


« Previous | Next » 

Revision 14318

fix: inputs/.TNRS/schema.sql: taxon_match: added derived column "", which is needed because "*Accepted_name_family" isn't always populated

View differences:

210 210
    AS $$
211 211
212 212
	-- clear derived cols so old values won't be used in calculations
	new."[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]" = NULL;
213 214
	new."[matched_]species[_binomial]~(-Accepted_-)" = NULL;
214 215
	new."[matched_]scientificName[_with_author]" = NULL;
215 216
	new.matched_has_accepted = NULL;
216 217
	new."__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}" = NULL;
217 218
	new."[accepted_]" = NULL;
218 219
	new."[accepted_]" = NULL;
	new."[accepted_]morphospecies[_binomial]" = NULL;
219 221
	new.__accepted_infraspecific_label = NULL;
220 222
	new."__accepted_infraspecific_{rank,epithet}" = NULL;
221 223
	new."[accepted_]Infraspecific_rank[_abbr]" = NULL;
231 233
	new."[scrubbed_]name[_no_author]~(-Accepted_-)" = NULL;
232 234
	new."[scrubbed_]author~(-Accepted_-)" = NULL;
233 235
	new."[scrubbed_]scientificName[_with_author]" = NULL;
	new."[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]" = NULL;
	new."[accepted_]morphospecies[_binomial]" = NULL;
	new."" = NULL;
236 237
237 238
	-- populate derived cols
	new."[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]" = (SELECT "*Unmatched_terms" FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
238 240
	new."[matched_]species[_binomial]~(-Accepted_-)" = (SELECT ("*Genus_matched" || ' '::text) || "*Specific_epithet_matched" FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
239 241
	new."[matched_]scientificName[_with_author]" = (SELECT "*Name_matched" || COALESCE((' '::text || "*Name_matched_author"), ''::text) FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
240 242
	new.matched_has_accepted = (SELECT "*Accepted_name" IS NOT NULL FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
241 243
	new."__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}" = (SELECT regexp_split_to_array("*Accepted_name_species", ' '::text) FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
242 244
	new."[accepted_]" = (SELECT "__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}"[1] FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
243 245
	new."[accepted_]" = (SELECT "__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}"[2] FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
	new."[accepted_]morphospecies[_binomial]" = (SELECT CASE
    WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = 'family'::text) THEN concat_ws(' '::text, "*Accepted_name_family", "[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]")
    WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = 'genus'::text) THEN concat_ws(' '::text, "*Accepted_name", "[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]")
    ELSE "*Accepted_name_species"
END FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
244 251
	new.__accepted_infraspecific_label = (SELECT ltrim(NULLIF(util.remove_prefix("*Accepted_name_species", "*Accepted_name", require := true), ''::text), ' '::text) FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
245 252
	new."__accepted_infraspecific_{rank,epithet}" = (SELECT regexp_split_to_array(__accepted_infraspecific_label, ' '::text) FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
246 253
	new."[accepted_]Infraspecific_rank[_abbr]" = (SELECT "__accepted_infraspecific_{rank,epithet}"[1] FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
286 293
    WHEN matched_has_accepted THEN "[accepted_]scientificName[_with_author]"
287 294
    ELSE "[matched_]scientificName[_with_author]"
288 295
END FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
	new."[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]" = (SELECT "*Unmatched_terms" FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
	new."[accepted_]morphospecies[_binomial]" = (SELECT CASE
    WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = 'family'::text) THEN concat_ws(' '::text, "*Accepted_name_family", "[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]")
    WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = 'genus'::text) THEN concat_ws(' '::text, "*Accepted_name", "[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]")
    ELSE "*Accepted_name_species"
END FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
	new."" = (SELECT COALESCE("*Accepted_name_family",
        WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = 'family'::text) THEN "*Accepted_name"
        ELSE NULL::text
    END) FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
295 301
296 302
	RETURN new;
297 303
439 445
    "[matched_]species[_binomial]~(-Accepted_-)" text,
440 446
    "[matched_]scientificName[_with_author]" text,
441 447
    matched_has_accepted boolean,
    "" text,
442 449
    "__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}" text[],
443 450
    "[accepted_]" text,
444 451
    "[accepted_]" text,
458 465
    "[scrubbed_]name[_no_author]~(-Accepted_-)" text,
459 466
    "[scrubbed_]author~(-Accepted_-)" text,
460 467
    "[scrubbed_]scientificName[_with_author]" text,
    CONSTRAINT "" CHECK ((NOT ("" IS DISTINCT FROM COALESCE("*Accepted_name_family",
    WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = 'family'::text) THEN "*Accepted_name"
    ELSE NULL::text
461 473
    CONSTRAINT "[accepted_]Infraspecific_rank[_abbr]" CHECK ((NOT ("[accepted_]Infraspecific_rank[_abbr]" IS DISTINCT FROM "__accepted_infraspecific_{rank,epithet}"[1]))),
462 474
    CONSTRAINT "[accepted_]" CHECK ((NOT ("[accepted_]" IS DISTINCT FROM "__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}"[1]))),
463 475
    CONSTRAINT "[accepted_]" CHECK ((NOT ("[accepted_]" IS DISTINCT FROM "__accepted_infraspecific_{rank,epithet}"[2]))),
537 549

538 550
COMMENT ON TABLE taxon_match IS '
539 551
whenever columns are renamed:
SELECT util.derived_cols_sync(''"TNRS".taxon_match'');
SELECT util.derived_cols_update(''"TNRS".taxon_match'');
541 553

542 554
to remove columns or add columns at the end:
543 555
$ rm=1 inputs/.TNRS/
546 558
to add columns in the middle:
547 559
make the changes in inputs/.TNRS/schema.sql
548 560
$ inputs/.TNRS/ refresh # re-run TNRS
SELECT util.derived_cols_update(''"TNRS".taxon_match'');
SELECT util.derived_cols_repopulate(''"TNRS".taxon_match'');
549 563
$ make schemas/remake
550 564

551 565
to populate a new column:
641 655

642 656

643 657
-- Name: COLUMN taxon_match.""; Type: COMMENT; Schema: TNRS; Owner: bien

COMMENT ON COLUMN taxon_match."" IS '
= COALESCE("*Accepted_name_family",
        WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = ''family''::text) THEN "*Accepted_name"
        ELSE NULL::text

derived column

to modify expr:
SELECT util.derived_col_update(((''"TNRS".taxon_match'', '''')::util.col, $$COALESCE("*Accepted_name_family",
        WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = ''family''::text) THEN "*Accepted_name"
        ELSE NULL::text
SELECT util.derived_cols_populate(''"TNRS".taxon_match''::regclass);

to rename:
# rename column
# rename CHECK constraint
SELECT util.derived_cols_update(''"TNRS".taxon_match''::regclass);


644 686
-- Name: COLUMN taxon_match."__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}"; Type: COMMENT; Schema: TNRS; Owner: bien
645 687
646 688

1727 1769
1728 1770

1729 1771
COPY batch (id, id_by_time, time_submitted, client_version) FROM stdin;
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	\N
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	\N
1731 1773
1732 1774

1733 1775

1751 1793
-- Data for Name: taxon_match; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: TNRS; Owner: bien
1752 1794
1753 1795

COPY taxon_match (batch, match_num, "*Name_number", "*Name_submitted", "*Overall_score", "*Name_matched", "*Name_matched_rank", "*Name_score", "*Name_matched_author", "*Name_matched_url", "*Author_matched", "*Author_score", "*Family_matched", "*Family_score", "*Name_matched_accepted_family", "*Genus_matched", "*Genus_score", "*Specific_epithet_matched", "*Specific_epithet_score", "*Infraspecific_rank", "*Infraspecific_epithet_matched", "*Infraspecific_epithet_score", "*Infraspecific_rank_2", "*Infraspecific_epithet_2_matched", "*Infraspecific_epithet_2_score", "*Annotations", "*Unmatched_terms", "*Taxonomic_status", "*Accepted_name", "*Accepted_name_author", "*Accepted_name_rank", "*Accepted_name_url", "*Accepted_name_species", "*Accepted_name_family", "*Selected", "*Source", "*Warnings", "*Accepted_name_lsid", is_valid_match, scrubbed_unique_taxon_name, "[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]", "[matched_]species[_binomial]~(-Accepted_-)", "[matched_]scientificName[_with_author]", matched_has_accepted, "__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}", "[accepted_]", "[accepted_]", "[accepted_]morphospecies[_binomial]", __accepted_infraspecific_label, "__accepted_infraspecific_{rank,epithet}", "[accepted_]Infraspecific_rank[_abbr]", "[accepted_]", "[accepted_]scientificName[_with_author]", "[scrubbed_]", "[scrubbed_]family~(-Accepted_-)", "[scrubbed_]", "[scrubbed_]", "[scrubbed_]species[_binom]~(-Accepted_-)", "[scrubbed_]Infraspecific_rank[_abbr]", "[scrubbed_]", "[scrubbed_]name[_no_author]~(-Accepted_-)", "[scrubbed_]author~(-Accepted_-)", "[scrubbed_]scientificName[_with_author]") FROM stdin;
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	0	0	Compositae indet. sp.1	0.900000000000000022	Compositae	family	1	\N	\N	\N	Compositae	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	indet. sp.1	Accepted	Compositae	\N	family	\N	\N	true	tpl	 [Ambiguous match] 	\N	t	Compositae	indet. sp.1	\N	Compositae	t	\N	\N	\N	indet. sp.1	\N	\N	\N	\N	Compositae	family	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Compositae	\N	Compositae
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	1	0	Compositae indet. sp.1	0.900000000000000022	Compositae	family	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	Compositae	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	indet. sp.1	Accepted	Compositae	\N	family	\N	\N	\N	false	tpl	 [Ambiguous match] 	\N	t	Compositae	indet. sp.1	\N	Compositae	t	\N	\N	\N	indet. sp.1	\N	\N	\N	\N	Compositae	family	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Compositae	\N	Compositae
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	2	0	Compositae indet. sp.1	0.900000000000000022	Compositae	family	1	Giseke	\N	\N	Compositae	1	Compositae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	indet. sp.1	Synonym	Asteraceae	Bercht. & J. Presl	family	\N	Asteraceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl	indet. sp.1	\N	Compositae Giseke	t	\N	\N	\N	Asteraceae indet. sp.1	\N	\N	\N	\N	Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl	family	Asteraceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Asteraceae	Bercht. & J. Presl	Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	3	1	Fabaceae Boyle#6500	0.839999999999999969	Fagaceae	family	0.939999999999999947	\N	;	\N	\N	Fagaceae	0.880000000000000004	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Boyle#6500	Accepted	Fagaceae	\N	family	;	\N	\N	true	tpl;usda	 	\N	f	Fagaceae	Boyle#6500	\N	Fagaceae	t	\N	\N	\N	Boyle#6500	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae	family	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae	\N	Fagaceae
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	4	1	Fabaceae Boyle#6500	0.900000000000000022	Fabaceae	family	1	Lindl.	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Boyle#6500	Accepted	Fabaceae	Lindl.	family	\N	Fabaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Fabaceae Lindl.	Boyle#6500	\N	Fabaceae Lindl.	t	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae Boyle#6500	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae Lindl.	family	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae	Lindl.	Fabaceae Lindl.
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	5	1	Fabaceae Boyle#6500	0.839999999999999969	Fagaceae	family	0.939999999999999947	Dumort.	\N	\N	Fagaceae	0.880000000000000004	Fagaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Boyle#6500	Accepted	Fagaceae	Dumort.	family	\N	Fagaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	f	Fagaceae Dumort.	Boyle#6500	\N	Fagaceae Dumort.	t	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae Boyle#6500	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae Dumort.	family	Fagaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae	Dumort.	Fagaceae Dumort.
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	6	1	Fabaceae Boyle#6500	0.67000000000000004	Ficaceae	family	0.770000000000000018	Bercht. & J. Presl	\N	\N	Ficaceae	0.75	Ficaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Boyle#6500	No opinion	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	false	tropicos	 	\N	f	Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl	Boyle#6500	\N	Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl	f	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	family	Ficaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Ficaceae	Bercht. & J. Presl	Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	7	1	Fabaceae Boyle#6500	0.67000000000000004	Fucaceae	family	0.770000000000000018	\N	\N	\N	Fucaceae	0.75	Fucaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Boyle#6500	No opinion	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	false	tropicos	 	\N	f	Fucaceae	Boyle#6500	\N	Fucaceae	f	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	family	Fucaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fucaceae	\N	Fucaceae
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	8	1	Fabaceae Boyle#6500	0.900000000000000022	Fabaceae	family	1	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Boyle#6500	Accepted	Fabaceae	\N	family	\N	\N	false	usda	 	\N	t	Fabaceae	Boyle#6500	\N	Fabaceae	t	\N	\N	\N	Boyle#6500	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae	family	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae	\N	Fabaceae
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	9	2	Fabaceae Inga "fuzzy leaf"	0.900000000000000022	Inga	genus	1	\N;	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	Fabaceae	Inga	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	"fuzzy leaf"	Accepted	Inga	\N	genus;	\N	Fabaceae	true	tpl;usda	 	\N	t	Fabaceae Inga	"fuzzy leaf"	\N	Inga	t	\N	\N	\N	Inga "fuzzy leaf"	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga	genus	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga	\N	Inga
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	10	2	Fabaceae Inga "fuzzy leaf"	0.900000000000000022	Inga	genus	1	Mill.	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	Fabaceae	Inga	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	"fuzzy leaf"	Accepted	Inga	Mill.	genus	\N	Fabaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Fabaceae Inga Mill.	"fuzzy leaf"	\N	Inga Mill.	t	\N	\N	\N	Inga "fuzzy leaf"	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga Mill.	genus	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga	Mill.	Inga Mill.
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	11	2	Fabaceae Inga "fuzzy leaf"	0.900000000000000022	Inga	genus	1	Scop.	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	Fabaceae	Inga	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	"fuzzy leaf"	Illegitimate	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Fabaceae Inga Scop.	"fuzzy leaf"	\N	Inga Scop.	f	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	genus	Fabaceae	Inga	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga	Scop.	Inga Scop.
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	12	3	Fabaceae Inga sp.3	0.900000000000000022	Inga	genus	1	\N;	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	Fabaceae	Inga	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	sp.3	Accepted	Inga	\N	genus;	\N	Fabaceae	true	tpl;usda	 	\N	t	Fabaceae Inga	sp.3	\N	Inga	t	\N	\N	\N	Inga sp.3	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga	genus	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga	\N	Inga
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	13	3	Fabaceae Inga sp.3	0.900000000000000022	Inga	genus	1	Mill.	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	Fabaceae	Inga	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	sp.3	Accepted	Inga	Mill.	genus	\N	Fabaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Fabaceae Inga Mill.	sp.3	\N	Inga Mill.	t	\N	\N	\N	Inga sp.3	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga Mill.	genus	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga	Mill.	Inga Mill.
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	14	3	Fabaceae Inga sp.3	0.900000000000000022	Inga	genus	1	Scop.	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	Fabaceae	Inga	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	sp.3	Illegitimate	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Fabaceae Inga Scop.	sp.3	\N	Inga Scop.	f	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	genus	Fabaceae	Inga	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga	Scop.	Inga Scop.
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	15	4	Fabaceae unknown #2	0.839999999999999969	Fagaceae	family	0.939999999999999947	\N	;	\N	\N	Fagaceae	0.880000000000000004	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	unknown #2	Accepted	Fagaceae	\N	family	;	\N	\N	true	tpl;usda	 	\N	f	Fagaceae	unknown #2	\N	Fagaceae	t	\N	\N	\N	unknown #2	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae	family	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae	\N	Fagaceae
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	16	4	Fabaceae unknown #2	0.900000000000000022	Fabaceae	family	1	Lindl.	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	unknown #2	Accepted	Fabaceae	Lindl.	family	\N	Fabaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Fabaceae Lindl.	unknown #2	\N	Fabaceae Lindl.	t	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae unknown #2	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae Lindl.	family	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae	Lindl.	Fabaceae Lindl.
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	17	4	Fabaceae unknown #2	0.839999999999999969	Fagaceae	family	0.939999999999999947	Dumort.	\N	\N	Fagaceae	0.880000000000000004	Fagaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	unknown #2	Accepted	Fagaceae	Dumort.	family	\N	Fagaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	f	Fagaceae Dumort.	unknown #2	\N	Fagaceae Dumort.	t	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae unknown #2	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae Dumort.	family	Fagaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae	Dumort.	Fagaceae Dumort.
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	18	4	Fabaceae unknown #2	0.67000000000000004	Ficaceae	family	0.770000000000000018	Bercht. & J. Presl	\N	\N	Ficaceae	0.75	Ficaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	unknown #2	No opinion	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	false	tropicos	 	\N	f	Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl	unknown #2	\N	Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl	f	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	family	Ficaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Ficaceae	Bercht. & J. Presl	Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	19	4	Fabaceae unknown #2	0.67000000000000004	Fucaceae	family	0.770000000000000018	\N	\N	\N	Fucaceae	0.75	Fucaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	unknown #2	No opinion	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	false	tropicos	 	\N	f	Fucaceae	unknown #2	\N	Fucaceae	f	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	family	Fucaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fucaceae	\N	Fucaceae
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	20	4	Fabaceae unknown #2	0.900000000000000022	Fabaceae	family	1	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	unknown #2	Accepted	Fabaceae	\N	family	\N	\N	false	usda	 	\N	t	Fabaceae	unknown #2	\N	Fabaceae	t	\N	\N	\N	unknown #2	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae	family	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae	\N	Fabaceae
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	21	5	Fam_indet. Boyle#6501	0	No suitable matches found.	\N	0	\N	\N	\N	0	\N	0	\N	\N	0	\N	0	\N	\N	0	\N	\N	0	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	true	\N	 	\N	f	\N	\N	\N	No suitable matches found.	f	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	No suitable matches found.	\N	No suitable matches found.
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	22	6	Poa annua	1	Poa annua	species	1	L.;;	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Accepted	Poa annua	L.	species;;	Poa annua	Poaceae	true	tpl;tropicos;usda	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa annua L.	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua L.	t	{Poa,annua}	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa annua L.	species	Poaceae	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	annua	Poa annua	L.	Poa annua L.
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	23	6	Poa annua	1	Poa annua	species	1	Cham. & Schltdl.	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa infirma	Kunth	species	Poa infirma	Poaceae	false	tpl	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua Cham. & Schltdl.	t	{Poa,infirma}	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa infirma Kunth	species	Poaceae	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	infirma	Poa infirma	Kunth	Poa infirma Kunth
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	24	7	Poa annua L.	1	Poa annua	species	1	L.;;	L.	1	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Accepted	Poa annua	L.	species;;	Poa annua	Poaceae	true	tpl;tropicos;usda	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa annua L.	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua L.	t	{Poa,annua}	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa annua L.	species	Poaceae	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	annua	Poa annua	L.	Poa annua L.
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	25	7	Poa annua L.	0.800000000000000044	Poa annua	species	1	Cham. & Schltdl.	Cham. & Schltdl.	0	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa infirma	Kunth	species	Poa infirma	Poaceae	false	tpl	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua Cham. & Schltdl.	t	{Poa,infirma}	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa infirma Kunth	species	Poaceae	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	infirma	Poa infirma	Kunth	Poa infirma Kunth
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	26	8	Poa annua fo. lanuginosa	1	Poa annua fo. lanuginosa	fo.	1	Sennen	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa	1	annua	1	fo.	lanuginosa	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa annua	L.	species	Poa annua	Poaceae	true	tpl	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa annua L.	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua fo. lanuginosa Sennen	t	{Poa,annua}	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa annua L.	species	Poaceae	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	annua	Poa annua	L.	Poa annua L.
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	27	8	Poa annua fo. lanuginosa	1	Poa annua fo. lanuginosa	forma	1	Sennen	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	fo.	lanuginosa	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa annua var. annua	\N	variety	Poa annua	Poaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa annua var. annua	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua fo. lanuginosa Sennen	t	{Poa,annua}	Poa	annua	Poa annua	var. annua	{var.,annua}	var.	annua	Poa annua var. annua	variety	Poaceae	Poa	annua	Poa annua	var.	annua	Poa annua var. annua	\N	Poa annua var. annua
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	28	9	Poa annua ssp. exilis	1	Poa annua subsp. exilis	subspecies	1	(Tomm. ex Freyn) Asch. & Graebn.	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	subsp.	exilis	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa infirma	Kunth	species	Poa infirma	Poaceae	true	tropicos	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua subsp. exilis (Tomm. ex Freyn) Asch. & Graebn.	t	{Poa,infirma}	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa infirma Kunth	species	Poaceae	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	infirma	Poa infirma	Kunth	Poa infirma Kunth
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	29	9	Poa annua ssp. exilis	0.959999999999999964	Poa annua var. exilis	variety	0.959999999999999964	Tomm. ex Freyn	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	var.	exilis	0.699999999999999956	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa infirma	Kunth	species	Poa infirma	Poaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua var. exilis Tomm. ex Freyn	t	{Poa,infirma}	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa infirma Kunth	species	Poaceae	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	infirma	Poa infirma	Kunth	Poa infirma Kunth
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	30	10	Poa annua subsp. exilis	1	Poa annua subsp. exilis	subsp.	1	(Tomm. ex Freyn.) Asch. & Graebn.	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa	1	annua	1	subsp.	exilis	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa infirma	Kunth	species	Poa infirma	Poaceae	true	tpl	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua subsp. exilis (Tomm. ex Freyn.) Asch. & Graebn.	t	{Poa,infirma}	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa infirma Kunth	species	Poaceae	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	infirma	Poa infirma	Kunth	Poa infirma Kunth
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	31	10	Poa annua subsp. exilis	1	Poa annua subsp. exilis	subspecies	1	(Tomm. ex Freyn) Asch. & Graebn.	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	subsp.	exilis	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa infirma	Kunth	species	Poa infirma	Poaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua subsp. exilis (Tomm. ex Freyn) Asch. & Graebn.	t	{Poa,infirma}	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa infirma Kunth	species	Poaceae	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	infirma	Poa infirma	Kunth	Poa infirma Kunth
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	32	11	Poa annua subvar. minima	1	Poa annua subvar. minima	subvariety	1	(Schur) Asch. & Graebn.	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	subvar.	minima	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Accepted	Poa annua subvar. minima	(Schur) Asch. & Graebn.	subvariety	Poa annua	Poaceae	true	tropicos	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa annua subvar. minima (Schur) Asch. & Graebn.	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua subvar. minima (Schur) Asch. & Graebn.	t	{Poa,annua}	Poa	annua	Poa annua	subvar. minima	{subvar.,minima}	subvar.	minima	Poa annua subvar. minima (Schur) Asch. & Graebn.	subvariety	Poaceae	Poa	annua	Poa annua	subvar.	annua	Poa annua subvar. minima	(Schur) Asch. & Graebn.	Poa annua subvar. minima (Schur) Asch. & Graebn.
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	33	12	Poa annua var. eriolepis	1	Poa annua var. eriolepis	var.	1	̉ۡ.Desv.	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa	1	annua	1	var.	eriolepis	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa annua	L.	species	Poa annua	Poaceae	true	tpl	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa annua L.	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua var. eriolepis ̉ۡ.Desv.	t	{Poa,annua}	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa annua L.	species	Poaceae	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	annua	Poa annua	L.	Poa annua L.
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	34	12	Poa annua var. eriolepis	1	Poa annua var. eriolepis	variety	1	E. Desv.	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	var.	eriolepis	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa annua	L.	species	Poa annua	Poaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa annua L.	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua var. eriolepis E. Desv.	t	{Poa,annua}	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa annua L.	species	Poaceae	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	annua	Poa annua	L.	Poa annua L.
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	35	13	Silene scouleri Hook. subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	0.770000000000000018	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	subsp.	0.770000000000000018	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	\N	\N	\N	\N	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	1	scouleri	1	subsp.	pringlei	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	var. grisea	Accepted	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subsp.	Silene scouleri	Caryophyllaceae	true	tpl	 [Partial match] 	\N	t	Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	var. grisea	Silene scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	t	{Silene,scouleri}	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	subsp. pringlei	{subsp.,pringlei}	subsp.	pringlei	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subsp.	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	subsp.	scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	36	13	Silene scouleri Hook. subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	0.770000000000000018	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	subspecies	0.770000000000000018	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	\N	\N	\N	\N	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	1	scouleri	1	subsp.	pringlei	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	var. grisea	Accepted	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subspecies	Silene scouleri	Caryophyllaceae	false	tropicos	 [Partial match] 	\N	t	Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	var. grisea	Silene scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	t	{Silene,scouleri}	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	subsp. pringlei	{subsp.,pringlei}	subsp.	pringlei	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subspecies	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	subsp.	scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	37	13	Silene scouleri Hook. subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	0.770000000000000018	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	subspecies	0.770000000000000018	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	\N	\N	\N	\N	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	1	scouleri	1	subsp.	pringlei	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	var. grisea	Accepted	Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subspecies	Silene scouleri	Caryophyllaceae	false	usda	 [Partial match] 	\N	t	Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	var. grisea	Silene scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	t	{Silene,scouleri}	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	ssp. pringlei	{ssp.,pringlei}	ssp.	pringlei	Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subspecies	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	ssp.	scouleri	Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	38	14	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	0.770000000000000018	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	subsp.	0.770000000000000018	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	\N	\N	\N	\N	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	1	scouleri	1	subsp.	pringlei	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	var. grisea	Accepted	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subsp.	Silene scouleri	Caryophyllaceae	true	tpl	 [Partial match] 	\N	t	Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	var. grisea	Silene scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	t	{Silene,scouleri}	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	subsp. pringlei	{subsp.,pringlei}	subsp.	pringlei	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subsp.	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	subsp.	scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	39	14	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	0.770000000000000018	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	subspecies	0.770000000000000018	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	\N	\N	\N	\N	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	1	scouleri	1	subsp.	pringlei	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	var. grisea	Accepted	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subspecies	Silene scouleri	Caryophyllaceae	false	tropicos	 [Partial match] 	\N	t	Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	var. grisea	Silene scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	t	{Silene,scouleri}	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	subsp. pringlei	{subsp.,pringlei}	subsp.	pringlei	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subspecies	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	subsp.	scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire
2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07	40	14	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	0.770000000000000018	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	subspecies	0.770000000000000018	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	\N	\N	\N	\N	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	1	scouleri	1	subsp.	pringlei	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	var. grisea	Accepted	Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subspecies	Silene scouleri	Caryophyllaceae	false	usda	 [Partial match] 	\N	t	Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	var. grisea	Silene scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	t	{Silene,scouleri}	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	ssp. pringlei	{ssp.,pringlei}	ssp.	pringlei	Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subspecies	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	ssp.	scouleri	Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire
COPY taxon_match (batch, match_num, "*Name_number", "*Name_submitted", "*Overall_score", "*Name_matched", "*Name_matched_rank", "*Name_score", "*Name_matched_author", "*Name_matched_url", "*Author_matched", "*Author_score", "*Family_matched", "*Family_score", "*Name_matched_accepted_family", "*Genus_matched", "*Genus_score", "*Specific_epithet_matched", "*Specific_epithet_score", "*Infraspecific_rank", "*Infraspecific_epithet_matched", "*Infraspecific_epithet_score", "*Infraspecific_rank_2", "*Infraspecific_epithet_2_matched", "*Infraspecific_epithet_2_score", "*Annotations", "*Unmatched_terms", "*Taxonomic_status", "*Accepted_name", "*Accepted_name_author", "*Accepted_name_rank", "*Accepted_name_url", "*Accepted_name_species", "*Accepted_name_family", "*Selected", "*Source", "*Warnings", "*Accepted_name_lsid", is_valid_match, scrubbed_unique_taxon_name, "[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]", "[matched_]species[_binomial]~(-Accepted_-)", "[matched_]scientificName[_with_author]", matched_has_accepted, "", "__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}", "[accepted_]", "[accepted_]", "[accepted_]morphospecies[_binomial]", __accepted_infraspecific_label, "__accepted_infraspecific_{rank,epithet}", "[accepted_]Infraspecific_rank[_abbr]", "[accepted_]", "[accepted_]scientificName[_with_author]", "[scrubbed_]", "[scrubbed_]family~(-Accepted_-)", "[scrubbed_]", "[scrubbed_]", "[scrubbed_]species[_binom]~(-Accepted_-)", "[scrubbed_]Infraspecific_rank[_abbr]", "[scrubbed_]", "[scrubbed_]name[_no_author]~(-Accepted_-)", "[scrubbed_]author~(-Accepted_-)", "[scrubbed_]scientificName[_with_author]") FROM stdin;
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	0	0	Compositae indet. sp.1	0.900000000000000022	Compositae	family	1	\N	\N	\N	Compositae	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	indet. sp.1	Accepted	Compositae	\N	family	\N	\N	true	tpl	 [Ambiguous match] 	\N	t	Compositae	indet. sp.1	\N	Compositae	t	Compositae	\N	\N	\N	indet. sp.1	\N	\N	\N	\N	Compositae	family	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Compositae	\N	Compositae
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	1	0	Compositae indet. sp.1	0.900000000000000022	Compositae	family	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	Compositae	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	indet. sp.1	Accepted	Compositae	\N	family	\N	\N	\N	false	tpl	 [Ambiguous match] 	\N	t	Compositae	indet. sp.1	\N	Compositae	t	Compositae	\N	\N	\N	indet. sp.1	\N	\N	\N	\N	Compositae	family	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Compositae	\N	Compositae
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	2	0	Compositae indet. sp.1	0.900000000000000022	Compositae	family	1	Giseke	\N	\N	Compositae	1	Compositae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	indet. sp.1	Synonym	Asteraceae	Bercht. & J. Presl	family	\N	Asteraceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl	indet. sp.1	\N	Compositae Giseke	t	Asteraceae	\N	\N	\N	Asteraceae indet. sp.1	\N	\N	\N	\N	Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl	family	Asteraceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Asteraceae	Bercht. & J. Presl	Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	3	1	Fabaceae Boyle#6500	0.839999999999999969	Fagaceae	family	0.939999999999999947	\N	;	\N	\N	Fagaceae	0.880000000000000004	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Boyle#6500	Accepted	Fagaceae	\N	family	;	\N	\N	true	tpl;usda	 	\N	f	Fagaceae	Boyle#6500	\N	Fagaceae	t	Fagaceae	\N	\N	\N	Boyle#6500	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae	family	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae	\N	Fagaceae
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	4	1	Fabaceae Boyle#6500	0.900000000000000022	Fabaceae	family	1	Lindl.	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Boyle#6500	Accepted	Fabaceae	Lindl.	family	\N	Fabaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Fabaceae Lindl.	Boyle#6500	\N	Fabaceae Lindl.	t	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae Boyle#6500	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae Lindl.	family	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae	Lindl.	Fabaceae Lindl.
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	5	1	Fabaceae Boyle#6500	0.839999999999999969	Fagaceae	family	0.939999999999999947	Dumort.	\N	\N	Fagaceae	0.880000000000000004	Fagaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Boyle#6500	Accepted	Fagaceae	Dumort.	family	\N	Fagaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	f	Fagaceae Dumort.	Boyle#6500	\N	Fagaceae Dumort.	t	Fagaceae	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae Boyle#6500	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae Dumort.	family	Fagaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae	Dumort.	Fagaceae Dumort.
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	6	1	Fabaceae Boyle#6500	0.67000000000000004	Ficaceae	family	0.770000000000000018	Bercht. & J. Presl	\N	\N	Ficaceae	0.75	Ficaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Boyle#6500	No opinion	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	false	tropicos	 	\N	f	Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl	Boyle#6500	\N	Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl	f	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	family	Ficaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Ficaceae	Bercht. & J. Presl	Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	7	1	Fabaceae Boyle#6500	0.67000000000000004	Fucaceae	family	0.770000000000000018	\N	\N	\N	Fucaceae	0.75	Fucaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Boyle#6500	No opinion	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	false	tropicos	 	\N	f	Fucaceae	Boyle#6500	\N	Fucaceae	f	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	family	Fucaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fucaceae	\N	Fucaceae
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	8	1	Fabaceae Boyle#6500	0.900000000000000022	Fabaceae	family	1	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Boyle#6500	Accepted	Fabaceae	\N	family	\N	\N	false	usda	 	\N	t	Fabaceae	Boyle#6500	\N	Fabaceae	t	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	Boyle#6500	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae	family	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae	\N	Fabaceae
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	9	2	Fabaceae Inga "fuzzy leaf"	0.900000000000000022	Inga	genus	1	\N;	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	Fabaceae	Inga	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	"fuzzy leaf"	Accepted	Inga	\N	genus;	\N	Fabaceae	true	tpl;usda	 	\N	t	Fabaceae Inga	"fuzzy leaf"	\N	Inga	t	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	Inga "fuzzy leaf"	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga	genus	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga	\N	Inga
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	10	2	Fabaceae Inga "fuzzy leaf"	0.900000000000000022	Inga	genus	1	Mill.	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	Fabaceae	Inga	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	"fuzzy leaf"	Accepted	Inga	Mill.	genus	\N	Fabaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Fabaceae Inga Mill.	"fuzzy leaf"	\N	Inga Mill.	t	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	Inga "fuzzy leaf"	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga Mill.	genus	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga	Mill.	Inga Mill.
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	11	2	Fabaceae Inga "fuzzy leaf"	0.900000000000000022	Inga	genus	1	Scop.	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	Fabaceae	Inga	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	"fuzzy leaf"	Illegitimate	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Fabaceae Inga Scop.	"fuzzy leaf"	\N	Inga Scop.	f	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	genus	Fabaceae	Inga	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga	Scop.	Inga Scop.
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	12	3	Fabaceae Inga sp.3	0.900000000000000022	Inga	genus	1	\N;	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	Fabaceae	Inga	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	sp.3	Accepted	Inga	\N	genus;	\N	Fabaceae	true	tpl;usda	 	\N	t	Fabaceae Inga	sp.3	\N	Inga	t	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	Inga sp.3	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga	genus	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga	\N	Inga
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	13	3	Fabaceae Inga sp.3	0.900000000000000022	Inga	genus	1	Mill.	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	Fabaceae	Inga	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	sp.3	Accepted	Inga	Mill.	genus	\N	Fabaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Fabaceae Inga Mill.	sp.3	\N	Inga Mill.	t	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	Inga sp.3	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga Mill.	genus	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga	Mill.	Inga Mill.
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	14	3	Fabaceae Inga sp.3	0.900000000000000022	Inga	genus	1	Scop.	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	Fabaceae	Inga	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	sp.3	Illegitimate	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Fabaceae Inga Scop.	sp.3	\N	Inga Scop.	f	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	genus	Fabaceae	Inga	\N	\N	\N	\N	Inga	Scop.	Inga Scop.
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	15	4	Fabaceae unknown #2	0.839999999999999969	Fagaceae	family	0.939999999999999947	\N	;	\N	\N	Fagaceae	0.880000000000000004	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	unknown #2	Accepted	Fagaceae	\N	family	;	\N	\N	true	tpl;usda	 	\N	f	Fagaceae	unknown #2	\N	Fagaceae	t	Fagaceae	\N	\N	\N	unknown #2	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae	family	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae	\N	Fagaceae
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	16	4	Fabaceae unknown #2	0.900000000000000022	Fabaceae	family	1	Lindl.	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	unknown #2	Accepted	Fabaceae	Lindl.	family	\N	Fabaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Fabaceae Lindl.	unknown #2	\N	Fabaceae Lindl.	t	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae unknown #2	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae Lindl.	family	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae	Lindl.	Fabaceae Lindl.
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	17	4	Fabaceae unknown #2	0.839999999999999969	Fagaceae	family	0.939999999999999947	Dumort.	\N	\N	Fagaceae	0.880000000000000004	Fagaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	unknown #2	Accepted	Fagaceae	Dumort.	family	\N	Fagaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	f	Fagaceae Dumort.	unknown #2	\N	Fagaceae Dumort.	t	Fagaceae	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae unknown #2	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae Dumort.	family	Fagaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fagaceae	Dumort.	Fagaceae Dumort.
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	18	4	Fabaceae unknown #2	0.67000000000000004	Ficaceae	family	0.770000000000000018	Bercht. & J. Presl	\N	\N	Ficaceae	0.75	Ficaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	unknown #2	No opinion	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	false	tropicos	 	\N	f	Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl	unknown #2	\N	Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl	f	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	family	Ficaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Ficaceae	Bercht. & J. Presl	Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	19	4	Fabaceae unknown #2	0.67000000000000004	Fucaceae	family	0.770000000000000018	\N	\N	\N	Fucaceae	0.75	Fucaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	unknown #2	No opinion	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	false	tropicos	 	\N	f	Fucaceae	unknown #2	\N	Fucaceae	f	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	family	Fucaceae	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fucaceae	\N	Fucaceae
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	20	4	Fabaceae unknown #2	0.900000000000000022	Fabaceae	family	1	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	unknown #2	Accepted	Fabaceae	\N	family	\N	\N	false	usda	 	\N	t	Fabaceae	unknown #2	\N	Fabaceae	t	Fabaceae	\N	\N	\N	unknown #2	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae	family	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Fabaceae	\N	Fabaceae
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	21	5	Fam_indet. Boyle#6501	0	No suitable matches found.	\N	0	\N	\N	\N	0	\N	0	\N	\N	0	\N	0	\N	\N	0	\N	\N	0	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	true	\N	 	\N	f	\N	\N	\N	No suitable matches found.	f	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	No suitable matches found.	\N	No suitable matches found.
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	22	6	Poa annua	1	Poa annua	species	1	L.;;	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Accepted	Poa annua	L.	species;;	Poa annua	Poaceae	true	tpl;tropicos;usda	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa annua L.	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua L.	t	Poaceae	{Poa,annua}	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa annua L.	species	Poaceae	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	annua	Poa annua	L.	Poa annua L.
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	23	6	Poa annua	1	Poa annua	species	1	Cham. & Schltdl.	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa infirma	Kunth	species	Poa infirma	Poaceae	false	tpl	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua Cham. & Schltdl.	t	Poaceae	{Poa,infirma}	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa infirma Kunth	species	Poaceae	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	infirma	Poa infirma	Kunth	Poa infirma Kunth
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	24	7	Poa annua L.	1	Poa annua	species	1	L.;;	L.	1	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Accepted	Poa annua	L.	species;;	Poa annua	Poaceae	true	tpl;tropicos;usda	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa annua L.	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua L.	t	Poaceae	{Poa,annua}	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa annua L.	species	Poaceae	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	annua	Poa annua	L.	Poa annua L.
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	25	7	Poa annua L.	0.800000000000000044	Poa annua	species	1	Cham. & Schltdl.	Cham. & Schltdl.	0	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa infirma	Kunth	species	Poa infirma	Poaceae	false	tpl	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua Cham. & Schltdl.	t	Poaceae	{Poa,infirma}	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa infirma Kunth	species	Poaceae	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	infirma	Poa infirma	Kunth	Poa infirma Kunth
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	26	8	Poa annua fo. lanuginosa	1	Poa annua fo. lanuginosa	fo.	1	Sennen	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa	1	annua	1	fo.	lanuginosa	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa annua	L.	species	Poa annua	Poaceae	true	tpl	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa annua L.	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua fo. lanuginosa Sennen	t	Poaceae	{Poa,annua}	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa annua L.	species	Poaceae	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	annua	Poa annua	L.	Poa annua L.
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	27	8	Poa annua fo. lanuginosa	1	Poa annua fo. lanuginosa	forma	1	Sennen	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	fo.	lanuginosa	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa annua var. annua	\N	variety	Poa annua	Poaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa annua var. annua	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua fo. lanuginosa Sennen	t	Poaceae	{Poa,annua}	Poa	annua	Poa annua	var. annua	{var.,annua}	var.	annua	Poa annua var. annua	variety	Poaceae	Poa	annua	Poa annua	var.	annua	Poa annua var. annua	\N	Poa annua var. annua
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	28	9	Poa annua ssp. exilis	1	Poa annua subsp. exilis	subspecies	1	(Tomm. ex Freyn) Asch. & Graebn.	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	subsp.	exilis	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa infirma	Kunth	species	Poa infirma	Poaceae	true	tropicos	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua subsp. exilis (Tomm. ex Freyn) Asch. & Graebn.	t	Poaceae	{Poa,infirma}	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa infirma Kunth	species	Poaceae	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	infirma	Poa infirma	Kunth	Poa infirma Kunth
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	29	9	Poa annua ssp. exilis	0.959999999999999964	Poa annua var. exilis	variety	0.959999999999999964	Tomm. ex Freyn	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	var.	exilis	0.699999999999999956	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa infirma	Kunth	species	Poa infirma	Poaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua var. exilis Tomm. ex Freyn	t	Poaceae	{Poa,infirma}	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa infirma Kunth	species	Poaceae	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	infirma	Poa infirma	Kunth	Poa infirma Kunth
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	30	10	Poa annua subsp. exilis	1	Poa annua subsp. exilis	subsp.	1	(Tomm. ex Freyn.) Asch. & Graebn.	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa	1	annua	1	subsp.	exilis	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa infirma	Kunth	species	Poa infirma	Poaceae	true	tpl	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua subsp. exilis (Tomm. ex Freyn.) Asch. & Graebn.	t	Poaceae	{Poa,infirma}	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa infirma Kunth	species	Poaceae	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	infirma	Poa infirma	Kunth	Poa infirma Kunth
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	31	10	Poa annua subsp. exilis	1	Poa annua subsp. exilis	subspecies	1	(Tomm. ex Freyn) Asch. & Graebn.	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	subsp.	exilis	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa infirma	Kunth	species	Poa infirma	Poaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua subsp. exilis (Tomm. ex Freyn) Asch. & Graebn.	t	Poaceae	{Poa,infirma}	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa infirma Kunth	species	Poaceae	Poa	infirma	Poa infirma	\N	infirma	Poa infirma	Kunth	Poa infirma Kunth
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	32	11	Poa annua subvar. minima	1	Poa annua subvar. minima	subvariety	1	(Schur) Asch. & Graebn.	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	subvar.	minima	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Accepted	Poa annua subvar. minima	(Schur) Asch. & Graebn.	subvariety	Poa annua	Poaceae	true	tropicos	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa annua subvar. minima (Schur) Asch. & Graebn.	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua subvar. minima (Schur) Asch. & Graebn.	t	Poaceae	{Poa,annua}	Poa	annua	Poa annua	subvar. minima	{subvar.,minima}	subvar.	minima	Poa annua subvar. minima (Schur) Asch. & Graebn.	subvariety	Poaceae	Poa	annua	Poa annua	subvar.	annua	Poa annua subvar. minima	(Schur) Asch. & Graebn.	Poa annua subvar. minima (Schur) Asch. & Graebn.
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	33	12	Poa annua var. eriolepis	1	Poa annua var. eriolepis	var.	1	̉ۡ.Desv.	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa	1	annua	1	var.	eriolepis	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa annua	L.	species	Poa annua	Poaceae	true	tpl	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa annua L.	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua var. eriolepis ̉ۡ.Desv.	t	Poaceae	{Poa,annua}	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa annua L.	species	Poaceae	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	annua	Poa annua	L.	Poa annua L.
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	34	12	Poa annua var. eriolepis	1	Poa annua var. eriolepis	variety	1	E. Desv.	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poaceae	Poa	1	annua	1	var.	eriolepis	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	\N	Synonym	Poa annua	L.	species	Poa annua	Poaceae	false	tropicos	 	\N	t	Poaceae Poa annua L.	\N	Poa annua	Poa annua var. eriolepis E. Desv.	t	Poaceae	{Poa,annua}	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	\N	\N	\N	Poa annua L.	species	Poaceae	Poa	annua	Poa annua	\N	annua	Poa annua	L.	Poa annua L.
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	35	13	Silene scouleri Hook. subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	0.770000000000000018	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	subsp.	0.770000000000000018	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	\N	\N	\N	\N	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	1	scouleri	1	subsp.	pringlei	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	var. grisea	Accepted	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subsp.	Silene scouleri	Caryophyllaceae	true	tpl	 [Partial match] 	\N	t	Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	var. grisea	Silene scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	t	Caryophyllaceae	{Silene,scouleri}	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	subsp. pringlei	{subsp.,pringlei}	subsp.	pringlei	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subsp.	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	subsp.	scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	36	13	Silene scouleri Hook. subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	0.770000000000000018	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	subspecies	0.770000000000000018	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	\N	\N	\N	\N	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	1	scouleri	1	subsp.	pringlei	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	var. grisea	Accepted	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subspecies	Silene scouleri	Caryophyllaceae	false	tropicos	 [Partial match] 	\N	t	Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	var. grisea	Silene scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	t	Caryophyllaceae	{Silene,scouleri}	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	subsp. pringlei	{subsp.,pringlei}	subsp.	pringlei	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subspecies	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	subsp.	scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	37	13	Silene scouleri Hook. subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	0.770000000000000018	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	subspecies	0.770000000000000018	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	\N	\N	\N	\N	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	1	scouleri	1	subsp.	pringlei	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	var. grisea	Accepted	Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subspecies	Silene scouleri	Caryophyllaceae	false	usda	 [Partial match] 	\N	t	Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	var. grisea	Silene scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	t	Caryophyllaceae	{Silene,scouleri}	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	ssp. pringlei	{ssp.,pringlei}	ssp.	pringlei	Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subspecies	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	ssp.	scouleri	Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	38	14	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	0.770000000000000018	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	subsp.	0.770000000000000018	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	\N	\N	\N	\N	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	1	scouleri	1	subsp.	pringlei	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	var. grisea	Accepted	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subsp.	Silene scouleri	Caryophyllaceae	true	tpl	 [Partial match] 	\N	t	Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	var. grisea	Silene scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	t	Caryophyllaceae	{Silene,scouleri}	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	subsp. pringlei	{subsp.,pringlei}	subsp.	pringlei	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subsp.	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	subsp.	scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	39	14	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	0.770000000000000018	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	subspecies	0.770000000000000018	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	\N	\N	\N	\N	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	1	scouleri	1	subsp.	pringlei	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	var. grisea	Accepted	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subspecies	Silene scouleri	Caryophyllaceae	false	tropicos	 [Partial match] 	\N	t	Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	var. grisea	Silene scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	t	Caryophyllaceae	{Silene,scouleri}	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	subsp. pringlei	{subsp.,pringlei}	subsp.	pringlei	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subspecies	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	subsp.	scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire
2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07	40	14	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	0.770000000000000018	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei	subspecies	0.770000000000000018	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	\N	\N	\N	\N	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	1	scouleri	1	subsp.	pringlei	1	\N	\N	\N	\N	var. grisea	Accepted	Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subspecies	Silene scouleri	Caryophyllaceae	false	usda	 [Partial match] 	\N	t	Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	var. grisea	Silene scouleri	Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	t	Caryophyllaceae	{Silene,scouleri}	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	ssp. pringlei	{ssp.,pringlei}	ssp.	pringlei	Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	subspecies	Caryophyllaceae	Silene	scouleri	Silene scouleri	ssp.	scouleri	Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei	(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire	Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire
1796 1838
1797 1839

1798 1840

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COMMENT ON SCHEMA "public.test_taxonomic_names" IS 'Version: public (2014-7-22 3:05:28 PDT)';
COMMENT ON SCHEMA "public.test_taxonomic_names" IS 'Version: public (2014-7-22 4:06:27 PDT)';
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SET search_path = "public.test_taxonomic_names", pg_catalog;
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-- Data for Name: batch; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: TNRS; Owner: -
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INSERT INTO batch VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', '2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', '2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', NULL);
INSERT INTO batch VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', '2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', '2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', NULL);
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-- Data for Name: taxon_match; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: TNRS; Owner: -
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INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 0, 0, 'Compositae indet. sp.1', 0.900000000000000022, 'Compositae', 'family', 1, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 'Compositae', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'indet. sp.1', 'Accepted', 'Compositae', NULL, 'family', '', NULL, NULL, 'true', 'tpl', ' [Ambiguous match] ', NULL, true, 'Compositae', 'indet. sp.1', NULL, 'Compositae', true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'indet. sp.1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Compositae', 'family', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Compositae', NULL, 'Compositae');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 1, 0, 'Compositae indet. sp.1', 0.900000000000000022, 'Compositae', 'family', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Compositae', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'indet. sp.1', 'Accepted', 'Compositae', NULL, 'family', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'false', 'tpl', ' [Ambiguous match] ', NULL, true, 'Compositae', 'indet. sp.1', NULL, 'Compositae', true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'indet. sp.1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Compositae', 'family', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Compositae', NULL, 'Compositae');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 2, 0, 'Compositae indet. sp.1', 0.900000000000000022, 'Compositae', 'family', 1, 'Giseke', '', NULL, NULL, 'Compositae', 1, 'Compositae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'indet. sp.1', 'Synonym', 'Asteraceae', 'Bercht. & J. Presl', 'family', '', NULL, 'Asteraceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl', 'indet. sp.1', NULL, 'Compositae Giseke', true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Asteraceae indet. sp.1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl', 'family', 'Asteraceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Asteraceae', 'Bercht. & J. Presl', 'Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 3, 1, 'Fabaceae Boyle#6500', 0.839999999999999969, 'Fagaceae', 'family', 0.939999999999999947, NULL, ';', NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', 0.880000000000000004, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Boyle#6500', 'Accepted', 'Fagaceae', NULL, 'family', ';', NULL, NULL, 'true', 'tpl;usda', ' ', NULL, false, 'Fagaceae', 'Boyle#6500', NULL, 'Fagaceae', true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Boyle#6500', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', 'family', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', NULL, 'Fagaceae');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 4, 1, 'Fabaceae Boyle#6500', 0.900000000000000022, 'Fabaceae', 'family', 1, 'Lindl.', '', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Boyle#6500', 'Accepted', 'Fabaceae', 'Lindl.', 'family', '', NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae Lindl.', 'Boyle#6500', NULL, 'Fabaceae Lindl.', true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae Boyle#6500', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae Lindl.', 'family', 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'Lindl.', 'Fabaceae Lindl.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 5, 1, 'Fabaceae Boyle#6500', 0.839999999999999969, 'Fagaceae', 'family', 0.939999999999999947, 'Dumort.', '', NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', 0.880000000000000004, 'Fagaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Boyle#6500', 'Accepted', 'Fagaceae', 'Dumort.', 'family', '', NULL, 'Fagaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, false, 'Fagaceae Dumort.', 'Boyle#6500', NULL, 'Fagaceae Dumort.', true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae Boyle#6500', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae Dumort.', 'family', 'Fagaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', 'Dumort.', 'Fagaceae Dumort.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 6, 1, 'Fabaceae Boyle#6500', 0.67000000000000004, 'Ficaceae', 'family', 0.770000000000000018, 'Bercht. & J. Presl', '', NULL, NULL, 'Ficaceae', 0.75, 'Ficaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Boyle#6500', 'No opinion', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, false, 'Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl', 'Boyle#6500', NULL, 'Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl', false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'family', 'Ficaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Ficaceae', 'Bercht. & J. Presl', 'Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 7, 1, 'Fabaceae Boyle#6500', 0.67000000000000004, 'Fucaceae', 'family', 0.770000000000000018, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 'Fucaceae', 0.75, 'Fucaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Boyle#6500', 'No opinion', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, false, 'Fucaceae', 'Boyle#6500', NULL, 'Fucaceae', false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'family', 'Fucaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fucaceae', NULL, 'Fucaceae');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 8, 1, 'Fabaceae Boyle#6500', 0.900000000000000022, 'Fabaceae', 'family', 1, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Boyle#6500', 'Accepted', 'Fabaceae', NULL, 'family', '', NULL, NULL, 'false', 'usda', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae', 'Boyle#6500', NULL, 'Fabaceae', true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Boyle#6500', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'family', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', NULL, 'Fabaceae');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 9, 2, 'Fabaceae Inga "fuzzy leaf"', 0.900000000000000022, 'Inga', 'genus', 1, NULL, ';', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, 'Fabaceae', 'Inga', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '"fuzzy leaf"', 'Accepted', 'Inga', NULL, 'genus', ';', NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'true', 'tpl;usda', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae Inga', '"fuzzy leaf"', NULL, 'Inga', true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga "fuzzy leaf"', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga', 'genus', 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga', NULL, 'Inga');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 10, 2, 'Fabaceae Inga "fuzzy leaf"', 0.900000000000000022, 'Inga', 'genus', 1, 'Mill.', '', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, 'Fabaceae', 'Inga', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '"fuzzy leaf"', 'Accepted', 'Inga', 'Mill.', 'genus', '', NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae Inga Mill.', '"fuzzy leaf"', NULL, 'Inga Mill.', true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga "fuzzy leaf"', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga Mill.', 'genus', 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga', 'Mill.', 'Inga Mill.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 11, 2, 'Fabaceae Inga "fuzzy leaf"', 0.900000000000000022, 'Inga', 'genus', 1, 'Scop.', '', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, 'Fabaceae', 'Inga', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '"fuzzy leaf"', 'Illegitimate', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae Inga Scop.', '"fuzzy leaf"', NULL, 'Inga Scop.', false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'genus', 'Fabaceae', 'Inga', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga', 'Scop.', 'Inga Scop.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 12, 3, 'Fabaceae Inga sp.3', 0.900000000000000022, 'Inga', 'genus', 1, NULL, ';', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, 'Fabaceae', 'Inga', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'sp.3', 'Accepted', 'Inga', NULL, 'genus', ';', NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'true', 'tpl;usda', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae Inga', 'sp.3', NULL, 'Inga', true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga sp.3', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga', 'genus', 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga', NULL, 'Inga');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 13, 3, 'Fabaceae Inga sp.3', 0.900000000000000022, 'Inga', 'genus', 1, 'Mill.', '', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, 'Fabaceae', 'Inga', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'sp.3', 'Accepted', 'Inga', 'Mill.', 'genus', '', NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae Inga Mill.', 'sp.3', NULL, 'Inga Mill.', true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga sp.3', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga Mill.', 'genus', 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga', 'Mill.', 'Inga Mill.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 14, 3, 'Fabaceae Inga sp.3', 0.900000000000000022, 'Inga', 'genus', 1, 'Scop.', '', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, 'Fabaceae', 'Inga', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'sp.3', 'Illegitimate', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae Inga Scop.', 'sp.3', NULL, 'Inga Scop.', false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'genus', 'Fabaceae', 'Inga', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga', 'Scop.', 'Inga Scop.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 15, 4, 'Fabaceae unknown #2', 0.839999999999999969, 'Fagaceae', 'family', 0.939999999999999947, NULL, ';', NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', 0.880000000000000004, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown #2', 'Accepted', 'Fagaceae', NULL, 'family', ';', NULL, NULL, 'true', 'tpl;usda', ' ', NULL, false, 'Fagaceae', 'unknown #2', NULL, 'Fagaceae', true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown #2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', 'family', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', NULL, 'Fagaceae');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 16, 4, 'Fabaceae unknown #2', 0.900000000000000022, 'Fabaceae', 'family', 1, 'Lindl.', '', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown #2', 'Accepted', 'Fabaceae', 'Lindl.', 'family', '', NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae Lindl.', 'unknown #2', NULL, 'Fabaceae Lindl.', true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae unknown #2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae Lindl.', 'family', 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'Lindl.', 'Fabaceae Lindl.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 17, 4, 'Fabaceae unknown #2', 0.839999999999999969, 'Fagaceae', 'family', 0.939999999999999947, 'Dumort.', '', NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', 0.880000000000000004, 'Fagaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown #2', 'Accepted', 'Fagaceae', 'Dumort.', 'family', '', NULL, 'Fagaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, false, 'Fagaceae Dumort.', 'unknown #2', NULL, 'Fagaceae Dumort.', true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae unknown #2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae Dumort.', 'family', 'Fagaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', 'Dumort.', 'Fagaceae Dumort.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 18, 4, 'Fabaceae unknown #2', 0.67000000000000004, 'Ficaceae', 'family', 0.770000000000000018, 'Bercht. & J. Presl', '', NULL, NULL, 'Ficaceae', 0.75, 'Ficaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown #2', 'No opinion', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, false, 'Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl', 'unknown #2', NULL, 'Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl', false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'family', 'Ficaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Ficaceae', 'Bercht. & J. Presl', 'Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 19, 4, 'Fabaceae unknown #2', 0.67000000000000004, 'Fucaceae', 'family', 0.770000000000000018, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 'Fucaceae', 0.75, 'Fucaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown #2', 'No opinion', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, false, 'Fucaceae', 'unknown #2', NULL, 'Fucaceae', false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'family', 'Fucaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fucaceae', NULL, 'Fucaceae');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 20, 4, 'Fabaceae unknown #2', 0.900000000000000022, 'Fabaceae', 'family', 1, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown #2', 'Accepted', 'Fabaceae', NULL, 'family', '', NULL, NULL, 'false', 'usda', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae', 'unknown #2', NULL, 'Fabaceae', true, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown #2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'family', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', NULL, 'Fabaceae');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 21, 5, 'Fam_indet. Boyle#6501', 0, 'No suitable matches found.', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'true', NULL, ' ', NULL, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'No suitable matches found.', false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'No suitable matches found.', NULL, 'No suitable matches found.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 22, 6, 'Poa annua', 1, 'Poa annua', 'species', 1, 'L.', ';;', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Accepted', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'species', ';;', 'Poa annua', 'Poaceae', 'true', 'tpl;tropicos;usda', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa annua L.', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua L.', true, '{Poa,annua}', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa annua L.', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, 'annua', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'Poa annua L.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 23, 6, 'Poa annua', 1, 'Poa annua', 'species', 1, 'Cham. & Schltdl.', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'species', '', 'Poa infirma', 'Poaceae', 'false', 'tpl', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua Cham. & Schltdl.', true, '{Poa,infirma}', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa infirma Kunth', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'Poa infirma Kunth');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 24, 7, 'Poa annua L.', 1, 'Poa annua', 'species', 1, 'L.', ';;', 'L.', 1, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Accepted', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'species', ';;', 'Poa annua', 'Poaceae', 'true', 'tpl;tropicos;usda', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa annua L.', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua L.', true, '{Poa,annua}', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa annua L.', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, 'annua', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'Poa annua L.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 25, 7, 'Poa annua L.', 0.800000000000000044, 'Poa annua', 'species', 1, 'Cham. & Schltdl.', '', 'Cham. & Schltdl.', 0, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'species', '', 'Poa infirma', 'Poaceae', 'false', 'tpl', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua Cham. & Schltdl.', true, '{Poa,infirma}', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa infirma Kunth', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'Poa infirma Kunth');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 26, 8, 'Poa annua fo. lanuginosa', 1, 'Poa annua fo. lanuginosa', 'fo.', 1, 'Sennen', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, 'fo.', 'lanuginosa', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'species', '', 'Poa annua', 'Poaceae', 'true', 'tpl', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa annua L.', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua fo. lanuginosa Sennen', true, '{Poa,annua}', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa annua L.', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, 'annua', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'Poa annua L.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 27, 8, 'Poa annua fo. lanuginosa', 1, 'Poa annua fo. lanuginosa', 'forma', 1, 'Sennen', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, 'fo.', 'lanuginosa', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa annua var. annua', NULL, 'variety', '', 'Poa annua', 'Poaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa annua var. annua', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua fo. lanuginosa Sennen', true, '{Poa,annua}', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', 'var. annua', '{var.,annua}', 'var.', 'annua', 'Poa annua var. annua', 'variety', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', 'var.', 'annua', 'Poa annua var. annua', NULL, 'Poa annua var. annua');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 28, 9, 'Poa annua ssp. exilis', 1, 'Poa annua subsp. exilis', 'subspecies', 1, '(Tomm. ex Freyn) Asch. & Graebn.', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, 'subsp.', 'exilis', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'species', '', 'Poa infirma', 'Poaceae', 'true', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua subsp. exilis (Tomm. ex Freyn) Asch. & Graebn.', true, '{Poa,infirma}', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa infirma Kunth', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'Poa infirma Kunth');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 29, 9, 'Poa annua ssp. exilis', 0.959999999999999964, 'Poa annua var. exilis', 'variety', 0.959999999999999964, 'Tomm. ex Freyn', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, 'var.', 'exilis', 0.699999999999999956, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'species', '', 'Poa infirma', 'Poaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua var. exilis Tomm. ex Freyn', true, '{Poa,infirma}', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa infirma Kunth', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'Poa infirma Kunth');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 30, 10, 'Poa annua subsp. exilis', 1, 'Poa annua subsp. exilis', 'subsp.', 1, '(Tomm. ex Freyn.) Asch. & Graebn.', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, 'subsp.', 'exilis', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'species', '', 'Poa infirma', 'Poaceae', 'true', 'tpl', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua subsp. exilis (Tomm. ex Freyn.) Asch. & Graebn.', true, '{Poa,infirma}', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa infirma Kunth', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'Poa infirma Kunth');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 31, 10, 'Poa annua subsp. exilis', 1, 'Poa annua subsp. exilis', 'subspecies', 1, '(Tomm. ex Freyn) Asch. & Graebn.', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, 'subsp.', 'exilis', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'species', '', 'Poa infirma', 'Poaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua subsp. exilis (Tomm. ex Freyn) Asch. & Graebn.', true, '{Poa,infirma}', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa infirma Kunth', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'Poa infirma Kunth');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 32, 11, 'Poa annua subvar. minima', 1, 'Poa annua subvar. minima', 'subvariety', 1, '(Schur) Asch. & Graebn.', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, 'subvar.', 'minima', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Accepted', 'Poa annua subvar. minima', '(Schur) Asch. & Graebn.', 'subvariety', '', 'Poa annua', 'Poaceae', 'true', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa annua subvar. minima (Schur) Asch. & Graebn.', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua subvar. minima (Schur) Asch. & Graebn.', true, '{Poa,annua}', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', 'subvar. minima', '{subvar.,minima}', 'subvar.', 'minima', 'Poa annua subvar. minima (Schur) Asch. & Graebn.', 'subvariety', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', 'subvar.', 'annua', 'Poa annua subvar. minima', '(Schur) Asch. & Graebn.', 'Poa annua subvar. minima (Schur) Asch. & Graebn.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 33, 12, 'Poa annua var. eriolepis', 1, 'Poa annua var. eriolepis', 'var.', 1, '̉ۡ.Desv.', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, 'var.', 'eriolepis', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'species', '', 'Poa annua', 'Poaceae', 'true', 'tpl', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa annua L.', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua var. eriolepis ̉ۡ.Desv.', true, '{Poa,annua}', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa annua L.', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, 'annua', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'Poa annua L.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 34, 12, 'Poa annua var. eriolepis', 1, 'Poa annua var. eriolepis', 'variety', 1, 'E. Desv.', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, 'var.', 'eriolepis', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'species', '', 'Poa annua', 'Poaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa annua L.', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua var. eriolepis E. Desv.', true, '{Poa,annua}', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa annua L.', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, 'annua', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'Poa annua L.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 35, 13, 'Silene scouleri Hook. subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 0.770000000000000018, 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', 'subsp.', 0.770000000000000018, '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 1, 'scouleri', 1, 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'var. grisea', 'Accepted', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subsp.', '', 'Silene scouleri', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'true', 'tpl', ' [Partial match] ', NULL, true, 'Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'var. grisea', 'Silene scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', true, '{Silene,scouleri}', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'subsp. pringlei', '{subsp.,pringlei}', 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subsp.', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'subsp.', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 36, 13, 'Silene scouleri Hook. subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 0.770000000000000018, 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', 'subspecies', 0.770000000000000018, '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 1, 'scouleri', 1, 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'var. grisea', 'Accepted', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subspecies', '', 'Silene scouleri', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' [Partial match] ', NULL, true, 'Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'var. grisea', 'Silene scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', true, '{Silene,scouleri}', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'subsp. pringlei', '{subsp.,pringlei}', 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subspecies', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'subsp.', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 37, 13, 'Silene scouleri Hook. subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 0.770000000000000018, 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', 'subspecies', 0.770000000000000018, '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 1, 'scouleri', 1, 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'var. grisea', 'Accepted', 'Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subspecies', '', 'Silene scouleri', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'false', 'usda', ' [Partial match] ', NULL, true, 'Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'var. grisea', 'Silene scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', true, '{Silene,scouleri}', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'ssp. pringlei', '{ssp.,pringlei}', 'ssp.', 'pringlei', 'Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subspecies', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'ssp.', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 38, 14, 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 0.770000000000000018, 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', 'subsp.', 0.770000000000000018, '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 1, 'scouleri', 1, 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'var. grisea', 'Accepted', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subsp.', '', 'Silene scouleri', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'true', 'tpl', ' [Partial match] ', NULL, true, 'Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'var. grisea', 'Silene scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', true, '{Silene,scouleri}', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'subsp. pringlei', '{subsp.,pringlei}', 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subsp.', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'subsp.', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 39, 14, 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 0.770000000000000018, 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', 'subspecies', 0.770000000000000018, '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 1, 'scouleri', 1, 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'var. grisea', 'Accepted', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subspecies', '', 'Silene scouleri', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' [Partial match] ', NULL, true, 'Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'var. grisea', 'Silene scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', true, '{Silene,scouleri}', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'subsp. pringlei', '{subsp.,pringlei}', 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subspecies', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'subsp.', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 03:05:20.316489-07', 40, 14, 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 0.770000000000000018, 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', 'subspecies', 0.770000000000000018, '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 1, 'scouleri', 1, 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'var. grisea', 'Accepted', 'Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subspecies', '', 'Silene scouleri', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'false', 'usda', ' [Partial match] ', NULL, true, 'Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'var. grisea', 'Silene scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', true, '{Silene,scouleri}', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'ssp. pringlei', '{ssp.,pringlei}', 'ssp.', 'pringlei', 'Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subspecies', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'ssp.', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 0, 0, 'Compositae indet. sp.1', 0.900000000000000022, 'Compositae', 'family', 1, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 'Compositae', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'indet. sp.1', 'Accepted', 'Compositae', NULL, 'family', '', NULL, NULL, 'true', 'tpl', ' [Ambiguous match] ', NULL, true, 'Compositae', 'indet. sp.1', NULL, 'Compositae', true, 'Compositae', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'indet. sp.1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Compositae', 'family', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Compositae', NULL, 'Compositae');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 1, 0, 'Compositae indet. sp.1', 0.900000000000000022, 'Compositae', 'family', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Compositae', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'indet. sp.1', 'Accepted', 'Compositae', NULL, 'family', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'false', 'tpl', ' [Ambiguous match] ', NULL, true, 'Compositae', 'indet. sp.1', NULL, 'Compositae', true, 'Compositae', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'indet. sp.1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Compositae', 'family', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Compositae', NULL, 'Compositae');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 2, 0, 'Compositae indet. sp.1', 0.900000000000000022, 'Compositae', 'family', 1, 'Giseke', '', NULL, NULL, 'Compositae', 1, 'Compositae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'indet. sp.1', 'Synonym', 'Asteraceae', 'Bercht. & J. Presl', 'family', '', NULL, 'Asteraceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl', 'indet. sp.1', NULL, 'Compositae Giseke', true, 'Asteraceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Asteraceae indet. sp.1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl', 'family', 'Asteraceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Asteraceae', 'Bercht. & J. Presl', 'Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 3, 1, 'Fabaceae Boyle#6500', 0.839999999999999969, 'Fagaceae', 'family', 0.939999999999999947, NULL, ';', NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', 0.880000000000000004, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Boyle#6500', 'Accepted', 'Fagaceae', NULL, 'family', ';', NULL, NULL, 'true', 'tpl;usda', ' ', NULL, false, 'Fagaceae', 'Boyle#6500', NULL, 'Fagaceae', true, 'Fagaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Boyle#6500', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', 'family', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', NULL, 'Fagaceae');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 4, 1, 'Fabaceae Boyle#6500', 0.900000000000000022, 'Fabaceae', 'family', 1, 'Lindl.', '', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Boyle#6500', 'Accepted', 'Fabaceae', 'Lindl.', 'family', '', NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae Lindl.', 'Boyle#6500', NULL, 'Fabaceae Lindl.', true, 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae Boyle#6500', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae Lindl.', 'family', 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'Lindl.', 'Fabaceae Lindl.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 5, 1, 'Fabaceae Boyle#6500', 0.839999999999999969, 'Fagaceae', 'family', 0.939999999999999947, 'Dumort.', '', NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', 0.880000000000000004, 'Fagaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Boyle#6500', 'Accepted', 'Fagaceae', 'Dumort.', 'family', '', NULL, 'Fagaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, false, 'Fagaceae Dumort.', 'Boyle#6500', NULL, 'Fagaceae Dumort.', true, 'Fagaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae Boyle#6500', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae Dumort.', 'family', 'Fagaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', 'Dumort.', 'Fagaceae Dumort.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 6, 1, 'Fabaceae Boyle#6500', 0.67000000000000004, 'Ficaceae', 'family', 0.770000000000000018, 'Bercht. & J. Presl', '', NULL, NULL, 'Ficaceae', 0.75, 'Ficaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Boyle#6500', 'No opinion', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, false, 'Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl', 'Boyle#6500', NULL, 'Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl', false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'family', 'Ficaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Ficaceae', 'Bercht. & J. Presl', 'Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 7, 1, 'Fabaceae Boyle#6500', 0.67000000000000004, 'Fucaceae', 'family', 0.770000000000000018, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 'Fucaceae', 0.75, 'Fucaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Boyle#6500', 'No opinion', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, false, 'Fucaceae', 'Boyle#6500', NULL, 'Fucaceae', false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'family', 'Fucaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fucaceae', NULL, 'Fucaceae');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 8, 1, 'Fabaceae Boyle#6500', 0.900000000000000022, 'Fabaceae', 'family', 1, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Boyle#6500', 'Accepted', 'Fabaceae', NULL, 'family', '', NULL, NULL, 'false', 'usda', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae', 'Boyle#6500', NULL, 'Fabaceae', true, 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Boyle#6500', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'family', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', NULL, 'Fabaceae');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 9, 2, 'Fabaceae Inga "fuzzy leaf"', 0.900000000000000022, 'Inga', 'genus', 1, NULL, ';', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, 'Fabaceae', 'Inga', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '"fuzzy leaf"', 'Accepted', 'Inga', NULL, 'genus', ';', NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'true', 'tpl;usda', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae Inga', '"fuzzy leaf"', NULL, 'Inga', true, 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga "fuzzy leaf"', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga', 'genus', 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga', NULL, 'Inga');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 10, 2, 'Fabaceae Inga "fuzzy leaf"', 0.900000000000000022, 'Inga', 'genus', 1, 'Mill.', '', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, 'Fabaceae', 'Inga', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '"fuzzy leaf"', 'Accepted', 'Inga', 'Mill.', 'genus', '', NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae Inga Mill.', '"fuzzy leaf"', NULL, 'Inga Mill.', true, 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga "fuzzy leaf"', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga Mill.', 'genus', 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga', 'Mill.', 'Inga Mill.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 11, 2, 'Fabaceae Inga "fuzzy leaf"', 0.900000000000000022, 'Inga', 'genus', 1, 'Scop.', '', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, 'Fabaceae', 'Inga', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '"fuzzy leaf"', 'Illegitimate', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae Inga Scop.', '"fuzzy leaf"', NULL, 'Inga Scop.', false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'genus', 'Fabaceae', 'Inga', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga', 'Scop.', 'Inga Scop.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 12, 3, 'Fabaceae Inga sp.3', 0.900000000000000022, 'Inga', 'genus', 1, NULL, ';', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, 'Fabaceae', 'Inga', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'sp.3', 'Accepted', 'Inga', NULL, 'genus', ';', NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'true', 'tpl;usda', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae Inga', 'sp.3', NULL, 'Inga', true, 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga sp.3', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga', 'genus', 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga', NULL, 'Inga');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 13, 3, 'Fabaceae Inga sp.3', 0.900000000000000022, 'Inga', 'genus', 1, 'Mill.', '', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, 'Fabaceae', 'Inga', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'sp.3', 'Accepted', 'Inga', 'Mill.', 'genus', '', NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae Inga Mill.', 'sp.3', NULL, 'Inga Mill.', true, 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga sp.3', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga Mill.', 'genus', 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga', 'Mill.', 'Inga Mill.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 14, 3, 'Fabaceae Inga sp.3', 0.900000000000000022, 'Inga', 'genus', 1, 'Scop.', '', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, 'Fabaceae', 'Inga', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'sp.3', 'Illegitimate', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae Inga Scop.', 'sp.3', NULL, 'Inga Scop.', false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'genus', 'Fabaceae', 'Inga', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Inga', 'Scop.', 'Inga Scop.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 15, 4, 'Fabaceae unknown #2', 0.839999999999999969, 'Fagaceae', 'family', 0.939999999999999947, NULL, ';', NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', 0.880000000000000004, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown #2', 'Accepted', 'Fagaceae', NULL, 'family', ';', NULL, NULL, 'true', 'tpl;usda', ' ', NULL, false, 'Fagaceae', 'unknown #2', NULL, 'Fagaceae', true, 'Fagaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown #2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', 'family', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', NULL, 'Fagaceae');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 16, 4, 'Fabaceae unknown #2', 0.900000000000000022, 'Fabaceae', 'family', 1, 'Lindl.', '', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown #2', 'Accepted', 'Fabaceae', 'Lindl.', 'family', '', NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae Lindl.', 'unknown #2', NULL, 'Fabaceae Lindl.', true, 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae unknown #2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae Lindl.', 'family', 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'Lindl.', 'Fabaceae Lindl.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 17, 4, 'Fabaceae unknown #2', 0.839999999999999969, 'Fagaceae', 'family', 0.939999999999999947, 'Dumort.', '', NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', 0.880000000000000004, 'Fagaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown #2', 'Accepted', 'Fagaceae', 'Dumort.', 'family', '', NULL, 'Fagaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, false, 'Fagaceae Dumort.', 'unknown #2', NULL, 'Fagaceae Dumort.', true, 'Fagaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae unknown #2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae Dumort.', 'family', 'Fagaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fagaceae', 'Dumort.', 'Fagaceae Dumort.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 18, 4, 'Fabaceae unknown #2', 0.67000000000000004, 'Ficaceae', 'family', 0.770000000000000018, 'Bercht. & J. Presl', '', NULL, NULL, 'Ficaceae', 0.75, 'Ficaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown #2', 'No opinion', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, false, 'Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl', 'unknown #2', NULL, 'Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl', false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'family', 'Ficaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Ficaceae', 'Bercht. & J. Presl', 'Ficaceae Bercht. & J. Presl');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 19, 4, 'Fabaceae unknown #2', 0.67000000000000004, 'Fucaceae', 'family', 0.770000000000000018, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 'Fucaceae', 0.75, 'Fucaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown #2', 'No opinion', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, false, 'Fucaceae', 'unknown #2', NULL, 'Fucaceae', false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'family', 'Fucaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fucaceae', NULL, 'Fucaceae');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 20, 4, 'Fabaceae unknown #2', 0.900000000000000022, 'Fabaceae', 'family', 1, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown #2', 'Accepted', 'Fabaceae', NULL, 'family', '', NULL, NULL, 'false', 'usda', ' ', NULL, true, 'Fabaceae', 'unknown #2', NULL, 'Fabaceae', true, 'Fabaceae', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown #2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', 'family', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Fabaceae', NULL, 'Fabaceae');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 21, 5, 'Fam_indet. Boyle#6501', 0, 'No suitable matches found.', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'true', NULL, ' ', NULL, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'No suitable matches found.', false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'No suitable matches found.', NULL, 'No suitable matches found.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 22, 6, 'Poa annua', 1, 'Poa annua', 'species', 1, 'L.', ';;', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Accepted', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'species', ';;', 'Poa annua', 'Poaceae', 'true', 'tpl;tropicos;usda', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa annua L.', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua L.', true, 'Poaceae', '{Poa,annua}', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa annua L.', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, 'annua', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'Poa annua L.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 23, 6, 'Poa annua', 1, 'Poa annua', 'species', 1, 'Cham. & Schltdl.', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'species', '', 'Poa infirma', 'Poaceae', 'false', 'tpl', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua Cham. & Schltdl.', true, 'Poaceae', '{Poa,infirma}', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa infirma Kunth', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'Poa infirma Kunth');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 24, 7, 'Poa annua L.', 1, 'Poa annua', 'species', 1, 'L.', ';;', 'L.', 1, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Accepted', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'species', ';;', 'Poa annua', 'Poaceae', 'true', 'tpl;tropicos;usda', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa annua L.', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua L.', true, 'Poaceae', '{Poa,annua}', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa annua L.', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, 'annua', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'Poa annua L.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 25, 7, 'Poa annua L.', 0.800000000000000044, 'Poa annua', 'species', 1, 'Cham. & Schltdl.', '', 'Cham. & Schltdl.', 0, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'species', '', 'Poa infirma', 'Poaceae', 'false', 'tpl', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua Cham. & Schltdl.', true, 'Poaceae', '{Poa,infirma}', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa infirma Kunth', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'Poa infirma Kunth');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 26, 8, 'Poa annua fo. lanuginosa', 1, 'Poa annua fo. lanuginosa', 'fo.', 1, 'Sennen', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, 'fo.', 'lanuginosa', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'species', '', 'Poa annua', 'Poaceae', 'true', 'tpl', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa annua L.', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua fo. lanuginosa Sennen', true, 'Poaceae', '{Poa,annua}', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa annua L.', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, 'annua', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'Poa annua L.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 27, 8, 'Poa annua fo. lanuginosa', 1, 'Poa annua fo. lanuginosa', 'forma', 1, 'Sennen', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, 'fo.', 'lanuginosa', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa annua var. annua', NULL, 'variety', '', 'Poa annua', 'Poaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa annua var. annua', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua fo. lanuginosa Sennen', true, 'Poaceae', '{Poa,annua}', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', 'var. annua', '{var.,annua}', 'var.', 'annua', 'Poa annua var. annua', 'variety', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', 'var.', 'annua', 'Poa annua var. annua', NULL, 'Poa annua var. annua');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 28, 9, 'Poa annua ssp. exilis', 1, 'Poa annua subsp. exilis', 'subspecies', 1, '(Tomm. ex Freyn) Asch. & Graebn.', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, 'subsp.', 'exilis', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'species', '', 'Poa infirma', 'Poaceae', 'true', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua subsp. exilis (Tomm. ex Freyn) Asch. & Graebn.', true, 'Poaceae', '{Poa,infirma}', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa infirma Kunth', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'Poa infirma Kunth');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 29, 9, 'Poa annua ssp. exilis', 0.959999999999999964, 'Poa annua var. exilis', 'variety', 0.959999999999999964, 'Tomm. ex Freyn', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, 'var.', 'exilis', 0.699999999999999956, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'species', '', 'Poa infirma', 'Poaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua var. exilis Tomm. ex Freyn', true, 'Poaceae', '{Poa,infirma}', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa infirma Kunth', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'Poa infirma Kunth');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 30, 10, 'Poa annua subsp. exilis', 1, 'Poa annua subsp. exilis', 'subsp.', 1, '(Tomm. ex Freyn.) Asch. & Graebn.', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, 'subsp.', 'exilis', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'species', '', 'Poa infirma', 'Poaceae', 'true', 'tpl', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua subsp. exilis (Tomm. ex Freyn.) Asch. & Graebn.', true, 'Poaceae', '{Poa,infirma}', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa infirma Kunth', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'Poa infirma Kunth');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 31, 10, 'Poa annua subsp. exilis', 1, 'Poa annua subsp. exilis', 'subspecies', 1, '(Tomm. ex Freyn) Asch. & Graebn.', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, 'subsp.', 'exilis', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'species', '', 'Poa infirma', 'Poaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa infirma Kunth', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua subsp. exilis (Tomm. ex Freyn) Asch. & Graebn.', true, 'Poaceae', '{Poa,infirma}', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa infirma Kunth', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', NULL, 'infirma', 'Poa infirma', 'Kunth', 'Poa infirma Kunth');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 32, 11, 'Poa annua subvar. minima', 1, 'Poa annua subvar. minima', 'subvariety', 1, '(Schur) Asch. & Graebn.', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, 'subvar.', 'minima', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Accepted', 'Poa annua subvar. minima', '(Schur) Asch. & Graebn.', 'subvariety', '', 'Poa annua', 'Poaceae', 'true', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa annua subvar. minima (Schur) Asch. & Graebn.', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua subvar. minima (Schur) Asch. & Graebn.', true, 'Poaceae', '{Poa,annua}', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', 'subvar. minima', '{subvar.,minima}', 'subvar.', 'minima', 'Poa annua subvar. minima (Schur) Asch. & Graebn.', 'subvariety', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', 'subvar.', 'annua', 'Poa annua subvar. minima', '(Schur) Asch. & Graebn.', 'Poa annua subvar. minima (Schur) Asch. & Graebn.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 33, 12, 'Poa annua var. eriolepis', 1, 'Poa annua var. eriolepis', 'var.', 1, '̉ۡ.Desv.', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, 'var.', 'eriolepis', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'species', '', 'Poa annua', 'Poaceae', 'true', 'tpl', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa annua L.', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua var. eriolepis ̉ۡ.Desv.', true, 'Poaceae', '{Poa,annua}', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa annua L.', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, 'annua', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'Poa annua L.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 34, 12, 'Poa annua var. eriolepis', 1, 'Poa annua var. eriolepis', 'variety', 1, 'E. Desv.', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 1, 'annua', 1, 'var.', 'eriolepis', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Synonym', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'species', '', 'Poa annua', 'Poaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' ', NULL, true, 'Poaceae Poa annua L.', NULL, 'Poa annua', 'Poa annua var. eriolepis E. Desv.', true, 'Poaceae', '{Poa,annua}', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Poa annua L.', 'species', 'Poaceae', 'Poa', 'annua', 'Poa annua', NULL, 'annua', 'Poa annua', 'L.', 'Poa annua L.');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 35, 13, 'Silene scouleri Hook. subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 0.770000000000000018, 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', 'subsp.', 0.770000000000000018, '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 1, 'scouleri', 1, 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'var. grisea', 'Accepted', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subsp.', '', 'Silene scouleri', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'true', 'tpl', ' [Partial match] ', NULL, true, 'Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'var. grisea', 'Silene scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', true, 'Caryophyllaceae', '{Silene,scouleri}', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'subsp. pringlei', '{subsp.,pringlei}', 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subsp.', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'subsp.', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 36, 13, 'Silene scouleri Hook. subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 0.770000000000000018, 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', 'subspecies', 0.770000000000000018, '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 1, 'scouleri', 1, 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'var. grisea', 'Accepted', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subspecies', '', 'Silene scouleri', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' [Partial match] ', NULL, true, 'Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'var. grisea', 'Silene scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', true, 'Caryophyllaceae', '{Silene,scouleri}', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'subsp. pringlei', '{subsp.,pringlei}', 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subspecies', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'subsp.', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 37, 13, 'Silene scouleri Hook. subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 0.770000000000000018, 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', 'subspecies', 0.770000000000000018, '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 1, 'scouleri', 1, 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'var. grisea', 'Accepted', 'Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subspecies', '', 'Silene scouleri', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'false', 'usda', ' [Partial match] ', NULL, true, 'Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'var. grisea', 'Silene scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', true, 'Caryophyllaceae', '{Silene,scouleri}', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'ssp. pringlei', '{ssp.,pringlei}', 'ssp.', 'pringlei', 'Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subspecies', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'ssp.', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 38, 14, 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 0.770000000000000018, 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', 'subsp.', 0.770000000000000018, '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 1, 'scouleri', 1, 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'var. grisea', 'Accepted', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subsp.', '', 'Silene scouleri', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'true', 'tpl', ' [Partial match] ', NULL, true, 'Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'var. grisea', 'Silene scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', true, 'Caryophyllaceae', '{Silene,scouleri}', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'subsp. pringlei', '{subsp.,pringlei}', 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subsp.', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'subsp.', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 39, 14, 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 0.770000000000000018, 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', 'subspecies', 0.770000000000000018, '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 1, 'scouleri', 1, 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'var. grisea', 'Accepted', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subspecies', '', 'Silene scouleri', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'false', 'tropicos', ' [Partial match] ', NULL, true, 'Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'var. grisea', 'Silene scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', true, 'Caryophyllaceae', '{Silene,scouleri}', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'subsp. pringlei', '{subsp.,pringlei}', 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subspecies', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'subsp.', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire');
INSERT INTO taxon_match VALUES ('2014-07-22 04:06:20.378232-07', 40, 14, 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei var. grisea C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 0.770000000000000018, 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei', 'subspecies', 0.770000000000000018, '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 1, 'scouleri', 1, 'subsp.', 'pringlei', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'var. grisea', 'Accepted', 'Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subspecies', '', 'Silene scouleri', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'false', 'usda', ' [Partial match] ', NULL, true, 'Caryophyllaceae Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'var. grisea', 'Silene scouleri', 'Silene scouleri subsp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', true, 'Caryophyllaceae', '{Silene,scouleri}', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'ssp. pringlei', '{ssp.,pringlei}', 'ssp.', 'pringlei', 'Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'subspecies', 'Caryophyllaceae', 'Silene', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri', 'ssp.', 'scouleri', 'Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei', '(S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire', 'Silene scouleri ssp. pringlei (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire');
78 78

79 79

80 80
200 200
	new."[matched_]species[_binomial]~(-Accepted_-)" = NULL;
201 201
	new."[matched_]scientificName[_with_author]" = NULL;
202 202
	new.matched_has_accepted = NULL;
	new."" = NULL;
203 204
	new."__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}" = NULL;
204 205
	new."[accepted_]" = NULL;
205 206
	new."[accepted_]" = NULL;
225 226
	new."[matched_]species[_binomial]~(-Accepted_-)" = (SELECT ("*Genus_matched" || ' '::text) || "*Specific_epithet_matched" FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
226 227
	new."[matched_]scientificName[_with_author]" = (SELECT "*Name_matched" || COALESCE((' '::text || "*Name_matched_author"), ''::text) FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
227 228
	new.matched_has_accepted = (SELECT "*Accepted_name" IS NOT NULL FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
	new."" = (SELECT COALESCE("*Accepted_name_family",
    WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = 'family'::text) THEN "*Accepted_name"
    ELSE NULL::text
END) FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
228 234
	new."__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}" = (SELECT regexp_split_to_array("*Accepted_name_species", ' '::text) FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
229 235
	new."[accepted_]" = (SELECT "__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}"[1] FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
230 236
	new."[accepted_]" = (SELECT "__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}"[2] FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
413 419
    "[matched_]species[_binomial]~(-Accepted_-)" text,
414 420
    "[matched_]scientificName[_with_author]" text,
415 421
    matched_has_accepted boolean,
    "" text,
416 423
    "__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}" text[],
417 424
    "[accepted_]" text,
418 425
    "[accepted_]" text,
432 439
    "[scrubbed_]name[_no_author]~(-Accepted_-)" text,
433 440
    "[scrubbed_]author~(-Accepted_-)" text,
434 441
    "[scrubbed_]scientificName[_with_author]" text,
    CONSTRAINT "" CHECK ((NOT ("" IS DISTINCT FROM COALESCE("*Accepted_name_family",
    WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = 'family'::text) THEN "*Accepted_name"
    ELSE NULL::text
435 447
    CONSTRAINT "[accepted_]Infraspecific_rank[_abbr]" CHECK ((NOT ("[accepted_]Infraspecific_rank[_abbr]" IS DISTINCT FROM "__accepted_infraspecific_{rank,epithet}"[1]))),
436 448
    CONSTRAINT "[accepted_]" CHECK ((NOT ("[accepted_]" IS DISTINCT FROM "__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}"[1]))),
437 449
    CONSTRAINT "[accepted_]" CHECK ((NOT ("[accepted_]" IS DISTINCT FROM "__accepted_infraspecific_{rank,epithet}"[2]))),
615 627

616 628

617 629
-- Name: COLUMN taxon_match.""; Type: COMMENT; Schema: TNRS; Owner: -

COMMENT ON COLUMN taxon_match."" IS '
= COALESCE("*Accepted_name_family",
    WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = ''family''::text) THEN "*Accepted_name"
    ELSE NULL::text

derived column

to modify expr:
SELECT util.derived_col_update(((''"TNRS".taxon_match'', '''')::util.col, $$COALESCE("*Accepted_name_family",
    WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = ''family''::text) THEN "*Accepted_name"
    ELSE NULL::text
SELECT util.derived_cols_populate(''"TNRS".taxon_match''::regclass);

to rename:
# rename column
# rename CHECK constraint
SELECT util.derived_cols_update(''"TNRS".taxon_match''::regclass);


618 658
-- Name: COLUMN taxon_match."__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}"; Type: COMMENT; Schema: TNRS; Owner: -
619 659
620 660

15459 15459
    `[matched_]species[_binomial]~(-Accepted_-)` varchar(255),
15460 15460
    `[matched_]scientificName[_with_author]` varchar(255),
15461 15461
    matched_has_accepted int(1),
    `` varchar(255),
15462 15463
    `__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}` varchar(255),
15463 15464
    `[accepted_]` varchar(255),
15464 15465
    `[accepted_]` varchar(255),
15477 15478
    `[scrubbed_]` varchar(255),
15478 15479
    `[scrubbed_]name[_no_author]~(-Accepted_-)` varchar(255),
15479 15480
    `[scrubbed_]author~(-Accepted_-)` varchar(255),
    `[scrubbed_]scientificName[_with_author]` varchar(255)
    `[scrubbed_]scientificName[_with_author]` varchar(255),
15481 15482
    WHEN (`*Accepted_name_rank` = CAST('family' AS varchar(255))) THEN `*Accepted_name`
    ELSE NULL::varchar(255)
15482 15487
    WHEN (`*Accepted_name_rank` = CAST('family' AS varchar(255))) THEN concat_ws(CAST(' ' AS varchar(255)), `*Accepted_name_family`, `[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]`)
15483 15488
    WHEN (`*Accepted_name_rank` = CAST('genus' AS varchar(255))) THEN concat_ws(CAST(' ' AS varchar(255)), `*Accepted_name`, `[parsed_]morphospecies[_suffix]`)
15484 15489
    ELSE `*Accepted_name_species`
15562 15567

15563 15568

15564 15569
-- Name: COLUMN taxon_match.``; Type: COMMENT; Schema: TNRS; Owner: -




15565 15577
-- Name: COLUMN taxon_match.`__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}`; Type: COMMENT; Schema: TNRS; Owner: -
15566 15578
15567 15579

19262 19262
	new."[matched_]species[_binomial]~(-Accepted_-)" = NULL;
19263 19263
	new."[matched_]scientificName[_with_author]" = NULL;
19264 19264
	new.matched_has_accepted = NULL;
	new."" = NULL;
19265 19266
	new."__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}" = NULL;
19266 19267
	new."[accepted_]" = NULL;
19267 19268
	new."[accepted_]" = NULL;
19287 19288
	new."[matched_]species[_binomial]~(-Accepted_-)" = (SELECT ("*Genus_matched" || ' '::text) || "*Specific_epithet_matched" FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
19288 19289
	new."[matched_]scientificName[_with_author]" = (SELECT "*Name_matched" || COALESCE((' '::text || "*Name_matched_author"), ''::text) FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
19289 19290
	new.matched_has_accepted = (SELECT "*Accepted_name" IS NOT NULL FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
	new."" = (SELECT COALESCE("*Accepted_name_family",
    WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = 'family'::text) THEN "*Accepted_name"
    ELSE NULL::text
END) FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
19290 19296
	new."__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}" = (SELECT regexp_split_to_array("*Accepted_name_species", ' '::text) FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
19291 19297
	new."[accepted_]" = (SELECT "__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}"[1] FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
19292 19298
	new."[accepted_]" = (SELECT "__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}"[2] FROM (SELECT new.*) new);
19517 19523
    "[matched_]species[_binomial]~(-Accepted_-)" text,
19518 19524
    "[matched_]scientificName[_with_author]" text,
19519 19525
    matched_has_accepted boolean,
    "" text,
19520 19527
    "__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}" text[],
19521 19528
    "[accepted_]" text,
19522 19529
    "[accepted_]" text,
19536 19543
    "[scrubbed_]name[_no_author]~(-Accepted_-)" text,
19537 19544
    "[scrubbed_]author~(-Accepted_-)" text,
19538 19545
    "[scrubbed_]scientificName[_with_author]" text,
    CONSTRAINT "" CHECK ((NOT ("" IS DISTINCT FROM COALESCE("*Accepted_name_family",
    WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = 'family'::text) THEN "*Accepted_name"
    ELSE NULL::text
19539 19551
    CONSTRAINT "[accepted_]Infraspecific_rank[_abbr]" CHECK ((NOT ("[accepted_]Infraspecific_rank[_abbr]" IS DISTINCT FROM "__accepted_infraspecific_{rank,epithet}"[1]))),
19540 19552
    CONSTRAINT "[accepted_]" CHECK ((NOT ("[accepted_]" IS DISTINCT FROM "__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}"[1]))),
19541 19553
    CONSTRAINT "[accepted_]" CHECK ((NOT ("[accepted_]" IS DISTINCT FROM "__accepted_infraspecific_{rank,epithet}"[2]))),
19719 19731

19720 19732

19721 19733
-- Name: COLUMN taxon_match.""; Type: COMMENT; Schema: TNRS; Owner: -

COMMENT ON COLUMN taxon_match."" IS '
= COALESCE("*Accepted_name_family",
    WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = ''family''::text) THEN "*Accepted_name"
    ELSE NULL::text

derived column

to modify expr:
SELECT util.derived_col_update(((''"TNRS".taxon_match'', '''')::util.col, $$COALESCE("*Accepted_name_family",
    WHEN ("*Accepted_name_rank" = ''family''::text) THEN "*Accepted_name"
    ELSE NULL::text
SELECT util.derived_cols_populate(''"TNRS".taxon_match''::regclass);

to rename:
# rename column
# rename CHECK constraint
SELECT util.derived_cols_update(''"TNRS".taxon_match''::regclass);


19722 19762
-- Name: COLUMN taxon_match."__accepted_{genus,specific_epithet}"; Type: COMMENT; Schema: TNRS; Owner: -
19723 19763
19724 19764


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