1 |
root := .
2 |
include lib/common.Makefile
3 |
4 |
5 |
##### Vars/functions
6 |
7 |
# Make
8 |
SHELL := /bin/bash
9 |
10 |
# Paths
11 |
bin := bin
12 |
13 |
##### Environment
14 |
15 |
export PGOPTIONS = --client-min-messages=WARNING
16 |
17 |
##### General targets
18 |
19 |
remake: _always clean
20 |
21 |
# re-run make so that cache of existing files is reset
22 |
23 |
##### Installation
24 |
25 |
# public must be installed *after* inputs because some views depend on inputs
26 |
# schemas/public/install also tests that a clean public schema will be
27 |
# installable by full-database import
28 |
install: _always bin/install config/download/live core mysql \
29 |
inputs/download/live inputs/install schemas/public/reinstall
30 |
31 |
# schemas/public/install would errexit if the public schema already exists
32 |
33 |
uninstall: _always rm_mysql rm_core ;
34 |
35 |
reinstall: _always uninstall install ;
36 |
37 |
##### bin/install: live and test environments
38 |
39 |
define uutils_install
40 |
(mkdir -p ~/software/uutils/; cd ~/software/uutils/; \
41 |
svn co http://uutils.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ .; make install)
42 |
@echo $(emph)'reload PATH:'$(endEmph)
43 |
@echo 'press Enter'
44 |
@echo 'press Ctrl-D'
45 |
@echo 'reopen the terminal window'
46 |
@echo 'rerun `make install`'
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
uutils_install? = $(if $(wildcard ~/software/uutils/),,$(uutils_install))
52 |
53 |
bin/install: _always
54 |
55 |
mkdir -p ~/bin
56 |
-ln -s $(realpath bin/make) ~/bin
57 |
# ignore errors if file exists
58 |
59 |
##### Core: VegBIEN DB and dependencies
60 |
61 |
core: _always $(call forOs,apache python php postgres misc) db
62 |
63 |
64 |
rm_core: _always rm_db ;
65 |
66 |
reinstall_core: _always rm_core core ;
67 |
68 |
##### Apache
69 |
70 |
apache-Linux: _always
71 |
# Apache 2.4, which comes with Ubuntu 14.04
72 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install apache2
73 |
#-sudo apt-get --yes install libapache2-mod-php5
74 |
75 |
apache-Darwin: _always ;
76 |
77 |
##### Python
78 |
79 |
python-Linux: _always
80 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install python
81 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install python3
82 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install python-dev
83 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install python-dateutil
84 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install python-parallel
85 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install python-profiler
86 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install python-pip
87 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install pymetrics
88 |
89 |
python-Darwin: _always
90 |
@# Python 2 comes preinstalled
91 |
@echo $(emph)'Installing Python 3.2 on Mac OS X:'$(endEmph)
92 |
@echo 'Download it: http://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.2.3/python-3.2.3-macosx10.6.dmg'
93 |
@echo 'Open the disk image'
94 |
@echo 'Run the installer in it'
95 |
96 |
@echo $(emph)'Installing python-dateutil on Mac OS X:'$(endEmph)
97 |
@echo 'Download it for Python 2: http://labix.org/download/python-dateutil/python-dateutil-1.5.tar.gz'
98 |
@echo 'Extract the archive'
99 |
@echo 'Change to the directory of the extracted files'
100 |
@echo 'Run python setup.py build'
101 |
@echo 'Run sudo python setup.py install'
102 |
@echo "Run python -c 'import dateutil'"
103 |
@echo 'Download it for Python 3: http://labix.org/download/python-dateutil/python-dateutil-2.0.tar.gz'
104 |
@echo 'Extract the archive'
105 |
@echo 'Change to the directory of the extracted files'
106 |
@echo 'Run python3 setup.py build'
107 |
@echo 'Run sudo python3 setup.py install'
108 |
@echo "Run python3 -c 'import dateutil'"
109 |
110 |
@echo $(emph)'Installing pip on Mac OS X:'$(endEmph)
111 |
@echo 'Follow the instructions at http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/installing.html'
112 |
113 |
114 |
##### PHP
115 |
116 |
php-Linux: _always
117 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install php-http-request
118 |
119 |
php-Darwin: _always
120 |
@echo $(emph)'Installing PHP PEAR and HTTP_Request on Mac OS X:'$(endEmph)
121 |
@echo 'Download http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar'
122 |
@echo 'Change to the directory of the downloaded file'
123 |
@echo 'Run php -d detect_unicode=0 go-pear.phar'
124 |
@echo 'Whenever prompted, press Enter to select default options'
125 |
@echo 'Add $$HOME/pear/bin to your $$PATH'
126 |
@echo 'Add $(HOME)/pear/share/pear to your php.ini include_path'
127 |
@echo 'If needed, set $$PHPRC to your php.ini'
128 |
@echo "Run pear install HTTP_Request"
129 |
@echo 'To run a php command: php -c <php.ini-path> ...'
130 |
131 |
132 |
##### PostgreSQL
133 |
134 |
define editPhppgadmin
135 |
-sudo patch /etc/phppgadmin/config.inc.php lib/phpPgAdmin.config.inc.php.diff
136 |
sudo cp -n /usr/share/phppgadmin/login.php /usr/share/phppgadmin/login.php.old
137 |
-sudo patch /usr/share/phppgadmin/login.php lib/phpPgAdmin.login.php.diff
138 |
139 |
# ignore errors if patch has already been applied
140 |
141 |
asBien := sudo -E -u bien
142 |
pgVersion = "$$(env minor=1 bin/pg_version)"
143 |
144 |
linuxPostgresDir := /etc/postgresql/9.3/main
145 |
define pg_ctl-Linux
146 |
$(asAdmin) /etc/init.d/postgresql $(1)\
147 |
# if doesn'\''t work, run `rm $(linuxPostgresDir)/postmaster.pid` and retry
148 |
149 |
150 |
macPostgresDir := /usr/local/var/postgres
151 |
define pg_ctl-Darwin
152 |
brew services $(1) postgresql\
153 |
# if doesn'\''t work, run `rm $(macPostgresDir)/postmaster.pid` and retry
154 |
155 |
#pg_ctl -D $(macPostgresDir) $(1)
156 |
157 |
postgres_restart: postgres_restart-$(os) _always ;
158 |
postgres_restart-Linux: _always
159 |
@# for some reason, pg_ctl does not work when run inside make
160 |
@echo $(emph)'restart PostgreSQL manually:'$(endEmph)
161 |
@echo '$(call pg_ctl-$(os),restart)'
162 |
163 |
postgres_restart-Darwin: _always
164 |
@# for some reason, pg_ctl does not work when run inside make
165 |
@echo $(emph)'restart PostgreSQL manually:'$(endEmph)
166 |
@echo '$(call pg_ctl-$(os),restart)'
167 |
168 |
169 |
confirmPostgresReload = $(call confirm,Modifying postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf)
170 |
171 |
define postgresReload-Linux
172 |
173 |
@echo $(emph)'kernel.shmmax must be set to at least 4GB minus 1 byte:'$(endEmph)
174 |
@echo 'Append the following to /etc/sysctl.conf:'
175 |
@echo 'kernel.shmmax=4294967295'
176 |
177 |
chmod a+r schemas/*.conf || $(asBien) chmod a+r schemas/*.conf
178 |
-$(asAdmin) mv -n $(linuxPostgresDir)/postgresql.conf $(linuxPostgresDir)/postgresql.conf.old
179 |
$(asAdmin) cp --preserve=timestamps schemas/postgresql.conf $(linuxPostgresDir)/postgresql.conf
180 |
-$(asAdmin) mv -n $(linuxPostgresDir)/pg_hba.conf $(linuxPostgresDir)/pg_hba.conf.old
181 |
$(asAdmin) cp --preserve=timestamps schemas/pg_hba.conf $(linuxPostgresDir)/pg_hba.conf
182 |
$(MAKE) postgres_restart-$(os)
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 |
define postgresReload-Darwin
187 |
188 |
chmod a+r schemas/*.conf
189 |
-$(asAdmin) mv -n $(macPostgresDir)/postgresql.conf $(macPostgresDir)/postgresql.conf.old
190 |
$(asAdmin) cp schemas/postgresql.Mac.conf $(macPostgresDir)/postgresql.conf
191 |
-$(asAdmin) mv -n $(macPostgresDir)/pg_hba.conf $(macPostgresDir)/pg_hba.conf.old
192 |
$(asAdmin) cp schemas/pg_hba.Mac.conf $(macPostgresDir)/pg_hba.conf
193 |
-$(asAdmin) mv -n $(macPostgresDir)/pg_ident.conf $(macPostgresDir)/pg_ident.conf.old
194 |
$(asAdmin) cp schemas/pg_ident.Mac.conf $(macPostgresDir)/pg_ident.conf
195 |
$(MAKE) postgres_restart-$(os)
196 |
197 |
198 |
199 |
postgres_reload: _always
200 |
$($(call forOs,postgresReload))
201 |
202 |
phppgadmin-Linux: _always
203 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install phppgadmin
204 |
205 |
-sudo ln -s ../conf.d/phppgadmin /etc/apache2/conf-available/phppgadmin.conf
206 |
sudo a2enconf phppgadmin
207 |
-sudo apache2ctl restart
208 |
209 |
postgres-Linux: _always
210 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install postgresql-9.3
211 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install postgresql-contrib-$(pgVersion)
212 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install postgresql-plpython3-$(pgVersion)
213 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install libpq-dev
214 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install postgresql-$(pgVersion)-postgis-2.1-scripts
215 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install postgresql-$(pgVersion)-postgis-2.1
216 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install pgadmin3
217 |
-$(MAKE) phppgadmin-Linux
218 |
-sudo pip install psycopg2
219 |
220 |
# run pg_version inline because it needs postgresql to be installed first
221 |
# ignore errors if conf files already edited
222 |
223 |
postgres-Darwin: _always
224 |
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)"
225 |
brew doctor
226 |
brew install postgis # also installs PostgreSQL
227 |
228 |
-sudo easy_install psycopg2
229 |
230 |
231 |
postgres-: _always ; # other OSes
232 |
233 |
psqlAsAdminVegbien := $(psqlAsAdmin) vegbien
234 |
# **IMPORTANT**: must use = instead of := because these files are not available
235 |
# until config/download/live has run
236 |
bienPassword = $(shell cat config/bien_password)
237 |
bienReadPassword = $(shell cat config/bien_read_password)
238 |
239 |
##### Misc.
240 |
241 |
misc-Linux: _always
242 |
cp -p "$(shell which dotlockfile)" bin/
243 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install htop
244 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install jedit
245 |
246 |
misc-Darwin: _always ;
247 |
248 |
##### VegBIEN DB
249 |
250 |
#### DB and users
251 |
252 |
confirmRmDb = $(call confirm,WARNING: This will delete your entire VegBIEN\
253 |
DB!,This includes all archived imports and staging tables.)
254 |
255 |
confirmRmPublicSchema = $(call confirm,WARNING: This will delete the current\
256 |
public schema of your VegBIEN DB!,To save it: make schemas/rotate)
257 |
258 |
rmPublicSchema := $(call rmSchemaCmd,public)
259 |
260 |
db: mk_db rm_initial_public schemas/reinstall _always ;
261 |
262 |
mk_db: _always
263 |
-echo "CREATE USER public_ PASSWORD 'password';"|$(psqlAsAdmin)
264 |
-echo "CREATE USER bien PASSWORD '$(bienPassword)';"|$(psqlAsAdmin)
265 |
-echo "CREATE USER bien_read PASSWORD '$(bienReadPassword)' IN ROLE bien \
266 |
267 |
-echo "CREATE DATABASE vegbien WITH OWNER bien TEMPLATE template1 \
268 |
ENCODING 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE 'en_US.UTF-8' LC_CTYPE 'en_US.UTF-8';"|$(psqlAsAdmin)
269 |
-echo "CREATE EXTENSION hstore SCHEMA pg_catalog;"|$(psqlAsAdminVegbien)
270 |
-echo "CREATE EXTENSION plpython3u;"|$(psqlAsAdminVegbien)
271 |
-echo 'CREATE SCHEMA postgis;'|$(psqlAsAdminVegbien)
272 |
-echo 'GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA postgis TO public;'|$(psqlAsAdminVegbien)
273 |
-echo 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis SCHEMA postgis;'\
274 |
275 |
# unset ON_ERROR_STOP so user-exists errors don't prevent further user-adds
276 |
-cat config/users.sql|$(psqlAsAdmin) --set ON_ERROR_STOP
277 |
# ignore errors if user/database/etc. exists
278 |
279 |
rm_initial_public: _always
280 |
281 |
echo $(rmPublicSchema)|$(psqlAsAdminVegbien)
282 |
# drop public schema *as admin* because it starts out owned by postgres
283 |
284 |
rm_db: _always
285 |
286 |
echo "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS vegbien;"|$(psqlAsAdmin)
287 |
echo "DROP USER IF EXISTS bien_read;"|$(psqlAsAdmin)
288 |
echo "DROP USER IF EXISTS bien;"|$(psqlAsAdmin)
289 |
echo "DROP USER IF EXISTS public_;"|$(psqlAsAdmin)
290 |
291 |
reinstall_db: _always rm_db db ;
292 |
293 |
##### MySQL
294 |
295 |
mysql: _always $(call forOs,mysql) mysql_users
296 |
297 |
298 |
rm_mysql: _always rm_mysql_users ;
299 |
300 |
mysql-Linux: _always
301 |
@echo $(emph)"If asked for MySQL root password, enter $(bienPassword)"$(endEmph)
302 |
303 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install mysql-server
304 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install mysql-client
305 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install mysql-workbench
306 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install python-mysqldb
307 |
-sudo apt-get --yes install phpmyadmin
308 |
309 |
mysql-Darwin: _always
310 |
@echo $(emph)'Installing MySQLdb Python driver on Mac OS X 10.7 (may work on other versions):'$(endEmph)
311 |
@echo 'Download it using "latest version" link at http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python/files/'
312 |
@echo 'Extract the archive'
313 |
@echo '(From http://www.rustyrazorblade.com/2011/11/installing-mysqldb-on-macos-lion/:)'
314 |
@echo 'Run ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib'
315 |
@echo 'Run ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib /usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql'
316 |
@echo '(From http://blog.infoentropy.com/MySQL-python_EnvironmentError_mysql_config_not_found:)'
317 |
@echo 'Edit site.cfg and change the line like "mysql_config = " to "mysql_config = /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config"'
318 |
@echo '(From http://www.mangoorange.com/2008/08/01/installing-python-mysqldb-122-on-mac-os-x/:)'
319 |
@echo 'Change to the directory of the extracted files'
320 |
@echo 'Run python setup.py clean'
321 |
@echo 'Run python setup.py build'
322 |
@echo 'Run sudo python setup.py install'
323 |
@echo "Run python -c 'import MySQLdb'"
324 |
325 |
326 |
mysql-: _always # other OSes
327 |
328 |
mysqlAsRoot := mysql --user=root --password='$(bienPassword)'
329 |
330 |
mysql_users: _always
331 |
-echo "CREATE USER 'bien'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$(bienPassword)';"\
332 |
333 |
-echo "CREATE USER 'bien_read'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '$(bienReadPassword)';"\
334 |
335 |
# ignore errors if user exists
336 |
337 |
rm_mysql_users: _always
338 |
-echo "DROP USER 'bien_read'@'localhost';"|$(mysqlAsRoot)
339 |
-echo "DROP USER 'bien'@'%';"|$(mysqlAsRoot)
340 |
# ignore errors if user exists
341 |
342 |
##### Datasources
343 |
344 |
inputs: _always inputs/all ;
345 |
346 |
import: _always import-msg inputs/import_scrub ;
347 |
import-msg: _always
348 |
@echo $(emph)"To import all inputs at once:"$(endEmph) . bin/import_all
349 |
350 |
351 |
scrub: _always inputs/.TNRS/tnrs/tnrs-remake ;
352 |
353 |
verify: _always inputs/verify
354 |
355 |
356 |
test: _always inputs/test
357 |
358 |
359 |
##### Testing
360 |
361 |
test-all: _always remake test missing_mappings
362 |
363 |
364 |
##### Subdir forwarding
365 |
366 |
# Must come last so overridden targets are not forwarded
367 |
368 |
define subdirTargets
369 |
$(subdir): _always
370 |
371 |
372 |
$(subdir)%: _always
373 |
374 |
.PRECIOUS: $(subdir)% # let subdir's Makefile decide whether to delete on error
375 |
376 |
$(subdir)reinstall: _always $(subdir)uninstall $(subdir)install ;
377 |
378 |
$(foreach subdir,$(wildcard */),$(eval $(subdirTargets)))
379 |
380 |
Makefile: ;
381 |
382 |
%: $(addsuffix %,$(dir $(shell echo */Makefile))) _always ;
383 |
384 |
#### Overrides of forwarded commands
385 |
386 |
# commented out to avoid a cascade of "overriding commands for target" warnings
387 |
#inputs/reinstall: _always
388 |
# echo '. bin/reinstall_all; wait'|bash -s
389 |
390 |
#### Maps validation
391 |
392 |
termsSubdirs := $(call no/,$(call wildcard/,inputs/*/))
393 |
394 |
include lib/mappings.Makefile