Revision 11999
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza about 11 years ago
trunk/inputs/SALVIAS/plotMetadata_/map.csv | ||
52 | 52 |
RevisionComments,*RevisionComments,, |
53 | 53 |
Locality_Description,locality,,"Brad: No; this is free text description of locality where plot was situated, same as for DwC. Not a description of vegetation. Most likely='namedPlace.placeDescription' in VB; not sure about VX, again need to ask Nick where locality descriptions live in VX" |
54 | 54 |
topography_desc,landform,, |
55 |
vegetation_1,communityID,/_alt/2,Second because less detailed than vegetation_2
56 |
55 |
vegetation_1,communityName,/_alt/2,Second because less detailed than vegetation_2
56 |
57 | 57 |
Habitat,habitat,, |
58 |
59 |
58 |
59 |
60 | 60 |
PlotMethod,samplingProtocol,, |
61 | 61 |
plot_area_ha,plotArea_ha,,"Brad: Area in hectares. Is there any way to store units?; Aaron: VegX plot area annotation says ""Total area of the plot in square meters."" so units are fixed" |
62 | 62 |
recensused,*recensused,,"Brad: This is a 0/1 value, internal to SALVIAS. 1 indicates that a plot has >1 set of values, from different census events.; Aaron: Different censuses are distinguished in organisms data by different census_no values" |
trunk/inputs/SALVIAS/plotMetadata_/VegBIEN.csv | ||
23 | 23 |
PlotID,"/location/locationevent/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/_if[@name=""if has event""]/then/parent_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then","Brad: This is artificial internal database ID; a unique identifier within SALVIAS DB to each plot, within the table plotMetadata." |
24 | 24 |
date_finish,"/location/locationevent/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/_if[@name=""if has event""]/then/parent_id/locationevent/obsenddate/_alt/1", |
25 | 25 |
date_start,"/location/locationevent/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/_if[@name=""if has event""]/then/parent_id/locationevent/obsstartdate/_alt/1", |
26 |
27 |
vegetation_1,/location/locationevent/commclass/commdetermination/*_id/commconcept/*_id/*/commname/_alt/2,Second because less detailed than vegetation_2
28 |
29 |
26 |
27 |
vegetation_1,/location/locationevent/commclass/commdetermination/*_id/commconcept/commdescription/_alt/2,Second because less detailed than vegetation_2
28 |
29 |
30 | 30 |
PlotID,"/location/locationevent/locationevent:[@fkey=parent_id]/taxonoccurrence/authortaxoncode/_if[@name=""if in plot""]/cond/_exists","Brad: This is artificial internal database ID; a unique identifier within SALVIAS DB to each plot, within the table plotMetadata." |
31 | 31 |
SiteCode,"/location/locationevent/locationevent:[@fkey=parent_id]/taxonoccurrence/authortaxoncode/_if[@name=""if in plot""]/cond/_exists",Brad: plotCode is as-assigned by data provider; guranteed to be unique only within dataset (=project) |
32 | 32 |
date_finish,/location/locationevent/obsenddate/_alt/1, |
trunk/inputs/SALVIAS/plotMetadata_/test.xml.ref | ||
58 | 58 |
<commdetermination> |
59 | 59 |
<commconcept_id> |
60 | 60 |
<commconcept> |
61 |
<commname_id> |
62 |
<commname> |
63 |
<commname> |
64 |
<_alt> |
65 |
<1>$vegetation_2</1> |
66 |
<2>$vegetation_1</2> |
67 |
<3>$life_zone</3> |
68 |
<4>$life_zone_code</4> |
69 |
</_alt> |
70 |
</commname> |
71 |
</commname> |
72 |
</commname_id> |
61 |
<commdescription> |
62 |
<_alt> |
63 |
<1>$vegetation_2</1> |
64 |
<2>$vegetation_1</2> |
65 |
<3>$life_zone</3> |
66 |
<4>$life_zone_code</4> |
67 |
</_alt> |
68 |
</commdescription> |
73 | 69 |
</commconcept> |
74 | 70 |
</commconcept_id> |
75 | 71 |
</commdetermination> |
... | ... | |
195 | 191 |
</path> |
196 | 192 |
</_setDefault> |
197 | 193 |
</VegBIEN> |
198 |
Inserted 32 new rows into database |
194 |
Inserted 26 new rows into database |
trunk/inputs/SALVIAS/plotMetadata_/new_terms.csv | ||
20 | 20 |
soil_base,baseSaturation_percent,,Assuming units are % based on the range of values |
21 | 21 |
Locality_Description,locality,,"Brad: No; this is free text description of locality where plot was situated, same as for DwC. Not a description of vegetation. Most likely='namedPlace.placeDescription' in VB; not sure about VX, again need to ask Nick where locality descriptions live in VX" |
22 | 22 |
topography_desc,landform,, |
23 |
vegetation_1,communityID,/_alt/2,Second because less detailed than vegetation_2
24 |
25 |
26 |
23 |
vegetation_1,communityName,/_alt/2,Second because less detailed than vegetation_2
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 | 27 |
PlotMethod,samplingProtocol,, |
28 | 28 |
date_start,startDate,, |
29 | 29 |
date_finish,endDate,, |
trunk/inputs/Madidi/LocationObservation/map.csv | ||
21 | 21 |
Locality Description,*Locality Description,, |
22 | 22 |
Locality,locality,, |
23 | 23 |
Topographic location,*Topographic location,, |
24 |
Vegetation Type,communityID,,
24 |
Vegetation Type,communityName,,
25 | 25 |
Number of Trunks,*Number of Trunks,, |
26 | 26 |
Number of Trees,*Number of Trees,, |
27 | 27 |
Other Epilocs (OLD),*Other Epilocs (OLD),, |
trunk/inputs/Madidi/LocationObservation/test.xml.ref | ||
18 | 18 |
</project> |
19 | 19 |
</project_id> |
20 | 20 |
<authoreventcode>$authorEventCode</authoreventcode> |
21 |
21 |
22 | 22 |
<soilsample> |
23 | 23 |
<acidity_fraction><_percent_to_fraction><value>$acidity_percent</value></_percent_to_fraction></acidity_fraction> |
24 | 24 |
<calcium_fraction><_percent_to_fraction><value>$calcium_percent</value></_percent_to_fraction></calcium_fraction> |
... | ... | |
99 | 99 |
</path> |
100 | 100 |
</_setDefault> |
101 | 101 |
</VegBIEN> |
102 |
Inserted 28 new rows into database |
102 |
Inserted 22 new rows into database |
trunk/inputs/Madidi/LocationObservation/new_terms.csv | ||
11 | 11 |
Electric conductivity,conductivity,, |
12 | 12 |
pH disolved,ph,, |
13 | 13 |
Slope,slopeGradient,, |
14 |
Vegetation Type,communityID,,
14 |
Vegetation Type,communityName,,
15 | 15 |
Expedition Name,projectName,, |
16 | 16 |
Expedition Number,projectID,, |
17 | 17 |
Interchangeable Magnesium,magnesium_percent,,Assuming units are % based on the range of values |
trunk/inputs/Madidi/map.csv | ||
103 | 103 |
TreeNotes,fieldNotes,, |
104 | 104 |
Trunk,authorStemCode,, |
105 | 105 |
UpperName,stateProvince,, |
106 |
Vegetation Type,communityID,,
106 |
Vegetation Type,communityName,,
107 | 107 |
pH acuoso (ISRIC 4–– 1 - 14),ph,, |
108 | 108 |
pH disolved,ph,, |
Also available in: Unified diff
fix: inputs/SALVIAS/plotMetadata_/map.csv, inputs/Madidi/LocationObservation/map.csv: things mapped to communityID: remapped to communityName, which is what's used in analytical_stem (communityID is for numeric IDs)