Revision 11115
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza over 11 years ago
schemas/VegCore/ERD/document.mwb.xml | ||
6402 | 6402 |
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6403 | 6403 |
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6404 | 6404 |
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6405 |
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6405 |
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6406 | 6406 |
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6407 | 6407 |
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6908 | 6908 |
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17621 | 17621 |
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17622 | 17622 |
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17623 | 17623 |
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17625 | 17625 |
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17635 | 17635 |
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17638 |
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17639 |
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17639 |
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17640 | 17640 |
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17641 | 17641 |
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17642 | 17642 |
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... | ... | |
17836 | 17836 |
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17837 | 17837 |
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17838 | 17838 |
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17839 |
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17840 | 17839 |
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17841 | 17840 |
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17842 | 17841 |
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... | ... | |
18265 | 18264 |
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18266 | 18265 |
<value type="string" key="author">Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza</value> |
18267 | 18266 |
<value type="string" key="caption">New Model</value> |
18268 |
<value type="string" key="dateChanged">2013-09-29 22:54</value>
18267 |
<value type="string" key="dateChanged">2013-09-29 22:59</value>
18269 | 18268 |
<value type="string" key="dateCreated">2012-01-19 14:06</value> |
18270 | 18269 |
<value type="string" key="description"></value> |
18271 | 18270 |
<value type="string" key="project">Name of the project</value> |
schemas/VegCore/ | ||
898 | 898 |
CREATE TABLE `specimen` ( |
899 | 899 |
`id` varbinary(767) NOT NULL, |
900 | 900 |
`individual_observation` varbinary(767) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'the plant the specimen was collected from and any observations about it', |
901 |
`code_in_individual` varbinary(767) DEFAULT NULL,
901 |
`id_within_individual` varbinary(767) DEFAULT NULL,
902 | 902 |
`orig_collection` varbinary(767) DEFAULT NULL, |
903 | 903 |
`barcode` varbinary(767) DEFAULT NULL, |
904 | 904 |
`accession_number` varbinary(767) DEFAULT NULL, |
... | ... | |
908 | 908 |
PRIMARY KEY (`id`), |
909 | 909 |
UNIQUE KEY `specimen_unique_in_collection_by_barcode` (`orig_collection`,`barcode`), |
910 | 910 |
UNIQUE KEY `specimen_unique_in_collection_by_accession_number` (`orig_collection`,`accession_number`), |
911 |
UNIQUE KEY `specimen_unique_in_individual_observation` (`individual_observation`,`code_in_individual`),
912 |
UNIQUE KEY `specimen_unique_in_individual` (`individual_observation`,`code_in_individual`),
911 |
UNIQUE KEY `specimen_unique_in_individual_observation` (`individual_observation`,`id_within_individual`),
912 |
UNIQUE KEY `specimen_unique_in_individual` (`individual_observation`,`id_within_individual`),
913 | 913 |
KEY `fk_specimen_collection1_idx` (`orig_collection`), |
914 | 914 |
KEY `fk_specimen_collection2_idx` (`current_collection`), |
915 | 915 |
KEY `fk_specimen_organization3_idx` (`owner_collection`), |
916 | 916 |
KEY `fk_specimen_individual_observation1_idx` (`individual_observation`), |
917 |
CONSTRAINT `fk_specimen_individual_observation1` FOREIGN KEY (`individual_observation`) REFERENCES `individual_observation` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, |
917 | 918 |
CONSTRAINT `fk_specimen_collection1` FOREIGN KEY (`orig_collection`) REFERENCES `collection` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, |
918 | 919 |
CONSTRAINT `fk_specimen_collection2` FOREIGN KEY (`current_collection`) REFERENCES `collection` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, |
919 |
CONSTRAINT `fk_specimen_individual_observation1` FOREIGN KEY (`individual_observation`) REFERENCES `individual_observation` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, |
920 | 920 |
CONSTRAINT `fk_specimen_organization3` FOREIGN KEY (`owner_collection`) REFERENCES `collection` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, |
921 | 921 |
CONSTRAINT `fk_specimen_taxon_occurrence1` FOREIGN KEY (`id`) REFERENCES `reobservable` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE |
922 | 922 |
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin COMMENT='something collected from a plant. this can be a physical "part of a plant" ("Wikipedia":, or a picture or description of the plant. when there are multiple specimen replicates (copies) of a specimen, each gets its own specimen_observation pointing to the same specimen.'; |
schemas/VegCore/ | ||
900 | 900 |
CREATE TABLE "specimen" ( |
901 | 901 |
"id" text NOT NULL, |
902 | 902 |
"individual_observation" text DEFAULT NULL /*COMMENT 'the plant the specimen was collected from and any observations about it'*/, |
903 |
"code_in_individual" text DEFAULT NULL,
903 |
"id_within_individual" text DEFAULT NULL,
904 | 904 |
"orig_collection" text DEFAULT NULL, |
905 | 905 |
"barcode" text DEFAULT NULL, |
906 | 906 |
"accession_number" text DEFAULT NULL, |
... | ... | |
910 | 910 |
PRIMARY KEY ("id"), |
911 | 911 |
/*CONSTRAINT "specimen_unique_in_collection_by_barcode" */UNIQUE ("orig_collection","barcode"), |
912 | 912 |
/*CONSTRAINT "specimen_unique_in_collection_by_accession_number" */UNIQUE ("orig_collection","accession_number"), |
913 |
/*CONSTRAINT "specimen_unique_in_individual_observation" */UNIQUE ("individual_observation","code_in_individual"),
914 |
/*CONSTRAINT "specimen_unique_in_individual" */UNIQUE ("individual_observation","code_in_individual"),
913 |
/*CONSTRAINT "specimen_unique_in_individual_observation" */UNIQUE ("individual_observation","id_within_individual"),
914 |
/*CONSTRAINT "specimen_unique_in_individual" */UNIQUE ("individual_observation","id_within_individual"),
915 | 915 |
/*KEY "fk_specimen_collection1_idx" ("orig_collection")*/CHECK (true), |
916 | 916 |
/*KEY "fk_specimen_collection2_idx" ("current_collection")*/CHECK (true), |
917 | 917 |
/*KEY "fk_specimen_organization3_idx" ("owner_collection")*/CHECK (true), |
918 | 918 |
/*KEY "fk_specimen_individual_observation1_idx" ("individual_observation")*/CHECK (true), |
919 |
/*CONSTRAINT "fk_specimen_individual_observation1" FOREIGN KEY ("individual_observation") REFERENCES "individual_observation" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE*/CHECK (true), |
919 | 920 |
/*CONSTRAINT "fk_specimen_collection1" FOREIGN KEY ("orig_collection") REFERENCES "collection" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE*/CHECK (true), |
920 | 921 |
/*CONSTRAINT "fk_specimen_collection2" FOREIGN KEY ("current_collection") REFERENCES "collection" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE*/CHECK (true), |
921 |
/*CONSTRAINT "fk_specimen_individual_observation1" FOREIGN KEY ("individual_observation") REFERENCES "individual_observation" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE*/CHECK (true), |
922 | 922 |
/*CONSTRAINT "fk_specimen_organization3" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_collection") REFERENCES "collection" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE*/CHECK (true), |
923 | 923 |
/*CONSTRAINT "fk_specimen_taxon_occurrence1" FOREIGN KEY ("id") REFERENCES "reobservable" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE*/CHECK (true) |
924 | 924 |
) /*ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin COMMENT='something collected from a plant. this can be a physical "part of a plant" ("Wikipedia":, or a picture or description of the plant. when there are multiple specimen replicates (copies) of a specimen, each gets its own specimen_observation pointing to the same specimen.'*/; |
Also available in: Unified diff
schemas/VegCore/ERD/VegCore.ERD.mwb: specimen.code_in_individual: renamed to id_within_individual to match the id_within_* naming convention using elsewhere