Revision 12188
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza about 11 years ago
trunk/validation/aggregating/traits/BIEN2_traits/bien3_validations_traits_original_mysql.VegCore.sql | ||
10 | 10 |
-- ------------------ |
11 | 11 |
-- 1. Count records |
12 | 12 |
-- ------------------ |
13 |
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW traits_01_count_records AS |
13 | 14 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalrecords |
14 | 15 |
FROM "TraitObservation" |
15 | 16 |
WHERE "taxonName" IS NOT NULL AND "taxonName"<>'' AND "measurementName" IS NOT NULL AND "measurementName"<>'' |
... | ... | |
18 | 19 |
-- ------------------ |
19 | 20 |
-- 2. Count trait names |
20 | 21 |
-- ------------------ |
22 |
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW traits_02_count_trait_names AS |
21 | 23 |
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "measurementName") AS traits |
22 | 24 |
FROM "TraitObservation" |
23 | 25 |
WHERE "taxonName" IS NOT NULL AND "taxonName"<>'' AND "measurementName" IS NOT NULL AND "measurementName"<>'' |
... | ... | |
26 | 28 |
-- ------------------ |
27 | 29 |
-- 3. List trait names |
28 | 30 |
-- ------------------ |
31 |
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW traits_03_list_trait_names AS |
29 | 32 |
SELECT DISTINCT "measurementName" AS trait |
30 | 33 |
FROM "TraitObservation" |
31 | 34 |
WHERE "taxonName" IS NOT NULL AND "taxonName"<>'' AND "measurementName" IS NOT NULL AND "measurementName"<>'' |
... | ... | |
35 | 38 |
-- ------------------ |
36 | 39 |
-- 4. Count records per trait |
37 | 40 |
-- ------------------ |
41 |
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW traits_04_count_records_per_trait AS |
38 | 42 |
SELECT "measurementName" AS trait, COUNT(*) AS measurements |
39 | 43 |
FROM "TraitObservation" |
40 | 44 |
WHERE "taxonName" IS NOT NULL AND "taxonName"<>'' AND "measurementName" IS NOT NULL AND "measurementName"<>'' |
... | ... | |
45 | 49 |
-- ------------------ |
46 | 50 |
-- 5. Count taxa |
47 | 51 |
-- ------------------ |
52 |
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW traits_05_count_taxa AS |
48 | 53 |
49 | 54 |
TRIM(CONCAT_WS(' ',IFNULL("taxonName",''),IFNULL("scientificNameAuthorship",''))) |
50 | 55 |
) AS taxa |
... | ... | |
55 | 60 |
-- ------------------ |
56 | 61 |
-- 6. List distinct taxa |
57 | 62 |
-- ------------------ |
63 |
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW traits_06_list_distinct_taxa AS |
58 | 64 |
59 | 65 |
TRIM(CONCAT_WS(' ',IFNULL("taxonName",''),IFNULL("scientificNameAuthorship",''))) |
60 | 66 |
AS taxonwithauthor |
... | ... | |
66 | 72 |
-- ------------------ |
67 | 73 |
-- 7. Trait, value and units |
68 | 74 |
-- ------------------ |
75 |
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW traits_07_trait_value_and_units AS |
69 | 76 |
SELECT "measurementName" AS trait, "measurementValue" AS value, "measurementUnit" AS units |
70 | 77 |
FROM "TraitObservation" |
71 | 78 |
WHERE "taxonName" IS NOT NULL AND "taxonName"<>'' AND "measurementName" IS NOT NULL AND "measurementName"<>'' |
... | ... | |
75 | 82 |
-- ------------------ |
76 | 83 |
-- 8. "taxonName", trait and value for first 5000 records |
77 | 84 |
-- ------------------ |
85 |
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW traits_08_taxonname_trait_and_value_for_first_5000_records AS |
78 | 86 |
79 | 87 |
TRIM(CONCAT_WS(' ',IFNULL("taxonName",''),IFNULL("scientificNameAuthorship",''))) |
80 | 88 |
AS taxonwithauthor, |
Also available in: Unified diff
validation/aggregating/traits/BIEN2_traits/bien3_validations_traits_original_mysql.VegCore.sql: added view names using the steps at