Revision 11838
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza about 11 years ago
schemas/ | ||
3968 | 3968 |
-- Data for Name: family_higher_plant_group; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - |
3969 | 3969 |
-- |
3970 | 3970 |
3971 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Anthocerotaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3972 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dendrocerotaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3973 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Notothyladaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3974 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phymatocerotaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3975 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Leiosporocerotaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3976 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Polytrichaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3977 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Funariaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3978 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dicranaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3979 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ditrichaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3980 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Mniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3981 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Andreaeaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3982 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sematophyllaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3983 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sphagnaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3984 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hylocomiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3985 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bryaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3986 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tetraphidaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3987 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Brachytheciaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3988 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pottiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3989 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bartramiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3990 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Fissidentaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3991 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hedwigiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3992 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Orthotrichaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3993 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Amblystegiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3994 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Plagiotheciaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3995 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hypnaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3996 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Thuidiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3997 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Erpodiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3998 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Encalyptaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
3999 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ptychomitriaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4000 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhabdoweisiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4001 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Splachnaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4002 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhachitheciaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4003 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Calymperaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4004 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Buxbaumiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4005 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hookeriaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4006 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Timmiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4007 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Leucodontaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4008 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Grimmiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4009 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aulacomniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4010 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hypnodendraceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4011 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhizogoniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4012 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Leptostomataceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4013 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Meesiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4014 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Seligeriaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4015 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Fontinalaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4016 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Neckeraceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4017 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pterobryaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4018 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hypopterygiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4019 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Climaciaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4020 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Schistostegaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4021 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Takakiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4022 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Leucobryaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4023 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trachylomataceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4024 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Prionodontaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4025 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Anomodontaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4026 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cryphaeaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4027 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Leptodontaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4028 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Leskeaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4029 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lembophyllaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4030 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Entodontaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4031 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Echinodiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4032 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stereophyllaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4033 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Daltoniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4034 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Fabroniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4035 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lepyrodontaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4036 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Meteoriaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4037 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Myuriaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4038 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phyllodrepaniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4039 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phyllogoniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4040 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ptychomniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4041 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rutenbergiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4042 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Theliaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4043 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bryoxiphiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4044 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Archidiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4045 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Andreaeobryaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4046 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Racopilaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4047 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Drummondiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4048 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Diphysciaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4049 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Scouleriaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4050 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Orthodontiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4051 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhacocarpaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4052 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Leucomiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4053 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pilotrichaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4054 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhytidiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4055 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pleuroziopsidaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4056 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Myriniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4057 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pterigynandraceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4058 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Helodiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4059 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Oedipodiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4060 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gigaspermaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4061 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Disceliaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4062 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Helicophyllaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4063 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Catagoniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4064 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Catoscopiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4065 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Mitteniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4066 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pterobryellaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4067 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bruchiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4068 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rigodiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4069 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Calliergonaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4070 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bryobartramiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4071 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ambuchananiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4072 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Symphyodontaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4073 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Eustichiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4074 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Orthorrhynchiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4075 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Regmatodontaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4076 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Serpotortellaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4077 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pleurophascaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4078 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Saulomataceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4079 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Schimperobryaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4080 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pylaisiadelphaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4081 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Braithwaiteaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4082 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Flatbergiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4083 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hypodontiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4084 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pulchrinodaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4085 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Miyabeaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4086 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Micromitriaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4087 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Jungermanniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4088 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lepidoziaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4089 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Marchantiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4090 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aytoniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4091 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Metzgeriaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4092 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Haplomitriaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4093 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sphaerocarpaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4094 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aneuraceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4095 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pelliaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4096 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Conocephalaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4097 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ricciaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4098 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Scapaniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4099 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Calypogeiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4100 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Plagiochilaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4101 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trichocoleaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4102 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lunulariaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4103 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Monocleaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4104 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Fossombroniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4105 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Herbertaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4106 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Jubulaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4107 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Porellaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4108 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Targioniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4109 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lejeuneaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4110 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ptilidiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4111 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pseudolepicoleaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4112 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cephaloziaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4113 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Geocalycaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4114 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pallaviciniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4115 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Oxymitraceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4116 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Makinoaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4117 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Corsiniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4118 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Riellaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4119 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Treubiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4120 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hymenophytaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4121 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Schistochilaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4122 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Acrobolbaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4123 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cleveaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4124 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Blasiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4125 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Adelanthaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4126 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lepidolaenaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4127 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Radulaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4128 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lepicoleaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4129 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cyathodiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4130 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Exormothecaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4131 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Monosoleniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4132 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Wiesnerellaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4133 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gymnomitriaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4134 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Mastigophoraceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4135 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Vetaformataceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4136 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Balantiopsidaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4137 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Goebeliellaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4138 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Neotrichocoleaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4139 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pleuroziaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4140 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trichotemnomataceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4141 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Delavayellaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4142 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Allisoniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4143 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phyllothalliaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4144 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Antheliaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4145 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cephaloziellaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4146 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gyrothyraceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4147 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Brevianthaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4148 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Jackiellaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4149 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Arnelliaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4150 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Calyculariaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4151 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Frullaniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4152 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Jamesoniellaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4153 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Mizutaniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4154 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Petalophyllaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4155 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Neohodgsoniaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4156 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dumortieraceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4157 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Moerckiaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4158 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Herzogianthaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4159 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Perssoniellaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4160 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lophocoleaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4161 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Myliaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4162 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Blepharidophyllaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4163 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Solenostomataceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4164 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Endogemmataceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4165 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Anastrophyllaceae', 'bryophytes'); |
4166 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Selaginellaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4167 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lycopodiaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4168 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Isoetaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4169 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Psilotaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4170 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Equisetaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4171 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Marattiaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4172 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dicksoniaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4173 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gleicheniaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4174 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Polypodiaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4175 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Osmundaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4176 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Marsileaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4177 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pteridaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4178 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Schizaeaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4179 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ophioglossaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4180 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Blechnaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4181 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dryopteridaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4182 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Thelypteridaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4183 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hymenophyllaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4184 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Vittariaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4185 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Oleandraceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4186 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cheiropleuriaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4187 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cyatheaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4188 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Davalliaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4189 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dennstaedtiaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4190 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dipteridaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4191 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Grammitidaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4192 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lindsaeaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4193 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lomariopsidaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4194 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Matoniaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4195 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Metaxyaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4196 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Plagiogyriaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4197 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Salviniaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4198 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Azollaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4199 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Loxsomataceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4200 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aspleniaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4201 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lophosoriaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4202 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hymenophyllopsidaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4203 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Woodsiaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4204 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lygodiaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4205 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Anemiaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4206 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Thyrsopteridaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4207 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cibotiaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4208 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Culcitaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4209 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Saccolomataceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4210 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Onocleaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4211 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tectariaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4212 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cystopteridaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4213 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hemidictyaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4214 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Diplaziopsidaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4215 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhachidosoraceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4216 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Athyriaceae', 'ferns and allies'); |
4217 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Magnoliaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4218 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Winteraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4219 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Canellaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4220 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Calycanthaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4221 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lauraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4222 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ranunculaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4223 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Menispermaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4224 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Coriariaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4225 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Papaveraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4226 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ulmaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4227 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cannabaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4228 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Moraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4229 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Urticaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4230 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Fagaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4231 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Betulaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4232 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Casuarinaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4233 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phytolaccaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4234 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Nyctaginaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4235 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aizoaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4236 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Amaranthaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4237 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Caryophyllaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4238 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Portulacaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4239 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Didiereaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4240 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Basellaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4241 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Molluginaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4242 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cactaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4243 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Vitaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4244 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhamnaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4245 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Polygonaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4246 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Actinidiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4247 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Malvaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4248 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Caricaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4249 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cucurbitaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4250 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Begoniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4251 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Passifloraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4252 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Salicaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4253 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Brassicaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4254 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Moringaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4255 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sapotaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4256 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rosaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4257 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cephalotaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4258 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cunoniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4259 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Crassulaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4260 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Saxifragaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4261 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Fabaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4262 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lythraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4263 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Myrtaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4264 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Onagraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4265 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Combretaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4266 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Santalaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4267 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Loranthaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4268 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Olacaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4269 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Euphorbiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4270 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Simmondsiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4271 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Buxaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4272 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Linaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4273 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Humiriaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4274 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Anacardiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4275 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Burseraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4276 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tropaeolaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4277 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Geraniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4278 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Oxalidaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4279 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Apiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4280 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Araliaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4281 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Apocynaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4282 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Solanaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4283 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Convolvulaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4284 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hydrophyllaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4285 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lamiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4286 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Oleaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4287 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Scrophulariaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4288 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pedaliaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4289 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Acanthaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4290 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lentibulariaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4291 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Caprifoliaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4292 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Adoxaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4293 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Asteraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4294 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Malpighiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4295 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Polygalaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4296 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Garryaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4297 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Nyssaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4298 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aquifoliaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4299 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Celastraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4300 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Corynocarpaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4301 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dichapetalaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4302 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Icacinaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4303 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Salvadoraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4304 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Proteaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4305 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Primulaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4306 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cyrillaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4307 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ericaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4308 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sarraceniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4309 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Droseraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4310 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Nepenthaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4311 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Campanulaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4312 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Daphniphyllaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4313 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Eucommiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4314 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Platanaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4315 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trochodendraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4316 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Nymphaeaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4317 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cabombaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4318 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Nelumbonaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4319 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bataceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4320 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Plumbaginaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4321 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Alismataceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4322 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Araceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4323 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Poaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4324 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cyperaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4325 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bromeliaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4326 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Marantaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4327 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cannaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4328 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Costaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4329 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Musaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4330 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Zingiberaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4331 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Heliconiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4332 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lowiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4333 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Strelitziaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4334 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Amaryllidaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4335 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dioscoreaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4336 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hypoxidaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4337 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Liliaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4338 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Smilacaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4339 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Arecaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4340 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pandanaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4341 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Typhaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4342 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Joinvilleaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4343 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Commelinaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4344 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Orchidaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4345 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rapateaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4346 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Juncaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4347 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Restionaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4348 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Flagellariaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4349 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Agavaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4350 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Potamogetonaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4351 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pontederiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4352 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Velloziaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4353 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Goodeniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4354 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Clethraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4355 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Myrsinaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4356 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Theophrastaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4357 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Diapensiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4358 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cercidiphyllaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4359 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Eupteleaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4360 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Juglandaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4361 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aristolochiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4362 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Schisandraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4363 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chloranthaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4364 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Piperaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4365 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Saururaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4366 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Akaniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4367 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Valerianaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4368 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ebenaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4369 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Styracaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4370 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Symplocaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4371 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gentianaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4372 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Limnanthaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4373 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Boraginaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4374 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Verbenaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4375 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hernandiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4376 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Monimiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4377 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Amborellaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4378 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Erythroxylaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4379 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Annonaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4380 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Myristicaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4381 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Austrobaileyaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4382 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Degeneriaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4383 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Eupomatiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4384 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Himantandraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4385 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lactoridaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4386 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lardizabalaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4387 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sabiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4388 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chrysobalanaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4389 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Crossosomataceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4390 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Grossulariaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4391 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hydrangeaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4392 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pittosporaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4393 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rutaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4394 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sapindaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4395 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Simaroubaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4396 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bignoniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4397 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Menyanthaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4398 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Polemoniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4399 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Fouquieriaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4400 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Violaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4401 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dilleniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4402 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Paeoniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4403 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Haloragaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4404 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gunneraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4405 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rubiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4406 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Achatocarpaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4407 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Balanophoraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4408 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Balsaminaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4409 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bretschneideraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4410 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bruniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4411 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Connaraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4412 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cyclanthaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4413 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cymodoceaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4414 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Datiscaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4415 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Elaeagnaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4416 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Elaeocarpaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4417 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Eriocaulaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4418 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gesneriaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4419 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gyrostemonaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4420 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hydnoraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4421 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hydrocharitaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4422 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Iridaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4423 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Loganiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4424 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Myricaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4425 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Neuradaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4426 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Nothofagaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4427 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Opiliaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4428 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rafflesiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4429 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Resedaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4430 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Scheuchzeriaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4431 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Surianaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4432 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Theaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4433 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Vochysiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4434 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Xanthorrhoeaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4435 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Zosteraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4436 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ceratophyllaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4437 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Loasaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4438 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Geissolomataceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4439 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Escalloniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4440 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aextoxicaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4441 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Circaeasteraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4442 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Thymelaeaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4443 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Melastomataceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4444 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Heteropyxidaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4445 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Memecylaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4446 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Oliniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4447 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Penaeaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4448 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhizophoraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4449 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sarcolaenaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4450 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Alzateaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4451 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Asparagaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4452 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dipsacaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4453 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dipterocarpaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4454 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Colchicaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4455 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tetrachondraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4456 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phrymaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4457 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Berberidaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4458 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Calyceraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4459 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pentaphragmataceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4460 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stylidiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4461 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sphenocleaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4462 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stilbaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4463 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Martyniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4464 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hamamelidaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4465 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cornaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4466 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Curtisiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4467 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Griseliniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4468 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Helwingiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4469 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Acoraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4470 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Kirkiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4471 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Meliaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4472 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Zygophyllaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4473 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Philydraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4474 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hyacinthaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4475 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tecophilaeaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4476 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Turneraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4477 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Barbeyaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4478 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Burmanniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4479 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stemonaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4480 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Alseuosmiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4481 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Butomaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4482 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ruscaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4483 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Melanthiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4484 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cynomoriaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4485 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Luzuriagaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4486 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Asphodelaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4487 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hemerocallidaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4488 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Blandfordiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4489 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Doryanthaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4490 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ixioliriaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4491 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Asteliaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4492 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Podostemaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4493 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Haemodoraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4494 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Grubbiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4495 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Marcgraviaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4496 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Limnocharitaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4497 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aponogetonaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4498 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Juncaginaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4499 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Posidoniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4500 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ruppiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4501 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Clusiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4502 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ochnaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4503 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Alstroemeriaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4504 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Argophyllaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4505 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phellinaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4506 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Columelliaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4507 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phyllonomaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4508 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Quiinaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4509 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Medusagynaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4510 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Boryaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4511 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Philesiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4512 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Morinaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4513 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhoipteleaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4514 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ticodendraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4515 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Anisophylleaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4516 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ancistrocladaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4517 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dioncophyllaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4518 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Frankeniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4519 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhabdodendraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4520 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tamaricaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4521 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Physenaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4522 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gomortegaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4523 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bixaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4524 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cochlospermaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4525 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sphaerosepalaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4526 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Krameriaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4527 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cistaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4528 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Caryocaraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4529 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Malesherbiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4530 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Mayacaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4531 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Thurniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4532 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Xyridaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4533 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dasypogonaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4534 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trigoniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4535 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Balanopaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4536 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Myrothamnaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4537 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gelsemiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4538 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Picramniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4539 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Berberidopsidaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4540 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Melianthaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4541 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Oncothecaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4542 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tofieldiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4543 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stachyuraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4544 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Staphyleaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4545 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rousseaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4546 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ixerbaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4547 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Huaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4548 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Atherospermataceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4549 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trimeniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4550 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lanariaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4551 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Xeronemataceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4552 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhipogonaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4553 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cytinaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4554 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Mitrastemonaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4555 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Altingiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4556 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Iteaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4557 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Penthoraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4558 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pterostemonaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4559 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tetracarpaeaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4560 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Setchellanthaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4561 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tovariaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4562 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pentadiplandraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4563 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Koeberliniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4564 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Biebersteiniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4565 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Nitrariaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4566 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Muntingiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4567 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Vivianiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4568 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sarcobataceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4569 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Diervillaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4570 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Linnaeaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4571 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Plocospermataceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4572 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Vahliaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4573 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Orobanchaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4574 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Schlegeliaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4575 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ternstroemiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4576 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Roridulaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4577 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tetrameristaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4578 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Montiniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4579 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hanguanaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4580 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Centrolepidaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4581 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ecdeiocoleaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4582 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Anarthriaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4583 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Siparunaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4584 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Crypteroniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4585 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Achariaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4586 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aphloiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4587 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ixonanthaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4588 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lacistemataceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4589 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Asteropeiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4590 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dirachmaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4591 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Petrosaviaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4592 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Nartheciaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4593 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Emblingiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4594 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Carlemanniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4595 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Polyosmaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4596 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pandaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4597 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sphenostemonaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4598 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bonnetiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4599 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cardiopteridaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4600 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ctenolophonaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4601 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Elatinaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4602 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lepidobotryaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4603 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lophopyxidaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4604 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Paracryphiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4605 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pentaphylacaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4606 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Peridiscaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4607 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Strasburgeriaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4608 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Torricelliaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4609 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Corsiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4610 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Calceolariaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4611 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Paulowniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4612 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Plantaginaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4613 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Linderniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4614 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Themidaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4615 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stemonuraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4616 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pennantiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4617 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Quillajaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4618 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Euphroniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4619 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Laxmanniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4620 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hydatellaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4621 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tapisciaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4622 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dipentodontaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4623 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Brunelliaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4624 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tetramelaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4625 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Goupiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4626 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Triuridaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4627 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Barbeuiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4628 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Drosophyllaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4629 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gisekiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4630 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Halophytaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4631 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stegnospermataceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4632 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Misodendraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4633 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aphanopetalaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4634 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Parnassiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4635 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Putranjivaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4636 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phyllanthaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4637 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Picrodendraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4638 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Peganaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4639 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sladeniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4640 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Byblidaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4641 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hydrostachyaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4642 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Myodocarpaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4643 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Campynemataceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4644 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Petermanniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4645 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Capparaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4646 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cleomaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4647 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Apodanthaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4648 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Thomandersiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4649 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Schoepfiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4650 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Metteniusaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4651 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hydroleaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4652 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gerrardinaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4653 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Centroplacaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4654 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Erythropalaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4655 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lophiocarpaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4656 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Agdestidaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4657 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Petiveriaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4658 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Guamatelaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4659 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Limeaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4660 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hypericaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4661 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Irvingiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4662 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Peraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4663 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Calophyllaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4664 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Talinaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4665 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Anacampserotaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4666 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Montiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4667 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Xanthoceraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4668 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aceraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4669 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hippocastanaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4670 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Strombosiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4671 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ximeniaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4672 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Coulaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4673 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aptandraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4674 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Octoknemaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4675 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Comandraceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4676 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Thesiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4677 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cervantesiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4678 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Nanodeaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4679 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Amphorogynaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4680 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Viscaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4681 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Borthwickiaceae', 'flowering plants'); |
4682 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pinaceae', 'gymnosperms (conifers)'); |
4683 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Podocarpaceae', 'gymnosperms (conifers)'); |
4684 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cupressaceae', 'gymnosperms (conifers)'); |
4685 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Taxaceae', 'gymnosperms (conifers)'); |
4686 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Araucariaceae', 'gymnosperms (conifers)'); |
4687 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cephalotaxaceae', 'gymnosperms (conifers)'); |
4688 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sciadopityaceae', 'gymnosperms (conifers)'); |
4689 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Zamiaceae', 'gymnosperms (non-conifer)'); |
4690 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cycadaceae', 'gymnosperms (non-conifer)'); |
4691 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stangeriaceae', 'gymnosperms (non-conifer)'); |
4692 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ginkgoaceae', 'gymnosperms (non-conifer)'); |
4693 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Welwitschiaceae', 'gymnosperms (non-conifer)'); |
4694 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gnetaceae', 'gymnosperms (non-conifer)'); |
4695 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ephedraceae', 'gymnosperms (non-conifer)'); |
4696 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Porphyridiaceae', NULL); |
4697 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhodomelaceae', NULL); |
4698 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gelidiaceae', NULL); |
4699 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Endocladiaceae', NULL); |
4700 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Palmariaceae', NULL); |
4701 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dictyotaceae', NULL); |
4702 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ectocarpaceae', NULL); |
4703 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Alariaceae', NULL); |
4704 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Scytosiphonaceae', NULL); |
4705 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cryptomonadaceae', NULL); |
4706 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Prorocentraceae', NULL); |
4707 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Vaucheriaceae', NULL); |
4708 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tribonemataceae', NULL); |
4709 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Fucaceae', NULL); |
4710 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sargassaceae', NULL); |
4711 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chordaceae', NULL); |
4712 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dunaliellaceae', NULL); |
4713 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chlamydomonadaceae', NULL); |
4714 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Spondylomoraceae', NULL); |
4715 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Volvocaceae', NULL); |
4716 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Oocystaceae', NULL); |
4717 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Scenedesmaceae', NULL); |
4718 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chlorococcaceae', NULL); |
4719 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hydrodictyaceae', NULL); |
4720 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ulvaceae', NULL); |
4721 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Coleochaetaceae', NULL); |
4722 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bryopsidaceae', NULL); |
4723 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Codiaceae', NULL); |
4724 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dasycladaceae', NULL); |
4725 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chlorokybaceae', NULL); |
4726 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Characeae', NULL); |
4727 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Klebsormidiaceae', NULL); |
4728 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Zygnemataceae', NULL); |
4729 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Saprolegniaceae', NULL); |
4730 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Peronosporaceae', NULL); |
4731 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pythiaceae', NULL); |
4732 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lagenidiaceae', NULL); |
4733 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trypanosomatidae', NULL); |
4734 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bodonidae', NULL); |
4735 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hexamitidae', NULL); |
4736 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Vahlkampfiidae', NULL); |
4737 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hartmannellidae', NULL); |
4738 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Eimeriidae', NULL); |
4739 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sarcocystidae', NULL); |
4740 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Halteriidae', NULL); |
4741 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Colpodidae', NULL); |
4742 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Isotrichidae', NULL); |
4743 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Colepidae', NULL); |
4744 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gloeodiniaceae', NULL); |
4745 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sphacelariaceae', NULL); |
4746 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Syringodermataceae', NULL); |
4747 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Theileriidae', NULL); |
4748 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Perkinsidae', NULL); |
4749 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Acanthoecidae', NULL); |
4750 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Furcellariaceae', NULL); |
4751 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phyllophoraceae', NULL); |
4752 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Elphidiidae', NULL); |
4753 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Thalassiosiraceae', NULL); |
4754 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gigartinaceae', NULL); |
4755 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Haplosporidiidae', NULL); |
4756 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Desmidiaceae', NULL); |
4757 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Mesotaeniaceae', NULL); |
4758 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Goniomonadaceae', NULL); |
4759 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Heterochordariaceae', NULL); |
4760 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ralfsiaceae', NULL); |
4761 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Desmarestiaceae', NULL); |
4762 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bangiaceae', NULL); |
4763 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Compsopogonaceae', NULL); |
4764 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Acrochaetiaceae', NULL); |
4765 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ahnfeltiaceae', NULL); |
4766 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bonnemaisoniaceae', NULL); |
4767 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Batrachospermaceae', NULL); |
4768 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lemaneaceae', NULL); |
4769 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ceramiaceae', NULL); |
4770 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Delesseriaceae', NULL); |
4771 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Corallinaceae', NULL); |
4772 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cystocloniaceae', NULL); |
4773 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dumontiaceae', NULL); |
4774 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gloiosiphoniaceae', NULL); |
4775 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hypneaceae', NULL); |
4776 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Kallymeniaceae', NULL); |
4777 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Solieriaceae', NULL); |
4778 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Plocamiaceae', NULL); |
4779 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Halymeniaceae', NULL); |
4780 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Polyideaceae', NULL); |
4781 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhizophyllidaceae', NULL); |
4782 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sphaerococcaceae', NULL); |
4783 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gracilariaceae', NULL); |
4784 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hildenbrandiaceae', NULL); |
4785 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Liagoraceae', NULL); |
4786 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhodogorgonaceae', NULL); |
4787 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Champiaceae', NULL); |
4788 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lomentariaceae', NULL); |
4789 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhodymeniaceae', NULL); |
4790 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Babesiidae', NULL); |
4791 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chaetophoraceae', NULL); |
4792 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Derbesiaceae', NULL); |
4793 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Laminariaceae', NULL); |
4794 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Erythropeltidaceae', NULL); |
4795 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Thraustochytriidae', NULL); |
4796 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cyanophoraceae', NULL); |
4797 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gonyaulacaceae', NULL); |
4798 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Eupodiscaceae', NULL); |
4799 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stephanopyxidaceae', NULL); |
4800 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhizosoleniaceae', NULL); |
4801 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Skeletonemataceae', NULL); |
4802 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bacillariaceae', NULL); |
4803 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Fragilariaceae', NULL); |
4804 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cryptosporidiidae', NULL); |
4805 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gregarinidae', NULL); |
4806 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cohnilembidae', NULL); |
4807 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cyclidiidae', NULL); |
4808 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pseudocohnilembidae', NULL); |
4809 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Uronematidae', NULL); |
4810 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trimyemidae', NULL); |
4811 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Plagiopylidae', NULL); |
4812 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lessoniaceae', NULL); |
4813 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Melosiraceae', NULL); |
4814 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Labyrinthulidae', NULL); |
4815 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dasyaceae', NULL); |
4816 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Nizymeniaceae', NULL); |
4817 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phacelocarpaceae', NULL); |
4818 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gromiidae', NULL); |
4819 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Amoebidae', NULL); |
4820 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pedinomonadaceae', NULL); |
4821 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Mesostigmataceae', NULL); |
4822 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chlorodendraceae', NULL); |
4823 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Scourfieldiaceae', NULL); |
4824 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Caulerpaceae', NULL); |
4825 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dichotomosiphonaceae', NULL); |
4826 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ostreobiaceae', NULL); |
4827 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Udoteaceae', NULL); |
4828 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cladophoraceae', NULL); |
4829 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Siphonocladaceae', NULL); |
4830 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Valoniaceae', NULL); |
4831 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trentepohliaceae', NULL); |
4832 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ulvellaceae', NULL); |
4833 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aphanochaetaceae', NULL); |
4834 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Schizomeridaceae', NULL); |
4835 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chlorellaceae', NULL); |
4836 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Selenastraceae', NULL); |
4837 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Coccomyxaceae', NULL); |
4838 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Eremosphaeraceae', NULL); |
4839 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hypnomonadaceae', NULL); |
4840 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Palmellaceae', NULL); |
4841 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tetrasporaceae', NULL); |
4842 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Haematococcaceae', NULL); |
4843 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Elakatotrichaceae', NULL); |
4844 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Paraphysomonadaceae', NULL); |
4845 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Spirostomidae', NULL); |
4846 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Plasmodiophoridae', NULL); |
4847 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ctenocladaceae', NULL); |
4848 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trachelocercidae', NULL); |
4849 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Metopidae', NULL); |
4850 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Glaucocystaceae', NULL); |
4851 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gloeochaetaceae', NULL); |
4852 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Caulacanthaceae', NULL); |
4853 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tichocarpaceae', NULL); |
4854 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sarcodiaceae', NULL); |
4855 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Coscinodiscaceae', NULL); |
4856 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phaeodactylaceae', NULL); |
4857 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhaphoneidaceae', NULL); |
4858 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Thalassionemataceae', NULL); |
4859 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Botryococcaceae', NULL); |
4860 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ceratiaceae', NULL); |
4861 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Crypthecodiniaceae', NULL); |
4862 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhodophysemataceae', NULL); |
4863 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhodothamniellaceae', NULL); |
4864 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Euglyphidae', NULL); |
4865 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Paulinellidae', NULL); |
4866 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Prorodontidae', NULL); |
4867 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Mamiellaceae', NULL); |
4868 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pycnococcaceae', NULL); |
4869 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Schizymeniaceae', NULL); |
4870 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Proteromonadidae', NULL); |
4871 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Thaumatomastigidae', NULL); |
4872 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Heteromitidae', NULL); |
4873 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cercomonadidae', NULL); |
4874 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Oikomonadaceae', NULL); |
4875 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Globigerinidae', NULL); |
4876 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bolivinidae', NULL); |
4877 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Saccamminidae', NULL); |
4878 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Astrorhizidae', NULL); |
4879 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Soritidae', NULL); |
4880 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Peneroplidae', NULL); |
4881 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Asteromonadaceae', NULL); |
4882 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tetrabaenaceae', NULL); |
4883 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ophryoscolecidae', NULL); |
4884 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dinophysiaceae', NULL); |
4885 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Astrephomenaceae', NULL); |
4886 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sporolithaceae', NULL); |
4887 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hemidiscaceae', NULL); |
4888 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aulacoseiraceae', NULL); |
4889 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chaetocerotaceae', NULL); |
4890 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Corethraceae', NULL); |
4891 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cymatosiraceae', NULL); |
4892 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lithodesmiaceae', NULL); |
4893 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hemiaulaceae', NULL); |
4894 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lauderiaceae', NULL); |
4895 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sebdeniaceae', NULL); |
4896 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Mychodeaceae', NULL); |
4897 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Globorotaliidae', NULL); |
4898 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chaetopeltidaceae', NULL); |
4899 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phacotaceae', NULL); |
4900 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gonatozygaceae', NULL); |
4901 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sphaeropleaceae', NULL); |
4902 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Treubariaceae', NULL); |
4903 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bursariidae', NULL); |
4904 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Urostylidae', NULL); |
4905 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Oxytrichidae', NULL); |
4906 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ostreopsidaceae', NULL); |
4907 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Catenulaceae', NULL); |
4908 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Caenomorphidae', NULL); |
4909 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Strombidiidae', NULL); |
4910 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Arthrocladiaceae', NULL); |
4911 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gruberellidae', NULL); |
4912 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chrysolepidomonadaceae', NULL); |
4913 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Albuginaceae', NULL); |
4914 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pseudolithiidae', NULL); |
4915 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Thalassicollidae', NULL); |
4916 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sphaerozoidae', NULL); |
4917 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Collosphaeridae', NULL); |
4918 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chordariaceae', NULL); |
4919 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Leptomyxidae', NULL); |
4920 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ceratocoryaceae', NULL); |
4921 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gymnodiniaceae', NULL); |
4922 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Heterocapsaceae', NULL); |
4923 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Peridiniaceae', NULL); |
4924 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Noctilucaceae', NULL); |
4925 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Naviculaceae', NULL); |
4926 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trichonymphidae', NULL); |
4927 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Psilosiphonaceae', NULL); |
4928 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Thoreaceae', NULL); |
4929 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hantkeninidae', NULL); |
4930 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rotaliidae', NULL); |
4931 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Discorbidae', NULL); |
4932 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Glabratellidae', NULL); |
4933 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Balantidiidae', NULL); |
4934 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tracheliidae', NULL); |
4935 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cycloposthiidae', NULL); |
4936 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Macropodiniidae', NULL); |
4937 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pyrophacaceae', NULL); |
4938 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Galaxauraceae', NULL); |
4939 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cladostephaceae', NULL); |
4940 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cutleriaceae', NULL); |
4941 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Himanthaliaceae', NULL); |
4942 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phaeothamniaceae', NULL); |
4943 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Siluaniidae', NULL); |
4944 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Oodiniaceae', NULL); |
4945 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Codonosigidae', NULL); |
4946 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Salpingoecidae', NULL); |
4947 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Faucheaceae', NULL); |
4948 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pleurochloridellaceae', NULL); |
4949 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lankesterellidae', NULL); |
4950 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Acanthometridae', NULL); |
4951 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Kentrophoridae', NULL); |
4952 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ancyromonadidae', NULL); |
4953 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Opisthonectidae', NULL); |
4954 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Vorticellidae', NULL); |
4955 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tilopteridaceae', NULL); |
4956 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hormosiraceae', NULL); |
4957 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ochromonadaceae', NULL); |
4958 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Amoebophryaceae', NULL); |
4959 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Syndiniaceae', NULL); |
4960 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Duboscquellidae', NULL); |
4961 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bryophryidae', NULL); |
4962 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Woodruffiidae', NULL); |
4963 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Grossglockneriidae', NULL); |
4964 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cyrtolophosididae', NULL); |
4965 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bryometopidae', NULL); |
4966 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Suessiaceae', NULL); |
4967 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Durvillaeaceae', NULL); |
4968 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Seirococcaceae', NULL); |
4969 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Nyctotheridae', NULL); |
4970 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Opalinidae', NULL); |
4971 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Vannellidae', NULL); |
4972 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Notheiaceae', NULL); |
4973 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gomphonemataceae', NULL); |
4974 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pyrsonymphidae', NULL); |
4975 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Oxymonadidae', NULL); |
4976 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chrysoamoebidaceae', NULL); |
4977 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hibberdiaceae', NULL); |
4978 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chrysocapsaceae', NULL); |
4979 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chromulinaceae', NULL); |
4980 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chrysosphaeraceae', NULL); |
4981 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chrysosaccaceae', NULL); |
4982 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hydruraceae', NULL); |
4983 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phaeoplacaceae', NULL); |
4984 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cladotrichidae', NULL); |
4985 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Amphisiellidae', NULL); |
4986 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Euplotidae', NULL); |
4987 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gastrocirrhidae', NULL); |
4988 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Uronychiidae', NULL); |
4989 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhipidiaceae', NULL); |
4990 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Holomastigotoididae', NULL); |
4991 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pseudochordaceae', NULL); |
4992 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sporochnaceae', NULL); |
4993 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Orchitophryidae', NULL); |
4994 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Monocystidae', NULL); |
4995 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ophryocystidae', NULL); |
4996 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhodochaetaceae', NULL); |
4997 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhizidiomycetaceae', NULL); |
4998 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hyphochytriaceae', NULL); |
4999 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stypocaulaceae', NULL); |
5000 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Choristocarpaceae', NULL); |
5001 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Verrucalvaceae', NULL); |
5002 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Balliaceae', NULL); |
5003 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Micractiniaceae', NULL); |
5004 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Miliolidae', NULL); |
5005 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Alveolinidae', NULL); |
5006 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phyllariaceae', NULL); |
5007 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Peniaceae', NULL); |
5008 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Closteriaceae', NULL); |
5009 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Neochloridaceae', NULL); |
5010 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phaeosaccionaceae', NULL); |
5011 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Prasiolaceae', NULL); |
5012 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Haliphthoraceae', NULL); |
5013 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Monocercomonadidae', NULL); |
5014 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Malawimonadidae', NULL); |
5015 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Echinamoebidae', NULL); |
5016 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Flabellulidae', NULL); |
5017 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stemonitidae', NULL); |
5018 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Clastodermataceae', NULL); |
5019 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aspidiscidae', NULL); |
5020 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phragmonemataceae', NULL); |
5021 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Strombidinopsidae', NULL); |
5022 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Monomasticaceae', NULL); |
5023 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Adenocystaceae', NULL); |
5024 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Acrosymphytaceae', NULL); |
5025 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gainiaceae', NULL); |
5026 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Acinetosporaceae', NULL); |
5027 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Jakobidae', NULL); |
5028 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Certesiidae', NULL); |
5029 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Monostromataceae', NULL); |
5030 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Nucleariidae', NULL); |
5031 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Epistylidae', NULL); |
5032 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lecudinidae', NULL); |
5033 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Eurychasmataceae', NULL); |
5034 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Allogromiidae', NULL); |
5035 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Saccaminidae', NULL); |
5036 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chaetosphaeridiaceae', NULL); |
5037 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Glenodiniineae', NULL); |
5038 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Microsporaceae', NULL); |
5039 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Amylovoracidae', NULL); |
5040 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Polycostidae', NULL); |
5041 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Leptocylindraceae', NULL); |
5042 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ephelotidae', NULL); |
5043 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Discophryidae', NULL); |
5044 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Heliophryidae', NULL); |
5045 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trochamminidae', NULL); |
5046 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lituolidae', NULL); |
5047 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Acrotrichaceae', NULL); |
5048 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Characiosiphonaceae', NULL); |
5049 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pelomyxidae', NULL); |
5050 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tokophryidae', NULL); |
5051 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Operculariidae', NULL); |
5052 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ophrydiidae', NULL); |
5053 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Vaginicolidae', NULL); |
5054 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Zoothamniidae', NULL); |
5055 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Astylozoidae', NULL); |
5056 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Apusomonadidae', NULL); |
5057 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Balbianiaceae', NULL); |
5058 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Naccariaceae', NULL); |
5059 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Peyssonneliaceae', NULL); |
5060 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Nemastomataceae', NULL); |
5061 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Calosiphoniaceae', NULL); |
5062 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Oxyrrhinaceae', NULL); |
5063 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Mastigamoebidae', NULL); |
5064 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Colpodellidae', NULL); |
5065 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trinematidae', NULL); |
5066 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cyphoderiidae', NULL); |
5067 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pseudodifflugiidae', NULL); |
5068 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Vexilliferidae', NULL); |
5069 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Codonellidae', NULL); |
5070 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trichomonadidae', NULL); |
5071 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Strobilidiidae', NULL); |
5072 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Metacylididae', NULL); |
5073 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tintinnidae', NULL); |
5074 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trachelostylidae', NULL); |
5075 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Entomoneidaceae', NULL); |
5076 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sphenomonadidae', NULL); |
5077 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Reticulomyxidae', NULL); |
5078 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Kornmanniaceae', NULL); |
5079 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Collodictyonidae', NULL); |
5080 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Nonionidae', NULL); |
5081 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Retortamonadidae', NULL); |
5082 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Raphidiophryidae', NULL); |
5083 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Heterophryidae', NULL); |
5084 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Acanthocystidae', NULL); |
5085 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Characiochloridaceae', NULL); |
5086 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Heteropediaceae', NULL); |
5087 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pleurochloridaceae', NULL); |
5088 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Centritractaceae', NULL); |
5089 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ophiocytiaceae', NULL); |
5090 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Mischococcaceae', NULL); |
5091 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Botryidiopsidaceae', NULL); |
5092 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Leidyanidae', NULL); |
5093 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Eunotiaceae', NULL); |
5094 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Nummulitidae', NULL); |
5095 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pleurosigmataceae', NULL); |
5096 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Philasteridae', NULL); |
5097 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trichodinidae', NULL); |
5098 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Amphileptidae', NULL); |
5099 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Didiniidae', NULL); |
5100 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Enchelyidae', NULL); |
5101 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trachelophyllidae', NULL); |
5102 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Litonotidae', NULL); |
5103 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pleuronematidae', NULL); |
5104 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tsengiaceae', NULL); |
5105 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Paramoebidae', NULL); |
5106 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Adeleidae', NULL); |
5107 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hepatozoidae', NULL); |
5108 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Calcarinidae', NULL); |
5109 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Planorbulinidae', NULL); |
5110 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cassidulinidae', NULL); |
5111 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Planulinidae', NULL); |
5112 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sproplectamminidae', NULL); |
5113 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Textulariidae', NULL); |
5114 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Eggerellidae', NULL); |
5115 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pseudogaudryinidae', NULL); |
5116 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Golenkiniaceae', NULL); |
5117 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ulotrichaceae', NULL); |
5118 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trichiidae', NULL); |
5119 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bellerocheaceae', NULL); |
5120 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Biddulphiaceae', NULL); |
5121 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Striatellaceae', NULL); |
5122 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Triceratiaceae', NULL); |
5123 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Licmophoraceae', NULL); |
5124 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhabdonemataceae', NULL); |
5125 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Podolampaceae', NULL); |
5126 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Codonellopsidae', NULL); |
5127 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Xystonellidae', NULL); |
5128 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhabdonellidae', NULL); |
5129 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Enteridiidae', NULL); |
5130 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Licnophoridae', NULL); |
5131 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Schizocaryidae', NULL); |
5132 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bathysiphonidae', NULL); |
5133 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cibicididae', NULL); |
5134 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lagynidae', NULL); |
5135 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hormosinidae', NULL); |
5136 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Syringamminidae', NULL); |
5137 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Buliminidae', NULL); |
5138 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chilostomellidae', NULL); |
5139 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Uvigerinidae', NULL); |
5140 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cocconeidaceae', NULL); |
5141 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lyrellaceae', NULL); |
5142 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Achnanthaceae', NULL); |
5143 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Anomoeoneidaceae', NULL); |
5144 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pinnulariaceae', NULL); |
5145 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sellaphoraceae', NULL); |
5146 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cymbellaceae', NULL); |
5147 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Heliopeltaceae', NULL); |
5148 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cyclophoraceae', NULL); |
5149 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Parauronematidae', NULL); |
5150 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hauerinidae', NULL); |
5151 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Glandulinidae', NULL); |
5152 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Peritromidae', NULL); |
5153 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stentoridae', NULL); |
5154 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Folliculinidae', NULL); |
5155 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Blepharismidae', NULL); |
5156 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Condylostomatidae', NULL); |
5157 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Climacostomidae', NULL); |
5158 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Geleiidae', NULL); |
5159 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Spongodiscidae', NULL); |
5160 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Streblomastigidae', NULL); |
5161 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Anadyomenaceae', NULL); |
5162 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pulleniatinidae', NULL); |
5163 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hapalidiaceae', NULL); |
5164 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Selenidiidae', NULL); |
5165 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Plagiogrammaceae', NULL); |
5166 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ishigeaceae', NULL); |
5167 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lipotrophidae', NULL); |
5168 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Syncystidae', NULL); |
5169 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Clathrulinidae', NULL); |
5170 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aulosphaeridae', NULL); |
5171 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Coelodendridae', NULL); |
5172 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aulacanthidae', NULL); |
5173 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Thalassophysidae', NULL); |
5174 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bicosoecidae', NULL); |
5175 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cafeteriaceae', NULL); |
5176 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chlamydodontidae', NULL); |
5177 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dysteriidae', NULL); |
5178 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dicranemataceae', NULL); |
5179 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Corynomorphaceae', NULL); |
5180 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Acinetidae', NULL); |
5181 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Oxytoxaceae', NULL); |
5182 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Erythrotrichiaceae', NULL); |
5183 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Botryochloridaceae', NULL); |
5184 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sticholonchidae', NULL); |
5185 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Thecamoebidae', NULL); |
5186 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phaeostrophionaceae', NULL); |
5187 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pihiellaceae', NULL); |
5188 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhopalodiaceae', NULL); |
5189 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hartmannulidae', NULL); |
5190 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ellobiopsidae', NULL); |
5191 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Palavasciaceae', NULL); |
5192 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Eccrinaceae', NULL); |
5193 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Amoebidiaceae', NULL); |
5194 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Symbiodiniaceae', NULL); |
5195 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Acrotylaceae', NULL); |
5196 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Corynocystaceae', NULL); |
5197 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cruoriaceae', NULL); |
5198 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cubiculosporaceae', NULL); |
5199 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Mychodeophyllaceae', NULL); |
5200 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pseudoanemoniaceae', NULL); |
5201 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rissoellaceae', NULL); |
5202 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Wurdemanniaceae', NULL); |
5203 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Areschougiaceae', NULL); |
5204 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Polykrikaceae', NULL); |
5205 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Isochonidae', NULL); |
5206 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hemidiniaceae', NULL); |
5207 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Protoperidiniaceae', NULL); |
5208 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pyrophaceae', NULL); |
5209 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phaeophilaceae', NULL); |
5210 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cyanidiaceae', NULL); |
5211 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Amphipleuraceae', NULL); |
5212 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hyalodiscaceae', NULL); |
5213 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Attheyaceae', NULL); |
5214 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stauroneidaceae', NULL); |
5215 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Scinaiaceae', NULL); |
5216 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dorataspididae', NULL); |
5217 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hexalaspididae', NULL); |
5218 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Amphilithiidae', NULL); |
5219 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Gigartacontidae', NULL); |
5220 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Anoplophryidae', NULL); |
5221 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Theoperidae', NULL); |
5222 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pterocorythidae', NULL); |
5223 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Choreocolacaceae', NULL); |
5224 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pterocladiophilaceae', NULL); |
5225 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Mesodiniidae', NULL); |
5226 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Calyptrosphaeraceae', NULL); |
5227 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Teranymphidae', NULL); |
5228 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Staurojoeninidae', NULL); |
5229 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hoplonymphidae', NULL); |
5230 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Polyphysaceae', NULL); |
5231 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bromeliophryidae', NULL); |
5232 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tetrahymenidae', NULL); |
5233 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Turaniellidae', NULL); |
5234 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Glaucomidae', NULL); |
5235 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pseudourostylidae', NULL); |
5236 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Coccodiscidae', NULL); |
5237 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Echinosteliidae', NULL); |
5238 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cribrariaceae', NULL); |
5239 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rzehakinidae', NULL); |
5240 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Polymastigidae', NULL); |
5241 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Diadesmidaceae', NULL); |
5242 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Enteromonadidae', NULL); |
5243 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stauraconidae', NULL); |
5244 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pseudokeronopsidae', NULL); |
5245 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Loxocephalidae', NULL); |
5246 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rosalinidae', NULL); |
5247 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cochliopodiidae', NULL); |
5248 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stainforthiidae', NULL); |
5249 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Botrydiaceae', NULL); |
5250 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Microchlamyiidae', NULL); |
5251 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Arcellidae', NULL); |
5252 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Centropyxidae', NULL); |
5253 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Heleoperidae', NULL); |
5254 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hyalospheniidae', NULL); |
5255 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trigonopyxidae', NULL); |
5256 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Plagiopyxidae', NULL); |
5257 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Siphogenerinoididae', NULL); |
5258 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pseudoparrellidae', NULL); |
5259 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Vampyrellidae', NULL); |
5260 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Anomalinidae', NULL); |
5261 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Nodosariidae', NULL); |
5262 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Osangulariidae', NULL); |
5263 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Alabaminidae', NULL); |
5264 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Challengeriidae', NULL); |
5265 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Medusettidae', NULL); |
5266 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Concharidae', NULL); |
5267 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Katablepharidaceae', NULL); |
5268 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Frontoniidae', NULL); |
5269 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Parameciidae', NULL); |
5270 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Urocentridae', NULL); |
5271 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lembadionidae', NULL); |
5272 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Apofrondoniidae', NULL); |
5273 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Urosporidae', NULL); |
5274 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aggregatidae', NULL); |
5275 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Fursenkoinidae', NULL); |
5276 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Orthodonellidae', NULL); |
5277 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhytidocystidae', NULL); |
5278 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ebriidae', NULL); |
5279 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ethmosphaeridae', NULL); |
5280 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Plagoniidae', NULL); |
5281 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pyloniidae', NULL); |
5282 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Litheliidae', NULL); |
5283 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Mesosporaceae', NULL); |
5284 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Braarudosphaeraceae', NULL); |
5285 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Spathidiidae', NULL); |
5286 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lacrymariidae', NULL); |
5287 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Homalozoonidae', NULL); |
5288 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Discosporangiaceae', NULL); |
5289 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Buliminellidae', NULL); |
5290 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Buliminoididae', NULL); |
5291 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pseudocodiaceae', NULL); |
5292 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Halimedaceae', NULL); |
5293 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Scoresbyellaceae', NULL); |
5294 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rigidotrichidae', NULL); |
5295 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Saccinobaculidae', NULL); |
5296 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Discocephalidae', NULL); |
5297 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Candeinidae', NULL); |
5298 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chattonidiidae', NULL); |
5299 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chlorocystidaceae', NULL); |
5300 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Spirofilidae', NULL); |
5301 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pfiesteriaceae', NULL); |
5302 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Epalxellidae', NULL); |
5303 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Loxodidae', NULL); |
5304 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Collozoidae', NULL); |
5305 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Actinommidae', NULL); |
5306 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Costariaceae', NULL); |
5307 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Akkesiphycaceae', NULL); |
5308 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Halosiphonaceae', NULL); |
5309 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pleurochrysidaceae', NULL); |
5310 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phaeocystaceae', NULL); |
5311 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Calcidiscaceae', NULL); |
5312 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Syracosphaeraceae', NULL); |
5313 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Coccolithaceae', NULL); |
5314 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hymenomonadaceae', NULL); |
5315 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhabdosphaeraceae', NULL); |
5316 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Isochrysidaceae', NULL); |
5317 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Noelaerhabdaceae', NULL); |
5318 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Prymnesiaceae', NULL); |
5319 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Helicosphaeraceae', NULL); |
5320 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pavlovaceae', NULL); |
5321 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Synuraceae', NULL); |
5322 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Mallomonadaceae', NULL); |
5323 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Myxochloridaceae', NULL); |
5324 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stylococcaceae', NULL); |
5325 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Eustigmataceae', NULL); |
5326 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Monodopsidaceae', NULL); |
5327 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pseudocharaciopsidaceae', NULL); |
5328 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phytodiniaceae', NULL); |
5329 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Protoraphidaceae', NULL); |
5330 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tabellariaceae', NULL); |
5331 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Neidiaceae', NULL); |
5332 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cavosteliaceae', NULL); |
5333 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ceratiomyxaceae', NULL); |
5334 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Protosteliaceae', NULL); |
5335 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Reticulariaceae', NULL); |
5336 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Myzocytiopsidaceae', NULL); |
5337 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stylonemataceae', NULL); |
5338 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Oxyphysaceae', NULL); |
5339 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Urotrichidae', NULL); |
5340 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bardeliellidae', NULL); |
5341 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hausmanniellidae', NULL); |
5342 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Marynidae', NULL); |
5343 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sagittariidae', NULL); |
5344 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sorogenidae', NULL); |
5345 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Spirodiniidae', NULL); |
5346 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Paraisotrichidae', NULL); |
5347 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Guembelitriidae', NULL); |
5348 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Troglodytellidae', NULL); |
5349 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Colpodidiidae', NULL); |
5350 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Trichosidae', NULL); |
5351 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhodachlyaceae', NULL); |
5352 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Nassulidae', NULL); |
5353 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pseudomicrothoracidae', NULL); |
5354 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Furgasoniidae', NULL); |
5355 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Microthoracidae', NULL); |
5356 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sainouridae', NULL); |
5357 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dictyocystidae', NULL); |
5358 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Anaulaceae', NULL); |
5359 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Foettingeriidae', NULL); |
5360 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Onslowiaceae', NULL); |
5361 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Buetschliidae', NULL); |
5362 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Blepharocorythidae', NULL); |
5363 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Robertinidae', NULL); |
5364 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Histiobalantiidae', NULL); |
5365 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Balamuthiidae', NULL); |
5366 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Plagiotropidaceae', NULL); |
5367 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Histionidae', NULL); |
5368 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Holostichidae', NULL); |
5369 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Amphisoleniaceae', NULL); |
5370 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Citharistaceae', NULL); |
5371 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Heterogloeaceae', NULL); |
5372 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Geminigeraceae', NULL); |
5373 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pyrenomonadaceae', NULL); |
5374 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chroomonadaceae', NULL); |
5375 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hemiselmidaceae', NULL); |
5376 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lophodiniaceae', NULL); |
5377 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Epiclintidae', NULL); |
5378 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Holophryidae', NULL); |
5379 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phyllosiphonaceae', NULL); |
5380 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tontoniidae', NULL); |
5381 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tubiferaceae', NULL); |
5382 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chytriodiniaceae', NULL); |
5383 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Actinocephalidae', NULL); |
5384 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hirmocystidae', NULL); |
5385 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stenophoridae', NULL); |
5386 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sphaerocystidae', NULL); |
5387 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stylocephalidae', NULL); |
5388 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Warnowiaceae', NULL); |
5389 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Vacuolariaceae', NULL); |
5390 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chattonellaceae', NULL); |
5391 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Colaconemataceae', NULL); |
5392 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Balanionidae', NULL); |
5393 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rhodellaceae', NULL); |
5394 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Parentodiniidae', NULL); |
5395 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cinetochilidae', NULL); |
5396 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Placidae', NULL); |
5397 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hemispeiridae', NULL); |
5398 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Plesiotrichopidae', NULL); |
5399 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Paraspathidiidae', NULL); |
5400 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Calyptosporidae', NULL); |
5401 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dinobryaceae', NULL); |
5402 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Parabirojimidae', NULL); |
5403 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ganymedidae', NULL); |
5404 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Triparmaceae', NULL); |
5405 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Simplicimonadidae', NULL); |
5406 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Honigbergiellidae', NULL); |
5407 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Dientamoebidae', NULL); |
5408 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hexamastigidae', NULL); |
5409 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Lophomonadidae', NULL); |
5410 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Tritrichomonadidae', NULL); |
5411 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hypotrichomonadidae', NULL); |
5412 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Spirotrichosomidae', NULL); |
5413 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Fryeellaceae', NULL); |
5414 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Hymenocladiaceae', NULL); |
5415 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Polydiniellidae', NULL); |
5416 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Wrangeliaceae', NULL); |
5417 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Kofoidiniaceae', NULL); |
5418 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Platyophryidae', NULL); |
5419 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Radiophryidae', NULL); |
5420 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chlamydophryidae', NULL); |
5421 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Deltopylidae', NULL); |
5422 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Haemeschariaceae', NULL); |
5423 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ancistridae', NULL); |
5424 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Phyllostauridae', NULL); |
5425 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Astrolithidae', NULL); |
5426 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Kreyellidae', NULL); |
5427 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Meiodiscaceae', NULL); |
5428 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pithophoraceae', NULL); |
5429 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Okellyaceae', NULL); |
5430 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Rufusiaceae', NULL); |
5431 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Boldiaceae', NULL); |
5432 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ethmodiscaceae', NULL); |
5433 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Asterolampraceae', NULL); |
5434 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Bryophidae', NULL); |
5435 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Valvulinidae', NULL); |
5436 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Globotextulariidae', NULL); |
5437 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pythiogetonaceae', NULL); |
5438 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Cephaloidophoridae', NULL); |
5439 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Uradiophoridae', NULL); |
5440 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Porosporidae', NULL); |
5441 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Salisapiliaceae', NULL); |
5442 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Stokesiidae', NULL); |
5443 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ovulinatidae', NULL); |
5444 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Larnacillidae', NULL); |
5445 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Acropisthiidae', NULL); |
5446 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Sarcomeniaceae', NULL); |
5447 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ophthalmidiidae', NULL); |
5448 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Spiroplectamminidae', NULL); |
5449 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Clausilocolidae', NULL); |
5450 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Berkeleyaceae', NULL); |
5451 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Diploneidaceae', NULL); |
5452 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Achnanthidiaceae', NULL); |
5453 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Scoliotropidaceae', NULL); |
5454 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Toxariaceae', NULL); |
5455 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Brachidiniaceae', NULL); |
5456 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Kareniaceae', NULL); |
5457 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Aulacodiscaceae', NULL); |
5458 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Acanthocerataceae', NULL); |
5459 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Chrysanthemodiscaceae', NULL); |
5460 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Pinguiochrysidaceae', NULL); |
5461 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Ichthyobodonidae', NULL); |
5462 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Loboceae', NULL); |
5463 |
INSERT INTO family_higher_plant_group VALUES ('Crossocarpaceae', NULL); |
Also available in: Unified diff
schemas/vegbien.sql: include the family_higher_plant_group lookup table values so that these don't need to be regenerated from the NCBI nodes whenever the DB is reloaded