root/inputs/NY/test/VegBIEN.specimens.xml.ref @ 3162
1 | 665 | aaronmk | <?xml version="1.0" ?>
2 | <VegBIEN>
3 | 762 | aaronmk | <specimenreplicate id="0"> |
4 | <taxonoccurrence_id>
5 | <taxonoccurrence>
6 | <locationevent_id>
7 | <locationevent>
8 | <location_id>
9 | <location>
10 | 904 | aaronmk | <locationdetermination>
11 | 762 | aaronmk | <namedplace_id>
12 | <namedplace>
13 | 1316 | aaronmk | <rank>county</rank> |
14 | 1351 | aaronmk | <placename>Manú</placename> |
15 | 1322 | aaronmk | <parent_id>
16 | <namedplace>
17 | <rank>stateProvince</rank> |
18 | 1353 | aaronmk | <placename>Madre de Dios</placename> |
19 | 1322 | aaronmk | <parent_id>
20 | <namedplace>
21 | <rank>country</rank> |
22 | <placename>Peru</placename> |
23 | 1523 | aaronmk | <parent_id>
24 | <namedplace>
25 | <rank>continent</rank> |
26 | <placename>South America</placename> |
27 | </namedplace>
28 | </parent_id>
29 | 1322 | aaronmk | </namedplace>
30 | </parent_id>
31 | </namedplace>
32 | </parent_id>
33 | 762 | aaronmk | </namedplace>
34 | </namedplace_id>
35 | 1410 | aaronmk | <latitude>-11.80</latitude> |
36 | <longitude>-71.40</longitude> |
37 | 904 | aaronmk | </locationdetermination>
38 | 1207 | aaronmk | <locationnarrative>Parque Nacional del Manu. Río Manu: Cocha Casha Station; habitat: Floodplain forest</locationnarrative> |
39 | 1071 | aaronmk | <elevation>350.0</elevation> |
40 | 2109 | aaronmk | <elevationrange>0.0</elevationrange> |
41 | 1410 | aaronmk | <centerlatitude>-11.80</centerlatitude> |
42 | <centerlongitude>-71.40</centerlongitude> |
43 | 762 | aaronmk | </location>
44 | </location_id>
45 | <obsstartdate>1984-08-20</obsstartdate> |
46 | 1367 | aaronmk | <obsenddate/>
47 | 762 | aaronmk | </locationevent>
48 | </locationevent_id>
49 | <taxondetermination>
50 | <isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
51 | <iscurrent>true</iscurrent> |
52 | 2556 | aaronmk | <role>identifier</role> |
53 | 762 | aaronmk | <plantconcept_id>
54 | <plantconcept>
55 | 1111 | aaronmk | <plantname_id>
56 | <plantname>
57 | 1335 | aaronmk | <rank>binomial</rank> |
58 | 1111 | aaronmk | <plantname>Cariniana estrellensis (Raddi) Kuntze</plantname> |
59 | 1353 | aaronmk | <parent_id>
60 | <plantname>
61 | <rank>authority</rank> |
62 | <plantname>(Raddi) Kuntze</plantname> |
63 | <parent_id>
64 | <plantname>
65 | <rank>species</rank> |
66 | <plantname>estrellensis</plantname> |
67 | <parent_id>
68 | <plantname>
69 | <rank>genus</rank> |
70 | <plantname>Cariniana</plantname> |
71 | <parent_id>
72 | <plantname>
73 | <rank>family</rank> |
74 | <plantname>Lecythidaceae</plantname> |
75 | <parent_id>
76 | <plantname>
77 | <rank>subkingdom</rank> |
78 | <plantname>Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)</plantname> |
79 | <parent_id>
80 | <plantname>
81 | <rank>kingdom</rank> |
82 | <plantname>Plantae</plantname> |
83 | </plantname>
84 | </parent_id>
85 | </plantname>
86 | </parent_id>
87 | </plantname>
88 | </parent_id>
89 | </plantname>
90 | </parent_id>
91 | </plantname>
92 | </parent_id>
93 | </plantname>
94 | </parent_id>
95 | 1111 | aaronmk | </plantname>
96 | </plantname_id>
97 | 762 | aaronmk | </plantconcept>
98 | </plantconcept_id>
99 | </taxondetermination>
100 | 1428 | aaronmk | <verbatimcollectorname>R. B. Foster</verbatimcollectorname> |
101 | 762 | aaronmk | </taxonoccurrence>
102 | </taxonoccurrence_id>
103 | 1108 | aaronmk | <collectioncode_dwc>Herbarium</collectioncode_dwc> |
104 | 1052 | aaronmk | <description>plant fungus: with rough brown bark, almost no buttressing, 1 m diam; fallen fruit and leaves</description> |
105 | 1441 | aaronmk | <datasource_id><party><organizationname>NY</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
106 | 915 | aaronmk | <catalognumber_dwc>00682023</catalognumber_dwc> |
107 | 1413 | aaronmk | <sourceaccessioncode>816590</sourceaccessioncode> |
108 | 915 | aaronmk | <collectionnumber>9877</collectionnumber> |
109 | 762 | aaronmk | </specimenreplicate>
110 | <specimenreplicate id="1"> |
111 | <taxonoccurrence_id>
112 | <taxonoccurrence>
113 | <locationevent_id>
114 | <locationevent>
115 | <location_id>
116 | <location>
117 | 904 | aaronmk | <locationdetermination>
118 | 762 | aaronmk | <namedplace_id>
119 | <namedplace>
120 | 1316 | aaronmk | <rank>stateProvince</rank> |
121 | 1353 | aaronmk | <placename>Belize District</placename> |
122 | 1322 | aaronmk | <parent_id>
123 | <namedplace>
124 | <rank>country</rank> |
125 | <placename>Belize</placename> |
126 | 1523 | aaronmk | <parent_id>
127 | <namedplace>
128 | <rank>continent</rank> |
129 | <placename>Central America</placename> |
130 | </namedplace>
131 | </parent_id>
132 | 1322 | aaronmk | </namedplace>
133 | </parent_id>
134 | 762 | aaronmk | </namedplace>
135 | </namedplace_id>
136 | 1410 | aaronmk | <latitude>17.40</latitude> |
137 | <longitude>-88.50</longitude> |
138 | 904 | aaronmk | </locationdetermination>
139 | 1071 | aaronmk | <locationnarrative>Belize Zoo, in savanna plot immediately behind zoo. Mile 31 on Western Highway</locationnarrative> |
140 | <elevation>15.0</elevation> |
141 | 2109 | aaronmk | <elevationrange>0.0</elevationrange> |
142 | 1410 | aaronmk | <centerlatitude>17.40</centerlatitude> |
143 | <centerlongitude>-88.50</centerlongitude> |
144 | 762 | aaronmk | </location>
145 | </location_id>
146 | <obsstartdate>1994-01-17</obsstartdate> |
147 | 1367 | aaronmk | <obsenddate/>
148 | 762 | aaronmk | </locationevent>
149 | </locationevent_id>
150 | <taxondetermination>
151 | <isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
152 | <iscurrent>true</iscurrent> |
153 | 2556 | aaronmk | <role>identifier</role> |
154 | 762 | aaronmk | <plantconcept_id>
155 | <plantconcept>
156 | 1111 | aaronmk | <plantname_id>
157 | <plantname>
158 | 1353 | aaronmk | <rank>binomial</rank> |
159 | 1111 | aaronmk | <plantname>Scrophulariaceae</plantname> |
160 | 1353 | aaronmk | <parent_id>
161 | <plantname>
162 | <rank>family</rank> |
163 | <plantname>Scrophulariaceae</plantname> |
164 | <parent_id>
165 | <plantname>
166 | <rank>subkingdom</rank> |
167 | <plantname>Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)</plantname> |
168 | <parent_id>
169 | <plantname>
170 | <rank>kingdom</rank> |
171 | <plantname>Plantae</plantname> |
172 | </plantname>
173 | </parent_id>
174 | </plantname>
175 | </parent_id>
176 | </plantname>
177 | </parent_id>
178 | 1111 | aaronmk | </plantname>
179 | </plantname_id>
180 | 762 | aaronmk | </plantconcept>
181 | </plantconcept_id>
182 | </taxondetermination>
183 | 1428 | aaronmk | <verbatimcollectorname>J. B. Walker</verbatimcollectorname> |
184 | 762 | aaronmk | </taxonoccurrence>
185 | </taxonoccurrence_id>
186 | 1052 | aaronmk | <collectioncode_dwc>Herbarium</collectioncode_dwc> |
187 | 1441 | aaronmk | <datasource_id><party><organizationname>NY</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
188 | 915 | aaronmk | <catalognumber_dwc>200996</catalognumber_dwc> |
189 | 1413 | aaronmk | <sourceaccessioncode>220541</sourceaccessioncode> |
190 | 915 | aaronmk | <collectionnumber>545</collectionnumber> |
191 | 762 | aaronmk | </specimenreplicate>
192 | 665 | aaronmk | </VegBIEN>