Revision 1671
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza almost 13 years ago
inputs/SpeciesLink/test/import.specimens.out.ref | ||
1 |
Inserted 30 new rows into database |
1 |
Inserted 32 new rows into database |
inputs/SpeciesLink/test/DwC.specimens.xml.ref | ||
3 | 3 |
<list id="0"> |
4 | 4 |
<institutionID>SpeciesLink</institutionID> |
5 | 5 |
<BasisOfRecord>S</BasisOfRecord> |
6 |
<CatalogNumber>3142542</CatalogNumber> |
7 |
<CollectionCode>MOBOT_BR</CollectionCode> |
8 |
<Collector>S. Mori, B. Rabelo, H. Belo, J. Cardoso, D. Daly, R. Nonato & M.R. dos Santos</Collector> |
9 |
<CollectorNumber>16135</CollectorNumber> |
10 |
<Continent>South America</Continent> |
11 |
<ContinentOcean>South America</ContinentOcean> |
12 |
<Country>Brazil</Country> |
13 |
<DateLastModified>2010-12-06 10:03:24</DateLastModified> |
14 |
<DecimalLatitude>0.17</DecimalLatitude> |
15 |
<DecimalLongitude>-51.62</DecimalLongitude> |
16 |
<Family>Orchidaceae</Family> |
17 |
<Genus>Aa</Genus> |
18 |
<GlobalUniqueIdentifier>7384116</GlobalUniqueIdentifier> |
19 |
<IdentifiedBy>R. Garcia,</IdentifiedBy> |
20 |
<InstitutionCode>MO</InstitutionCode> |
6 |
<CatalogNumber>43226</CatalogNumber> |
7 |
<CollectionCode>JPB</CollectionCode> |
8 |
<Collector>Silva, F.O.</Collector> |
9 |
<CollectorNumber>27</CollectorNumber> |
10 |
<Continent>Southern America</Continent> |
11 |
<ContinentOcean>Southern America</ContinentOcean> |
12 |
<Country>Brasil</Country> |
13 |
<County>Mamanguape</County> |
14 |
<DateLastModified>2012-03-14 19:28:47</DateLastModified> |
15 |
<DayCollected>09</DayCollected> |
16 |
<DayIdentified>08</DayIdentified> |
17 |
<DecimalLatitude>-6.73845</DecimalLatitude> |
18 |
<DecimalLongitude>-35.1385666667</DecimalLongitude> |
19 |
<Family>Leguminosae-Mim.</Family> |
20 |
<Genus>Abarema</Genus> |
21 |
<GlobalUniqueIdentifier>96848826</GlobalUniqueIdentifier> |
22 |
<IdentifiedBy>Lima, I.B.</IdentifiedBy> |
23 |
<IndividualCount>0</IndividualCount> |
24 |
<InstitutionCode>UFPB</InstitutionCode> |
21 | 25 |
<Kingdom>Plantae</Kingdom> |
22 |
<Latitude>0.17</Latitude> |
23 |
<Locality>Camaipi. Embrapa reserve and vicinity</Locality> |
24 |
<Longitude>-51.62</Longitude> |
25 |
<ScientificName>Aa</ScientificName> |
26 |
<ScientificNameAuthor>Rchb. f.</ScientificNameAuthor> |
27 |
<StateProvince>Amapá</StateProvince> |
26 |
<Latitude>-6.73845</Latitude> |
27 |
<Locality>Reserva Biológica Guaribas-Próximo a trilha Caiana.</Locality> |
28 |
<Longitude>-35.1385666667</Longitude> |
29 |
<MaximumElevation>181</MaximumElevation> |
30 |
<MaximumElevationInMeters>181</MaximumElevationInMeters> |
31 |
<MinimumElevation>181</MinimumElevation> |
32 |
<MinimumElevationInMeters>181</MinimumElevationInMeters> |
33 |
<MonthCollected>09</MonthCollected> |
34 |
<MonthIdentified>10</MonthIdentified> |
35 |
<Notes>Árvore; ca. de 4,5m Alt.; botão floral com coloraçao verde.</Notes> |
36 |
<Remarks>Árvore; ca. de 4,5m Alt.; botão floral com coloraçao verde.</Remarks> |
37 |
<ScientificName>Abarema cochliacarpos</ScientificName> |
38 |
<ScientificNameAuthor>(Gomes) Barneby & J.W.Grimes</ScientificNameAuthor> |
39 |
<Species>cochliacarpos</Species> |
40 |
<SpecificEpithet>cochliacarpos</SpecificEpithet> |
41 |
<StateProvince>Paraíba</StateProvince> |
42 |
<VerbatimLatitude>-6.73845</VerbatimLatitude> |
43 |
<VerbatimLongitude>-35.1385666667</VerbatimLongitude> |
44 |
<YearCollected>2009</YearCollected> |
45 |
<YearIdentified>2010</YearIdentified> |
28 | 46 |
<basisOfRecord>S</basisOfRecord> |
29 |
<catalogNumber>3142542</catalogNumber> |
30 |
<collectionCode>MOBOT_BR</collectionCode> |
31 |
<collectionID>88</collectionID> |
32 |
<continent>South America</continent> |
33 |
<country>Brazil</country> |
34 |
<dcterms:modified>2010-12-06 10:03:24</dcterms:modified> |
35 |
<decimalLatitude>0.17</decimalLatitude> |
36 |
<decimalLongitude>-51.62</decimalLongitude> |
37 |
<family>Orchidaceae</family> |
38 |
<genus>Aa</genus> |
39 |
<identifiedBy>R. Garcia,</identifiedBy> |
40 |
<institutionCode>MO</institutionCode> |
47 |
<catalogNumber>43226</catalogNumber> |
48 |
<collectionCode>JPB</collectionCode> |
49 |
<collectionID>107</collectionID> |
50 |
<continent>Southern America</continent> |
51 |
<country>Brasil</country> |
52 |
<county>Mamanguape</county> |
53 |
<dateIdentified>2010</dateIdentified> |
54 |
<day>09</day> |
55 |
<dcterms:modified>2012-03-14 19:28:47</dcterms:modified> |
56 |
<decimalLatitude>-6.73845</decimalLatitude> |
57 |
<decimalLongitude>-35.1385666667</decimalLongitude> |
58 |
<family>Leguminosae-Mim.</family> |
59 |
<genus>Abarema</genus> |
60 |
<identifiedBy>Lima, I.B.</identifiedBy> |
61 |
<individualCount>0</individualCount> |
62 |
<institutionCode>UFPB</institutionCode> |
41 | 63 |
<kingdom>Plantae</kingdom> |
42 |
<locality>Camaipi. Embrapa reserve and vicinity</locality> |
43 |
<recordNumber>16135</recordNumber> |
44 |
<recordedBy>S. Mori, B. Rabelo, H. Belo, J. Cardoso, D. Daly, R. Nonato & M.R. dos Santos</recordedBy> |
45 |
<scientificName>Aa</scientificName> |
46 |
<scientificNameAuthorship>Rchb. f.</scientificNameAuthorship> |
47 |
<stateProvince>Amapá</stateProvince> |
64 |
<locality>Reserva Biológica Guaribas-Próximo a trilha Caiana.</locality> |
65 |
<maximumElevationInMeters>181</maximumElevationInMeters> |
66 |
<minimumElevationInMeters>181</minimumElevationInMeters> |
67 |
<month>09</month> |
68 |
<occurrenceRemarks>Árvore; ca. de 4,5m Alt.; botão floral com coloraçao verde.</occurrenceRemarks> |
69 |
<recordNumber>27</recordNumber> |
70 |
<recordedBy>Silva, F.O.</recordedBy> |
71 |
<scientificName>Abarema cochliacarpos</scientificName> |
72 |
<scientificNameAuthorship>(Gomes) Barneby & J.W.Grimes</scientificNameAuthorship> |
73 |
<specificEpithet>cochliacarpos</specificEpithet> |
74 |
<stateProvince>Paraíba</stateProvince> |
75 |
<verbatimLatitude>-6.73845</verbatimLatitude> |
76 |
<verbatimLongitude>-35.1385666667</verbatimLongitude> |
77 |
<year>2009</year> |
48 | 78 |
</list> |
49 | 79 |
<list id="1"> |
50 | 80 |
<institutionID>SpeciesLink</institutionID> |
51 | 81 |
<BasisOfRecord>S</BasisOfRecord> |
52 |
<CatalogNumber>2875816</CatalogNumber> |
53 |
<CollectionCode>MOBOT_BR</CollectionCode> |
54 |
<Collector>C.A. Cid, J. Ramos, C.D. Mota & N. Rosas</Collector> |
55 |
<CollectorNumber>1882</CollectorNumber> |
56 |
<Continent>South America</Continent> |
57 |
<ContinentOcean>South America</ContinentOcean> |
58 |
<Country>Brazil</Country> |
59 |
<DateLastModified>2010-12-06 10:03:24</DateLastModified> |
60 |
<DecimalLatitude>0</DecimalLatitude> |
61 |
<DecimalLongitude>0</DecimalLongitude> |
62 |
<Family>Fabaceae</Family> |
82 |
<CatalogNumber>14046</CatalogNumber> |
83 |
<CollectionCode>JPB</CollectionCode> |
84 |
<Collector>Lima, H.C.</Collector> |
85 |
<CollectorNumber>2745</CollectorNumber> |
86 |
<Continent>Southern America</Continent> |
87 |
<ContinentOcean>Southern America</ContinentOcean> |
88 |
<Country>Brasil</Country> |
89 |
<County>Tonantins</County> |
90 |
<DateLastModified>2012-03-14 19:28:48</DateLastModified> |
91 |
<DayCollected>18</DayCollected> |
92 |
<DayIdentified>11</DayIdentified> |
93 |
<DecimalLatitude>-2.8333333333</DecimalLatitude> |
94 |
<DecimalLongitude>-67.8333333333</DecimalLongitude> |
95 |
<Family>Leguminosae-Mim.</Family> |
63 | 96 |
<Genus>Abarema</Genus> |
64 |
<GlobalUniqueIdentifier>7384117</GlobalUniqueIdentifier> |
65 |
<IdentifiedBy>Barneby & Grimes,</IdentifiedBy> |
66 |
<InstitutionCode>MO</InstitutionCode> |
97 |
<GlobalUniqueIdentifier>96848863</GlobalUniqueIdentifier> |
98 |
<IdentifiedBy>Iganci, J.</IdentifiedBy> |
99 |
<IndividualCount>0</IndividualCount> |
100 |
<InstitutionCode>UFPB</InstitutionCode> |
67 | 101 |
<Kingdom>Plantae</Kingdom> |
68 |
<Latitude>0</Latitude> |
69 |
<Locality>Município de Oriximiná, rio Trombetas, mar gem direita, Porto Trombetas, estrada da Mineraçao rio Norte km 60, atrás da Mina de Bauxita. Mata alta de terra firme, solo argiloso.</Locality> |
70 |
<Longitude>0</Longitude> |
71 |
<ScientificName>Abarema</ScientificName> |
72 |
<ScientificNameAuthor>Pittier</ScientificNameAuthor> |
73 |
<StateProvince>Pará</StateProvince> |
102 |
<Latitude>-2.8333333333</Latitude> |
103 |
<Locality>Mata de Igapó. Margens inundadas.</Locality> |
104 |
<Longitude>-67.8333333333</Longitude> |
105 |
<MonthCollected>11</MonthCollected> |
106 |
<MonthIdentified>08</MonthIdentified> |
107 |
<Notes>Árvore pequena com 5m de altura; frutos jovens esverdeados. Boca do rio Tonantins, abaixo de Vila Velha. Frequente.</Notes> |
108 |
<Remarks>Árvore pequena com 5m de altura; frutos jovens esverdeados. Boca do rio Tonantins, abaixo de Vila Velha. Frequente.</Remarks> |
109 |
<ScientificName>Abarema jupunba</ScientificName> |
110 |
<ScientificNameAuthor>(Willd.) Britton & Killip</ScientificNameAuthor> |
111 |
<Species>jupunba</Species> |
112 |
<SpecificEpithet>jupunba</SpecificEpithet> |
113 |
<StateProvince>Amazonas</StateProvince> |
114 |
<VerbatimLatitude>-2.8333333333</VerbatimLatitude> |
115 |
<VerbatimLongitude>-67.8333333333</VerbatimLongitude> |
116 |
<YearCollected>1986</YearCollected> |
117 |
<YearIdentified>2008</YearIdentified> |
74 | 118 |
<basisOfRecord>S</basisOfRecord> |
75 |
<catalogNumber>2875816</catalogNumber> |
76 |
<collectionCode>MOBOT_BR</collectionCode> |
77 |
<collectionID>88</collectionID> |
78 |
<continent>South America</continent> |
79 |
<country>Brazil</country> |
80 |
<dcterms:modified>2010-12-06 10:03:24</dcterms:modified> |
81 |
<decimalLatitude>0</decimalLatitude> |
82 |
<decimalLongitude>0</decimalLongitude> |
83 |
<family>Fabaceae</family> |
119 |
<catalogNumber>14046</catalogNumber> |
120 |
<collectionCode>JPB</collectionCode> |
121 |
<collectionID>107</collectionID> |
122 |
<continent>Southern America</continent> |
123 |
<country>Brasil</country> |
124 |
<county>Tonantins</county> |
125 |
<dateIdentified>2008</dateIdentified> |
126 |
<day>18</day> |
127 |
<dcterms:modified>2012-03-14 19:28:48</dcterms:modified> |
128 |
<decimalLatitude>-2.8333333333</decimalLatitude> |
129 |
<decimalLongitude>-67.8333333333</decimalLongitude> |
130 |
<family>Leguminosae-Mim.</family> |
84 | 131 |
<genus>Abarema</genus> |
85 |
<identifiedBy>Barneby & Grimes,</identifiedBy> |
86 |
<institutionCode>MO</institutionCode> |
132 |
<identifiedBy>Iganci, J.</identifiedBy> |
133 |
<individualCount>0</individualCount> |
134 |
<institutionCode>UFPB</institutionCode> |
87 | 135 |
<kingdom>Plantae</kingdom> |
88 |
<locality>Município de Oriximiná, rio Trombetas, mar gem direita, Porto Trombetas, estrada da Mineraçao rio Norte km 60, atrás da Mina de Bauxita. Mata alta de terra firme, solo argiloso.</locality> |
89 |
<recordNumber>1882</recordNumber> |
90 |
<recordedBy>C.A. Cid, J. Ramos, C.D. Mota & N. Rosas</recordedBy> |
91 |
<scientificName>Abarema</scientificName> |
92 |
<scientificNameAuthorship>Pittier</scientificNameAuthorship> |
93 |
<stateProvince>Pará</stateProvince> |
136 |
<locality>Mata de Igapó. Margens inundadas.</locality> |
137 |
<month>11</month> |
138 |
<occurrenceRemarks>Árvore pequena com 5m de altura; frutos jovens esverdeados. Boca do rio Tonantins, abaixo de Vila Velha. Frequente.</occurrenceRemarks> |
139 |
<recordNumber>2745</recordNumber> |
140 |
<recordedBy>Lima, H.C.</recordedBy> |
141 |
<scientificName>Abarema jupunba</scientificName> |
142 |
<scientificNameAuthorship>(Willd.) Britton & Killip</scientificNameAuthorship> |
143 |
<specificEpithet>jupunba</specificEpithet> |
144 |
<stateProvince>Amazonas</stateProvince> |
145 |
<verbatimLatitude>-2.8333333333</verbatimLatitude> |
146 |
<verbatimLongitude>-67.8333333333</verbatimLongitude> |
147 |
<year>1986</year> |
94 | 148 |
</list> |
95 | 149 |
</DwC> |
inputs/SpeciesLink/test/VegBIEN.specimens.xml.ref | ||
10 | 10 |
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11 | 11 |
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12 | 12 |
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13 |
14 |
13 |
14 |
15 | 15 |
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16 | 16 |
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17 |
18 |
17 |
18 |
19 | 19 |
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20 | 20 |
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21 |
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22 |
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21 |
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22 |
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23 |
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24 |
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25 |
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26 |
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27 |
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28 |
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23 | 29 |
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24 | 30 |
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25 | 31 |
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26 | 32 |
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27 | 33 |
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28 | 34 |
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29 |
30 |
35 |
36 |
31 | 37 |
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32 |
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33 |
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34 |
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38 |
<locationnarrative>Reserva Biológica Guaribas-Próximo a trilha Caiana.</locationnarrative> |
39 |
<elevation/> |
40 |
<elevationrange/> |
41 |
<centerlatitude>-6.73845</centerlatitude> |
42 |
<centerlongitude>-35.1385666667</centerlongitude> |
35 | 43 |
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36 | 44 |
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45 |
<obsstartdate>2009-09-09</obsstartdate> |
46 |
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37 | 47 |
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38 | 48 |
</locationevent_id> |
39 | 49 |
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40 | 50 |
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51 |
<determinationdate>2010-10-08</determinationdate> |
41 | 52 |
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42 | 53 |
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43 | 54 |
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44 |
55 |
45 | 56 |
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46 |
57 |
47 | 58 |
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48 | 59 |
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49 | 60 |
<isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
... | ... | |
52 | 63 |
<plantname_id> |
53 | 64 |
<plantname> |
54 | 65 |
<rank>binomial</rank> |
55 |
66 |
<plantname>Abarema cochliacarpos</plantname>
56 | 67 |
<parent_id> |
57 | 68 |
<plantname> |
58 | 69 |
<rank>authority</rank> |
59 |
<plantname>Rchb. f.</plantname>
70 |
<plantname>(Gomes) Barneby & J.W.Grimes</plantname>
60 | 71 |
<parent_id> |
61 | 72 |
<plantname> |
62 |
63 |
73 |
74 |
64 | 75 |
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65 | 76 |
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66 |
67 |
77 |
78 |
68 | 79 |
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69 | 80 |
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70 |
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71 |
<plantname>Plantae</plantname> |
81 |
<rank>family</rank> |
82 |
<plantname>Leguminosae-Mim.</plantname> |
83 |
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84 |
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85 |
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86 |
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87 |
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88 |
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72 | 89 |
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73 | 90 |
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74 | 91 |
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... | ... | |
82 | 99 |
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83 | 100 |
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84 | 101 |
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85 |
<verbatimcollectorname>S. Mori, B. Rabelo, H. Belo, J. Cardoso, D. Daly, R. Nonato & M.R. dos Santos</verbatimcollectorname>
102 |
<verbatimcollectorname>Silva, F.O.</verbatimcollectorname>
86 | 103 |
</taxonoccurrence> |
87 | 104 |
</taxonoccurrence_id> |
88 |
<collectioncode_dwc>MOBOT_BR</collectioncode_dwc> |
105 |
<collectioncode_dwc>JPB</collectioncode_dwc> |
106 |
<description>Árvore; ca. de 4,5m Alt.; botão floral com coloraçao verde.</description> |
89 | 107 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>SpeciesLink</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
90 |
91 |
92 |
108 |
109 |
110 |
93 | 111 |
</specimenreplicate> |
94 | 112 |
<specimenreplicate id="1"> |
95 | 113 |
<taxonoccurrence_id> |
... | ... | |
101 | 119 |
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102 | 120 |
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103 | 121 |
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104 |
105 |
122 |
123 |
106 | 124 |
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107 | 125 |
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108 |
109 |
126 |
127 |
110 | 128 |
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111 | 129 |
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112 |
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113 |
<placename>South America</placename> |
130 |
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131 |
<placename>Brasil</placename> |
132 |
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133 |
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134 |
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135 |
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136 |
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137 |
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114 | 138 |
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115 | 139 |
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116 | 140 |
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117 | 141 |
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118 | 142 |
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119 | 143 |
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120 |
121 |
144 |
145 |
122 | 146 |
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123 |
<locationnarrative>Município de Oriximiná, rio Trombetas, mar gem direita, Porto Trombetas, estrada da Mineraçao rio Norte km 60, atrás da Mina de Bauxita. Mata alta de terra firme, solo argiloso.</locationnarrative>
124 |
125 |
147 |
<locationnarrative>Mata de Igapó. Margens inundadas.</locationnarrative>
148 |
149 |
126 | 150 |
</location> |
127 | 151 |
</location_id> |
152 |
<obsstartdate>1986-11-18</obsstartdate> |
153 |
<obsenddate/> |
128 | 154 |
</locationevent> |
129 | 155 |
</locationevent_id> |
130 | 156 |
<taxondetermination> |
131 | 157 |
<role>identifier</role> |
158 |
<determinationdate>2008-08-11</determinationdate> |
132 | 159 |
<iscurrent>true</iscurrent> |
133 | 160 |
<party_id> |
134 | 161 |
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135 |
136 |
137 |
162 |
163 |
<middlename></middlename> |
164 |
138 | 165 |
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139 | 166 |
</party_id> |
140 | 167 |
<isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
... | ... | |
143 | 170 |
<plantname_id> |
144 | 171 |
<plantname> |
145 | 172 |
<rank>binomial</rank> |
146 |
<plantname>Abarema</plantname> |
173 |
<plantname>Abarema jupunba</plantname>
147 | 174 |
<parent_id> |
148 | 175 |
<plantname> |
149 | 176 |
<rank>authority</rank> |
150 |
177 |
<plantname>(Willd.) Britton & Killip</plantname>
151 | 178 |
<parent_id> |
152 | 179 |
<plantname> |
153 |
154 |
180 |
181 |
155 | 182 |
<parent_id> |
156 | 183 |
<plantname> |
157 |
158 |
184 |
185 |
159 | 186 |
<parent_id> |
160 | 187 |
<plantname> |
161 |
<rank>kingdom</rank> |
162 |
<plantname>Plantae</plantname> |
188 |
<rank>family</rank> |
189 |
<plantname>Leguminosae-Mim.</plantname> |
190 |
<parent_id> |
191 |
<plantname> |
192 |
<rank>kingdom</rank> |
193 |
<plantname>Plantae</plantname> |
194 |
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195 |
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163 | 196 |
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164 | 197 |
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165 | 198 |
</plantname> |
... | ... | |
173 | 206 |
</plantconcept> |
174 | 207 |
</plantconcept_id> |
175 | 208 |
</taxondetermination> |
176 |
<verbatimcollectorname>C.A. Cid, J. Ramos, C.D. Mota & N. Rosas</verbatimcollectorname>
209 |
<verbatimcollectorname>Lima, H.C.</verbatimcollectorname>
177 | 210 |
</taxonoccurrence> |
178 | 211 |
</taxonoccurrence_id> |
179 |
<collectioncode_dwc>MOBOT_BR</collectioncode_dwc> |
212 |
<collectioncode_dwc>JPB</collectioncode_dwc> |
213 |
<description>Árvore pequena com 5m de altura; frutos jovens esverdeados. Boca do rio Tonantins, abaixo de Vila Velha. Frequente.</description> |
180 | 214 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>SpeciesLink</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
181 |
182 |
183 |
215 |
216 |
217 |
184 | 218 |
</specimenreplicate> |
185 | 219 |
</VegBIEN> |
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