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Revision 1732

VegX-VegBIEN.organisms.csv: Renamed individualOrganismObservation user-defined field coverPercent to cover to be consistent with VegBIEN

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30 30
"comments",,"Brad: OMIT"
31 31
"habit","/simpleUserdefined[name=growthForm]/value/_map:[./{T,Arbol,palm}=tree,./{H,""Hemiepífito""}=hemiepiphyte,./{L,l,""L?"",Liana}=liana,E=epiphyte,S=shrub,Hb=herb,""vine-herbaceous""=vine,graminoid=grass,rosette=forb,*=]/value","Brad: Incorrect for VegBank, correct for VegX. This is growth form (tree, shrub, herb, etc.). It is an observation of a trait."
32 32
"no_of_individuals","/simpleUserdefined[name=count]/value","Brad: Incorrect for VegX. This is a count of number of indiiduals for an *aggregate* observation. For VegBank, I'm not sure. Not exactly the same as stemCount. An individual tree could have 3 stems but would still only count as 1. We need to check with Bob on this."
34 34
"intercept_cm","/simpleUserdefined[name=interceptCm]/value","Brad: Incorrect for VegBank This is an aggregate observation. Used in line-intercept methodology only, describes the point along centerline at which an individual intercepts the center line of the plot. Used to determin relative abundance."
35 35
"height_m","/height","Brad: Incorrect for VegBank. This is a measurement applied to a single tree. Check with Bob"
36 36
"ht_first_branch_m","/simpleUserdefined[name=htFirstBranchM]/value","Brad: Incorrect for VegBank. This is a measurement applied to a single tree. Check with Bob"

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