Revision 1782
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza almost 13 years ago
mappings/DwC.self.specimens.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
"DwC::[@xmlns:dcterms=""""]/list:[institutionID=$/_ignore/inLabel]/","DwC::[@xmlns:dcterms=""""]/list:[institutionID=$/_ignore/inLabel]/" |
2 | 2 |
AcceptedNameUsage,AcceptedNameUsage |
3 | 3 |
AcceptedNameUsageID,AcceptedNameUsageID |
4 |
AccessRights,AccessRights |
4 | 5 |
AssociatedMedia,AssociatedMedia |
5 | 6 |
AssociatedOccurrences,AssociatedOccurrences |
6 | 7 |
AssociatedReferences,AssociatedReferences |
... | ... | |
9 | 10 |
BasisOfRecord,BasisOfRecord |
10 | 11 |
Bed,Bed |
11 | 12 |
Behavior,Behavior |
13 |
BibliographicCitation,BibliographicCitation |
12 | 14 |
BoundingBox,BoundingBox |
13 | 15 |
CatalogNumber,CatalogNumber |
14 | 16 |
Class,Class |
... | ... | |
97 | 99 |
IslandGroup,IslandGroup |
98 | 100 |
JulianDay,JulianDay |
99 | 101 |
Kingdom,Kingdom |
102 |
Language,Language |
100 | 103 |
LatestAgeOrHighestStage,LatestAgeOrHighestStage |
101 | 104 |
LatestEonOrHighestEonothem,LatestEonOrHighestEonothem |
102 | 105 |
LatestEpochOrHighestSeries,LatestEpochOrHighestSeries |
... | ... | |
131 | 134 |
MinimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters,MinimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters |
132 | 135 |
MinimumElevation,MinimumElevation |
133 | 136 |
MinimumElevationInMeters,MinimumElevationInMeters |
137 |
Modified,Modified |
134 | 138 |
Month,Month |
135 | 139 |
MonthCollected,MonthCollected |
136 | 140 |
MonthIdentified,MonthIdentified |
... | ... | |
162 | 166 |
PreviousIdentifications,PreviousIdentifications |
163 | 167 |
RecordNumber,RecordNumber |
164 | 168 |
RecordedBy,RecordedBy |
169 |
References,References |
165 | 170 |
RelatedCatalogItem,RelatedCatalogItem |
166 | 171 |
RelatedResourceID,RelatedResourceID |
167 | 172 |
RelationshipAccordingTo,RelationshipAccordingTo |
... | ... | |
173 | 178 |
ReproductiveCondition,ReproductiveCondition |
174 | 179 |
ResourceID,ResourceID |
175 | 180 |
ResourceRelationshipID,ResourceRelationshipID |
181 |
Rights,Rights |
182 |
RightsHolder,RightsHolder |
176 | 183 |
SamplingEffort,SamplingEffort |
177 | 184 |
SamplingProtocol,SamplingProtocol |
178 | 185 |
ScientificName,ScientificName |
... | ... | |
193 | 200 |
TaxonRemarks,TaxonRemarks |
194 | 201 |
TaxonomicStatus,TaxonomicStatus |
195 | 202 |
TimeOfDay,TimeOfDay |
203 |
Type,Type |
196 | 204 |
TypeStatus,TypeStatus |
197 | 205 |
VerbatimCoordinateSystem,VerbatimCoordinateSystem |
198 | 206 |
VerbatimCoordinates,VerbatimCoordinates |
... | ... | |
211 | 219 |
YearIdentified,YearIdentified |
212 | 220 |
acceptedNameUsage,acceptedNameUsage |
213 | 221 |
acceptedNameUsageID,acceptedNameUsageID |
222 |
accessRights,accessRights |
214 | 223 |
associatedMedia,associatedMedia |
215 | 224 |
associatedOccurrences,associatedOccurrences |
216 | 225 |
associatedReferences,associatedReferences |
... | ... | |
219 | 228 |
basisOfRecord,basisOfRecord |
220 | 229 |
bed,bed |
221 | 230 |
behavior,behavior |
231 |
bibliographicCitation,bibliographicCitation |
222 | 232 |
boundingBox,boundingBox |
223 | 233 |
catalogNumber,catalogNumber |
224 | 234 |
class,class |
... | ... | |
307 | 317 |
islandGroup,islandGroup |
308 | 318 |
julianDay,julianDay |
309 | 319 |
kingdom,kingdom |
320 |
language,language |
310 | 321 |
latestAgeOrHighestStage,latestAgeOrHighestStage |
311 | 322 |
latestEonOrHighestEonothem,latestEonOrHighestEonothem |
312 | 323 |
latestEpochOrHighestSeries,latestEpochOrHighestSeries |
... | ... | |
341 | 352 |
minimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters,minimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters |
342 | 353 |
minimumElevation,minimumElevation |
343 | 354 |
minimumElevationInMeters,minimumElevationInMeters |
355 |
modified,modified |
344 | 356 |
month,month |
345 | 357 |
monthCollected,monthCollected |
346 | 358 |
monthIdentified,monthIdentified |
... | ... | |
372 | 384 |
previousIdentifications,previousIdentifications |
373 | 385 |
recordNumber,recordNumber |
374 | 386 |
recordedBy,recordedBy |
387 |
references,references |
375 | 388 |
relatedCatalogItem,relatedCatalogItem |
376 | 389 |
relatedResourceID,relatedResourceID |
377 | 390 |
relationshipAccordingTo,relationshipAccordingTo |
... | ... | |
383 | 396 |
reproductiveCondition,reproductiveCondition |
384 | 397 |
resourceID,resourceID |
385 | 398 |
resourceRelationshipID,resourceRelationshipID |
399 |
rights,rights |
400 |
rightsHolder,rightsHolder |
386 | 401 |
samplingEffort,samplingEffort |
387 | 402 |
samplingProtocol,samplingProtocol |
388 | 403 |
scientificName,scientificName |
... | ... | |
403 | 418 |
taxonRemarks,taxonRemarks |
404 | 419 |
taxonomicStatus,taxonomicStatus |
405 | 420 |
timeOfDay,timeOfDay |
421 |
type,type |
406 | 422 |
typeStatus,typeStatus |
407 | 423 |
verbatimCoordinateSystem,verbatimCoordinateSystem |
408 | 424 |
verbatimCoordinates,verbatimCoordinates |
mappings/ | ||
141 | 141 |
institutionID,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/1,,8 |
142 | 142 |
AcceptedNameUsage,,,135 |
143 | 143 |
AcceptedNameUsageID,,,128 |
144 |
AccessRights,,Versions without namespace,5 |
144 | 145 |
AssociatedMedia,,,36 |
145 | 146 |
AssociatedOccurrences,,,38 |
146 | 147 |
AssociatedReferences,,,37 |
... | ... | |
149 | 150 |
BasisOfRecord,,Brad: OMIT? See for definition of this term.,15 |
150 | 151 |
Bed,,,117 |
151 | 152 |
Behavior,,,29 |
153 |
BibliographicCitation,,Versions without namespace,6 |
152 | 154 |
CountryCode,,,64 |
153 | 155 |
DataGeneralizations,,,17 |
154 | 156 |
DatasetID,,,10 |
... | ... | |
202 | 204 |
Island,,,62 |
203 | 205 |
IslandGroup,,,61 |
204 | 206 |
JulianDay,,Brad: OMIT,50 |
207 |
Language,,Versions without namespace,2 |
205 | 208 |
LatestAgeOrHighestStage,,,110 |
206 | 209 |
LatestEonOrHighestEonothem,,,102 |
207 | 210 |
LatestEpochOrHighestSeries,,,108 |
... | ... | |
225 | 228 |
MeasurementValue,,,168 |
226 | 229 |
Member,,,116 |
227 | 230 |
MinimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters,,,76 |
231 |
Modified,,"Versions without namespace; Brad: Mapping to VegX is incorrect. I think is this merely an internal timestamp indicated when record last modified, not necessarily when determination (taxon name) last modified. Probably we should omit this field, although might be useful for updating changed records from this source.",1 |
228 | 232 |
Month,,,49 |
229 | 233 |
Municipality,,,67 |
230 | 234 |
NameAccordingTo,,,138 |
... | ... | |
248 | 252 |
Preparations,,Brad: OMIT,32 |
249 | 253 |
PreviousCatalogNumber,,?; Brad: OMIT,35 |
250 | 254 |
PreviousIdentifications,,Brad: OMIT,35 |
255 |
References,,Versions without namespace,7 |
251 | 256 |
RelatedCatalogItem,,Brad: OMIT,161 |
252 | 257 |
RelatedResourceID,,Brad: OMIT,161 |
253 | 258 |
RelationshipAccordingTo,,,163 |
... | ... | |
258 | 263 |
ReproductiveCondition,,,28 |
259 | 264 |
ResourceID,,,160 |
260 | 265 |
ResourceRelationshipID,,,159 |
266 |
Rights,,Versions without namespace,3 |
267 |
RightsHolder,,Versions without namespace,4 |
261 | 268 |
SamplingEffort,,,43 |
262 | 269 |
SamplingProtocol,,,42 |
263 | 270 |
ScientificNameID,,,127 |
... | ... | |
268 | 275 |
TaxonRank,,,151 |
269 | 276 |
TaxonomicStatus,,,156 |
270 | 277 |
TimeOfDay,,Brad: OMIT,45 |
278 |
Type,,Versions without namespace,0 |
271 | 279 |
TypeStatus,,Brad: OMIT (?). Indicates whether this specimen served as type for taxon name. Probably not relevant for BIEN,125 |
272 | 280 |
VerbatimCoordinateSystem,,,83 |
273 | 281 |
VerbatimCoordinates,,,80 |
... | ... | |
281 | 289 |
Year,,,48 |
282 | 290 |
acceptedNameUsage,,,135 |
283 | 291 |
acceptedNameUsageID,,,128 |
292 |
accessRights,,Versions without namespace,5 |
284 | 293 |
associatedMedia,,,36 |
285 | 294 |
associatedOccurrences,,,38 |
286 | 295 |
associatedReferences,,,37 |
... | ... | |
289 | 298 |
basisOfRecord,,Brad: OMIT? See for definition of this term.,15 |
290 | 299 |
bed,,,117 |
291 | 300 |
behavior,,,29 |
301 |
bibliographicCitation,,Versions without namespace,6 |
292 | 302 |
countryCode,,,64 |
293 | 303 |
dataGeneralizations,,,17 |
294 | 304 |
datasetID,,,10 |
... | ... | |
342 | 352 |
island,,,62 |
343 | 353 |
islandGroup,,,61 |
344 | 354 |
julianDay,,Brad: OMIT,50 |
355 |
language,,Versions without namespace,2 |
345 | 356 |
latestAgeOrHighestStage,,,110 |
346 | 357 |
latestEonOrHighestEonothem,,,102 |
347 | 358 |
latestEpochOrHighestSeries,,,108 |
... | ... | |
365 | 376 |
measurementValue,,,168 |
366 | 377 |
member,,,116 |
367 | 378 |
minimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters,,,76 |
379 |
modified,,"Versions without namespace; Brad: Mapping to VegX is incorrect. I think is this merely an internal timestamp indicated when record last modified, not necessarily when determination (taxon name) last modified. Probably we should omit this field, although might be useful for updating changed records from this source.",1 |
368 | 380 |
month,,,49 |
369 | 381 |
municipality,,,67 |
370 | 382 |
nameAccordingTo,,,138 |
... | ... | |
388 | 400 |
preparations,,Brad: OMIT,32 |
389 | 401 |
previousCatalogNumber,,?; Brad: OMIT,35 |
390 | 402 |
previousIdentifications,,Brad: OMIT,35 |
403 |
references,,Versions without namespace,7 |
391 | 404 |
relatedCatalogItem,,Brad: OMIT,161 |
392 | 405 |
relatedResourceID,,Brad: OMIT,161 |
393 | 406 |
relationshipAccordingTo,,,163 |
... | ... | |
398 | 411 |
reproductiveCondition,,,28 |
399 | 412 |
resourceID,,,160 |
400 | 413 |
resourceRelationshipID,,,159 |
414 |
rights,,Versions without namespace,3 |
415 |
rightsHolder,,Versions without namespace,4 |
401 | 416 |
samplingEffort,,,43 |
402 | 417 |
samplingProtocol,,,42 |
403 | 418 |
scientificNameID,,,127 |
... | ... | |
408 | 423 |
taxonRank,,,151 |
409 | 424 |
taxonomicStatus,,,156 |
410 | 425 |
timeOfDay,,Brad: OMIT,45 |
426 |
type,,Versions without namespace,0 |
411 | 427 |
typeStatus,,Brad: OMIT (?). Indicates whether this specimen served as type for taxon name. Probably not relevant for BIEN,125 |
412 | 428 |
verbatimCoordinateSystem,,,83 |
413 | 429 |
verbatimCoordinates,,,80 |
mappings/for_review/DwC1-DwC2.specimens.csv | ||
7 | 7 |
dateIdentified,dateIdentified/_alt/2, |
8 | 8 |
identifiedDate,dateIdentified/_alt/3, |
9 | 9 |
julianDay,day, |
10 |
accessRights,dcterms:accessRights,Versions without namespace |
11 |
bibliographicCitation,dcterms:bibliographicCitation,Versions without namespace |
12 |
language,dcterms:language,Versions without namespace |
10 | 13 |
dateLastModified,dcterms:modified, |
14 |
modified,dcterms:modified,Versions without namespace |
15 |
references,dcterms:references,Versions without namespace |
16 |
rights,dcterms:rights,Versions without namespace |
17 |
rightsHolder,dcterms:rightsHolder,Versions without namespace |
18 |
type,dcterms:type,Versions without namespace |
11 | 19 |
eventDate/_alt,eventDate/_alt,Allow datasource to define custom eventDate mappings that don't pass through the default eventDate mapping |
12 | 20 |
dayCollected,eventDate/_alt/1/_date/day/_nullIf/value, |
13 | 21 |
monthCollected,eventDate/_alt/1/_date/month/_nullIf/value, |
mappings/DwC1-DwC2.specimens.csv | ||
7 | 7 |
dateIdentified,dateIdentified/_alt/2, |
8 | 8 |
identifiedDate,dateIdentified/_alt/3, |
9 | 9 |
julianDay,day, |
10 |
accessRights,dcterms:accessRights,Versions without namespace |
11 |
bibliographicCitation,dcterms:bibliographicCitation,Versions without namespace |
12 |
language,dcterms:language,Versions without namespace |
10 | 13 |
dateLastModified,dcterms:modified, |
14 |
modified,dcterms:modified,Versions without namespace |
15 |
references,dcterms:references,Versions without namespace |
16 |
rights,dcterms:rights,Versions without namespace |
17 |
rightsHolder,dcterms:rightsHolder,Versions without namespace |
18 |
type,dcterms:type,Versions without namespace |
11 | 19 |
eventDate/_alt,eventDate/_alt,Allow datasource to define custom eventDate mappings that don't pass through the default eventDate mapping |
12 | 20 |
dayCollected,"eventDate/_alt/1/_date/day/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value", |
13 | 21 |
monthCollected,"eventDate/_alt/1/_date/month/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value", |
mappings/DwC.cs-VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
71 | 71 |
institutionID,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/1,,8 |
72 | 72 |
acceptedNameUsage,,,135 |
73 | 73 |
acceptedNameUsageID,,,128 |
74 |
accessRights,,Versions without namespace,5 |
74 | 75 |
associatedMedia,,,36 |
75 | 76 |
associatedOccurrences,,,38 |
76 | 77 |
associatedReferences,,,37 |
... | ... | |
79 | 80 |
basisOfRecord,,Brad: OMIT? See for definition of this term.,15 |
80 | 81 |
bed,,,117 |
81 | 82 |
behavior,,,29 |
83 |
bibliographicCitation,,Versions without namespace,6 |
82 | 84 |
countryCode,,,64 |
83 | 85 |
dataGeneralizations,,,17 |
84 | 86 |
datasetID,,,10 |
... | ... | |
132 | 134 |
island,,,62 |
133 | 135 |
islandGroup,,,61 |
134 | 136 |
julianDay,,Brad: OMIT,50 |
137 |
language,,Versions without namespace,2 |
135 | 138 |
latestAgeOrHighestStage,,,110 |
136 | 139 |
latestEonOrHighestEonothem,,,102 |
137 | 140 |
latestEpochOrHighestSeries,,,108 |
... | ... | |
155 | 158 |
measurementValue,,,168 |
156 | 159 |
member,,,116 |
157 | 160 |
minimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters,,,76 |
161 |
modified,,"Versions without namespace; Brad: Mapping to VegX is incorrect. I think is this merely an internal timestamp indicated when record last modified, not necessarily when determination (taxon name) last modified. Probably we should omit this field, although might be useful for updating changed records from this source.",1 |
158 | 162 |
month,,,49 |
159 | 163 |
municipality,,,67 |
160 | 164 |
nameAccordingTo,,,138 |
... | ... | |
178 | 182 |
preparations,,Brad: OMIT,32 |
179 | 183 |
previousCatalogNumber,,?; Brad: OMIT,35 |
180 | 184 |
previousIdentifications,,Brad: OMIT,35 |
185 |
references,,Versions without namespace,7 |
181 | 186 |
relatedCatalogItem,,Brad: OMIT,161 |
182 | 187 |
relatedResourceID,,Brad: OMIT,161 |
183 | 188 |
relationshipAccordingTo,,,163 |
... | ... | |
188 | 193 |
reproductiveCondition,,,28 |
189 | 194 |
resourceID,,,160 |
190 | 195 |
resourceRelationshipID,,,159 |
196 |
rights,,Versions without namespace,3 |
197 |
rightsHolder,,Versions without namespace,4 |
191 | 198 |
samplingEffort,,,43 |
192 | 199 |
samplingProtocol,,,42 |
193 | 200 |
scientificNameID,,,127 |
... | ... | |
198 | 205 |
taxonRank,,,151 |
199 | 206 |
taxonomicStatus,,,156 |
200 | 207 |
timeOfDay,,Brad: OMIT,45 |
208 |
type,,Versions without namespace,0 |
201 | 209 |
typeStatus,,Brad: OMIT (?). Indicates whether this specimen served as type for taxon name. Probably not relevant for BIEN,125 |
202 | 210 |
verbatimCoordinateSystem,,,83 |
203 | 211 |
verbatimCoordinates,,,80 |
Also available in: Unified diff
mappings/DwC1-DwC2.specimens.csv: Added mappings from dcterms elements without namespace to with namespace