


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  BIEN2 10896 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza added BIEN2/traits_observation_counts.xls
  _archive 1598 almost 13 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza Moved _archive/tapir2flatClient/trunk/client/ t...
  backups 10873 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza added backups/vegbien.r10848.backup.md5
  bin 10871 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza bugfix: bin/import_all: use reimport_scrub inst...
  config 7801 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza root Makefile: VegBIEN DB: mk_db: Added command...
  derived 10897 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza added derived/biengeo/Geovalidation_and_geoscru...
  exports 10853 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza exports/: svn:ignore *.zip
  inputs 11024 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza bugfix: inputs/VegBank/import_order.txt: added ...
  lib 11033 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza lib/ put_table(): added link to new I...
  mappings 10848 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza bugfix: mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv: don't map...
  planning 11015 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza planning/timeline/timeline.2013.xls: updated fo...
  schemas 11040 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza bugfix: schemas/VegCore/ERD/.htaccess: mod_auto...
  web 11039 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza web/.htaccess: mod_autoindex: IndexHeadInsert: ...
.htaccess 326 Bytes 8771 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza /.htaccess: use canonical URL without symlinks
.rsync_filter.upload 33 Bytes 10042 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza /.rsync_ignore: temp files: hide them on upload...
.rsync_ignore 12 Bytes 10042 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza /.rsync_ignore: temp files: hide them on upload...
Makefile 12.6 KB 10539 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza bugfix: /Makefile: postgres-Linux: phppgadmin.c...
README.TXT 24 KB 11019 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza /README.TXT: Datasource setup: additional steps...
fix_perms 97 Bytes 7560 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza Added root fix_perms
map 1001 Bytes 6949 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza vegbien_dest: Changed default $prefix to "", so...
new_terms.csv 38.1 KB 7222 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza new_terms.csv: Regenerated
run 661 Bytes 10881 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza /run: geoscrub_input/make(): updated runtime (2...
unmapped_terms.csv 13.1 KB 7201 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza **/new_terms.csv, **/unmapped_terms.csv: Regene...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
11040 09/21/2013 10:27 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/VegCore/ERD/.htaccess: mod_autoindex: clear the IndexHeadInsert message "some listed files are not web-accessible" so that it is not displayed above the ERD image, which looks strange because the files are below it (this message can be removed for this dir because all files in it are web-accessible)

11039 09/21/2013 10:17 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

web/.htaccess: mod_autoindex: IndexHeadInsert: use IndexStyleSheet for stylesheet link instead

11038 09/21/2013 10:12 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/VegCore/ERD/ VegCore logo: hyperlink this to as well, instead of to the data dictionary

11037 09/21/2013 10:10 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/VegCore/VegCore.ERD.mwb: regenerated exports and udpated image map

11036 09/21/2013 10:00 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/VegCore/VegCore.ERD.mwb: moved link next to logo so it can be found more easily

11035 09/21/2013 09:45 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/VegCore/ERD/.htaccess: display the index page (containing the ERD) as part of the mod_autoindex directory listing, so that the directory listing is included when you go to the URL. this will allow the ERD-related files to be moved to the ERD/ subdir, and still be visible in the directory listing.

11034 09/21/2013 09:42 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: web/.htaccess: mod_autoindex: IndexOptions: use +HTMLTable to ensure that the contents are always displayed in an HTML table, even when a header file is provided with HeaderName (which turns off the default HTML table for some reason)

11033 09/21/2013 09:01 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

lib/ put_table(): added link to new INSERT ON DUPLICATE SELECT wiki page, which now contains the explanation in the doc comment

11032 09/21/2013 07:29 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/VegCore/VegCore.ERD.mwb: ERD link: changed to so that the user can access all additional files for VegCore, not just the PDF version of the ERD

11031 09/21/2013 07:24 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/VegCore/VegCore.ERD.mwb: require this field (for records, populate it from id_within_dataset)

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