BIEN links

Quick links

To do



default site-wide preferences - TWikiPreferences < TWiki < TWiki
Local customisations of site-wide preferences - TWikiPreferences < Main < TWiki
BlackListPlugin < TWiki < TWiki
WebNotify < Main < TWiki

use cases

research using VegBank

2006: Spatial variation of climatic and non-climatic controls on species distribution: the range limit of Tsuga heterophylla
page's description: jbi_1509 1384..1396 - gavin_jbi06.pdf "In the USA, known occurrences in vegetation plots were obtained from the VegBank database (VEGBANK Contributors, 2004)"
2007: Merging disparate datasets: - stohlgren-proposal_508.pdf
"Modified: 2/16/07" "The datasets we will be focusing on integrating with GODM to address hypothesis 1 include VegBank" "VegBank ( ) is the vegetation plot database of the Ecological Society of America's (ESA's) Panel on Vegetation Classi fication. Most plots archived in VegBank contain complete floristi c records, precise geocoordinates, and some measure of taxon importance. At present ove r 20,000 plots spanning 27 states and containing well in excess of 6,000 species ar e archived in VegBank, and in excessive of 10,000 more plots are scheduled to be added in the near future."
2009: Temperature dependence, spatial scale, and tree species diversity in eastern Asia and North America
"using data o f1,370 forest plots in the 2 continents (398 plots for eastern Asia, see ref. 23; and 972 plots for North America, see" (p. 4)
2012: Hotter? Colder? Wetter? Drier? Elevational range shifts in response to 50 years of climatic change across western North America
page's description: Working Memory in the Two Cerebral Hemispheres M.G. Funnell, M.K. Colvin, & M.S. Gazzaniga Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, Dartmouth College - Harsch.pdf "Modified: 10/18/12" "Last-Modified: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 22:57:51 GMT" "Species occurrence data were obtained from four online databases: VegBank"

/ - BIEN Geo - NCEAS Projects
page's description: Redmine
/README.txt - BIEN Geo - NCEAS Projects
page's description: Redmine
11-02-24 Kickoff Meeting - Scientific Opportunities Team - iPlant Collaborative Wiki
Activity Participants: botanical information network Working Group 24th—28th October 2011 | NCEAS
BI_Project_Charter - iPToL - iPlant Collaborative Wiki
BIEN - / - Repository - NCEAS Projects
page's description: Redmine
BIEN - Wiki - NCEAS Projects
page's description: Redmine
BIEN Project | iPlant Collaborative Web Portal
Botanical Information and Ecology Network
Botanical Information and Ecology Network
page's description: NCEAS Project 12290: Developing an integrated botanical information network to investigate the ecological impacts of global climate change on plant biodiversity
iPlant Collaborative Web Portal | The iPlant Collaborative: Empowering a New Plant Biology
Munin :: ::
NCEAS Project 12290: botanical information network | NCEAS
nimoy phpPgAdmin
Overview of NCEAS Computing and GIS Support
Sources « Botanical Information and Ecology Network
starscream phpPgAdmin
Taxonomic Name Resolution Service

vegetation data


DiGIR - Table of Contents
DiGIR web-browser client helper scripts.
GBIF Data Access and Database Interoperability
search.vm - gbif-occurrencestore - Research into a scalable and feature-rich occurrence store and index - Google Project Hosting
DiGIR Messaging
Biodiversity Collections Index
simple-digir/SimpleDigir.php at master · diogok/simple-digir · GitHub
page's description: simple-digir - Tool (class and UI) to simplify search on DIGIR server
BCI: Search:
BCI: Search: digir

growth forms

Growth Habits Codes and Definitions | USDA PLANTS
page's description: Growth Habits Codes and Definitions
Appendix E (Normative): Growth Form Names, Codes, and Definitions < National Vegetation Classification Standard (Version 2)


TAPIR metadata


reinstalling VegBank on VegBankVM
VegBank Data Dictionary: Menu
vegbank repository
VegBank XML
VegBranch tools : Normalizer

Atlas of Living Australia
page's description: The Atlas of Living Australia provides tools to enable users of biodiversity information to find, access, combine and visualise data on Australian plants and animals
Bien-db Info Page
Biodiversity Collections Index
Canadensys IPT
Darwin Core
Dashboard - iPlant Collaborative Wiki
DwC hist
Enquist Lab in action on PBS NOVA < PBS Nova - Fractals - Hunting the Hidden Dimension. - YouTube
page's description: Mysteriously beautiful fractals are shaking up the world of mathematics and deepening our understanding of nature. A fractal is "a rough or fragmented geomet...
FIA DataMart 5.1 :: Home
Home - iPToL - iPlant Collaborative Wiki
Home - Taxonomy - NCBI
Index Herbariorum ::
Index of
iTOL: Interactive Tree Of Life
Jellyfish Blooms of the Global Ocean: Magnitude, Causes and Consequences for Marine Food Webs, Carbon Cycling and Socioeconomics | NCEAS
Mission — TraitNet
National Vegetation Classification Standard (Version 2)
- contains field names for plots data
Norms for data use and publication – Canadensys
Phylomatic (v3)
Plantae (Plants) - GBIF Portal
page's description: Observational and specimen data for Plantae "79,725,738 records with coordinates"
SALVIAS TaxonScrubber
smartphone apps for field biologists
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute-Center for Tropical Forest Science
speciesLink: networkManager
Taxon - darwincore - Darwin Core Project site for discussion and development - Google Project Hosting
Taxonomic Name Resolution Service - API
Taxonomic Name Resolution Service - Home
Taxonomic Name Resolution Service - Instructions
Taxonomic Name Resolution Service - Instructions
Taxonomy - Site Guide - NCBI
TDWG: Taxonomic Concept Transfer Schema
The National Vegetation Survey Databank (NVS)
Tropicos - Home
Turboveg for Windows
Web Services - Tropicos
What is SALVIAS?
What is the NVS Databank?


Welcome to NCEAS | NCEAS
main_page [NCEAS Computing Services Knowledge Base]
user_accounts [NCEAS Computing Services Knowledge Base]
Staff Computer Setup - NCEAS Knowledge Base
NCEAS Webmail :: Welcome to NCEAS Webmail
Connect - NCEAS Web IRC
"New Moore Foundation Funding Supports UCSB Ecology Synthesis Center Embarking on a New Era " - UC Santa Barbara News Release
page's description: New Moore Foundation Funding Supports UCSB Ecology Synthesis Center Embarking on a New Era
Identity :: People Finder
Factor Leave Accrual | Administrative Systems Program Management Office
Off-Campus Access: Login
Index of /~aaronmk


Dr. David Goodstein -- Recent Articles

thinking preferences

Thinking Preferences


Global call-in numbers
page's description: 85
iPlant Collaborative Contributor License Agreement
iPlant User Management
iPlantCollaborativeOpenSource/TNRS · GitHub
page's description: TNRS - The Taxonomic Name Resolution Service is a free utility for correcting and standardizing plant names.
Notation Guide - iPlant Collaborative Wiki
System Dashboard - The iPlant Collaborative JIRA
TNRS - The iPlant Collaborative JIRA
Taxonomic Name Resolution Service - Instructions
Big Data: The View From The Classroom « A Smarter Planet Blog A Smarter Planet Blog
page's description: by Nirav Merchant, iPlant Collaborative, Director, BioComputing at the Arizona Research Laboratories (ARL), The University of Arizona Today researchers in





[ubuntu] On login 5 packages can be updated - Ubuntu Forums
page's description: [ubuntu] On login 5 packages can be updated Server Platforms
Access Shared Folders in a VirtualBox Ubuntu 11.04 Virtual Machine
page's description: Have you installed Ubuntu 11.04 as a virtual machine in VirtualBox but have had problems getting the Shared Folders feature to work? We were able to add a shared folder, but were unable to access it.
KVM/VirtManager - Community Ubuntu Documentation
[ubuntu] remove old linux kernels
page's description: How does one remove the extra entries of the old linux kernels after upgrade of a new version. Remember Synaptic used to do that but it was the case when Startup manager used to do a good job. Please help if i'm missing something. this needs to be done periodically, because apt-get unfortunately does not do it automatically " dpkg-query -l | awk '/linux-image-*/ {print $2}' sudo apt-get --purge remove <Kernel> sudo update-grub "

liblockfile 1.08, lockfile_8h.html
Linux: Delete user password
lockfile_create(3): manage lockfiles - Linux man page
page's description: The lockfile_create function creates a lockfile in an NFS safe way.
What is used to create the shadow password hash??
page's description: Hello, When you create a new user thats able to login etc etc, you also create there password for them, this obviously works with the users password


10.8 Mountain Lion

WARNING: DO NOT upgrade unless you are prepared to fix several programs broken by the upgrade: svn, Apache PHP, Apache ~/Sites dirs, PostgreSQL, Python psycopg2, Python OrderedDict, X11, Xcode instructions are in the corresponding subdirs. these programs will be COMPLETELY UNAVAILABLE until they are manually fixed!

whether to upgrade

primary advantages of upgrading: Time Machine can now back up to multiple disks *at once*, allowing you to have multiple backups without needing to manually switch back and forth between the disks

Apple - OS X Mountain Lion - See everything the new OS X can do.
page's description: Play iOS gamers in Game Center. Share right from your apps. Send iMessages. And more. Over 200 more features, in fact. All part of OS X Mountain Lion.
Should I Upgrade to Mountain Lion?
page's description: Dear Lifehacker, Mountain Lion is out, and I'm seeing it has some pretty cool new features! Should I upgrade?

Mountain Lion 10.8 Updating requirements: Apple Support Communities
"the installer takes 3 minutes before rebooting itself, and 33 minutes after rebooting to complete the installation on an iMac 11,2"


note: upgrading this requires a (free) App Store account also needed for svn

Mac App Store - Xcode
page's description: Read reviews, get customer ratings, see screenshots and learn more about Xcode on the Mac App Store. Download Xcode and enjoy it on your Mac.




note: upgrading this requires a (free) App Store account and a reinstall of Xcode

SVN Missing in Mac OS X 10.8 – Mountain Lion | Grapii
page's description: Having recently upgraded to Mac OS X 10.8 - Mountain Lion, I was surprised to learn that SVN (Subversion) is not included in this release of the OS. This was a



in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf : uncomment 'LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/'

~/Sites dirs

in /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-userdir.conf : after 'UserDir Sites', add: --- <Directory /Users/*/Sites> AllowOverride all Order Deny,Allow Allow from all </Directory> ---


after upgrading to 10.8, you need to modify PostgreSQL: change the postgres user to _postgres: $ sudo chown -R _postgres /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/data/ $ sudo chown -R _postgres /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/postgres.log $ sudo -u _postgres /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/bin/pg_ctl -D /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/data -l /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/postgres.log restart



note: `ln -f` will overwrite the existing symlink to the previous libssl version $ sudo ln -fs /usr/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/lib/libssl.dylib $ sudo ln -fs /usr/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib $ sudo easy_install psycopg2

postgresql - Update to latest libssl for Mountain Lion without MacPorts? - Ask Different
" sudo ln -fs /usr/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/lib/libssl.dylib sudo ln -fs /usr/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib "


change all scripts to import OrderedDict from collections instead of ordereddict

8.3. collections — High-performance container datatypes — Python v2.7.5 documentation


OPTIONS - macfuse - Commonly useful mount-time options available in MacFUSE - The Easiest and Fastest Way to Create File Systems for Mac OS X - Google Project Hosting
- defer_permissions: "if the file system retrieves file information from another computer and reports user/group IDs /as is/, the kernel will not see any alien IDs as belonging to the user that mounted the volume. (This can happen if user ID translation is not enabled or sometimes doesn't work with sshfs.) The defer_permissions (formerly defer_auth) option is useful in such cases. It causes MacFUSE to assume that all accesses are allowed"
Issue 257 - macfusion - SSHFS | Finder | copy | Administrator password requested | fails | Finder Error code -43 - General GUI for Fuse Filesystems to be used with MacFUSE - Google Project Hosting
"-o defer_permissions"
"Could not mount filesystem: Remote host has disconnected." < More specific error message · Issue #9 · mgorbach/macfusion2 · GitHub
page's description: After having my Mac woken up from sleep I got the error message Could not mount filesystem: Remote host has disconnected. Which didn't exactly help me because the host was reachable fine with ssh. Investigating the log revealed this message: mount_fusefs: mount point /Volumes/username@hostname is itself on a MacFUSE volume A quick look into finder showed that the volume was still mounted while the connection was lost. Unmounting it solved this issue quickly, but I'm pretty sure this error can be ... "the volume was still mounted while the connection was lost. Unmounting it solved this issue quickly"
Stefan Hayden » MacFusion Error: Could not mount filesystem: Remote host has disconnected.
page's description: Stefan Hayden - Graphic Artist, Web Designer, Blog Designer. Look for his yellow backpack in real life. (applies only to OSX 10.6)

recovery partition

How can I create or recreate a Lion recovery partition? - Ask Different
Lion Recovery Update v1.0


wake for network access

test using the following on another machine: (sleep 5; wakeonlan; ping <hostname>)

Wake a sleeping Mac from the network - Mac OS X Hints
" Actually your python script also needs to set SO_BROADCAST: #!/usr/bin/env python import socket; s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM); s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1); s.sendto('\xff'*6+'\x00\x24\x36\xf0\xc4\x69'*16, ('', 80)); " (note that this script does not actually work, although it should)
About Wake on Demand
page's description:

The Wake on Demand feature of Mac OS X v10.6 or later,  lets your Mac continue to share items (such as music, printers, files, or your screen) when it is asleep.

Access Your Computer Anytime and Save Energy with Wake-on-LAN
page's description: You want access to your home computer wherever you are, whatever you're doing, whether that's via a remote desktop connection, SSH, FTP, web interface, or any other remote access you've set up. The catch is, you don't like throwing money away to an always-on system. Luckily you can have your digital cake and eat it, too, and today I'll show you how to boot and shut down your system remotely so that it's ready for you when you need it and it's not wasting energy when you don't.

Indicator of iMac sleep status - Mac OS X Hints
pmset(1) Mac OS X Manual Page
Why hibernate or 'safe sleep' mode is no longer necessary in OS X Lion (Updated) | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog
page's description: Update: Several commenters expressed concern that disabling safe sleep could expose you to the possibility of drive corruption if you lose power or

Time Machine

Can I boot from an time machine backup...: Apple Support Communities
How to restore data from Time Machine in Mountain Lion | Macworld
page's description: If you use Time Machine regularly, you're ready for whatever technological mishaps life throws at you. Restoring data from Time Machine is just as easy as backing things up in the first place. "start up your Mac from the Mountain Lion recovery partition by pressing (and holding down) Command-R at startup. This launches Recovery Mode, a portion of your drive that Mountain Lion treats as a separate volume"
Time Machine: How to transfer backups from the current backup drive to a new backup drive
page's description:

If you want to switch to a different TIme Machine backup drive, use this article to learn how to transfer your existing Time Machine backups to the new backup drive, and then use it for regular Time Machine backups.

Dan Bishop » How to mount SFTP/SSH shares in OS X NOW UPDATED to include OS X 10.8
Disable the Dock’s ‘bounce to alert’ behavior | Macworld
page's description: Learn how to prevent icons from bouncing in the Dock to get your attention
firewall blocks ssh since Sept 12 update: Apple Support Communities
Force every folder to be arranged by kind and sorted by name? - MacRumors Forums
page's description: Force every folder to be arranged by kind and sorted by name? Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
How do I remove the "extended attributes" on a file in mac osx - Stack Overflow
"Use the xattr command" "you can also use the -c option to remove all extended attributes"
How to Stop Icons From Bouncing |
page's description: How to Stop Icons From Bouncing. The dock is a distinctive feature of the Mac operating system. It keeps icons of commonly used and currently open programs visible at the bottom of your screen for quick access. When programs first open, or need to alert the user of some new update, the icons in the dock bounce. Many people find this helpful when...
HOWTO: Fix file sorting in Finder’s column view on Mac OS X Lion « inner.geek
Install htop on Mac OS X - opinion, technology, culture, politics -
Linux Time Capsule Server - Mac Guides
Lock the keychain when the screensaver activates - Mac OS X Hints
OS X: How to reset the DNS cache
page's description:

Learn how to reset (flush) the DNS cache.

osx - List all members of a group (Mac OS X) - Super User
Prevent .DS_Store file creation on network volumes - Mac OS X Hints
Quick Look Helper process eating virtual memory on Mac - Operating Systems
page's description: Quick Look Helper process eating virtual memory on Mac, Operating Systems, Computer end-user technical support troubleshooting for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Operating system tips and tweaks as well..
What is the Mac terminal command to remove ACL? - Super User


Brian Dessent - Re: OT: grep for \x00 = NUL
" $ perl -ne 'print if m/\000/' or $ awk '/\000/ { print }' "
text processing - Multiline pattern match using sed, awk or grep - Unix and Linux



Bash Reference Manual
page's description: Bash Reference Manual
Bash Reference Manual > Aliases
page's description: Bash Reference Manual "Aliases are expanded when a command is read, not when it is executed" "Aliases are expanded when a function definition is read, not when the function is executed, because a function definition is itself a compound command" note that if statements are also "compound commands", which have aliases expanded when their definition is read (i.e. at the beginning of the if statement, for the entire if statement), not when they are executed, and any aliases for function names in them need to be unaliased *before* the if statement containing the function definition. this is necessary even if the if statement is *not* executed, because the expansion of such aliases will cause syntax errors in the parsing of the if statement itself. "If the last character of the alias value is a space or tab character, then the next command word following the alias is also checked for alias expansion."
Bash Reference Manual > Filename Expansion
page's description: Bash Reference Manual "If GLOBIGNORE is set, each matching filename that also matches one of the patterns in GLOBIGNORE is removed from the list of matches. The filenames . and .. are always ignored when GLOBIGNORE is set and not null."
Bash Reference Manual > The Set Builtin
page's description: Bash Reference Manual -e: "The shell does not exit if the command that fails is part of the command list immediately following a while or until keyword, part of the test in an if statement, part of any command executed in a && or || list except the command following the final && or ||, any command in a pipeline but the last, or if the command’s return status is being inverted with !. A trap on ERR, if set, is executed before the shell exits."
Bash Reference Manual > GNU Parallel
page's description: Bash Reference Manual

bash - How to determine function name from inside a function - Stack Overflow
bash - How to run an alias in a shell script? - Ask Ubuntu
bash - Trap, ERR, and echoing the error line - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Bash Associative Arrays | Linux Journal
page's description: The bash man page has long had the following bug listed: "It's too big and too slow" (at the very bottom of the man page). If you agree with that, then you probably won't want to read about the "new" associative arrays that were added in version 4.0 of bash.
Detaching processes from the current bash session | Sébastien Wains
How do I rename a bash function? - Stack Overflow
How to reverse array in bash onliner FOR loop? - Stack Overflow
Is there any mechanism in Shell script alike "include guard" in C++? - Stack Overflow
Linux command to repeat a string n times - Super User - Bash function renaming and overriding
Process Substitution
"read -a list < <( od -Ad -w24 -t u2 /dev/urandom )" this can be used to pipe the substituted command to a numbered port instead of passing it as an argument
shell script - How can I get bash to exit on backtick failure in a similar way to pipefail? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
"a way to take the exit status into account is to use the command substitution in a simple assignment: then the exit status of the assignment is the exit status of the last command substitution in the assignment(s)." the following doesn't work: "Only other solution that came to mind at this moment would be to use read: ls -l ghost_under_bed | read name" "Another case to watch for is explicit subshells: (somecommand). According to the interpretation above, the subshell may return a nonzero status, but since this is not a simple command in the parent shell, the parent shell should continue." this is why errexit doesn't work properly for subshells on Mac
string - How to trim whitespace from bash variable? - Stack Overflow
- the following *doesn't* work: "read -r var << eof $var eof"
TMOUT – Automatically Exit Unix Shell When there is No Activity
page's description: Question: I would like to terminate my Unix command line shell, when I don't execute any command for N number of seconds. i.e How to automatically log out if
where is the rehash command
page's description: I was trying to install gEda which installed fine from their CD, but after setting the path variables I ran rehash as the instructions told me and I "Bash doesn't have the rehash builtin command. Use "hash -r" instead which is equivalent."
Bash: Detect if variable is an array - FVue


linux - store svn password in gnome-keyring - Super User
ubuntu - use of gnome-keyring-daemon without X - Super User
GNOME Keyring - ArchWiki
GNOME Keyring Tool
Kenneth Holter » Using Svn client and Gnome keyring in SSH sessions
page's description: Subversion client software have traditionally stored (i.e. cached) plaintext user passwords, meaning that you password is accessible by anyone who can access files in your ~/.subversion/auth folder. With Subversion 1.6,


GNU `make'
page's description: GNU `make'
Override target in makefile to add more commands? - Stack Overflow


rsync ignore files
page's description: Hello colleague I have little problem with my rsync's.I make sync from our country to other and everything is working.When sync finish donwloading or "--exclude-from=FILE exclude patterns listed in FILE"
Rsync include/exclude quirks
page's description: Issues with rsync's include and exclude options



note that viewing scrollback is much more difficult to do in screen than in the surrounding terminal program (which usually has graphical scrollbars). this is because screen provided scrolling before GUIs were available, so it had to rely on terminal rendering and keyboard commands. the ability to reconnect to a running shell (which is what screen is primarily used for nowadays) was actually an extra feature, rather than the primary purpose (providing scrollback), so it is not as well-engineered for that particular purpose as today's GUI users would like. for a better way to support reconnecting, see persistent shells.

GNU Screen: Working with the Scrollback Buffer : Samsarin
- "Entering Scrollback Mode and Navigating": "To enter scrollback hit C-a [" use arrow keys to scroll, like in less
Screen > Height
"Set the display height to a specified number of lines" this will *not* change the scrollback height
persistent shells < Shell commands - BIEN - NCEAS Projects
page's description: Redmine

screen - The Terminal Multiplexer
Screen > Colon
"C-a : Allows you to enter `.screenrc' command lines"
Screen > The `.screenrc' file


Getting "sed error - illegal byte sequence" (in bash) - Stack Overflow
" `unset LANG` "
sed : using colons as separators instead of forward slashes |
page's description: sed : using colons as separators instead of forward slashes - sed \"s:/old/direcory/:/new/directory/:\" <file> - Having to escape forwardslashes when using sed can be a pain. However, it's possible to instead of using / as the separator to use : . I found this by trying to substitute $PWD into my pattern, like so $ sed \"s/~.*/$PWD/\" file.txt Of course, $PWD will expand to a character string that begins with a / , which will make sed spit out an error such as \"sed: -e expression #1, char 8: unknown option to `s'\". So simply changing it to $ sed \"s:~.*:$PWD:\" file.txt did the trick.

/dev/fd | Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment: UNIX File I/O | InformIT
page's description: Learn about the traditional UNIX I/O functions. You will see how to apply these functions when using your UNIX system.
BREs Regular Expressions
Command to wait for a process (not a child process) - Ubuntu Forums
page's description: Command to wait for a process (not a child process) Programming Talk
du question: sort by size & show human-readable sizes - Ubuntu Forums
page's description: du question: sort by size & show human-readable sizes Programming Talk
Fink - Source Release Download
page's description: The Fink Team wants to bring the full world of Unix Open Source software to Darwin and Mac OS X. We modify Unix software so that it compiles and runs on Mac OS X and make it available for download as a coherent distribution
GNU `ed' Manual
page's description: GNU `ed' Manual
How to Convert Uppercase to Lowercase With SED |
page's description: How to Convert Uppercase to Lowercase With SED. Stream editor, or sed, is a powerful Linux program that you can use to programmatically perform regular edits upon batches of text files. One example of a systematic edit that sed is well-suited for is converting all the letters in a batch of text files from uppercase to lowercase.
Killing zombie process
linux - How can I zip/compress a symlink? - Server Fault
linux - How to clear the scrollback in the screen command? - Stack Overflow
Nice Value of a Process
page's description: Hi, All, What is the command to display the nice value of a process? Thanks, August
Overview of Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) (Windows Drivers)
Setup SSH to run on a non-standard port
uutils - Revision 126: /trunk
uutils - Unix utilities - Google Project Hosting
What is SR-IOV? - - The weblog of an IT pro specializing in virtualization, storage, and servers
page's description: What is SR-IOV? Single Root I/O Virtualization is a specification that is designed to allow physical PCIe devices to present multiple virtual instances of themselves to an OS instance or hypervisor. Read the full article for all the details.
What is Umask and How To Setup Default umask Under Linux?
page's description: Explains how to read and setup umask (he file mode creation mask of the current process) for file under Linux operating systems using bash shell.
Xterm Control Sequences

version control


Apache Subversion FAQ
Executable Files in SVN
High Fibre Programming » SVN: Entry has unexpectedly changed special status
- actually, you should force-replace the item: $ svn rm --keep-local <item> $ svn add <item>


A Gaggle Of Git Tips | Viget
"I use git rebase -i to make sure every commit is clean. For example, when I have two commits with broken code followed by a third clean commit"
Effectively Using Git With Subversion | Viget
Emmanuel Bernard: How to install Git and git-svn on Mac OS X

Concurrent Versions System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Revision Control System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


BitTorrent Sync

SECURITY WARNING: There is an important security hole in the Linux version of BitTorrent Sync: when btsync is run with no arguments, it makes all your files suddenly *world-readable and world-writable*, via a publicly-accessible, unprotected web interface (the WebUI). The WebUI by default allows anyone on the web to create a sync folder to view and edit any files in directories writable by you. To fix this, you apparently *must* use a config file (with the --config option) which is appropriately secured by setting webui > password. If you are currently running btsync without a secured config file, you should run `killall btsync` to turn off the WebUI. You can use `lsof -i` to verify that the WebUI is not running. The security hole has been reported at , but it's not clear when/whether they will fix it.


located at http://hostname:8888/gui/

BitTorrent WebUI - Videos & Guides - Help - BitTorrent - Delivering the World's Content
page's description: BitTorrent is a fast and easy client for Windows and Mac with many features.
Question about the webUI - BitTorrent Sync - BitTorrent Forums
page's description: Question about the webUI - posted in BitTorrent Sync: Because I'd like to run this on a headless linux server, I'm obviously not going to be connecting from localhost. When I connect from a LAN interface on it's LAN IP I get "Invalid request" as shown below:- However, if I create an SSH tunnel so I'm connecting from localhost (In this case, --> localhost:8888) it works:- Is there anyway to get BitTorrent Sync to accept LAN requests? Keeping an S...
security hole in Linux WebUI makes all your files publicly accessible - BitTorrent Sync - BitTorrent Forums
page's description: security hole in Linux WebUI makes all your files publicly accessible - posted in BitTorrent Sync: Running btsync on Linux will by default create a *publicly-accessible, unprotected* WebUI, allowing anyone on the web to create a sync folder to view and edit files your files (i.e. files in directories writable by you). Could the defaults (used when running btsync without a config file) be changed to prevent this unintended data leak? A temporary workaround is to run `killall btsync` to tur...

.SyncIgnore is great but... - BitTorrent Sync - BitTorrent Forums
page's description: .SyncIgnore is great but... - posted in BitTorrent Sync: .SyncIgnore is a file where you can filter out files you don't want synced.  However it seems that when I put files in here bittorrent decides to delete those files rather than leave them un-touched.  That is unexpected.  Is this a bug?  Expected behavior?  Am I using it wrong? Cheers
Install on Linux - BitTorrent Sync - BitTorrent Forums
page's description: Page 1 of 2 - Install on Linux - posted in BitTorrent Sync: I just got my invite for Sync really like it so far, but i am not able to install the Linux version (SyncApp_i386-1.0.63). my Linux expert says it is missing its header. do we do something wrong or is this an bug?
Move synced directory - BitTorrent Sync - BitTorrent Forums
page's description: Move synced directory - posted in BitTorrent Sync: I would like to move where a directory is synced to without re-syncing it. Suppose I have given a read-only key to 10 other people, and now I want it stored in a different place on my machine. Is there any way of doing that without having them all delete the old and add a new key?

Google Drive

Google Product Forums › Google Drive › Follow Symbolic Links
"Dropbox let's me link other folders on my computer to my Synced folder using Symbolic Links. It let's me link my Documents folder to my Dropbox and is very convenient. This doesn't seem to work with Google Drive."


exclude the .svn-Folder from Dropbox < svn - Using Subversion with DropBox - Stack Overflow
" exclude the .svn-Folder from Dropbox: [...] Go to your Folder an Copy the .svn-Folder somewhere else Go to your Dropbox-Preferences > Advanced > Selective Sync and deactivate to .svn-Folder The Folder should now be deleted from your HD and Dropbox, you can check that on the website. Put your copy of the .svn-Folder back into the directory. You should see a little gray sign like (-) "

iqbox-svn - Dropbox-like syncing Client for Windows using SVN - Google Project Hosting
EasySVN < Subversion Guide | Subversion Clients, Subversion Servers & more
page's description: A subversion guide to source code management including subversion tutorials, reviews for svn clients and servers, free snv client downloads, and more.




[ubuntu] Apache 2.4 is ready for you!
page's description: ! Please move thread to Server Platforms ! (my mistake) The latest stable apache web server 2.4.2 is available for both 12.04 LTS and Quantal Quetzal ! Test away! Current apache 2.2 users please backup your stuff beforehand! apt-add-repository ppa:ptn107/apache apt-get update apt-get install apache2
Alias 403 Forbidden with Apache - Stack Overflow
Expressions in Apache HTTP Server - Apache HTTP Server
Question #224526 : Questions : Ubuntu
page's description: As company compliance to Requirement 10 of PCI DSS, I recently installed a File Integrity Monitoring system using OSSEC HIDSi and it's been up and running. We are also required to conduct internal vulnerability scan with our network to comply with Requirement 11 and so I used Nexpose Rapid7. After scanning, report says that Linux server running OSSEC is vulnerable through its outdated Apache server (version 2.22) and suggest to upgrade it to version 2.4. Apache server is required for the OSSE...
Upgrading to 2.4 from 2.2 - Apache HTTP Server


digest auth

mod_auth_digest - Apache HTTP Server
TracStandalone – The Trac Project
apache - How do you htdigest 400 user accounts? - Stack Overflow

htpasswd - Manage user files for basic authentication - Apache HTTP Server
"The SHA encryption format does not use salting"
Password Formats - Apache HTTP Server



Advanced Techniques with mod_rewrite - Apache HTTP Server
RewriteRule Flags - Apache HTTP Server
mod_rewrite - Apache HTTP Server

Apache Core Features ErrorDocument directive
mod_alias - Apache HTTP Server
mod_autoindex - Apache HTTP Server
mod_userdir - Apache HTTP Server
mod_authz_host - Apache HTTP Server


Crazy Advanced Mod_Rewrite Debug Tutorial
page's description: Crazy Advanced Mod_Rewrite Debug Tutorial
Bug 38642 – mod_rewrite adds path info postfix after a substitution occured
mod rewrite - .htaccess RewriteRule - DOCUMENT_ROOT and RewriteBase - Stack Overflow

Apache vs Lighttpd - WikiVS
"In Lighttpd you're restricted to rewriting via the config level only, which means for things like Wordpress you will need to hard code the rewrite rule in."
apache2 - enabling and disabling sites - Apache - Snipplr Social Snippet Repository
page's description: enable and disable sites and modules in apache 2
Beefed Up mod_autoindex Listings « My Ride Home
Bug 31210 – Problematic competition between mod_rewrite and mod_dir
" > /* if someone used the PASSTHROUGH flag in per-dir > * context we just ignore it. It is only useful > * in per-server context > */ "
How can I check which version of apache is installed on a Debian machine? - Stack Overflow
Setting up an SSL server with Apache2
page's description: Tips for a Debian GNU/Linux System Administrator.
Setting up Self-Signed SSL Certificate to use with Apache Web Server | Knowledge by Experience
page's description: In this article, we will see, how to setup a self-signed SSL certificate and configure it to use with Apache Web Server in Ubuntu Linux platform. This i...
Where are the Apache Configuration files on Mac? – httpd.conf | Smart Web Developer
page's description: Here's where to find httpd.conf on Mac. This is the httpd.conf location on Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. This article also shows how to

color profiles

Gfx.color management.mode - MozillaZine Knowledge Base
" 1: Enable color management for rendered graphics. 2: Enable color management for tagged graphics only. (Default) " "Without a properly calibrated monitor and a correct color profile, color management may actually make colors look worse."
Browsers, sRGB and monitor profiling |
page's description: Duncan Martin's Blog "Firefox can apply monior profiles, but there’s a complication. By default it will only apply the monitor profile if the image is tagged with a colour space." "Chrome doesn’t apply monitor profiles."


CSS white-space property
page's description: Free HTML CSS JavaScript DOM jQuery XML AJAX RSS ASP .NET PHP SQL tutorials, references, examples for web building.



IMPORTANT - AdamsNames Changes
Breaking: Registry Operator AdamsNames Hacked Locking Up .TC, .GD & .VC
page's description: According to a press release we just received by* KSregistry GmbH, which is owned by Key-Systems GmbH, “a third party has executed a transfer of the domain name and now operates a shadow registry under this domain”. Adams Names is the Registry for the ccTLD’s of .TC, .GD and .VG and uses KSregistry as its back end to operate the registries. “According to the CEO of AdamsNames Ltd., Mr. Carsten Pauli, this transfer was not authorized by the registry operator”. “KSregistry
IMPORTANT - AdamsNames Changes (.TC - .GD - .VG) | Hexonet


Network Tools: DNS,IP,Email
page's description: DNS and Network troubleshooting and diagnostic tools integrated into one sweet interface.
Traceroute, Ping, Domain Name Server (DNS) Lookup, WHOIS
Deploying DNSSEC | ICANN
DNS: DNAME is useless - davidb dives in
page's description: DNAME, if you are not aware, is a DNS record type defined in RFC 2672. If you are familiar with the DNS’s CNAME record, then think of DNAME as …
BIND - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
BIND 9's New Resource Records | DNAME, Domain Alias | InformIT
page's description: DNS&#039;s new version of BIND, BIND 9, implements two new Resource Records to help you take DNS to an advanced level. Learn about them quickly in this article.
Trailing Dots in Domain Names
"If you're a web site administrator setting up a web site using Apache "VirtualHost" directives or similar, you need to have a ServerAlias line listing all the things the user might type to get to that web site (typically the first label, the whole name without a trailing dot, and the whole name with a trailing dot, as shown in the example above)."

subdomain delegation

How to delegate a sub-domain to other DNS servers - Simple DNS Plus
HOWTO - Delegate a Subdomain (a.k.a. subzone)

Basic Guide to DNS - Google Apps Help
page's description: This guide is a list of common terms you may encounter when managing the DNS settings of your domain. Click a term below to jump to the description of the term and its practical use with Google Apps


GTLD – Trusted Information on Generic Top Level Domains – Verisign
page's description: Verisign brings extensive gTLD expertise. We provide premium consulting and technical services to help you apply for, manage, and monetize your new gTLD.
List of Internet top-level domains - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When will the new gTLDs be released? : Support
page's description: When will the new gTLDs be released?. New gTLDs. Domain Names
New TLD List 2012 - New Top Level Domains - New TLDs 2012
page's description: Comprehensive list of the new Top Level Domains (TLD's) for the New TLD program from ICANN in 2012.

Free Website Uptime Monitoring - Uptime Robot
Linux Basics - Set A Static IP On Ubuntu | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
page's description: Linux Basics - Set A Static IP On Ubuntu
subdomain - what are the allowed characters in a sub-domain - Stack Overflow
10 Free Services to Monitor Your Site's Uptime
page's description: This series is supported by Rackspace, the better way to do hosting. Learn more about Rackspace's hosting solutions here. You can't sit staring at your monitor 24 hours a day to...
Three Letter Domain names
page's description: 3 letter domain names
.ORG Registrars | .ORG, The Public Interest Registry| Buy, Sell, Register .ORG Domain Names


Integrating FastCGI with Java
Apache module mod_fastcgi


change password

#1483886 (Roundcube doesn't work when password contains escape character "\") – Roundcube Webmail
roundcubemail/plugins/password at master · roundcube/roundcubemail · GitHub
page's description: The Roundcube Webmail suite. Contribute to roundcubemail development by creating an account on GitHub.
roundcubemail/plugins/password/ at master · roundcube/roundcubemail · GitHub
page's description: The Roundcube Webmail suite. Contribute to roundcubemail development by creating an account on GitHub.
Backslash Character in IMAP Password? - Chilkat Q&A Forum
page's description: I do have a question though as a user is experiencing a bug: their password has a backslash in it and the library is not able to connect to the IMAP server because the string is not properly escaped. Is there a best practice for this?
28941 – backslash and Double Quote " not escaped for IMAP username Login
roundcubemail/plugins/password/drivers at master · roundcube/roundcubemail · GitHub
page's description: The Roundcube Webmail suite. Contribute to roundcubemail development by creating an account on GitHub.
roundcubemail/plugins/password/drivers/ldap_simple.php at master · roundcube/roundcubemail · GitHub
page's description: The Roundcube Webmail suite. Contribute to roundcubemail development by creating an account on GitHub.
roundcubemail/plugins/password/drivers/chpasswd.php at master · roundcube/roundcubemail · GitHub
page's description: The Roundcube Webmail suite. Contribute to roundcubemail development by creating an account on GitHub.
rcube_utils.php in subversion/trunk/roundcubemail/program/include – Roundcube Webmail


What Every Developer Should Know About URLs
page's description: I have recently written about the value of fundamentals in software development. I am still firmly of the opinion that you need to have your fundamentals down
PURL Home Page




Defect #6272: Raw HTML Formating not working - Redmine
page's description: Redmine
Comments in Wiki pages - Redmine
page's description: Redmine
Insert HTML fragments - Redmine
page's description: Redmine


New WYSIWYG for Wiki - Redmine
page's description: Redmine
PeterLawrence/redmine_wysiwyg_textile · GitHub
page's description: redmine_wysiwyg_textile - Redmine Wysiwyg Textile Editor using tinymce

Anchors in wiki pages - Redmine
page's description: Redmine
Feature #4482: Cache textile rendering - Redmine
page's description: Redmine
Introducing the Redmine Google Docs Plugin | Evolving Web
Redmine - How to make wiki public - Redmine
page's description: Redmine
Redmine - RedmineTextFormatting - Redmine
page's description: Redmine
Using anchors in redmine - Alexey Bokov’s weblog » Blog Archive » Redmine as corporate wikipedia


ForceNewRevisionCheckBox < Codev < TWiki
Is there a way to list all the child topics in a parent topic < Support < TWiki
ProgrammingSearchesInTWiki < Main < TWiki
TextFormattingRules < TWiki < TWiki
TreePlugin < TWiki < TWiki
TWiki on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) – Linode Library
page's description: Install and configure a structured wiki with TWiki.
TWikiDocumentation < TWiki < TWiki
TWikiOnUbuntu < Codev < TWiki
TWikiPreferences < TWiki < TWiki
TWikiVariables < TWiki < TWiki
BlackListPlugin < Plugins < TWiki
StrikeThroughShortHand < Codev < TWiki
Option To Control inline_styles TinyMCE Setting [#1093736] | Drupal
TinyMCEPlugin < Plugins < TWiki
DontNotify < TWiki < TWiki

Confluence Licensing | Atlassian
Pricing | Atlassian Confluence
page's description: Confluence pricing starts at $10 for 10 users and scales with your growing business, from startup to enterprise. Download Confluence or try hosted.

Convert HTML to XHTML
page's description: Online HTML to XHTML converter tool, copy and paste your HTML source code into the box below.
Data URI scheme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gmvault: gmail backup
page's description: backup and restore your gmail account In Mac OS X (including 10.8), you need to run `.../gmvault-v1.8.1-beta/bin/gmvault`. This is in the README.txt under "Linux and Mac OS X install". However, other methods don't work: just opened and closed, `pip install gmvault` gave me an error "pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: pip==1.1", and `sudo easy_install gmvault` gave me an error "ImportError: No module named gmv.gmv_cmd".
How do I force a favicon refresh - Stack Overflow
How to Block Certain Sites in Google Search Results without Extensions | Web Talk
page's description: Google users are accustomed to modify the  Google official home page with a lot of  extensions able to modify the design of the Google search engine page as
How to change Tomcat default port ?
html - Making an svg image object clickable with onclick, avoiding absolute positioning - Stack Overflow
URL Decoder/Encoder
weird square favicon | Firefox Support Forum | Mozilla Support



Linux MDB driver - alpha version
page's description: The Free, Open Source Office Suite
The Electrofriend: How to compile mdbtools on Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5
MDB Tools - Unlocking Your Data
How to Open and Edit MS Access Databases from Mac OS X
page's description: Information on how to read and query MS Access databases from Mac OS X.



sql - How can you represent inheritance in a database? - Stack Overflow
xkcd • View topic - Inheritance in SQL
"One table per class with type field: Same as above, with a column in the parent class table indicating the sub-class." "Or... use Postgres ... herit.html"



MySQL :: MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual :: 13.2.6 LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax
"file_name cannot be an existing file" "The file is created on the server host, so you must have the FILE privilege to use this syntax" "if the MySQL client software is installed on the remote machine, you can instead use a client command such as mysql -e "SELECT ..." > file_name to generate the file on the client host"
MySQL :: MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual :: SELECT ... INTO Syntax
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: CONVERT() and CAST()
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 11.3 Date and Time Types
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 11.4.2 The BINARY and VARBINARY Types
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 13.1.15 CREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION Syntax
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 13.5 SQL Syntax for Prepared Statements
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: RESIGNAL Syntax
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: SIGNAL Syntax
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: GRANT Syntax
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE Syntax
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: KILL Syntax
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 14.3.15 Limits on InnoDB Tables
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: Overview of Fast Index Creation
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: mysql Options
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: mysql Commands
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 5.1.7 Server SQL Modes > POSTGRESQL
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 8.3.8 Comparison of B-Tree and Hash Indexes
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 9.2 Schema Object Names
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: MySQL Glossary :: clustered index
"Because modifying the columns of the clustered index is an expensive operation, choose primary columns that are rarely or never updated."
MySQL :: MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual :: 13.1.1 ALTER DATABASE Syntax
MySQL :: MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual :: 4.5.4 mysqldump — A Database Backup Program
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 19.5.2 View Processing Algorithms
"For UNDEFINED, MySQL chooses which algorithm to use" "A reason to choose TEMPTABLE explicitly is that locks can be released on underlying tables after the temporary table has been created and before it is used to finish processing the statement"

dynamic SQL

How To have Dynamic SQL in MySQL Stored Procedure - Stack Overflow
MySQL – Writing dynamic SQL in stored procedures « IT Integrated Business Solutions
MySQL :: Re: Dynamic SQl in Triggers/Procdures
"Stored procedures called from triggers operate under the same restrictions as triggers, i.e., no dynamic SQL is allowed."


8 Reasons Why MySQL's ENUM Data Type Is Evil - Chris Komlenic
page's description: The pros and (mostly) cons of MySQL's ENUM data-type (as compared to reference tables), as well as when it is okay to use and how to use it if you must. "With an ENUM we're actually storing pieces of data in a place that was only intended to hold crucial information about the model" "in large systems the effect of normalization can already tax the limits of human comprehension and complicate queries" "Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong negative impact when debugging and maintenance are considered." [Donald Knuth]
Kawoolutions - SQL Database Design - 8. User-Defined Types - 8.3 Enumerated Types
page's description: Kawoolutions,,SQL Database Design,8. User-Defined Types,8.3 Enumerated Types "some people claim, that MySQL ENUMs are much faster than separate tables, especially on large databases. Furthermore, enums can give you some savings in database size, depending on the implementation. For example, a MySQL ENUM occupies only one byte for up to 255 values and two bytes for up to 65535 values."


CHECK constraints

MySQL: How to do a (simple/complex) CHECK CONSTRAINT? « Christosoft Blog
"you can execute it in MySQL without an error. But also without any effect whatsoever. I tried it in InnoDB (MySQL 5.5) and it did not check the constraint at all." "So we go with a trigger instead. For constraints, we use a BEFORE trigger."
phpmyadmin -- create table with 'check' function [Archive] -
page's description: [Archive] phpmyadmin -- create table with 'check' function MySQL "mysql itself does not support CHECK constraints"

MySQL Workbench

exporting indexes separately

this happens in /mysql-workbench-gpl-5.2.47-src/modules/db.mysql/src/module_db_mysql.cpp . it does *not* use mysqldump, unfortunately.

MySQL :: Download MySQL Workbench
MySQL Bugs: #40167: no method to show hidden relationships again
MySQL Bugs: #46626: Unable to copy-paste selected tables between two instances of Workbench
MySQL Bugs: #67322: MySQL Workbench not installing Ubuntu 12.10
MySQL Workbench Loses Saved Connections - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
mysql - ERROR: Error 1005: Can't create table (errno: 121) - Stack Overflow

resetting ibdata

you need to do this after manually renaming a database with InnoDB tables (but you should not manually rename a database with InnoDB tables, unless you have set innodb_file_per_table in /etc/mysql/my.cnf!)

database - How to shrink/purge ibdata1 file in MySQL - Stack Overflow
" to setup your server to use separate files for each table you need to change my.cnf in order to enable this: [mysqld] innodb_file_per_table "
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 14.3.6 Adding, Removing, or Resizing InnoDB Data and Log Files

string primary keys

mysql - performance penalty of strings as primary keys? - Stack Overflow
"we use varchar(32) for primary keys (GUIDs) and we haven't met performance issues of this. Our product is a web site with extreme overload and is critical to be stable. We use SQL Server 2005."

vs. other SQL DBs

The Codex » Do Not Pass This Way Again
- arguments for MySQL: better UI (phpMyAdmin): "as a user, a company head, and a person who [...] has no time [for] front-ends [which were] ignored because the backend is *so amazingly awesome*" (may be referring to lack of sufficiently-good phpMyAdmin equivalents for other DBs?)
page's description: a blog by ariejan de vroom about software engineering and craftsmanship.
casting - How to use the CAST function correctly in a MySql SELECT statement? - Stack Overflow
"VARCHAR isn't a valid type for the CAST function, but CHAR is."
Creating a MySQL View directly in phpMyAdmin | Sky on Tech
Extend phpMyAdmin Session Timeout Value (Expired Session)
Getting out of MySQL Character Set Hell < Blue Box Blog
How Do I Enable Remote Access To MySQL Database Server?
page's description: MySQL Remote Access - A step-by-step guide to enable remote access to a MySQL database server under Linux, UNIX and BSD operating systems.
How do I quickly rename a mysql database (change schema name)? - Stack Overflow
linux - How to output MySQL query results in csv format? - Stack Overflow
mysql - #1071 - Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes - Stack Overflow
mysql - can't remove "GRANT USAGE" - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
MySQL – Extract or Restore a Single Table From a Huge mysqldump File
page's description: A while back, I wrote an article that explained some awk magic for extracting the restore information for a single table from a mysqldump file.  Since then I've created a Perl script that accomplishes the same thing, but is a little more flexible.
MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 13.7.5 SHOW Syntax
MySQL :: Re: How to Restore a particular table from the mysqldump of a whole database?
MySQL :: Re: latin1_bin vs latin1_general_cs
MySQL :: Re: utf8_unicode_ci vs utf8_general_ci
MySQL Bugs: #44732: mysql client should printing warnings on stderr in batch mode
MySQL Bugs: #62207: Table comments are truncated to 66 characters rather than the 2048 the db allows
MySQL Lists: mysql: Re: Why does mysql drop index very very slow in a large table?
MySQL Lists: mysql: RE: Why does mysql drop index very very slow in a large table?
MySQL on Mac OS X
Need MySQL 4 to ignore ALTER TABLE errors - Stack Overflow
What's the opposite of mysqldump to load data back into a database? |
mysql - mysqldump returning unknown variable sql-mode error - Stack Overflow


disk space


PostgreSQL - admin - Best way to limit database sizes
page's description: Best way to limit database sizes. Hi,         I have a single Postgres server which will be hosting multiple databases belonging to different users. What would be the recommendation to limit the size... "put each tablespace on a LVM partition of a control sized, extensible" "But LVM/tablespace should work" "How about a trigger that for every say 1000 or 10000 update or inserts (or timely if cron job) will use pg_stats or pg_statistics to decide if a role (user) privileges should be modified to read only (or not)"

PostgreSQL: Disk space not released after TRUNCATE - Database Administrators
[#JENA-28] Drop Temporary Tables in Postgres (PATCH) - ASF JIRA
VACUUM FULL - PostgreSQL wiki
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.3: CLUSTER
Re: ERROR: could not write block 196261 of temporary file: No space left
PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL: In place UPDATE
disk suddenly full, postgres using all space - Untangle Forums
page's description: A customer box that's never used more than a few gigs of space suddenly ran out of disk space so bad the captive portal page wouldn't load properly.


PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.3: Array Functions and Operators
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.3: Control Structures
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.3: Error Codes
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.3: Errors and Messages
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.3: hstore
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.3: Object Identifier Types
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.3: pg_enum
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.3: PL/Python Functions
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.3: ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.3: Row and Array Comparisons
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.3: String Functions and Operators
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.3: System Information Functions
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.3: The Statistics Collector
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.4: Errors and Messages
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.4: Function Overloading
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.4: Query Language (SQL) Functions
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.4: WITH Queries (Common Table Expressions)
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.0: Calling Functions
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: ALTER TABLE
"As an exception, if the USING clause does not change the column contents and the old type is either binary coercible to the new type or an unconstrained domain over the new type, a table rewrite is not needed, but any indexes on the affected columns must still be rebuilt"
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: Binary Data Types
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: Character Set Support
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: COMMENT
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: COPY
- text format: "Backslash characters (\) can be used in the COPY data to quote data characters that might otherwise be taken as row or column delimiters." "the following characters must be preceded by a backslash if they appear as part of a column value: backslash itself, newline, carriage return, and the current delimiter character." "special backslash sequences are recognized by COPY FROM" (only in text mode) "The following special backslash sequences are recognized by COPY FROM: [...] \digits Backslash followed by one to three octal digits specifies the character with that numeric code " this includes \0 CSV format: "any occurrence within the value of a QUOTE character or the ESCAPE character is preceded by the escape character" with ESCAPE=\ : \->\\, "->\" with ESCAPE=" : "->""
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: CREATE CONVERSION
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: CREATE FUNCTION
"SET FROM CURRENT saves the session's current value of the parameter as the value to be applied when the function is entered." This is referring to the session when the function is *defined*, not when it's called.
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: CREATE OPERATOR CLASS
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: CREATE RULE
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: CREATE TRIGGER
"a constraint trigger. This is the same as a regular trigger except that the timing of the trigger firing can be adjusted using SET CONSTRAINTS" "A column-specific trigger (one defined using the UPDATE OF column_name syntax) will fire when any of its columns are listed as targets in the UPDATE command's SET list. It is possible for a column's value to change even when the trigger is not fired, because changes made to the row's contents by BEFORE UPDATE triggers are not considered. Conversely, a command such as UPDATE ... SET x = x ... will fire a trigger on column x, even though the column's value did not change." "For UPDATE events, it is possible to specify a list of columns" "It is possible for a column's value to change even when the trigger is not fired, because changes made to the row's contents by BEFORE UPDATE triggers are not considered"
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: CREATE TYPE
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: Date/Time Functions and Operators
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: Default Values
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: hstore
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: Inheritance
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: Lexical Structure
"A variant of quoted identifiers allows including escaped Unicode characters identified by their code points. This variant starts with U& (upper or lower case U followed by ampersand) immediately before the opening double quote, without any spaces in between, for example U&"foo"." "the OPERATOR syntax, as for example in: SELECT 3 OPERATOR(pg_catalog.+) 4; "
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: Object Identifier Types
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: PL/Python - Python Procedural Language
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: Procedural Languages
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: psql
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: Query Language (SQL) Functions
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: Server-side Functions
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: SET CONSTRAINTS
"PostgreSQL does not require constraint names to be unique within a schema (but only per-table)" this is INCORRECT: UNIQUE constraints must be globally unique because their implicit indexes must be globally unique. trying to create an inter-table duplicate UNIQUE constraint gives the error: -- NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index "x" for table "b" ERROR: relation "x" already exists --
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: String Functions and Operators
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: Subquery Expressions
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: System Administration Functions
- includes set_config(), current_setting()
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: System Information Functions
PostgreSQL: Documentation: Manuals: Log File Maintenance
PostgreSQL: Documentation: Manuals: PostgreSQL 9.1: PostgreSQL 9.1.1 Documentation
PostgreSQL: Documentation: Manuals: psql
PostgreSQL: Documentation: Manuals: System Administration Functions
PostgreSQL: Documentation: Manuals: Template Databases
PostgreSQL: Documentation: Manuals: WITH Queries (Common Table Expressions)

from/to MySQL

Converting from other Databases to PostgreSQL - PostgreSQL wiki
Converting MySQL to PostgreSQL - Wikibooks, open books for an open world
MySQL vs PostgreSQL - WikiVS
"PostgreSQL will feature the MERGE clause in a future version [5], which follows the SQL:2008 standard. This can do the same as MySQL's non-standard 'INSERT IGNORE','REPLACE' and 'INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE UPDATE' statements but with more granularity." "MySQL triggers are also not activated by cascading updates and deletes even when caused by a SQL statement"
sql - How can you represent inheritance in a database? - Stack Overflow
Comparison of database column types in MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite? (Cross-Mapping) - Stack Overflow
postgresql - convert MySQL SET data type to Postgres - Stack Overflow

invalid byte sequence errors

postgresql - How to solve UTF8 invalid byte sequence copy errors on a restore, when the source database is encoded in UTF8? - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00 - Grokbase
page's description: (6 replies) Hi, I've got another problem. I sometimes get the following SQLException when doing an insert: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00 Exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse( org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults( org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute(
PostgreSQL - hackers - Making TEXT NUL-transparent
page's description: Making TEXT NUL-transparent. Occasionally, we get bitten by embedded NUL bytes in TEXT values. We take care of generating proper UTF-8, but this additional restriction sometimes slips by. It would... - Lack of support for NUL bytes is a critical limitation of PostgreSQL when dealing with arbitrary input data which should be stored verbatim


Installing PostGIS on Ubuntu
PostgreSQL [KyngChaos Wiki]
page's description: Mac OS X installers for PostgreSQL, and GIS extensions PostGIS and pgRouting. Built for Lion and Snow Leopard, 64bit only. NOTE: I do not support any other Postgres distribution in my extensions. Please do not try to install PostGIS in another Postgres and then ask why it won't install.
postgresql - Struggling with enabling a PostGIS database on Mac - GIS
Install Postgres 9.1, PostGIS and create PostGIS template on Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot — Gist

table modified time

How to get last access/modification date of a PostgreSQL database? - Stack Overflow
sql - Latest table modified time in PostgreSQL - Stack Overflow
Re: Last insert/update/delete time for a table
Re: Last insert/update/delete time for a table

» PostgreSQL – Change Default Encoding of New Databases To UTF-8 (Optional) Journal
[GENERAL] ROLLBACK in a function - Google Groups
[PostgreSQL-Hackers] DOMAINs and CASTs - Grokbase
page's description: (33 replies) Hi, If i create a DOMAIN an then want to create a CAST from that domain to another type it gives an error. Consider this example: """ create domain datetime as timestamp with time zone check (value between '1753-01-01 00:00:00' and '9999-12-31 23:59:59'); create function datetime2int(datetime) returns int language sql stable strict as $$ select $1::date - '1753-01-01'::date; $$; create cast(datetime as int) with function datetime2int(datetime); """ if i try to cast, get this error: select
[SOLVED] PostgreSQL Can't Rename Table Constraints
page's description: ' I had to rename a table yesterday due to a contact / group name change in the office and sadly I'm the only person who knows how to barely interact
/hw/hw1/student/Hw1/postgresql-8.0.3/src/backend/access/transam/xact.c – cs186 – Trac
#1018728: postgres NAMEDATALEN limitation create problems |
Constraint name update in PostgreSQL - Stack Overflow
database - how to emulate "insert ignore" and "on duplicate key update" (sql merge) with postgresql? - Stack Overflow
How can I change 'shmmax'
page's description: I have installed Oracle 9i on RedHat 9. Current value of 'shmmax' is 33554432. Some people recommend value of appr. 50% of the RAM. I tried to change the value of 'shmmax' in two ways: 1. cat 268435456 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax 2. sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=268435456
How Do I Enable remote access to PostgreSQL database server?
page's description: A step by step guide for enabling remote access to your PostgreSQL database server under Linux or UNIX operating system so that client can connect server remotely.
How to edit system catalogs in PostgreSQL 8.1? - Server Fault
ilines -- universal newlines from any data source « Python recipes « ActiveState Code
logging - Where postgresql logs are on mac os x? - Stack Overflow
Maximum columns problem - dBforums
page's description: Hi all, I have roughly 30,000 objects (tissue samples) for which I would like to store 1500 attributes for each sample. Each attribute is a numerical
MLA Wire: Postgresql: Indexes on Foreign Keys
MySQL and Postgres command equivalents (mysql vs psql) | End Point Blog
page's description: End Point developers blog about ecommerce, databases, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Interchange, Ruby on Rails, Spree, Django, PHP, Android, hosting, Git, version control, Perl, Python, Java, and SEO.
Omega Glory - PostgreSQL Slow Count Workaround
pgAdmin Options - Tab 3 (Query)
page's description: pgAdmin is the leading graphical Open Source management, development and administration tool for PostgreSQL, running on Windows, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD and Mac OSX
phpPgAdmin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Postgres Session Variables – Neat. | An Oak In The Fall
page's description: Postgres Session Variables – Neat.
Postgresql - concat_ws like function? - Stack Overflow
PostgreSQL - general - [GENERAL] Update on tables when the row doesn't change
page's description: [GENERAL] Update on tables when the row doesn't change. Hi all, maybe it's a very silly question, but why does Postgres perform an update on the table even if no data changes? I recognized this... "Because testing for this would almost surely be a net loss for the vast majority of applications. Checking to see if the new row value exactly equals the old is hardly a zero-cost operation; if you pay that on every update, that's a lot of overhead that you are hoping to make back by sometimes avoiding the physical store of the new tuple."
PostgreSQL - general - Quiet "CONTEXT"?
page's description: Quiet "CONTEXT"?. Hi all, I'm in the process of debugging some PL/pgSQL functions. I have function A which calls function B (e.g. on Line 22). The debugging info I'm interested in is in... "In psql, "\set VERBOSITY terse" might approximate what you want." (tom lane)
postgresql - Getting the encoding of a Postgres database using the command line? - Stack Overflow
postgresql - Hash a column in postgres using sha-256 - Stack Overflow
PostgreSQL - How to Create User-Defined Type (UDT) - SQLines
page's description: You can create a user-defined type using CREATE DOMAIN and CREATE TYPE statements. Quick Example: -- Define a type using CREATE DOMAIN CREATE DOMAIN addr VARCHAR(90) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N/A'; -- Define a type using CREATE TYPE CREATE TYPE address AS (city VARCHAR(90), street VARCHAR(90)); -- Use them in a table CREATE TABLE location (ship_address addr, full_address address);
postgresql - How to include files relative to the current executing script in psql? - Stack Overflow
postgresql - Putting EXPLAIN results into a table? - Stack Overflow
PostgreSQL - sql - foreign key on pg_shadow
page's description: foreign key on pg_shadow. Dear list, Upon designing our application we thought that the following setup would be a good idea to implement security: Using the pg_shadow table as it is: |...
PostgreSQL 8.4 on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) | Jonathan Dean
page's description: Web Software Engineer
PostgreSQL and bloat
page's description: /dev/dim
PostgreSQL on Mac OS X
PostgreSQL services Mac OS X Lion start/stop |
postgresql, DROP FUNCTION without knowing the number/type of parameters? - Stack Overflow
PostgreSQL: assigning ROWNUM (row number) to each returned row | EXPLAIN EXTENDED
page's description: How to create fast database queries
pqc - PostgreSQL Query Cache - Google Project Hosting
psql -f COPY from STDIN - Grokbase
page's description: (5 replies) The following command works fine when pasing it to psql via the -c option: cat event.csv | \ psql -c "COPY (event_id, event_name) FROM STDIN DELIMITER AS ',' NULL AS ''" When executed from a file via -f, it does nothing (no error messages either): event.sql: COPY (event_id, event_name) FROM STDIN DELIMITER AS ',' NULL AS '' cat event.csv | psql -f event.sql What's the problem? Many thanks in advance. -- Best Regards, Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz
Re: 1600 column limit per table
Re: generic options for explain
Re: How to start a database in ReadOnly mode?
Re: Restoring right side of the display
security - How can I hash passwords in postgresql? - Stack Overflow
select * from depesz; » Blog Archive » Should you use HASH index?
select * from depesz; » Blog Archive » Waiting for 8.4 – hash based DISTINCT
Slow queries after convertinf DB from SQL_ASCII to UTF8 - Dev Shed
page's description: Slow queries after convertinf DB from SQL_ASCII to UTF8- PostgreSQL Help. Visit Dev Shed to discuss Slow queries after convertinf DB from SQL_ASCII to UTF8 "my search queries take 5 times longer to give me results" [in UTF8 than in SQL_ASCII] phpPgAdmin: Detail: 3072065 - "Auto login" doesn't work
page's description: phpPgAdmin is a fully functional web-based administration utility for a PostgreSQL database server. It handles all the basic functionality as well as some advanced features such as triggers, views and functions (stored procs)
sql - Foreign key to a pg_catalog table in PostgreSQL - Stack Overflow
sql - Postgres: define a default value for CAST failures? - Stack Overflow
sql - PostgreSQL HASH index - Stack Overflow
"It should be noted that as of version 8.4 the issue with Hash indexes being less efficient and slower than b-tree indexes is resolved"
sql - What is the maximum number of columns in a PostgreSQL select query - Stack Overflow
String Functions and Operators Compatibility - PostgreSQL wiki


Implementation Limits For SQLite
Quick example comparing SQLite vs PostgreSQL timings < Task #363: Assemble all GHCN data into a single database - Environment and organisms - NCEAS Projects
page's description: Redmine "SQLite takes nearly twice as long even though it doesn't have the precip records and is thus less than half the size."
sql - Can I update New in before insert trigger in sqlite? - Stack Overflow
"The only solution I've found: [in trigger body] insert into test values (, now()); select raise(ignore); " "No, you can't update NEW. What I tend to do is use a VIEW with an INSTEAD OF trigger"
SQLite Query Language: CREATE TRIGGER

XPath to SQL
xpath to sql translation
page's description: Are there any tools (java classes, tag libraries) which can translate xpath statements into a SQL query? Given an xpath query which has a predicate that filters node values or "I've never seen an Xpath to SELECT [] FROM [] WHERE clause translation. And it is not easy to do that, because you have to have rules in how you store xml in a relational database. I think that's also the reason there are no tools to do that." " We have found a couple of products on IBM's Alphaworks site. One of them uses the "DB2 XML Extenders" mapping of XML<=>SQL. The other seems to create a default mapping based on SQL metadata. Both of them are limited to Linux & Windows. While we may use these, our main RDB is DB2 for ISeries. So we are still checking. If you are curious, the links are: "

GUI Database Design Tools - PostgreSQL wiki

Object-relational database - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



13.1. csv — CSV File Reading and Writing — Python v2.7.3 documentation
19.5. XML Processing Modules — Python v2.7.4 documentation
19.6. xml.dom — The Document Object Model API — Python v2.7.2 documentation
20.6. urllib2 — extensible library for opening URLs — Python v2.7.2 documentation
26.4. The Python Profilers — Python v2.7.2 documentation
26.7. trace — Trace or track Python statement execution — Python v2.7.5 documentation
27.6. warnings — Warning control — Python v2.7.2 documentation
3. Data model — Python v2.7.3 documentation
5. Built-in Types — Python v2.7.3 documentation
5. Expressions — Python v2.7.2 documentation
7.2. re — Regular expression operations — Python v2.7.2 documentation
9.7. itertools — Functions creating iterators for efficient looping — Python v2.7.2 documentation
Overview — Python v2.7.2 documentation


Documentation for processing-0.50
ParallelProcessing - PythonInfo Wiki
16.2. threading — Higher-level threading interface — Python v2.7.3 documentation
Parallel Python - Home
page's description: Parallel Python

3.4.1 Basic customization
3.6.2 String Formatting Operations
compiled Jython vs. CPython | Python | Python
page's description: compiled Jython vs. CPython Python Python "the benchmarks comparing Jython+JIT to CPython are mostly in favour of CPython" "An advantage of jython is that it profits from speedups of the JVM's. Since Java is more widespread than CPython, there is in general more interest in speeding up JVM's than in speeding up the CPython byte code interpreter."
Differences between CPython and Jython
Django | GeoDjango | Django documentation
page's description: Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
How do you convert a hex representation into a string? - Python
page's description: How do you convert a hex representation into a string?. Python Forums on Bytes. " >>> def numToWord(n): ... hexvalue = hex(n)[2:] ... return "".join([chr(int(s, 16)) for s in [hexvalue[i:i+2] for i in range(0,len(hexvalue),2)]]) ... >>> numToWord(1650811246) 'bean' >>> "
How to determine if the variable is a function in Python? - Stack Overflow
Issue 1519638: Unmatched Group issue - workaround - Python tracker
MySQLdb User's Guide
PEP 0263 -- Defining Python Source Code Encodings
page's description: None
PEP 3132 -- Extended Iterable Unpacking
page's description: None
psycopg2.extensions.querycancelederror: copy from stdin failed: error in .read() call - Google Search
Python Exception Handling Techniques - Doug Hellmann
urllib2 - The Missing Manual
page's description: Website of Michael Foord. Python programming articles, projects and technical blog.


LDAPv3 Distinguished Names
Appendix E: LDAP core.schema

software concepts

Dynamic scoping < Scope (computer science) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Dynamic scoping also voids all the benefits of referential transparency" "Dynamic scoping provides an excellent abstraction for thread local storage, but if it is used that way it cannot be based on saving and restoring a global variable"
Hamming distance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Birthday problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia > Probability table


Intel Core i5 vs. AMD Phenom X4

From experience, the 27-inch iMac's "2.66 GHz Intel Core i5" (System is much faster than vegbiendev's 2.44 GHz "AMD Phenom(tm) 9550 Quad-Core" (/proc/cpuinfo).

Intel Core i5 3570K vs AMD Phenom X4 9550
page's description: We put the 3.4 GHz 3570K to the test against the older 2.2 GHz 9550 to find out which you should buy, the Intel or the AMD. "CPUBoss recommends the Intel Core i5 3570K based on its performance, single-core performance and overclocking."

Bug #788256 “inkscape cannot dock toolbars” : Bugs : “inkscape” package : Ubuntu
page's description: Binary package hint: inkscape I installed Inkscape for the first time on Ubuntu 11.04 and I see that the main toolbar and the toolbar for sticking lines and segments where on the right side (later noticed the "wide" and "standard" views). 1) I tried to move the main toolbar and it worked like expected in vertical mode. I could however not dock the toolbar on top, horizontally. 2) When I tried to move the other toolbar it would not dock anywhere, not even where it was at the beginning. Pro...
Compatibility - Microsoft Access 2000 - CodeWeavers
Converting UTF8 to Latin1
Creating Hyperlinks in Adobe Acrobat « Acrobat for Legal Professionals
page's description: The Acrolaw Blog is a resource for lawyers, law firms, paralegals, legal IT pros and anyone interested in the use of Acrobat in the legal community. Rick Borstein– the author of the blog– is the Business Development Manager for Acrobat in the Legal Market for Adobe Systems.
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page's description: Have you ever wanted to add an image map to your web site? An image map is a graphic that contains hotspots that link to URLs. They are used as a means t
java - What is a regex "independent capturing group"? - Stack Overflow
Password Strength Test
PHP: $_SERVER - Manual
Safari Books Online - Home
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WARNING: <file> failed verification -- update discarded (will try again).
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cryptography - Is SHA1 better than md5 only because it generates a hash of 160 bits? - IT Security Stack Exchange
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