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Revision 11372

web/links/index.htm: updated to Firefox bookmarks. PostgreSQL: ALTER TABLE: added documentation about disabling of foreign key triggers, which is only possible by the superuser. note that marking a foreign key constraint as NOT VALID does not disable the trigger, so NOT VALID cannot be used for this purpose. this would be used to add fkeys from core VegBIEN tables to validation results tables such as the geoscrubbing results, without needing to import the validation results directly into core VegBIEN (which is time-consuming and currently must be done before input data is loaded, requiring a datasource reload to add geoscrubbing results).

View differences:

491 491
                            <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1340057070" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.0: Calling Functions</A><a name="PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.0: Calling Functions" href="#PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.0: Calling Functions" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
492 492
                            <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367836103" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: ALTER TABLE</A><a name="PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: ALTER TABLE" href="#PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: ALTER TABLE" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
493 493
<DD>&quot;As an exception, if the USING clause does not change the column contents and the old type is either binary coercible to the new type or an unconstrained domain over the new type, a table rewrite is not needed, but any indexes on the affected columns must still be rebuilt&quot;

&quot;If the constraint is marked NOT VALID, the potentially-lengthy initial check to verify that all rows in the table satisfy the constraint is skipped. *The constraint will still be enforced against subsequent inserts or updates* (that is, they&#39;ll fail unless there is a matching row in the referenced table).&quot; [+emph]
it has been experimentally verified that the constraint *is* enforced against new rows, so this unfortunately *cannot* be used to temporarily disable an fkey


This form validates a foreign key constraint that was previously created as NOT VALID, by scanning the table to ensure there are no unmatched rows. Nothing happens if the constraint is already marked valid.&quot;

&quot;Disabling or enabling internally generated constraint triggers requires superuser privileges&quot;
if you try to disable a foreign key constraint&#39;s trigger, you will get an error, even if it is marked NOT VALID: 
&quot;ERROR: permission denied: &quot;RI_ConstraintTrigger_...&quot; is a system trigger
SQL state: 42501&quot;
494 506
                            <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1377904843" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: ANALYZE</A><a name="PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: ANALYZE" href="#PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: ANALYZE" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
495 507
<DD>&quot;the autovacuum daemon (see Section 23.1.5) takes care of automatic analyzing of tables when they are first loaded with data, and as they change throughout regular operation&quot;
496 508
                            <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1379915256" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: Basic Statements: 39.5.4. Executing Dynamic Commands</A><a name="PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: Basic Statements: 39.5.4. Executing Dynamic Commands" href="#PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: Basic Statements: 39.5.4. Executing Dynamic Commands" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
748 760
                        <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1366152256" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>sql - PostgreSQL HASH index - Stack Overflow</A><a name="sql - PostgreSQL HASH index - Stack Overflow" href="#sql - PostgreSQL HASH index - Stack Overflow" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
749 761
<DD>&quot;It should be noted that as of version 8.4 the issue with Hash indexes being less efficient and slower than b-tree indexes is resolved&quot;
750 762
                        <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1360679821" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>sql - What is the maximum number of columns in a PostgreSQL select query - Stack Overflow</A><a name="sql - What is the maximum number of columns in a PostgreSQL select query - Stack Overflow" href="#sql - What is the maximum number of columns in a PostgreSQL select query - Stack Overflow" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
                        <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1382047506" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>string - PostgreSQL: Difference between text and varchar (character varying) - Stack Overflow</A><a name="string - PostgreSQL: Difference between text and varchar (character varying) - Stack Overflow" href="#string - PostgreSQL: Difference between text and varchar (character varying) - Stack Overflow" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
751 764
                        <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1362550434" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>String Functions and Operators Compatibility - PostgreSQL wiki</A><a name="String Functions and Operators Compatibility - PostgreSQL wiki" href="#String Functions and Operators Compatibility - PostgreSQL wiki" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
752 765
                        <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1379908228" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Updateable Views in PostgreSQL 9.1 using INSTEAD OF Trigger | Database Technologies</A><a name="Updateable Views in PostgreSQL 9.1 using INSTEAD OF Trigger | Database Technologies" href="#Updateable Views in PostgreSQL 9.1 using INSTEAD OF Trigger | Database Technologies" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
753 766
<DD>page's description: About updateable views user ask many times. Is it supported in PostgreSQL? Can we write Complex updateable views? Answer for above is yes. Till 9.0, we have to use RULE for implementing updateable view. Again, RULE Implementation used to be a bit tidious, since user has to write multiple RULES to implement this feature. Following…
1007 1020
1008 1021
                <DT><a name="Mac" href="#Mac"><H3 ADD_DATE="1361008732">Mac</H3></a>
1009 1022
                    <DT><a name="10.8 Mountain Lion" href="#10.8 Mountain Lion"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368126870">10.8 Mountain Lion</H3></a>
                    <DT><a name="10.8 Mountain Lion upgrade" href="#10.8 Mountain Lion upgrade"><H3 ADD_DATE="1368126870">10.8 Mountain Lion upgrade</H3></a>
1011 1024
<DD>WARNING: DO NOT upgrade unless you are prepared to fix several programs broken by the upgrade: svn, Apache PHP, Apache ~/Sites dirs, PostgreSQL, Python psycopg2, Python OrderedDict, X11, Xcode
1012 1025
instructions are in the corresponding subdirs.
1013 1026
these programs will be COMPLETELY UNAVAILABLE until they are manually fixed!
1182 1195
                    <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367786323" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Disable the Dock’s ‘bounce to alert’ behavior | Macworld</A><a name="Disable the Dock’s ‘bounce to alert’ behavior | Macworld" href="#Disable the Dock’s ‘bounce to alert’ behavior | Macworld" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
1183 1196
<DD>page's description: Learn how to prevent icons from bouncing in the Dock to get your attention
1184 1197
                    <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1363328233" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>firewall blocks ssh since Sept 12 update: Apple Support Communities</A><a name="firewall blocks ssh since Sept 12 update: Apple Support Communities" href="#firewall blocks ssh since Sept 12 update: Apple Support Communities" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
                    <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1381985356" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Flush DNS cache changed in Lion - MacRumors Forums</A><a name="Flush DNS cache changed in Lion - MacRumors Forums" href="#Flush DNS cache changed in Lion - MacRumors Forums" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
<DD>page's description:  Flush DNS cache changed in Lion Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

&quot;What works under 10.7 is:
sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
1185 1204
                    <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367490962" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Force every folder to be arranged by kind and sorted by name? - MacRumors Forums</A><a name="Force every folder to be arranged by kind and sorted by name? - MacRumors Forums" href="#Force every folder to be arranged by kind and sorted by name? - MacRumors Forums" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
1186 1205
<DD>page's description:  Force every folder to be arranged by kind and sorted by name? Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
1187 1206
                    <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368582727" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>How do I remove the &quot;extended attributes&quot; on a file in mac osx - Stack Overflow</A><a name="How do I remove the &quot;extended attributes&quot; on a file in mac osx - Stack Overflow" href="#How do I remove the &quot;extended attributes&quot; on a file in mac osx - Stack Overflow" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
1194 1213
                    <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1340928610" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Install htop on Mac OS X - opinion, technology, culture, politics -</A><a name="Install htop on Mac OS X - opinion, technology, culture, politics -" href="#Install htop on Mac OS X - opinion, technology, culture, politics -" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
1195 1214
                    <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368643133" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Linux Time Capsule Server - Mac Guides</A><a name="Linux Time Capsule Server - Mac Guides" href="#Linux Time Capsule Server - Mac Guides" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
1196 1215
                    <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367385714" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Lock the keychain when the screensaver activates - Mac OS X Hints</A><a name="Lock the keychain when the screensaver activates - Mac OS X Hints" href="#Lock the keychain when the screensaver activates - Mac OS X Hints" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
                    <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1379484700" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>MacBook &quot;Core 2 Duo&quot; 2.0 13&quot; (White/06) Specs (Late 2006, MA700LL/A, MacBook2,1, A1181, 2121) @</A><a name="MacBook &quot;Core 2 Duo&quot; 2.0 13&quot; (White/06) Specs (Late 2006, MA700LL/A, MacBook2,1, A1181, 2121) @" href="#MacBook &quot;Core 2 Duo&quot; 2.0 13&quot; (White/06) Specs (Late 2006, MA700LL/A, MacBook2,1, A1181, 2121) @" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
<DD>page's description: Technical specifications for the MacBook &quot;Core 2 Duo&quot; 2.0 13&quot; (White/06). Dates sold, processor type, memory info, hard drive details, price and more.

&quot;a 1280 by 800 native resolution&quot; (example small-screen computer)
visible browser area for the small-screen computer: 1203x716px
1197 1221
                    <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1363155945" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>OS X: How to reset the DNS cache</A><a name="OS X: How to reset the DNS cache" href="#OS X: How to reset the DNS cache" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
1198 1222
<DD>page's description: <p>Learn how to reset (flush) the DNS cache. </p>
1199 1223
                    <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1361008714" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>osx - List all members of a group (Mac OS X) - Super User</A><a name="osx - List all members of a group (Mac OS X) - Super User" href="#osx - List all members of a group (Mac OS X) - Super User" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
1201 1225
                    <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1332983804" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Quick Look Helper process eating virtual memory on Mac - Operating Systems</A><a name="Quick Look Helper process eating virtual memory on Mac - Operating Systems" href="#Quick Look Helper process eating virtual memory on Mac - Operating Systems" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
1202 1226
<DD>page's description: Quick Look Helper process eating virtual memory on Mac, Operating Systems, Computer end-user technical support troubleshooting for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Operating system tips and tweaks as well..
1203 1227
                    <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1368582599" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>What is the Mac terminal command to remove ACL? - Super User</A><a name="What is the Mac terminal command to remove ACL? - Super User" href="#What is the Mac terminal command to remove ACL? - Super User" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
                    <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1379484700" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>MacBook &quot;Core 2 Duo&quot; 2.0 13&quot; (White/06) Specs (Late 2006, MA700LL/A, MacBook2,1, A1181, 2121) @</A><a name="MacBook &quot;Core 2 Duo&quot; 2.0 13&quot; (White/06) Specs (Late 2006, MA700LL/A, MacBook2,1, A1181, 2121) @" href="#MacBook &quot;Core 2 Duo&quot; 2.0 13&quot; (White/06) Specs (Late 2006, MA700LL/A, MacBook2,1, A1181, 2121) @" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
<DD>page's description: Technical specifications for the MacBook &quot;Core 2 Duo&quot; 2.0 13&quot; (White/06). Dates sold, processor type, memory info, hard drive details, price and more.

&quot;a 1280 by 800 native resolution&quot; (example small-screen computer)
visible browser area for the small-screen computer: 1203x716px
1209 1228
1210 1229
                <DT><a name="\0" href="#\0"><H3 ADD_DATE="1370140145">\0</H3></a>
1211 1230
1743 1762
                    <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1363161370" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="blank.gif" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>PURL Home Page</A><a name="PURL Home Page" href="#PURL Home Page" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
1744 1763
                    <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1362840677" ICON_URI=""><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>bitly</A><a name="bitly" href="#bitly" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
1745 1764
                    <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1333064653" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>URL Decoder/Encoder</A><a name="URL Decoder/Encoder" href="#URL Decoder/Encoder" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
                    <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1382044946" LAST_CHARSET="windows-1252"><img width="16" height="16" src="blank.gif" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Not your typical links- URL Encoding at Dreamweaver</A><a name="Not your typical links- URL Encoding at Dreamweaver" href="#Not your typical links- URL Encoding at Dreamweaver" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
<DD>page's description: Some characters are not safe to use in a URL without first being encoded. The most common URL escape code is %20, which represents a space. Listed here are some of the most common encoding characters with examples of their use.
1746 1767
1747 1768
                <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1367370763" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Data URI scheme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</A><a name="Data URI scheme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" href="#Data URI scheme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
1748 1769
1777 1798
<DD>page's description: Free HTML XHTML CSS JavaScript jQuery XML DOM XSL XSLT RSS AJAX ASP .NET PHP SQL tutorials, references, examples for web building.
1778 1799
1779 1800
        <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1318464507" ICON_URI="" SHORTCUTURL="g"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Google</A><a name="Google" href="#Google" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
        <DT><A HREF="" name="" ADD_DATE="1318014776" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16" src="" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Google Calendar</A><a name="Google Calendar" href="#Google Calendar" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
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1781 1802
        <DT><A HREF="javascript:(function(){var%20ca,cea,cs,df,dfe,i,j,x,y;function%20n(i,what){return%20i+%22%20%22+what+((i==1)?%22%22:%22s%22)}ca=cea=cs=0;df=document.forms;for(i=0;i<df.length;++i){x=df[i];dfe=x.elements;if(x.onsubmit){x.onsubmit=%22%22;++cs;}if(x.attributes[%22autocomplete%22]){x.attributes[%22autocomplete%22].value=%22on%22;++ca;}for(j=0;j<dfe.length;++j){y=dfe[j];if(y.attributes[%22autocomplete%22]){y.attributes[%22autocomplete%22].value=%22on%22;++cea;}}}alert(%22Removed%20autocomplete=off%20from%20%22+n(ca,%22form%22)+%22%20and%20from%20%22+n(cea,%22form%20element%22)+%22,%20and%20removed%20onsubmit%20from%20%22+n(cs,%22form%22)+%22.%20After%20you%20type%20your%20password%20and%20submit%20the%20form,%20the%20browser%20will%20offer%20to%20remember%20your%20password.%22)})();" name="javascript:(function(){var%20ca,cea,cs,df,dfe,i,j,x,y;function%20n(i,what){return%20i+%22%20%22+what+((i==1)?%22%22:%22s%22)}ca=cea=cs=0;df=document.forms;for(i=0;i<df.length;++i){x=df[i];dfe=x.elements;if(x.onsubmit){x.onsubmit=%22%22;++cs;}if(x.attributes[%22autocomplete%22]){x.attributes[%22autocomplete%22].value=%22on%22;++ca;}for(j=0;j<dfe.length;++j){y=dfe[j];if(y.attributes[%22autocomplete%22]){y.attributes[%22autocomplete%22].value=%22on%22;++cea;}}}alert(%22Removed%20autocomplete=off%20from%20%22+n(ca,%22form%22)+%22%20and%20from%20%22+n(cea,%22form%20element%22)+%22,%20and%20removed%20onsubmit%20from%20%22+n(cs,%22form%22)+%22.%20After%20you%20type%20your%20password%20and%20submit%20the%20form,%20the%20browser%20will%20offer%20to%20remember%20your%20password.%22)})();" ADD_DATE="1318292619" SHORTCUTURL="r"><img width="16" height="16" src="blank.gif" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>remember password</A><a name="remember password" href="#remember password" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
1782 1803
        <HR>        <DT><A HREF="place:sort=14&type=6&maxResults=10&queryType=1" name="place:sort=14&type=6&maxResults=10&queryType=1"><img width="16" height="16" src="blank.gif" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Recent Tags</A><a name="Recent Tags" href="#Recent Tags" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">&para;</a>
1783 1804
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