Revision 11208
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza over 11 years ago
schemas/VegCore/ERD/document.mwb.xml | ||
1371 | 1371 |
<value type="int" key="precision">-1</value> |
1372 | 1372 |
<value type="int" key="scale">-1</value> |
1373 | 1373 |
<link type="object" struct-name="db.SimpleDatatype" key="simpleType">com.mysql.rdbms.mysql.datatype.varbinary</link> |
1374 |
<value type="string" key="comment">the people who created the information in the data record. this is *different* from dataset.data_owners, and refers *only* to original data creators such as collectors and identifiers. note that in vegetation data, these record-specific authors generally do not receive attribution. note that this makes traceable mutually recursive with party_list. =</value>
1374 |
<value type="string" key="comment">the people who created the information in the data record. this is *different* from dataset.data_owners, and refers *only* to original data creators such as collectors and identifiers. note that in vegetation data, these record-specific authors generally do not receive attribution. this makes traceable mutually recursive with party_list. =</value> |
1375 | 1375 |
<value type="string" key="name">authors</value> |
1376 | 1376 |
<value type="string" key="oldName">authors</value> |
1377 | 1377 |
<link type="object" struct-name="GrtObject" key="owner">be8cd56e-a6e0-11e2-95e9-080027bcf912</link> |
... | ... | |
1556 | 1556 |
<value type="int" key="commentedOut">0</value> |
1557 | 1557 |
<value type="string" key="createDate">2013-04-16 14:58</value> |
1558 | 1558 |
<value _ptr_="0xb442818" type="dict" key="customData"/> |
1559 |
<value type="string" key="lastChangeDate">2013-10-09 14:44</value>
1559 |
<value type="string" key="lastChangeDate">2013-10-09 14:46</value>
1560 | 1560 |
<value type="int" key="modelOnly">0</value> |
1561 | 1561 |
<value type="string" key="name">traceable</value> |
1562 | 1562 |
<link type="object" struct-name="GrtNamedObject" key="owner">be8cb246-a6e0-11e2-95e9-080027bcf912</link> |
... | ... | |
17884 | 17884 |
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17885 | 17885 |
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17886 | 17886 |
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17887 |
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17888 |
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17889 |
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17887 |
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17890 | 17888 |
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17891 | 17889 |
<value type="real" key="width">1.6215e+03</value> |
17892 | 17890 |
<value type="real" key="x">0.e+00</value> |
... | ... | |
17899 | 17897 |
<link type="object" struct-name="db.mgmt.Rdbms" key="rdbms">com.mysql.rdbms.mysql</link> |
17900 | 17898 |
<value _ptr_="0xbea9d78" type="list" content-type="object" content-struct-name="db.Script" key="scripts"/> |
17901 | 17899 |
<value _ptr_="0xac35f40" type="dict" key="syncProfiles"> |
17902 |
<value type="object" struct-name="db.mgmt.SyncProfile" id="a8c9b2c6-312b-11e3-99fc-080027bcf912" struct-checksum="0xc64972c2" key="">
17903 |
<value _ptr_="0xcc4b738" type="dict" key="lastKnownDBNames">
17900 |
<value type="object" struct-name="db.mgmt.SyncProfile" id="0607dd82-312c-11e3-99fc-080027bcf912" struct-checksum="0xc64972c2" key="">
17901 |
<value _ptr_="0xd56a468" type="dict" key="lastKnownDBNames">
17904 | 17902 |
<value type="string" key="016697c0-23ec-11e3-ab7c-080027bcf912">name</value> |
17905 | 17903 |
<value type="string" key="01b2e3fe-f6ed-11e2-9cf1-080027bcf912">fk_georeferencing_party_list1</value> |
17906 | 17904 |
<value type="string" key="01b2e606-f6ed-11e2-9cf1-080027bcf912">georeferenced_by</value> |
... | ... | |
18539 | 18537 |
<value type="object" struct-name="app.DocumentInfo" id="BEE3982F-55A1-4B2C-914A-CD6953803AB9" struct-checksum="0xbba780b8" key="info"> |
18540 | 18538 |
<value type="string" key="author">Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza</value> |
18541 | 18539 |
<value type="string" key="caption">New Model</value> |
18542 |
<value type="string" key="dateChanged">2013-10-09 14:44</value>
18540 |
<value type="string" key="dateChanged">2013-10-09 14:46</value>
18543 | 18541 |
<value type="string" key="dateCreated">2012-01-19 14:06</value> |
18544 | 18542 |
<value type="string" key="description"></value> |
18545 | 18543 |
<value type="string" key="project">Name of the project</value> |
schemas/VegCore/ | ||
1435 | 1435 |
`id_by_source` varbinary(767) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'allows referencing a traceable by its source information even when the subclass chose a different value for the pkey', |
1436 | 1436 |
`source` varbinary(767) NOT NULL, |
1437 | 1437 |
`id_within_source` varbinary(767) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'the portion of the source that this traceable refers to. when specified, this must *uniquely identify* the traceable within the source. denormalized source data often contains data for many VegCore tables in the same row, and the traceables for each of these table entries must be distinguished *from each other* since they share the same source. this is usually just the VegCore table name, sometimes with a distinguishing prefix (e.g.; current_observation.taxon_determination/orig_observation.taxon_determination). this can also identify e.g. a dataset within the source that it came from.', |
1438 |
`authors` varbinary(767) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'the people who created the information in the data record. this is *different* from dataset.data_owners, and refers *only* to original data creators such as collectors and identifiers. note that in vegetation data, these record-specific authors generally do not receive attribution. note that this makes traceable mutually recursive with party_list. =',
1438 |
`authors` varbinary(767) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'the people who created the information in the data record. this is *different* from dataset.data_owners, and refers *only* to original data creators such as collectors and identifiers. note that in vegetation data, these record-specific authors generally do not receive attribution. this makes traceable mutually recursive with party_list. =', |
1439 | 1439 |
PRIMARY KEY (`id`), |
1440 | 1440 |
UNIQUE KEY `traceable_unique` (`source`,`id_within_source`), |
1441 | 1441 |
UNIQUE KEY `traceable__id_by_source` (`id_by_source`), |
schemas/VegCore/ | ||
1437 | 1437 |
"id_by_source" text DEFAULT NULL /*COMMENT 'allows referencing a traceable by its source information even when the subclass chose a different value for the pkey'*/, |
1438 | 1438 |
"source" text NOT NULL, |
1439 | 1439 |
"id_within_source" text DEFAULT NULL /*COMMENT 'the portion of the source that this traceable refers to. when specified, this must *uniquely identify* the traceable within the source. denormalized source data often contains data for many VegCore tables in the same row, and the traceables for each of these table entries must be distinguished *from each other* since they share the same source. this is usually just the VegCore table name, sometimes with a distinguishing prefix (e.g.; current_observation.taxon_determination/orig_observation.taxon_determination). this can also identify e.g. a dataset within the source that it came from.'*/, |
1440 |
"authors" text DEFAULT NULL /*COMMENT 'the people who created the information in the data record. this is *different* from dataset.data_owners, and refers *only* to original data creators such as collectors and identifiers. note that in vegetation data, these record-specific authors generally do not receive attribution. note that this makes traceable mutually recursive with party_list. ='*/,
1440 |
"authors" text DEFAULT NULL /*COMMENT 'the people who created the information in the data record. this is *different* from dataset.data_owners, and refers *only* to original data creators such as collectors and identifiers. note that in vegetation data, these record-specific authors generally do not receive attribution. this makes traceable mutually recursive with party_list. ='*/, |
1441 | 1441 |
PRIMARY KEY ("id"), |
1442 | 1442 |
/*CONSTRAINT "traceable_unique" */UNIQUE ("source","id_within_source"), |
1443 | 1443 |
/*CONSTRAINT "traceable__id_by_source" */UNIQUE ("id_by_source"), |
Also available in: Unified diff
schemas/VegCore/ERD/VegCore.ERD.mwb: traceable.authors: documented that this makes traceable mutually recursive with party_list