1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
country,"/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[county,stateProvince,],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=country]/placename",Brad: Required; reject record if this field NULL,63
7 |
continent,"/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[county,stateProvince,country,],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=continent]/placename",Brad: OMIT,59
8 |
9 |
habitat,"/*_id/taxonoccurrence/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationnarrative/_merge/3/_label[label=""habitat""]/value","Brad: Free-text description of vegetation community where collected, frequently redundane wrt 'Vegetation'. Bob, Nick: keep as user defined or create special element?",52
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
identifiedBy,"/*_id/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[iscurrent=true]/*_id/party/{givenname/_namePart/first,middlename/_namePart/middle,surname/_namePart/last}",Brad: Bob: does this look correct for VegBank?,119
19 |
scientificName,"/*_id/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=binomial]/plantname","Brad: Bob, Nick, please is this mapping OK?",134
20 |
scientificNameAuthorship,"/*_id/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=authority]/plantname","Brad: Mapping probably incorrect. This DwC element refers to scientific name author; does not correspond to the VegBank and VegX elements you have listed (Bob, Nick�where does name author belong in VegBank and VegX?); Aaron: The mapped VegX element is the author linked to the taxon name, so it seems like this is the scientific name author",153
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
collectionCode,/collectioncode_dwc,Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12
31 |
sex,"/definedvalue[*_id/userdefined[tablename=specimenreplicate,userdefinedname=sex]]:[@fkey=tablerecord_id]/definedvalue","Brad: OMIT. Apparently not used by this institution and of uncertain applicability to plants. With other collections, *sometimes* used for phenological information (if specimen in flower, in fruit, sterile, etc.). If so, this is important information we should keep. Bob, Nick, anywhere for phenological information in VB and VX?; Aaron: Keeping it because it's useful for some collections",26
32 |
catalogNumber,":[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel,*_id/taxonoccurrence]/catalognumber_dwc","Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20
33 |
id,":[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel,*_id/taxonoccurrence]/sourceaccessioncode","Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19
34 |
35 |
36 |
acceptedNameUsage,,** No non-empty join mapping for acceptedNameUsage **
37 |
basisOfRecord,,** No non-empty join mapping for basisOfRecord **
38 |
behavior,,** No non-empty join mapping for behavior **
39 |
bibliographicCitation,,** No non-empty join mapping for bibliographicCitation **
40 |
datasetID,,** No non-empty join mapping for datasetID **
41 |
datasetName,,** No non-empty join mapping for datasetName **
42 |
eventRemarks,,** No non-empty join mapping for eventRemarks **
43 |
eventTime,,** No non-empty join mapping for eventTime **
44 |
geodeticDatum,,** No non-empty join mapping for geodeticDatum **
45 |
georeferenceProtocol,,** No non-empty join mapping for georeferenceProtocol **
46 |
georeferenceRemarks,,** No non-empty join mapping for georeferenceRemarks **
47 |
georeferenceSources,,** No non-empty join mapping for georeferenceSources **
48 |
georeferencedBy,,** No non-empty join mapping for georeferencedBy **
49 |
georeferencedDate,,** No non-empty join mapping for georeferencedDate **
50 |
identificationQualifier,,** No non-empty join mapping for identificationQualifier **
51 |
identificationRemarks,,** No non-empty join mapping for identificationRemarks **
52 |
individualCount,,** No non-empty join mapping for individualCount **
53 |
institutionCode,,** No non-empty join mapping for institutionCode **
54 |
language,,** No non-empty join mapping for language **
55 |
lifeStage,,** No non-empty join mapping for lifeStage **
56 |
locationRemarks,,** No non-empty join mapping for locationRemarks **
57 |
modified,,** No non-empty join mapping for modified **
58 |
municipality,,** No non-empty join mapping for municipality **
59 |
nomenclaturalCode,,** No non-empty join mapping for nomenclaturalCode **
60 |
occurrenceRemarks,,** No non-empty join mapping for occurrenceRemarks **
61 |
ownerInstitutionCode,,** No non-empty join mapping for ownerInstitutionCode **
62 |
preparations,,** No non-empty join mapping for preparations **
63 |
rights,,** No non-empty join mapping for rights **
64 |
rightsHolder,,** No non-empty join mapping for rightsHolder **
65 |
samplingProtocol,,** No non-empty join mapping for samplingProtocol **
66 |
taxonRank,,** No non-empty join mapping for taxonRank **
67 |
type,,** No non-empty join mapping for type **
68 |
typeStatus,,** No non-empty join mapping for typeStatus **
69 |
verbatimCoordinateSystem,,** No non-empty join mapping for verbatimCoordinateSystem **
70 |
verbatimCoordinates,,** No non-empty join mapping for verbatimCoordinates **
71 |
verbatimElevation,,** No non-empty join mapping for verbatimElevation **
72 |
verbatimEventDate,,** No non-empty join mapping for verbatimEventDate **
73 |
verbatimSRS,,** No non-empty join mapping for verbatimSRS **
74 |
waterBody,,** No non-empty join mapping for waterBody **
inputs/QMOR/maps: Added maps