Revision 10677
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza over 11 years ago
inputs/VegBank/plot_/map.csv | ||
23 | 23 |
placementmethod,*placementmethod,, |
24 | 24 |
permanence,*permanence,, |
25 | 25 |
layoutnarrative,*layoutnarrative,, |
26 |
elevation,elevationInMeters,,"""The elevation of the plot origin in meters above sea level"" (elevation definition at <>)" |
26 |
elevation,elevationInMeters,,"has only 5 decimal places of precision, with only 9s and random #s after that. ""The elevation of the plot origin in meters above sea level"" (elevation definition at <>)"
27 | 27 |
elevationaccuracy,*elevationaccuracy,, |
28 | 28 |
elevationrange,UNUSED#elevationrange,, |
29 | 29 |
slopeaspect,slopeAspect,, |
inputs/VegBank/plot_/VegBIEN.csv | ||
6 | 6 |
plot_id,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode", |
7 | 7 |
confidentialitystatus,"/location/accesslevel/_map:[./{0,1,2,3,4}=public,5=""data by request"",6=private]/value",Values defined at <¶ms=1581> |
8 | 8 |
area,/location/area_m2,"""Total area of the plot in m2"" (area definition at <>)" |
9 |
elevation,/location/elevation_m/_alt/1,"""The elevation of the plot origin in meters above sea level"" (elevation definition at <>)" |
9 |
elevation,/location/elevation_m/_alt/1,"has only 5 decimal places of precision, with only 9s and random #s after that. ""The elevation of the plot origin in meters above sea level"" (elevation definition at <>)"
10 | 10 |
locationnarrative,/location/iscultivated/_or/2/_locationnarrative_is_cultivated/locationnarrative/_join/1, |
11 | 11 |
landform,/location/landform, |
12 | 12 |
authorplotcode,"/location/locationevent/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/_if[@name=""if has event""]/then/parent_id/locationevent/*_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
Also available in: Unified diff
inputs/VegBank/plot_/map.csv: elevation: documented that it has only 5 decimal places of precision, with only 9s and random #s after that