need to alert the user of some new update, the icons in the dock bounce. Many people find this helpful when... |
536 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367490710" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="blank.gif" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>HOWTO: Fix file sorting in Finder’s column view on Mac OS X Lion « inner.geek</A><a name="HOWTO: Fix file sorting in Finder’s column view on Mac OS X Lion « inner.geek" href="#HOWTO: Fix file sorting in Finder’s column view on Mac OS X Lion « inner.geek" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
537 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367385714" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Lock the keychain when the screensaver activates - Mac OS X Hints</A><a name="Lock the keychain when the screensaver activates - Mac OS X Hints" href="#Lock the keychain when the screensaver activates - Mac OS X Hints" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
538 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1363155945" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>OS X: How to reset the DNS cache</A><a name="OS X: How to reset the DNS cache" href="#OS X: How to reset the DNS cache" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
539 |
<DD>page's description: <p>Learn how to reset (flush) the DNS cache. </p> |
540 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1361008714" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>osx - List all members of a group (Mac OS X) - Super User</A><a name="osx - List all members of a group (Mac OS X) - Super User" href="#osx - List all members of a group (Mac OS X) - Super User" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
541 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1362840189" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Prevent .DS_Store file creation on network volumes - Mac OS X Hints</A><a name="Prevent .DS_Store file creation on network volumes - Mac OS X Hints" href="#Prevent .DS_Store file creation on network volumes - Mac OS X Hints" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
542 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368582599" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>What is the Mac terminal command to remove ACL? - Super User</A><a name="What is the Mac terminal command to remove ACL? - Super User" href="#What is the Mac terminal command to remove ACL? - Super User" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
543 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368582727" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>How do I remove the "extended attributes" on a file in mac osx - Stack Overflow</A><a name="How do I remove the "extended attributes" on a file in mac osx - Stack Overflow" href="#How do I remove the "extended attributes" on a file in mac osx - Stack Overflow" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
544 |
<DD>"Use the xattr command" |
545 |
546 |
"you can also use the -c option to remove all extended attributes" |
547 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368643133" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Linux Time Capsule Server - Mac Guides</A><a name="Linux Time Capsule Server - Mac Guides" href="#Linux Time Capsule Server - Mac Guides" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
548 |
</DL><p> |
549 | 615 |
<DT><a name="version control" href="#version control"><H3 ADD_DATE="1371887891">version control</H3></a> |
550 | 616 |
<DL><p> |
551 | 617 |
<DT><a name="svn" href="#svn"><H3 ADD_DATE="1367370827">svn</H3></a> |
... | ... | |
890 | 956 |
891 | 957 |
"some people claim, that MySQL ENUMs are much faster than separate tables, especially on large databases. Furthermore, enums can give you some savings in database size, depending on the implementation. For example, a MySQL ENUM occupies only one byte for up to 255 values and two bytes for up to 65535 values." |
892 | 958 |
</DL><p> |
959 |
<DT><a name="missing" href="#missing"><H3 ADD_DATE="1373777167">missing</H3></a> |
960 |
<DL><p> |
961 |
<DT><a name="CHECK constraints" href="#CHECK constraints"><H3 ADD_DATE="1373777177">CHECK constraints</H3></a> |
962 |
<DL><p> |
963 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1373777223" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>MySQL: How to do a (simple/complex) CHECK CONSTRAINT? « Christosoft Blog</A><a name="MySQL: How to do a (simple/complex) CHECK CONSTRAINT? « Christosoft Blog" href="#MySQL: How to do a (simple/complex) CHECK CONSTRAINT? « Christosoft Blog" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
964 |
<DD>"you can execute it in MySQL without an error. But also without any effect whatsoever. I tried it in InnoDB (MySQL 5.5) and it did not check the constraint at all." |
965 |
966 |
"So we go with a trigger instead. For constraints, we use a BEFORE trigger." |
967 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1373777187" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>phpmyadmin -- create table with 'check' function [Archive] -</A><a name="phpmyadmin -- create table with 'check' function [Archive] -" href="#phpmyadmin -- create table with 'check' function [Archive] -" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
968 |
<DD>page's description: [Archive] phpmyadmin -- create table with 'check' function MySQL |
969 |
970 |
"mysql itself does not support CHECK constraints" |
971 |
</DL><p> |
972 |
</DL><p> |
893 | 973 |
<DT><a name="MySQL Workbench" href="#MySQL Workbench"><H3 ADD_DATE="1366740023">MySQL Workbench</H3></a> |
894 | 974 |
<DL><p> |
895 | 975 |
<DT><a name="exporting indexes separately" href="#exporting indexes separately"><H3 ADD_DATE="1367759236">exporting indexes separately</H3></a> |
... | ... | |
947 | 1027 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1369920700" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>mysql - can't remove "GRANT USAGE" - Database Administrators Stack Exchange</A><a name="mysql - can't remove "GRANT USAGE" - Database Administrators Stack Exchange" href="#mysql - can't remove "GRANT USAGE" - Database Administrators Stack Exchange" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
948 | 1028 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1361398908" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>MySQL – Extract or Restore a Single Table From a Huge mysqldump File</A><a name="MySQL – Extract or Restore a Single Table From a Huge mysqldump File" href="#MySQL – Extract or Restore a Single Table From a Huge mysqldump File" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
949 | 1029 |
<DD>page's description: A while back, I wrote an article that explained some awk magic for extracting the restore information for a single table from a mysqldump file. Since then I've created a Perl script that accomplishes the same thing, but is a little more flexible. |
1030 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1370079565" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 13.7.5 SHOW Syntax</A><a name="MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 13.7.5 SHOW Syntax" href="#MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 13.7.5 SHOW Syntax" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
950 | 1031 |
<DT><A HREF=",243757,245694" name=",243757,245694" ADD_DATE="1361398973" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>MySQL :: Re: How to Restore a particular table from the mysqldump of a whole database?</A><a name="MySQL :: Re: How to Restore a particular table from the mysqldump of a whole database?" href="#MySQL :: Re: How to Restore a particular table from the mysqldump of a whole database?" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
951 | 1032 |
<DT><A HREF=",153445,153938" name=",153445,153938" ADD_DATE="1366747353" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>MySQL :: Re: latin1_bin vs latin1_general_cs</A><a name="MySQL :: Re: latin1_bin vs latin1_general_cs" href="#MySQL :: Re: latin1_bin vs latin1_general_cs" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
952 | 1033 |
<DT><A HREF=",187048,188748" name=",187048,188748" ADD_DATE="1366744312" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>MySQL :: Re: utf8_unicode_ci vs utf8_general_ci</A><a name="MySQL :: Re: utf8_unicode_ci vs utf8_general_ci" href="#MySQL :: Re: utf8_unicode_ci vs utf8_general_ci" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
... | ... | |
958 | 1039 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1323978074" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="blank.gif" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>MySQLdb</A><a name="MySQLdb" href="#MySQLdb" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
959 | 1040 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1366897937" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Need MySQL 4 to ignore ALTER TABLE errors - Stack Overflow</A><a name="Need MySQL 4 to ignore ALTER TABLE errors - Stack Overflow" href="#Need MySQL 4 to ignore ALTER TABLE errors - Stack Overflow" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
960 | 1041 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1364875790" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>What's the opposite of mysqldump to load data back into a database? |</A><a name="What's the opposite of mysqldump to load data back into a database? |" href="#What's the opposite of mysqldump to load data back into a database? |" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
961 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1370079565" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 13.7.5 SHOW Syntax</A><a name="MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 13.7.5 SHOW Syntax" href="#MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 13.7.5 SHOW Syntax" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
962 | 1042 |
</DL><p> |
963 | 1043 |
<DT><a name="PostgreSQL" href="#PostgreSQL"><H3 ADD_DATE="1333386475">PostgreSQL</H3></a> |
964 | 1044 |
<DL><p> |
965 | 1045 |
<DT><a name="disk space" href="#disk space"><H3 ADD_DATE="1340661986">disk space</H3></a> |
966 | 1046 |
<DL><p> |
1047 |
<DT><a name="quotas" href="#quotas"><H3 ADD_DATE="1373521860">quotas</H3></a> |
1048 |
<DL><p> |
1049 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1373521754" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>PostgreSQL - admin - Best way to limit database sizes</A><a name="PostgreSQL - admin - Best way to limit database sizes" href="#PostgreSQL - admin - Best way to limit database sizes" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
1050 |
<DD>page's description: Best way to limit database sizes. Hi, I have a single Postgres server which will be hosting multiple databases belonging to different users. What would be the recommendation to limit the size... |
1051 |
1052 |
"put each tablespace on a LVM partition of a control sized, |
1053 |
extensible" |
1054 |
"But LVM/tablespace should work" |
1055 |
1056 |
"How about a trigger that for every say 1000 or 10000 update or inserts (or timely if cron job) will use pg_stats or pg_statistics to decide if a role (user) privileges should be modified to read only (or not)" |
1057 |
</DL><p> |
967 | 1058 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1340661221" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>PostgreSQL: Disk space not released after TRUNCATE - Database Administrators</A><a name="PostgreSQL: Disk space not released after TRUNCATE - Database Administrators" href="#PostgreSQL: Disk space not released after TRUNCATE - Database Administrators" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
968 | 1059 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1340661975" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>[#JENA-28] Drop Temporary Tables in Postgres (PATCH) - ASF JIRA</A><a name="[#JENA-28] Drop Temporary Tables in Postgres (PATCH) - ASF JIRA" href="#[#JENA-28] Drop Temporary Tables in Postgres (PATCH) - ASF JIRA" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
969 | 1060 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1340665068" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="blank.gif" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>VACUUM FULL - PostgreSQL wiki</A><a name="VACUUM FULL - PostgreSQL wiki" href="#VACUUM FULL - PostgreSQL wiki" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
... | ... | |
1135 | 1226 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1364429984" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="blank.gif" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Postgres Session Variables – Neat. | An Oak In The Fall</A><a name="Postgres Session Variables – Neat. | An Oak In The Fall" href="#Postgres Session Variables – Neat. | An Oak In The Fall" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
1136 | 1227 |
<DD>page's description: Postgres Session Variables – Neat. |
1137 | 1228 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1362549138" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Postgresql - concat_ws like function? - Stack Overflow</A><a name="Postgresql - concat_ws like function? - Stack Overflow" href="#Postgresql - concat_ws like function? - Stack Overflow" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
1229 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1373545159" ICON_URI=""><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>PostgreSQL - general - [GENERAL] Update on tables when the row doesn't change</A><a name="PostgreSQL - general - [GENERAL] Update on tables when the row doesn't change" href="#PostgreSQL - general - [GENERAL] Update on tables when the row doesn't change" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
1230 |
<DD>page's description: [GENERAL] Update on tables when the row doesn't change. Hi all, maybe it's a very silly question, but why does Postgres perform an update on the table even if no data changes? I recognized this... |
1231 |
1232 |
"Because testing for this would almost surely be a net loss for the vast |
1233 |
majority of applications. Checking to see if the new row value exactly |
1234 |
equals the old is hardly a zero-cost operation; if you pay that on every |
1235 |
update, that's a lot of overhead that you are hoping to make back by |
1236 |
sometimes avoiding the physical store of the new tuple." |
1138 | 1237 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1372895140" ICON_URI=""><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>PostgreSQL - general - Quiet "CONTEXT"?</A><a name="PostgreSQL - general - Quiet "CONTEXT"?" href="#PostgreSQL - general - Quiet "CONTEXT"?" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
1139 | 1238 |
<DD>page's description: Quiet "CONTEXT"?. Hi all, I'm in the process of debugging some PL/pgSQL functions. I have function A which calls function B (e.g. on Line 22). The debugging info I'm interested in is in... |
1140 | 1239 |
... | ... | |
1187 | 1286 |
<DD>page's description: Redmine |
1188 | 1287 |
1189 | 1288 |
"SQLite takes nearly twice as long even though it doesn't have the precip records and is thus less than half the size." |
1289 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1373408214" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>sql - Can I update New in before insert trigger in sqlite? - Stack Overflow</A><a name="sql - Can I update New in before insert trigger in sqlite? - Stack Overflow" href="#sql - Can I update New in before insert trigger in sqlite? - Stack Overflow" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
1290 |
<DD>"The only solution I've found: [in trigger body] |
1291 |
1292 |
insert into test values (, now()); |
1293 |
select raise(ignore); |
1294 |
" |
1295 |
1296 |
"No, you can't update NEW. |
1297 |
1298 |
What I tend to do is use a VIEW with an INSTEAD OF trigger" |
1299 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1373407893" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>SQLite Query Language: CREATE TRIGGER</A><a name="SQLite Query Language: CREATE TRIGGER" href="#SQLite Query Language: CREATE TRIGGER" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
1190 | 1300 |
</DL><p> |
1191 | 1301 |
<DT><a name="XPath to SQL" href="#XPath to SQL"><H3 ADD_DATE="1367832814">XPath to SQL</H3></a> |
1192 | 1302 |
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... | ... | |
1324 | 1434 |
1325 | 1435 |
"Dynamic scoping provides an excellent abstraction for thread local storage, but if it is used that way it cannot be based on saving and restoring a global variable" |
1326 | 1436 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1350020460" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Hamming distance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</A><a name="Hamming distance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" href="#Hamming distance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
1437 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1373354172" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Birthday problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia > Probability table</A><a name="Birthday problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia > Probability table" href="#Birthday problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia > Probability table" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
1327 | 1438 |
</DL><p> |
1439 |
<DT><a name="hardware" href="#hardware"><H3 ADD_DATE="1373801712">hardware</H3></a> |
1440 |
<DL><p> |
1441 |
<DT><a name="Intel Core i5 vs. AMD Phenom X4" href="#Intel Core i5 vs. AMD Phenom X4"><H3 ADD_DATE="1373802092">Intel Core i5 vs. AMD Phenom X4</H3></a> |
1442 |
<DD>From experience, the 27-inch iMac's "2.66 GHz Intel Core i5" (System is much faster than vegbiendev's 2.44 GHz "AMD Phenom(tm) 9550 Quad-Core" (/proc/cpuinfo). |
1443 |
</DD> |
1444 |
<DL><p> |
1445 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1373801697" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Intel Core i5 3570K vs AMD Phenom X4 9550</A><a name="Intel Core i5 3570K vs AMD Phenom X4 9550" href="#Intel Core i5 3570K vs AMD Phenom X4 9550" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
1446 |
<DD>page's description: We put the 3.4 GHz 3570K to the test against the older 2.2 GHz 9550 to find out which you should buy, the Intel or the AMD. |
1447 |
1448 |
"CPUBoss recommends the Intel Core i5 3570K based on its performance, single-core performance and overclocking." |
1449 |
</DL><p> |
1450 |
</DL><p> |
1328 | 1451 |
<DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1365526570" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Bug #788256 “inkscape cannot dock toolbars” : Bugs : “inkscape” package : Ubuntu</A><a name="Bug #788256 “inkscape cannot dock toolbars” : Bugs : “inkscape” package : Ubuntu" href="#Bug #788256 “inkscape cannot dock toolbars” : Bugs : “inkscape” package : Ubuntu" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">¶</a> |
1329 | 1452 |
<DD>page's description: Binary package hint: inkscape |
1330 | 1453 |
Also available in: Unified diff
web/links/index.htm: updated to Firefox bookmarks. moved Linux, Mac into Unix folder. added instructions to remove old Linux kernels, which fill up the /boot partition. added instructions to force sed to use raw binary mode instead of UTF-8 when UTF-8 is set in the environment. added methods of implementing DB disk space quotas in Postgres. added comparison on my Mac's CPU (2.66 GHz Intel Core i5) with vegbiendev's (2.44 GHz AMD Phenom X4). my Mac's seems to be much faster, so it might make sense to check that the Thor CPUs are faster than the Vis Lab computers' CPUs the next time it gets upgraded. (these diffs can be seen in WinMerge with Moved block detection on. see /README.TXT > WinMerge setup for details.)