


1 4879 aaronmk
Observation Date,eventDate,,
2 10424 aaronmk
Observation Date,dateCollected,,
3 4879 aaronmk
Names of Collectors,recordedBy,,
4 4882 aaronmk
Diameter,diameterBreastHeight_cm,,"""Tree diameter measurement. {cm}"" (Diameter definition on p. 7 at <>)"
5 10257 aaronmk
Spatial Method,OMIT#Spatial Method,,"Just contains ""Derived"", for 14927 rows"
6 4879 aaronmk
Subplot Number,subplot,,
7 5536 aaronmk
1ha Plot X Coordinate,organismX_m,,"""Point of intersection {in the X axis} where the tree was observed in the 1ha plot. {m}"" (1ha Plot X Coordinate definition on p. 8 at <>)"
1ha Plot Y Coordinate,organismY_m,,"""Point of intersection {in the Y axis} where the tree was observed in the 1ha plot. {m}"" (1ha Plot Y Coordinate definition on p. 8 at <>)"
9 4879 aaronmk
Tree Number,tag,,
Site Name,projectName,,
11 6542 aaronmk
1ha Plot Number,locationName,,