Revision 3203
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza over 12 years ago
inputs/QMOR/maps/VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 |
1 |
2 | 2 |
coordinateUncertaintyInMeters,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/coordsaccuracy/_noCV/value/_alt/1,,88 |
3 | 3 |
footprintWKT,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/footprintgeometry_dwc,,91 |
4 | 4 |
county,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=county]/placename",,66 |
... | ... | |
14 | 14 |
decimalLongitude,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/{locationdetermination/longitude,centerlongitude}/_alt/1/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,86 |
15 | 15 |
verbatimLongitude,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/{locationdetermination/longitude,centerlongitude}/_alt/1/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,82 |
16 | 16 |
eventDate,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/2",,44 |
17 |
collectionCode,/collectioncode_dwc,Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12
17 |
18 | 18 |
sex,"/definedvalue[*_id/userdefined[tablename=specimenreplicate,userdefinedname=sex]]:[@fkey=tablerecord_id]/definedvalue","Brad: OMIT. Apparently not used by this institution and of uncertain applicability to plants. With other collections, *sometimes* used for phenological information (if specimen in flower, in fruit, sterile, etc.). If so, this is important information we should keep. Bob, Nick, anywhere for phenological information in VB and VX?; Aaron: Keeping it because it's useful for some collections",26 |
19 | 19 |
dateIdentified,/taxondetermination[role=identifier]/determinationdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart/value/_alt/2,,120 |
20 | 20 |
identifiedBy,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[iscurrent=true]/*_id/party/{givenname/_namePart/first,middlename/_namePart/middle,surname/_namePart/last}",Brad: Bob: does this look correct for VegBank?,119 |
... | ... | |
29 | 29 |
phylum,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,genus,family,order,class,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=subkingdom]/plantname",,143 |
30 | 30 |
kingdom,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,genus,family,order,class,subkingdom,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=kingdom]/plantname",,142 |
31 | 31 |
recordedBy,/verbatimcollectorname,,23 |
32 |
catalogNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/catalognumber_dwc,"Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
id,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/sourceaccessioncode,"Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19
32 |
33 |
catalogNumber,"/{catalognumber_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/3}","Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20
34 |
collectionCode,"/{collectioncode_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/2}",Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12
35 |
36 |
id,"/{sourceaccessioncode,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/1}","Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19
37 | 37 |
acceptedNameUsage,,** No non-empty join mapping for acceptedNameUsage ** |
38 | 38 |
basisOfRecord,,** No non-empty join mapping for basisOfRecord ** |
39 | 39 |
behavior,,** No non-empty join mapping for behavior ** |
mappings/for_review/DwC2-VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 |
1 |
2 | 2 |
coordinateUncertaintyInMeters,//locationdetermination/coordsaccuracy/_noCV/value/_alt/1,,88 |
3 | 3 |
coordinatePrecision,//locationdetermination/coordsaccuracy/_noCV/value/_alt/2,,89 |
4 | 4 |
footprintWKT,//locationdetermination/footprintgeometry_dwc,,91 |
... | ... | |
18 | 18 |
maximumDepthInMeters,//locationevent/waterdepth/_avg/max/_units/value,,75 |
19 | 19 |
minimumDepthInMeters,//locationevent/waterdepth/_avg/min/_units/value,,74 |
20 | 20 |
eventDate,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value",,44 |
21 |
collectionCode,/collectioncode_dwc,Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
21 |
recordNumber,/collectionnumber/_alt/1,,22 |
22 |
collectionID,/collectionnumber/_alt/2,,9 |
23 |
fieldNumber,/collectionnumber/_alt/3,"Brad: Correct for VB, not sure about VX; Nick, is there an element in VX fo Collection Number?",53 |
22 | 24 |
sex,"/definedvalue[*_id/userdefined[tablename=specimenreplicate,userdefinedname=sex]]/definedvalue","Brad: OMIT. Apparently not used by this institution and of uncertain applicability to plants. With other collections, *sometimes* used for phenological information (if specimen in flower, in fruit, sterile, etc.). If so, this is important information we should keep. Bob, Nick, anywhere for phenological information in VB and VX?; Aaron: Keeping it because it's useful for some collections",26 |
23 | 25 |
fieldNotes,/description/_merge/1,, |
24 | 26 |
taxonRemarks,/description/_merge/2,,158 |
... | ... | |
35 | 37 |
phylum,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath/path/_forEach:[do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=subkingdom]/plantname",,143 |
36 | 38 |
kingdom,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath/path/_forEach:[do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=kingdom]/plantname",,142 |
37 | 39 |
recordedBy,/verbatimcollectorname,,23 |
40 |
institutionID,"/{.,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location}/datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/1",,8 |
41 |
catalogNumber,"/{catalognumber_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/3}","Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
42 |
collectionCode,"/{collectioncode_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/2}",Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
38 | 43 |
establishmentMeans,"/{growthform/_map,iscultivated/_map,isnative/_map}/value",,30 |
39 |
catalogNumber,/catalognumber_dwc,"Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
40 |
recordNumber,/collectionnumber/_alt/1,,22 |
41 |
collectionID,/collectionnumber/_alt/2,,9 |
42 |
fieldNumber,/collectionnumber/_alt/3,"Brad: Correct for VB, not sure about VX; Nick, is there an element in VX fo Collection Number?",53 |
43 |
institutionID,//party/organizationname/_alt/1,,8 |
44 |
institutionCode,//party/organizationname,, |
45 |
occurrenceID,/sourceaccessioncode,"Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
44 |
institutionCode,"/{institution_id/party/organizationname,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/1}",, |
45 |
occurrenceID,"/{sourceaccessioncode,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/1}","Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
46 | 46 |
acceptedNameUsage,,,135 |
47 | 47 |
acceptedNameUsageID,,,128 |
48 | 48 |
associatedMedia,,,36 |
mappings/DwC.cs-VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 |
1 |
2 | 2 |
coordinateUncertaintyInMeters,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/coordsaccuracy/_noCV/value/_alt/1,,88 |
3 | 3 |
coordinatePrecision,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/coordsaccuracy/_noCV/value/_alt/2,,89 |
4 | 4 |
boundingBox,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/footprintgeometry_dwc,,91 |
... | ... | |
32 | 32 |
yearCollected,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/year/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
33 | 33 |
eventDate,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/2",,44 |
34 | 34 |
collectedDate,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/3",,44 |
35 |
collectionCode,/collectioncode_dwc,Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
35 |
collectorNumber,/collectionnumber/_alt/1/_alt/1,,22 |
36 |
recordNumber,/collectionnumber/_alt/1/_alt/2,,22 |
37 |
collectionID,/collectionnumber/_alt/2,,9 |
38 |
fieldNumber,/collectionnumber/_alt/3,"Brad: Correct for VB, not sure about VX; Nick, is there an element in VX fo Collection Number?",53 |
36 | 39 |
sex,"/definedvalue[*_id/userdefined[tablename=specimenreplicate,userdefinedname=sex]]:[@fkey=tablerecord_id]/definedvalue","Brad: OMIT. Apparently not used by this institution and of uncertain applicability to plants. With other collections, *sometimes* used for phenological information (if specimen in flower, in fruit, sterile, etc.). If so, this is important information we should keep. Bob, Nick, anywhere for phenological information in VB and VX?; Aaron: Keeping it because it's useful for some collections",26 |
37 | 40 |
fieldNotes,/description/_merge/1,, |
38 | 41 |
notes,/description/_merge/1,, |
... | ... | |
60 | 63 |
kingdom,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,genus,family,order,class,subkingdom,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=kingdom]/plantname",,142 |
61 | 64 |
collector,/verbatimcollectorname,,23 |
62 | 65 |
recordedBy,/verbatimcollectorname,,23 |
66 |
institutionID,"/{.,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location}/datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/1",,8 |
67 |
catalogNumber,"/{catalognumber_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/3}","Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
68 |
collectionCode,"/{collectioncode_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/2}",Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
63 | 69 |
establishmentMeans,"/{growthform/_map:[./{tree,shrub,liana,vine,herb,hemiepiphyte,epiphyte,grass,forb,moss,lichen,fungus,""floating aquatic"",""submerged aquatic""}=*,*=],iscultivated/_map:[cultivated=t,wild=f,*=],isnative/_map:[native=t,exotic=f,*=]}/value",,30 |
64 |
catalogNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/catalognumber_dwc,"Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
65 |
collectorNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/1/_alt/1,,22 |
66 |
recordNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/1/_alt/2,,22 |
67 |
collectionID,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/2,,9 |
68 |
fieldNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/3,"Brad: Correct for VB, not sure about VX; Nick, is there an element in VX fo Collection Number?",53 |
69 |
institutionID,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/1,,8 |
70 |
institutionCode,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/institution_id/party/organizationname,, |
71 |
globalUniqueIdentifier,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/sourceaccessioncode,"Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
72 |
id,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/sourceaccessioncode,"Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
73 |
occurrenceID,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/sourceaccessioncode,"Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
70 |
institutionCode,"/{institution_id/party/organizationname,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/1}",, |
71 |
globalUniqueIdentifier,"/{sourceaccessioncode,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/1}","Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
72 |
id,"/{sourceaccessioncode,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/1}","Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
73 |
occurrenceID,"/{sourceaccessioncode,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/1}","Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
74 | 74 |
acceptedNameUsage,,,135 |
75 | 75 |
acceptedNameUsageID,,,128 |
76 | 76 |
accessRights,,** No non-empty join mapping for dcterms:accessRights ** Versions without namespace |
inputs/MT/test/VegBIEN.specimens.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
<?xml version="1.0" ?> |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<specimenreplicate id="0"> |
4 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>MT</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
4 | 5 |
<locationevent_id> |
5 | 6 |
<locationevent> |
6 | 7 |
<location_id> |
7 | 8 |
<location> |
9 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>MT</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
8 | 10 |
<locationdetermination> |
9 | 11 |
<namedplace_id> |
10 | 12 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
14 | 16 |
</namedplace_id> |
15 | 17 |
</locationdetermination> |
16 | 18 |
<locationnarrative>Canada</locationnarrative> |
19 |
<sourceaccessioncode>1</sourceaccessioncode> |
17 | 20 |
</location> |
18 | 21 |
</location_id> |
19 | 22 |
</locationevent> |
20 | 23 |
</locationevent_id> |
21 |
24 |
22 | 25 |
<taxondetermination> |
23 | 26 |
<isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
24 | 27 |
<iscurrent>true</iscurrent> |
... | ... | |
40 | 43 |
</plantconcept> |
41 | 44 |
</plantconcept_id> |
42 | 45 |
</taxondetermination> |
43 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>MT</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
44 |
<collectionnumber></collectionnumber> |
46 |
<collectioncode_dwc>MT</collectioncode_dwc> |
45 | 47 |
<institution_id><party><organizationname>Université de Montréal Biodiversity Centre</organizationname></party></institution_id> |
46 | 48 |
<sourceaccessioncode>1</sourceaccessioncode> |
47 | 49 |
</specimenreplicate> |
48 | 50 |
<specimenreplicate id="1"> |
51 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>MT</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
49 | 52 |
<locationevent_id> |
50 | 53 |
<locationevent> |
51 | 54 |
<location_id> |
52 | 55 |
<location> |
56 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>MT</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
53 | 57 |
<locationdetermination> |
54 | 58 |
<namedplace_id> |
55 | 59 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
59 | 63 |
</namedplace_id> |
60 | 64 |
</locationdetermination> |
61 | 65 |
<locationnarrative>Canada</locationnarrative> |
66 |
<sourceaccessioncode>2</sourceaccessioncode> |
62 | 67 |
</location> |
63 | 68 |
</location_id> |
64 | 69 |
</locationevent> |
65 | 70 |
</locationevent_id> |
66 |
71 |
67 | 72 |
<taxondetermination> |
68 | 73 |
<isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
69 | 74 |
<iscurrent>true</iscurrent> |
... | ... | |
85 | 90 |
</plantconcept> |
86 | 91 |
</plantconcept_id> |
87 | 92 |
</taxondetermination> |
88 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>MT</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
89 |
<collectionnumber></collectionnumber> |
93 |
<collectioncode_dwc>MT</collectioncode_dwc> |
90 | 94 |
<institution_id><party><organizationname>Université de Montréal Biodiversity Centre</organizationname></party></institution_id> |
91 | 95 |
<sourceaccessioncode>2</sourceaccessioncode> |
92 | 96 |
</specimenreplicate> |
inputs/MT/maps/VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 |
1 |
2 | 2 |
continent,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[county,stateProvince,country,],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=continent]/placename",Brad: OMIT,59 |
3 | 3 |
locality,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationnarrative/_merge/1,,68 |
4 |
collectionCode,/collectioncode_dwc,Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12
4 |
5 | 5 |
genus,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=genus]/plantname",,147 |
6 | 6 |
family,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,genus,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=family]/plantname",,146 |
7 |
collectionCode,"/{collectioncode_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/2}",Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
7 | 8 |
establishmentMeans,"/{growthform/_map:[./{tree,shrub,liana,vine,herb,hemiepiphyte,epiphyte,grass,forb,moss,lichen,fungus,""floating aquatic"",""submerged aquatic""}=*,*=],iscultivated/_map:[cultivated=t,wild=f,*=],isnative/_map:[native=t,exotic=f,*=]}/value",,30 |
8 |
collectionID,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/2,,9 |
9 |
institutionCode,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/institution_id/party/organizationname,, |
10 |
id,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/sourceaccessioncode,"Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
9 |
institutionCode,"/{institution_id/party/organizationname,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/1}",, |
10 |
id,"/{sourceaccessioncode,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/1}","Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
11 | 11 |
basisOfRecord,,** No non-empty join mapping for basisOfRecord ** |
12 | 12 |
countryCode,,** No non-empty join mapping for countryCode ** |
13 | 13 |
datasetName,,** No non-empty join mapping for datasetName ** |
inputs/XAL/test/VegBIEN.specimens.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
<?xml version="1.0" ?> |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<specimenreplicate id="0"> |
4 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>XAL</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
4 | 5 |
<locationevent_id> |
5 | 6 |
<locationevent> |
6 | 7 |
<location_id> |
7 | 8 |
<location> |
9 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>XAL</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
8 | 10 |
<locationdetermination> |
9 | 11 |
<namedplace_id> |
10 | 12 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
38 | 40 |
<elevationrange/> |
39 | 41 |
<centerlatitude>22.267</centerlatitude> |
40 | 42 |
<centerlongitude>-104.633</centerlongitude> |
43 |
<sourceaccessioncode>IE; XAL; K400001</sourceaccessioncode> |
41 | 44 |
</location> |
42 | 45 |
</location_id> |
43 | 46 |
<waterdepth>1000.0</waterdepth> |
... | ... | |
45 | 48 |
<obsenddate/> |
46 | 49 |
</locationevent> |
47 | 50 |
</locationevent_id> |
48 |
51 |
49 | 52 |
<definedvalue fkey="tablerecord_id"> |
50 | 53 |
<userdefined_id> |
51 | 54 |
<userdefined> |
... | ... | |
120 | 123 |
</plantconcept_id> |
121 | 124 |
</taxondetermination> |
122 | 125 |
<verbatimcollectorname>J.A. Machuca N.</verbatimcollectorname> |
123 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>XAL</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
124 | 126 |
<catalognumber_dwc>K400001</catalognumber_dwc> |
125 |
127 |
126 | 128 |
<institution_id><party><organizationname>IE</organizationname></party></institution_id> |
127 | 129 |
</specimenreplicate> |
128 | 130 |
<specimenreplicate id="1"> |
131 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>XAL</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
129 | 132 |
<locationevent_id> |
130 | 133 |
<locationevent> |
131 | 134 |
<location_id> |
132 | 135 |
<location> |
136 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>XAL</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
133 | 137 |
<locationdetermination> |
134 | 138 |
<namedplace_id> |
135 | 139 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
163 | 167 |
<elevationrange/> |
164 | 168 |
<centerlatitude>17.644</centerlatitude> |
165 | 169 |
<centerlongitude>-96.529</centerlongitude> |
170 |
<sourceaccessioncode>IE; XAL; K400002</sourceaccessioncode> |
166 | 171 |
</location> |
167 | 172 |
</location_id> |
168 | 173 |
<waterdepth>2430.0</waterdepth> |
... | ... | |
170 | 175 |
<obsenddate/> |
171 | 176 |
</locationevent> |
172 | 177 |
</locationevent_id> |
173 |
178 |
174 | 179 |
<definedvalue fkey="tablerecord_id"> |
175 | 180 |
<userdefined_id> |
176 | 181 |
<userdefined> |
... | ... | |
245 | 250 |
</plantconcept_id> |
246 | 251 |
</taxondetermination> |
247 | 252 |
<verbatimcollectorname>C. Gallardo H. y et al.</verbatimcollectorname> |
248 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>XAL</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
249 | 253 |
<catalognumber_dwc>K400002</catalognumber_dwc> |
250 |
254 |
251 | 255 |
<institution_id><party><organizationname>IE</organizationname></party></institution_id> |
252 | 256 |
</specimenreplicate> |
253 | 257 |
</VegBIEN> |
inputs/XAL/maps/VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 |
1 |
2 | 2 |
CoordinatePrecision,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/coordsaccuracy/_noCV/value/_alt/2,,89 |
3 | 3 |
County,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=county]/placename",,66 |
4 | 4 |
StateProvince,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[county,],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=stateProvince]/placename",,65 |
... | ... | |
14 | 14 |
DayCollected,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/day/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
15 | 15 |
MonthCollected,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/month/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
16 | 16 |
YearCollected,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/year/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
17 |
CollectionCode,/collectioncode_dwc,Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
17 |
CollectorNumber,/collectionnumber/_alt/1/_alt/1,,22 |
18 |
FieldNumber,/collectionnumber/_alt/3,"Brad: Correct for VB, not sure about VX; Nick, is there an element in VX fo Collection Number?",53 |
18 | 19 |
Sex,"/definedvalue[*_id/userdefined[tablename=specimenreplicate,userdefinedname=sex]]:[@fkey=tablerecord_id]/definedvalue","Brad: OMIT. Apparently not used by this institution and of uncertain applicability to plants. With other collections, *sometimes* used for phenological information (if specimen in flower, in fruit, sterile, etc.). If so, this is important information we should keep. Bob, Nick, anywhere for phenological information in VB and VX?; Aaron: Keeping it because it's useful for some collections",26 |
19 | 20 |
Notes,/description/_merge/1,, |
20 | 21 |
DayIdentified,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]/determinationdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart/value/_alt/1/_date/day/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,120 |
... | ... | |
32 | 33 |
Phylum,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,genus,family,order,class,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=subkingdom]/plantname",,143 |
33 | 34 |
Kingdom,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,genus,family,order,class,subkingdom,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=kingdom]/plantname",,142 |
34 | 35 |
Collector,/verbatimcollectorname,,23 |
35 |
CatalogNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/catalognumber_dwc,"Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
36 |
CollectorNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/1/_alt/1,,22 |
37 |
FieldNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/3,"Brad: Correct for VB, not sure about VX; Nick, is there an element in VX fo Collection Number?",53 |
38 |
InstitutionCode,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/institution_id/party/organizationname,, |
36 |
CatalogNumber,"/{catalognumber_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/3}","Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
37 |
CollectionCode,"/{collectioncode_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/2}",Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
38 |
InstitutionCode,"/{institution_id/party/organizationname,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/1}",, |
39 | 39 |
BasisOfRecord,,** No non-empty join mapping for BasisOfRecord ** |
40 | 40 |
DateLastModified,,** No non-empty join mapping for DateLastModified ** |
41 | 41 |
IndividualCount,,** No non-empty join mapping for IndividualCount ** |
inputs/NY/test/VegBIEN.specimens.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
<?xml version="1.0" ?> |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<specimenreplicate id="0"> |
4 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>NY</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
4 | 5 |
<locationevent_id> |
5 | 6 |
<locationevent> |
6 | 7 |
<location_id> |
7 | 8 |
<location> |
9 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>NY</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
8 | 10 |
<locationdetermination> |
9 | 11 |
<namedplace_id> |
10 | 12 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
38 | 40 |
<elevationrange>0.0</elevationrange> |
39 | 41 |
<centerlatitude>-11.80</centerlatitude> |
40 | 42 |
<centerlongitude>-71.40</centerlongitude> |
43 |
<sourceaccessioncode>816590</sourceaccessioncode> |
41 | 44 |
</location> |
42 | 45 |
</location_id> |
43 | 46 |
<obsstartdate>1984-08-20</obsstartdate> |
44 | 47 |
<obsenddate/> |
45 | 48 |
</locationevent> |
46 | 49 |
</locationevent_id> |
47 |
50 |
48 | 51 |
<description>plant fungus: with rough brown bark, almost no buttressing, 1 m diam; fallen fruit and leaves</description> |
49 | 52 |
<taxondetermination> |
50 | 53 |
<isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
... | ... | |
98 | 101 |
</plantconcept_id> |
99 | 102 |
</taxondetermination> |
100 | 103 |
<verbatimcollectorname>R. B. Foster</verbatimcollectorname> |
101 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>NY</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
102 | 104 |
<catalognumber_dwc>00682023</catalognumber_dwc> |
103 |
105 |
104 | 106 |
<institution_id><party><organizationname>NY</organizationname></party></institution_id> |
105 | 107 |
<sourceaccessioncode>816590</sourceaccessioncode> |
106 | 108 |
</specimenreplicate> |
107 | 109 |
<specimenreplicate id="1"> |
110 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>NY</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
108 | 111 |
<locationevent_id> |
109 | 112 |
<locationevent> |
110 | 113 |
<location_id> |
111 | 114 |
<location> |
115 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>NY</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
112 | 116 |
<locationdetermination> |
113 | 117 |
<namedplace_id> |
114 | 118 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
136 | 140 |
<elevationrange>0.0</elevationrange> |
137 | 141 |
<centerlatitude>17.40</centerlatitude> |
138 | 142 |
<centerlongitude>-88.50</centerlongitude> |
143 |
<sourceaccessioncode>220541</sourceaccessioncode> |
139 | 144 |
</location> |
140 | 145 |
</location_id> |
141 | 146 |
<obsstartdate>1994-01-17</obsstartdate> |
142 | 147 |
<obsenddate/> |
143 | 148 |
</locationevent> |
144 | 149 |
</locationevent_id> |
145 |
150 |
146 | 151 |
<taxondetermination> |
147 | 152 |
<isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
148 | 153 |
<iscurrent>true</iscurrent> |
... | ... | |
177 | 182 |
</plantconcept_id> |
178 | 183 |
</taxondetermination> |
179 | 184 |
<verbatimcollectorname>J. B. Walker</verbatimcollectorname> |
180 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>NY</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
181 | 185 |
<catalognumber_dwc>200996</catalognumber_dwc> |
182 |
186 |
183 | 187 |
<institution_id><party><organizationname>NY</organizationname></party></institution_id> |
184 | 188 |
<sourceaccessioncode>220541</sourceaccessioncode> |
185 | 189 |
</specimenreplicate> |
inputs/NY/maps/VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 |
1 |
2 | 2 |
CoordinatePrecision,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/coordsaccuracy/_noCV/value/_alt/2,,89 |
3 | 3 |
BoundingBox,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/footprintgeometry_dwc,,91 |
4 | 4 |
County,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=county]/placename",,66 |
... | ... | |
18 | 18 |
DayCollected,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/day/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
19 | 19 |
MonthCollected,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/month/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
20 | 20 |
YearCollected,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/year/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
21 |
CollectionCode,/collectioncode_dwc,Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
21 |
CollectorNumber,/collectionnumber/_alt/1/_alt/1,,22 |
22 |
FieldNumber,/collectionnumber/_alt/3,"Brad: Correct for VB, not sure about VX; Nick, is there an element in VX fo Collection Number?",53 |
22 | 23 |
Sex,"/definedvalue[*_id/userdefined[tablename=specimenreplicate,userdefinedname=sex]]:[@fkey=tablerecord_id]/definedvalue","Brad: OMIT. Apparently not used by this institution and of uncertain applicability to plants. With other collections, *sometimes* used for phenological information (if specimen in flower, in fruit, sterile, etc.). If so, this is important information we should keep. Bob, Nick, anywhere for phenological information in VB and VX?; Aaron: Keeping it because it's useful for some collections",26 |
23 | 24 |
Notes,/description/_merge/1/_merge/1,, |
24 | 25 |
PlantFungusDescription,"/description/_merge/1/_merge/2/_label[label=""plant fungus""]/value",, |
... | ... | |
37 | 38 |
Phylum,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,genus,family,order,class,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=subkingdom]/plantname",,143 |
38 | 39 |
Kingdom,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,genus,family,order,class,subkingdom,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=kingdom]/plantname",,142 |
39 | 40 |
Collector,/verbatimcollectorname,,23 |
40 |
CatalogNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/catalognumber_dwc,"Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
41 |
CollectorNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/1/_alt/1,,22 |
42 |
FieldNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/3,"Brad: Correct for VB, not sure about VX; Nick, is there an element in VX fo Collection Number?",53 |
43 |
InstitutionCode,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/institution_id/party/organizationname,, |
44 |
UniqueNYInternalRecordNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/sourceaccessioncode,"Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
41 |
CatalogNumber,"/{catalognumber_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/3}","Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
42 |
CollectionCode,"/{collectioncode_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/2}",Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
43 |
InstitutionCode,"/{institution_id/party/organizationname,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/1}",, |
44 |
UniqueNYInternalRecordNumber,"/{sourceaccessioncode,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/1}","Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
45 | 45 |
BasisOfRecord,,** No non-empty join mapping for BasisOfRecord ** |
46 | 46 |
DateLastModified,,** No non-empty join mapping for DateLastModified ** |
47 | 47 |
IndividualCount,,** No non-empty join mapping for IndividualCount ** |
inputs/UNCC/test/VegBIEN.specimens.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
<?xml version="1.0" ?> |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<specimenreplicate id="0"> |
4 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>UNCC</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
4 | 5 |
<locationevent_id> |
5 | 6 |
<locationevent> |
6 | 7 |
<location_id> |
7 | 8 |
<location> |
9 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>UNCC</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
8 | 10 |
<locationdetermination> |
9 | 11 |
<namedplace_id> |
10 | 12 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
19 | 21 |
</namedplace> |
20 | 22 |
</namedplace_id> |
21 | 23 |
</locationdetermination> |
24 |
<sourceaccessioncode>34293</sourceaccessioncode> |
22 | 25 |
</location> |
23 | 26 |
</location_id> |
24 | 27 |
<obsstartdate>1972-06-25</obsstartdate> |
25 | 28 |
<obsenddate/> |
26 | 29 |
</locationevent> |
27 | 30 |
</locationevent_id> |
28 |
<collectioncode_dwc>UNCCD</collectioncode_dwc> |
29 | 31 |
<taxondetermination> |
30 | 32 |
<isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
31 | 33 |
<iscurrent>true</iscurrent> |
... | ... | |
42 | 44 |
</plantconcept_id> |
43 | 45 |
</taxondetermination> |
44 | 46 |
<verbatimcollectorname>DAGGY, T.</verbatimcollectorname> |
45 |
47 |
46 | 48 |
<sourceaccessioncode>34293</sourceaccessioncode> |
47 | 49 |
</specimenreplicate> |
48 | 50 |
<specimenreplicate id="1"> |
51 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>UNCC</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
49 | 52 |
<locationevent_id> |
50 | 53 |
<locationevent> |
51 | 54 |
<location_id> |
52 | 55 |
<location> |
56 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>UNCC</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
53 | 57 |
<locationdetermination> |
54 | 58 |
<namedplace_id> |
55 | 59 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
64 | 68 |
</namedplace> |
65 | 69 |
</namedplace_id> |
66 | 70 |
</locationdetermination> |
71 |
<sourceaccessioncode>34294</sourceaccessioncode> |
67 | 72 |
</location> |
68 | 73 |
</location_id> |
69 | 74 |
<obsstartdate>1972-06-25</obsstartdate> |
70 | 75 |
<obsenddate/> |
71 | 76 |
</locationevent> |
72 | 77 |
</locationevent_id> |
73 |
<collectioncode_dwc>UNCCD</collectioncode_dwc> |
74 | 78 |
<taxondetermination> |
75 | 79 |
<isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
76 | 80 |
<iscurrent>true</iscurrent> |
... | ... | |
87 | 91 |
</plantconcept_id> |
88 | 92 |
</taxondetermination> |
89 | 93 |
<verbatimcollectorname>DAGGY, T.</verbatimcollectorname> |
90 |
94 |
91 | 95 |
<sourceaccessioncode>34294</sourceaccessioncode> |
92 | 96 |
</specimenreplicate> |
93 | 97 |
</VegBIEN> |
inputs/UNCC/maps/VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 |
1 |
2 | 2 |
county,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=county]/placename",,66 |
3 | 3 |
state,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[county,],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=stateProvince]/placename",,65 |
4 | 4 |
country,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[county,stateProvince,],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=country]/placename",Brad: Required; reject record if this field NULL,63 |
... | ... | |
7 | 7 |
collday,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/day/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
8 | 8 |
collmonth,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/month/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
9 | 9 |
collyear,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/year/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
10 |
herbarium,/collectioncode_dwc,Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12
10 |
11 | 11 |
comment1,/description/_merge/1/_merge/1,, |
12 | 12 |
comment2,/description/_merge/1/_merge/2,, |
13 | 13 |
comment3,/description/_merge/1/_merge/3,, |
... | ... | |
25 | 25 |
collector1,/verbatimcollectorname/_merge/2,,23 |
26 | 26 |
collector2,/verbatimcollectorname/_merge/3,,23 |
27 | 27 |
collector3,/verbatimcollectorname/_merge/4,,23 |
28 |
herbarium,"/{collectioncode_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/2}",Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
28 | 29 |
cultivated,"/{growthform/_map:[./{tree,shrub,liana,vine,herb,hemiepiphyte,epiphyte,grass,forb,moss,lichen,fungus,""floating aquatic"",""submerged aquatic""}=*,*=],iscultivated/_map:[cultivated=t,wild=f,*=],isnative/_map:[native=t,exotic=f,*=]}/value/_map:[Y=cultivated,N=wild,*=]/value",Ignore other values,30 |
29 |
collectno,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/1/_alt/1,,22 |
30 |
accession,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/sourceaccessioncode,"Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
30 |
accession,"/{sourceaccessioncode,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/1}","Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
31 | 31 |
filler,,"Where used, same as family" |
32 | 32 |
flower,,"** No non-empty join mapping for reproductiveCondition/_map:[A=*,I=*,M=*]/value ** Main values are A, I, and M. What do they mean?" |
33 | 33 |
fruit,,"** No non-empty join mapping for reproductiveCondition/_map:[A=*,I=*,M=*]/value ** Main values are A, I, and M. What do they mean?" |
inputs/ACAD/test/VegBIEN.specimens.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
<?xml version="1.0" ?> |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<specimenreplicate id="0"> |
4 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>ACAD</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
4 | 5 |
<locationevent_id> |
5 | 6 |
<locationevent> |
6 | 7 |
<location_id> |
7 | 8 |
<location> |
9 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>ACAD</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
8 | 10 |
<locationdetermination> |
9 | 11 |
<namedplace_id> |
10 | 12 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
36 | 38 |
<locationnarrative>West Gore; habitat: dry field</locationnarrative> |
37 | 39 |
<centerlatitude>45.094243</centerlatitude> |
38 | 40 |
<centerlongitude>-63.778249</centerlongitude> |
41 |
<sourceaccessioncode>8</sourceaccessioncode> |
39 | 42 |
</location> |
40 | 43 |
</location_id> |
41 | 44 |
<obsstartdate>1932-09-19</obsstartdate> |
42 | 45 |
<obsenddate/> |
43 | 46 |
</locationevent> |
44 | 47 |
</locationevent_id> |
45 |
48 |
46 | 49 |
<taxondetermination> |
47 | 50 |
<isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
48 | 51 |
<iscurrent>true</iscurrent> |
... | ... | |
113 | 116 |
</plantconcept_id> |
114 | 117 |
</taxondetermination> |
115 | 118 |
<verbatimcollectorname>Wallace, FM</verbatimcollectorname> |
116 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>ACAD</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
117 | 119 |
<catalognumber_dwc>11186</catalognumber_dwc> |
118 |
120 |
119 | 121 |
<institution_id><party><organizationname>Acadia University</organizationname></party></institution_id> |
120 | 122 |
<sourceaccessioncode>8</sourceaccessioncode> |
121 | 123 |
</specimenreplicate> |
122 | 124 |
<specimenreplicate id="1"> |
125 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>ACAD</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
123 | 126 |
<locationevent_id> |
124 | 127 |
<locationevent> |
125 | 128 |
<location_id> |
126 | 129 |
<location> |
130 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>ACAD</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
127 | 131 |
<locationdetermination> |
128 | 132 |
<namedplace_id> |
129 | 133 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
155 | 159 |
<locationnarrative>Middleboro; habitat: pasture</locationnarrative> |
156 | 160 |
<centerlatitude>45.737092</centerlatitude> |
157 | 161 |
<centerlongitude>-63.57842</centerlongitude> |
162 |
<sourceaccessioncode>17</sourceaccessioncode> |
158 | 163 |
</location> |
159 | 164 |
</location_id> |
160 | 165 |
<obsstartdate>1938-07-09</obsstartdate> |
161 | 166 |
<obsenddate/> |
162 | 167 |
</locationevent> |
163 | 168 |
</locationevent_id> |
164 |
169 |
165 | 170 |
<taxondetermination> |
166 | 171 |
<isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
167 | 172 |
<iscurrent>true</iscurrent> |
... | ... | |
226 | 231 |
</plantconcept_id> |
227 | 232 |
</taxondetermination> |
228 | 233 |
<verbatimcollectorname>Manning, K</verbatimcollectorname> |
229 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>ACAD</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
230 | 234 |
<catalognumber_dwc>12602</catalognumber_dwc> |
231 |
235 |
232 | 236 |
<institution_id><party><organizationname>Acadia University</organizationname></party></institution_id> |
233 | 237 |
<sourceaccessioncode>17</sourceaccessioncode> |
234 | 238 |
</specimenreplicate> |
inputs/ACAD/maps/VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 |
1 |
2 | 2 |
county,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=county]/placename",,66 |
3 | 3 |
stateProvince,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[county,],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=stateProvince]/placename",,65 |
4 | 4 |
country,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[county,stateProvince,],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=country]/placename",Brad: Required; reject record if this field NULL,63 |
... | ... | |
8 | 8 |
decimalLatitude,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/{locationdetermination/latitude,centerlatitude}/_alt/1/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,85 |
9 | 9 |
decimalLongitude,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/{locationdetermination/longitude,centerlongitude}/_alt/1/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,86 |
10 | 10 |
eventDate,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/2",,44 |
11 |
collectionCode,/collectioncode_dwc,Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
11 |
recordNumber,/collectionnumber/_alt/1/_alt/2,,22 |
12 |
collectionID,/collectionnumber/_alt/2,,9 |
12 | 13 |
dateIdentified,/taxondetermination[role=identifier]/determinationdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart/value/_alt/2,,120 |
13 | 14 |
identifiedBy,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[iscurrent=true]/*_id/party/{givenname/_namePart/first,middlename/_namePart/middle,surname/_namePart/last}",Brad: Bob: does this look correct for VegBank?,119 |
14 | 15 |
scientificName,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=binomial]/plantname","Brad: Bob, Nick, please is this mapping OK?",134 |
... | ... | |
22 | 23 |
phylum,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,genus,family,order,class,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=subkingdom]/plantname",,143 |
23 | 24 |
kingdom,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,genus,family,order,class,subkingdom,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=kingdom]/plantname",,142 |
24 | 25 |
recordedBy,/verbatimcollectorname,,23 |
25 |
catalogNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/catalognumber_dwc,"Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
26 |
recordNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/1/_alt/2,,22 |
27 |
collectionID,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/2,,9 |
28 |
institutionCode,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/institution_id/party/organizationname,, |
29 |
id,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/sourceaccessioncode,"Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
26 |
catalogNumber,"/{catalognumber_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/3}","Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
27 |
collectionCode,"/{collectioncode_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/2}",Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
28 |
institutionCode,"/{institution_id/party/organizationname,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/1}",, |
29 |
id,"/{sourceaccessioncode,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/1}","Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
30 | 30 |
basisOfRecord,,** No non-empty join mapping for basisOfRecord ** |
31 | 31 |
bibliographicCitation,,** No non-empty join mapping for bibliographicCitation ** |
32 | 32 |
dynamicProperties,,** No non-empty join mapping for dynamicProperties ** |
inputs/REMIB/test/VegBIEN.specimens.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
<?xml version="1.0" ?> |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<specimenreplicate id="0"> |
4 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>REMIB</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
4 | 5 |
<locationevent_id> |
5 | 6 |
<locationevent> |
6 | 7 |
<location_id> |
7 | 8 |
<location> |
9 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>REMIB</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
8 | 10 |
<locationdetermination> |
9 | 11 |
<namedplace_id> |
10 | 12 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
30 | 32 |
<locationnarrative>ND; habitat: ND</locationnarrative> |
31 | 33 |
<centerlatitude>99</centerlatitude> |
32 | 34 |
<centerlongitude>-999</centerlongitude> |
35 |
<sourceaccessioncode>1764</sourceaccessioncode> |
33 | 36 |
</location> |
34 | 37 |
</location_id> |
35 | 38 |
<obsstartdate>1979-12-09</obsstartdate> |
36 | 39 |
<obsenddate/> |
37 | 40 |
</locationevent> |
38 | 41 |
</locationevent_id> |
39 |
<collectioncode_dwc>XAL</collectioncode_dwc> |
40 | 42 |
<taxondetermination> |
41 | 43 |
<isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
42 | 44 |
<iscurrent>true</iscurrent> |
... | ... | |
65 | 67 |
</plantconcept_id> |
66 | 68 |
</taxondetermination> |
67 | 69 |
<verbatimcollectorname>B. Guerrero C.</verbatimcollectorname> |
68 |
70 |
69 | 71 |
<sourceaccessioncode>1764</sourceaccessioncode> |
70 | 72 |
</specimenreplicate> |
71 | 73 |
<specimenreplicate id="1"> |
74 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>REMIB</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
72 | 75 |
<locationevent_id> |
73 | 76 |
<locationevent> |
74 | 77 |
<location_id> |
75 | 78 |
<location> |
79 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>REMIB</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
76 | 80 |
<locationdetermination> |
77 | 81 |
<namedplace_id> |
78 | 82 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
98 | 102 |
<locationnarrative>ND; habitat: ND</locationnarrative> |
99 | 103 |
<centerlatitude>99</centerlatitude> |
100 | 104 |
<centerlongitude>-999</centerlongitude> |
105 |
<sourceaccessioncode>1479</sourceaccessioncode> |
101 | 106 |
</location> |
102 | 107 |
</location_id> |
103 | 108 |
<obsstartdate>1982-02-11</obsstartdate> |
104 | 109 |
<obsenddate/> |
105 | 110 |
</locationevent> |
106 | 111 |
</locationevent_id> |
107 |
<collectioncode_dwc>XAL</collectioncode_dwc> |
108 | 112 |
<taxondetermination> |
109 | 113 |
<isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
110 | 114 |
<iscurrent>true</iscurrent> |
... | ... | |
133 | 137 |
</plantconcept_id> |
134 | 138 |
</taxondetermination> |
135 | 139 |
<verbatimcollectorname>J.I. Calzada</verbatimcollectorname> |
136 |
140 |
137 | 141 |
<sourceaccessioncode>1479</sourceaccessioncode> |
138 | 142 |
</specimenreplicate> |
139 | 143 |
</VegBIEN> |
inputs/REMIB/maps/VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 |
1 |
2 | 2 |
county,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=county]/placename",,66 |
3 | 3 |
state,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[county,],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=stateProvince]/placename",,65 |
4 | 4 |
country,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[county,stateProvince,],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=country]/placename",Brad: Required; reject record if this field NULL,63 |
... | ... | |
9 | 9 |
coll_day,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/day/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
10 | 10 |
coll_month,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/month/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
11 | 11 |
coll_year,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/year/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
12 |
acronym,/collectioncode_dwc,Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
13 | 12 |
specificEpithet,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=species]/plantname",,149 |
14 | 13 |
genus,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=genus]/plantname",,147 |
15 | 14 |
family,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,genus,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=family]/plantname",,146 |
16 | 15 |
collector,/verbatimcollectorname,,23 |
17 |
accession_number,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/sourceaccessioncode,"Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
16 |
acronym,"/{collectioncode_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/2}",Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
17 |
accession_number,"/{sourceaccessioncode,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/1}","Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
18 | 18 |
lat_min,,** No input mapping for lat_min ** |
19 | 19 |
lat_sec,,** No input mapping for lat_sec ** |
20 | 20 |
long_min,,** No input mapping for long_min ** |
inputs/U/test/VegBIEN.specimens.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
<?xml version="1.0" ?> |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<specimenreplicate id="0"> |
4 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>U</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
4 | 5 |
<locationevent_id> |
5 | 6 |
<locationevent> |
6 | 7 |
<location_id> |
7 | 8 |
<location> |
9 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>U</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
8 | 10 |
<locationdetermination> |
9 | 11 |
<namedplace_id> |
10 | 12 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
18 | 20 |
<locationnarrative>Cayenne, Ile de Cayenne</locationnarrative> |
19 | 21 |
<centerlatitude>4.933333333</centerlatitude> |
20 | 22 |
<centerlongitude>-52.33333333</centerlongitude> |
23 |
<sourceaccessioncode>2225</sourceaccessioncode> |
21 | 24 |
</location> |
22 | 25 |
</location_id> |
23 | 26 |
<obsstartdate>1969-09-21</obsstartdate> |
24 | 27 |
<obsenddate/> |
25 | 28 |
</locationevent> |
26 | 29 |
</locationevent_id> |
30 |
<collectionnumber>7</collectionnumber> |
27 | 31 |
<taxondetermination> |
28 | 32 |
<role>identifier</role> |
29 | 33 |
<determinationdate>1979-01-01</determinationdate> |
... | ... | |
54 | 58 |
</plantconcept_id> |
55 | 59 |
</taxondetermination> |
56 | 60 |
<verbatimcollectorname>Burgot, S.J.</verbatimcollectorname> |
57 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>U</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
58 | 61 |
<catalognumber_dwc>U 0125259</catalognumber_dwc> |
59 |
<collectionnumber>7</collectionnumber> |
60 | 62 |
<sourceaccessioncode>2225</sourceaccessioncode> |
61 | 63 |
</specimenreplicate> |
62 | 64 |
<specimenreplicate id="1"> |
65 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>U</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
63 | 66 |
<locationevent_id> |
64 | 67 |
<locationevent> |
65 | 68 |
<location_id> |
66 | 69 |
<location> |
70 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>U</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
67 | 71 |
<locationdetermination> |
68 | 72 |
<namedplace_id> |
69 | 73 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
77 | 81 |
<locationnarrative>Cayenne, Ile de Cayenne</locationnarrative> |
78 | 82 |
<centerlatitude>4.933333333</centerlatitude> |
79 | 83 |
<centerlongitude>-52.33333333</centerlongitude> |
84 |
<sourceaccessioncode>44268708</sourceaccessioncode> |
80 | 85 |
</location> |
81 | 86 |
</location_id> |
82 | 87 |
<obsstartdate>1970-09-21</obsstartdate> |
83 | 88 |
<obsenddate/> |
84 | 89 |
</locationevent> |
85 | 90 |
</locationevent_id> |
91 |
<collectionnumber>5</collectionnumber> |
86 | 92 |
<taxondetermination> |
87 | 93 |
<isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
88 | 94 |
<iscurrent>true</iscurrent> |
... | ... | |
105 | 111 |
</plantconcept_id> |
106 | 112 |
</taxondetermination> |
107 | 113 |
<verbatimcollectorname>Burgot, S.J.</verbatimcollectorname> |
108 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>U</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
109 | 114 |
<catalognumber_dwc>U 0233032</catalognumber_dwc> |
110 |
<collectionnumber>5</collectionnumber> |
111 | 115 |
<sourceaccessioncode>44268708</sourceaccessioncode> |
112 | 116 |
</specimenreplicate> |
113 | 117 |
</VegBIEN> |
inputs/U/maps/VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 |
1 |
2 | 2 |
Country,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[county,stateProvince,],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=country]/placename",Brad: Required; reject record if this field NULL,63 |
3 | 3 |
Gazetteer,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationnarrative/_merge/2/_merge/1/_label[label=""gazetteer""]/value/_merge/1","Brad: Correct for VB; Nick, is there no specific element for locality description in VegX? Definitely need one.",69 |
4 | 4 |
Newgazett,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationnarrative/_merge/2/_merge/1/_label[label=""gazetteer""]/value/_merge/2","Only used in 1 row; Brad: Correct for VB; Nick, is there no specific element for locality description in VegX? Definitely need one.",69 |
... | ... | |
9 | 9 |
Colldd,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/day/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
10 | 10 |
Collmm,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/month/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
11 | 11 |
Collyy,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/year/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
12 |
Number,/collectionnumber/_alt/1/_alt/2,,22 |
12 | 13 |
Notes,/description/_merge/1,, |
13 | 14 |
Detyy,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]/determinationdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart/value/_alt/1/_date/year/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,120 |
14 | 15 |
Detby,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[iscurrent=true]/*_id/party/{givenname/_namePart/first,middlename/_namePart/middle,surname/_namePart/last}",Brad: Bob: does this look correct for VegBank?,119 |
... | ... | |
16 | 17 |
Family,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,genus,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=family]/plantname",,146 |
17 | 18 |
Collector,/verbatimcollectorname/_merge/1,,23 |
18 | 19 |
Addcoll,/verbatimcollectorname/_merge/2,,23 |
19 |
Barcode,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/catalognumber_dwc,"Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
20 |
Number,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/1/_alt/2,,22 |
21 |
ID,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/sourceaccessioncode,"Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
20 |
Barcode,"/{catalognumber_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/3}","Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
21 |
ID,"/{sourceaccessioncode,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/1}","Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
22 | 22 |
Alt,,What is this? |
23 | 23 |
Alt2,,What is this? |
24 | 24 |
Coorsyst,,** No input mapping for Coorsyst ** |
inputs/ARIZ/test/VegBIEN.specimens.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
<?xml version="1.0" ?> |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<specimenreplicate id="0"> |
4 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>ARIZ</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
4 | 5 |
<locationevent_id> |
5 | 6 |
<locationevent> |
6 | 7 |
<location_id> |
7 | 8 |
<location> |
9 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>ARIZ</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
8 | 10 |
<locationdetermination> |
9 | 11 |
<namedplace_id> |
10 | 12 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
20 | 22 |
</namedplace_id> |
21 | 23 |
</locationdetermination> |
22 | 24 |
<locationnarrative>Iguala, Hwy. 95, 4/10 mi. So. of La Cabana Motel. Dry valley.</locationnarrative> |
25 |
<sourceaccessioncode>Herbarium:ARIZ:dbsn104</sourceaccessioncode> |
23 | 26 |
</location> |
24 | 27 |
</location_id> |
25 | 28 |
<obsstartdate>1971-01-23</obsstartdate> |
26 | 29 |
<obsenddate/> |
27 | 30 |
</locationevent> |
28 | 31 |
</locationevent_id> |
29 |
32 |
30 | 33 |
<description>Much branched shrub with long white thorns and pale yellow catkins.</description> |
31 | 34 |
<taxondetermination> |
32 | 35 |
<role>identifier</role> |
... | ... | |
75 | 78 |
</plantconcept_id> |
76 | 79 |
</taxondetermination> |
77 | 80 |
<verbatimcollectorname>J. Freeland</verbatimcollectorname> |
78 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>ARIZ</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
79 | 81 |
<catalognumber_dwc>104</catalognumber_dwc> |
80 |
82 |
81 | 83 |
<institution_id><party><organizationname>Herbarium</organizationname></party></institution_id> |
82 | 84 |
<sourceaccessioncode>Herbarium:ARIZ:dbsn104</sourceaccessioncode> |
83 | 85 |
</specimenreplicate> |
84 | 86 |
<specimenreplicate id="1"> |
87 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>ARIZ</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
85 | 88 |
<locationevent_id> |
86 | 89 |
<locationevent> |
87 | 90 |
<location_id> |
88 | 91 |
<location> |
92 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>ARIZ</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
89 | 93 |
<locationdetermination> |
90 | 94 |
<namedplace_id> |
91 | 95 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
95 | 99 |
</namedplace_id> |
96 | 100 |
</locationdetermination> |
97 | 101 |
<locationnarrative>Grown in University of Arizona (tucson, AZ) greenhouses from seeds provided by the USDA, Plant Introduction accession 220085. .</locationnarrative> |
102 |
<sourceaccessioncode>Herbarium:ARIZ:dbsn198483</sourceaccessioncode> |
98 | 103 |
</location> |
99 | 104 |
</location_id> |
100 | 105 |
<obsstartdate>1993-02-01</obsstartdate> |
101 | 106 |
<obsenddate/> |
102 | 107 |
</locationevent> |
103 | 108 |
</locationevent_id> |
104 |
109 |
105 | 110 |
<taxondetermination> |
106 | 111 |
<role>identifier</role> |
107 | 112 |
<determinationdate>1993-02-01</determinationdate> |
... | ... | |
149 | 154 |
</plantconcept_id> |
150 | 155 |
</taxondetermination> |
151 | 156 |
<verbatimcollectorname>M. F. Wojciechowski & M. J. Sanderson</verbatimcollectorname> |
152 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>ARIZ</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
153 | 157 |
<catalognumber_dwc>198483</catalognumber_dwc> |
154 |
158 |
155 | 159 |
<institution_id><party><organizationname>Herbarium</organizationname></party></institution_id> |
156 | 160 |
<sourceaccessioncode>Herbarium:ARIZ:dbsn198483</sourceaccessioncode> |
157 | 161 |
</specimenreplicate> |
inputs/ARIZ/maps/VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 |
1 |
2 | 2 |
CoordinateUncertaintyInMeters,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/coordsaccuracy/_noCV/value/_alt/1,,88 |
3 | 3 |
BoundingBox,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/footprintgeometry_dwc,,91 |
4 | 4 |
County,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=county]/placename",,66 |
... | ... | |
18 | 18 |
DayCollected,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/day/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
19 | 19 |
MonthCollected,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/month/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
20 | 20 |
YearCollected,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/year/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
21 |
CollectionCode,/collectioncode_dwc,Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
21 |
CollectorNumber,/collectionnumber/_alt/1/_alt/1,,22 |
22 |
FieldNumber,/collectionnumber/_alt/3,"Brad: Correct for VB, not sure about VX; Nick, is there an element in VX fo Collection Number?",53 |
22 | 23 |
Sex,"/definedvalue[*_id/userdefined[tablename=specimenreplicate,userdefinedname=sex]]:[@fkey=tablerecord_id]/definedvalue","Brad: OMIT. Apparently not used by this institution and of uncertain applicability to plants. With other collections, *sometimes* used for phenological information (if specimen in flower, in fruit, sterile, etc.). If so, this is important information we should keep. Bob, Nick, anywhere for phenological information in VB and VX?; Aaron: Keeping it because it's useful for some collections",26 |
23 | 24 |
FieldNotes,/description/_merge/1,, |
24 | 25 |
Remarks,/description/_merge/2,,158 |
... | ... | |
37 | 38 |
Phylum,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,genus,family,order,class,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=subkingdom]/plantname",,143 |
38 | 39 |
Kingdom,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,genus,family,order,class,subkingdom,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=kingdom]/plantname",,142 |
39 | 40 |
Collector,/verbatimcollectorname,,23 |
40 |
CatalogNumberNumeric,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/catalognumber_dwc,"Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
41 |
CollectorNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/1/_alt/1,,22 |
42 |
FieldNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/3,"Brad: Correct for VB, not sure about VX; Nick, is there an element in VX fo Collection Number?",53 |
43 |
InstitutionCode,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/institution_id/party/organizationname,, |
44 |
GlobalUniqueIdentifier,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/sourceaccessioncode,"Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
41 |
CatalogNumberNumeric,"/{catalognumber_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/3}","Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
42 |
CollectionCode,"/{collectioncode_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/2}",Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
43 |
InstitutionCode,"/{institution_id/party/organizationname,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/1}",, |
44 |
GlobalUniqueIdentifier,"/{sourceaccessioncode,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/1}","Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
45 | 45 |
AgeClass,,** No non-empty join mapping for lifeStage ** |
46 | 46 |
BasisOfRecord,,** No non-empty join mapping for BasisOfRecord ** |
47 | 47 |
CatalogNumber,,Map to nothing so it doesn't overwrite CatalogNumberNumeric |
inputs/GBIF/test/VegBIEN.specimens.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
<?xml version="1.0" ?> |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<specimenreplicate id="0"> |
4 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>GBIF</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
4 | 5 |
<locationevent_id> |
5 | 6 |
<locationevent> |
6 | 7 |
<location_id> |
7 | 8 |
<location> |
9 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>GBIF</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
8 | 10 |
<locationdetermination> |
9 | 11 |
<namedplace_id> |
10 | 12 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
13 | 15 |
</namedplace> |
14 | 16 |
</namedplace_id> |
15 | 17 |
</locationdetermination> |
18 |
<sourceaccessioncode>GOET-Typen; Type herbarium, Gottingen (GOET); 3390</sourceaccessioncode> |
16 | 19 |
</location> |
17 | 20 |
</location_id> |
18 | 21 |
</locationevent> |
19 | 22 |
</locationevent_id> |
20 |
<collectioncode_dwc>Type herbarium, Gottingen (GOET)</collectioncode_dwc> |
21 | 23 |
<taxondetermination> |
22 | 24 |
<isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
23 | 25 |
<iscurrent>true</iscurrent> |
... | ... | |
58 | 60 |
</plantconcept_id> |
59 | 61 |
</taxondetermination> |
60 | 62 |
<verbatimcollectorname>PRINGLE</verbatimcollectorname> |
61 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>GBIF</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
62 | 63 |
<catalognumber_dwc>3390</catalognumber_dwc> |
64 |
<collectioncode_dwc>Type herbarium, Gottingen (GOET)</collectioncode_dwc> |
63 | 65 |
<institution_id><party><organizationname>GOET-Typen</organizationname></party></institution_id> |
64 | 66 |
</specimenreplicate> |
65 | 67 |
<specimenreplicate id="1"> |
68 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>GBIF</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
66 | 69 |
<locationevent_id> |
67 | 70 |
<locationevent> |
68 | 71 |
<location_id> |
69 | 72 |
<location> |
73 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>GBIF</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
70 | 74 |
<locationdetermination> |
71 | 75 |
<namedplace_id> |
72 | 76 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
75 | 79 |
</namedplace> |
76 | 80 |
</namedplace_id> |
77 | 81 |
</locationdetermination> |
82 |
<sourceaccessioncode>GOET-Typen; Type herbarium, Gottingen (GOET); 3395</sourceaccessioncode> |
78 | 83 |
</location> |
79 | 84 |
</location_id> |
80 | 85 |
</locationevent> |
81 | 86 |
</locationevent_id> |
82 |
<collectioncode_dwc>Type herbarium, Gottingen (GOET)</collectioncode_dwc> |
83 | 87 |
<taxondetermination> |
84 | 88 |
<isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
85 | 89 |
<iscurrent>true</iscurrent> |
... | ... | |
120 | 124 |
</plantconcept_id> |
121 | 125 |
</taxondetermination> |
122 | 126 |
<verbatimcollectorname>ANDERSSON</verbatimcollectorname> |
123 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>GBIF</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
124 | 127 |
<catalognumber_dwc>3395</catalognumber_dwc> |
128 |
<collectioncode_dwc>Type herbarium, Gottingen (GOET)</collectioncode_dwc> |
125 | 129 |
<institution_id><party><organizationname>GOET-Typen</organizationname></party></institution_id> |
126 | 130 |
</specimenreplicate> |
127 | 131 |
</VegBIEN> |
inputs/GBIF/maps/VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 |
1 |
2 | 2 |
County,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=county]/placename",,66 |
3 | 3 |
StateProvince,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[county,],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=stateProvince]/placename",,65 |
4 | 4 |
Country,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[county,stateProvince,],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=country]/placename",Brad: Required; reject record if this field NULL,63 |
... | ... | |
10 | 10 |
DecimalLongitude,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/{locationdetermination/longitude,centerlongitude}/_alt/1/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,86 |
11 | 11 |
VerbatimLongitude,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/{locationdetermination/longitude,centerlongitude}/_alt/1/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,82 |
12 | 12 |
LatestDateCollected,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/2",,44 |
13 |
CollectionCD,/collectioncode_dwc,Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
14 | 13 |
IdentifiedBy,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[iscurrent=true]/*_id/party/{givenname/_namePart/first,middlename/_namePart/middle,surname/_namePart/last}",Brad: Bob: does this look correct for VegBank?,119 |
15 | 14 |
ScientificName,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=binomial]/plantname","Brad: Bob, Nick, please is this mapping OK?",134 |
16 | 15 |
AuthorOfScientificName,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=authority]/plantname","Brad: Mapping probably incorrect. This DwC element refers to scientific name author; does not correspond to the VegBank and VegX elements you have listed (Bob, Nick�where does name author belong in VegBank and VegX?); Aaron: The mapped VegX element is the author linked to the taxon name, so it seems like this is the scientific name author",153 |
... | ... | |
19 | 18 |
Genus,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=genus]/plantname",,147 |
20 | 19 |
Family,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,genus,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=family]/plantname",,146 |
21 | 20 |
Collector,/verbatimcollectorname,,23 |
22 |
CatalogNO,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/catalognumber_dwc,"Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
23 |
InstitutionCD,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/institution_id/party/organizationname,, |
21 |
CatalogNO,"/{catalognumber_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/3}","Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
22 |
CollectionCD,"/{collectioncode_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/2}",Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
23 |
InstitutionCD,"/{institution_id/party/organizationname,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/1}",, |
24 | 24 |
GBIFFamilyOriginal,,** No non-empty join mapping for originalNameUsage/_alt/2/_name/first ** DwC doesn't fully support taxonomic redeterminations |
25 | 25 |
GBIFGenusOriginal,,** No non-empty join mapping for originalNameUsage/_alt/2/_name/middle ** DwC doesn't fully support taxonomic redeterminations |
26 | 26 |
LastDateModified,,** No non-empty join mapping for DateLastModified ** |
inputs/NCU-NCSC/test/VegBIEN.specimens.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
<?xml version="1.0" ?> |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<specimenreplicate id="0"> |
4 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>NCU-NCSC</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
4 | 5 |
<locationevent_id> |
5 | 6 |
<locationevent> |
6 | 7 |
<location_id> |
7 | 8 |
<location> |
9 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>NCU-NCSC</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
8 | 10 |
<locationdetermination> |
9 | 11 |
<namedplace_id> |
10 | 12 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
25 | 27 |
</namedplace> |
26 | 28 |
</namedplace_id> |
27 | 29 |
</locationdetermination> |
30 |
<sourceaccessioncode>0</sourceaccessioncode> |
28 | 31 |
</location> |
29 | 32 |
</location_id> |
30 | 33 |
<obsstartdate>1994-06-25</obsstartdate> |
31 | 34 |
<obsenddate/> |
32 | 35 |
</locationevent> |
33 | 36 |
</locationevent_id> |
34 |
<collectioncode_dwc>NCU</collectioncode_dwc> |
35 | 37 |
<taxondetermination> |
36 | 38 |
<isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
37 | 39 |
<iscurrent>true</iscurrent> |
... | ... | |
47 | 49 |
</plantconcept> |
48 | 50 |
</plantconcept_id> |
49 | 51 |
</taxondetermination> |
52 |
<catalognumber_dwc>NCU00090254</catalognumber_dwc> |
53 |
<collectioncode_dwc>NCU</collectioncode_dwc> |
50 | 54 |
<growthform/> |
51 | 55 |
<iscultivated>f</iscultivated> |
52 | 56 |
<isnative/> |
53 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>NCU-NCSC</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
54 |
<catalognumber_dwc>NCU00090254</catalognumber_dwc> |
55 | 57 |
<sourceaccessioncode>0</sourceaccessioncode> |
56 | 58 |
</specimenreplicate> |
57 | 59 |
<specimenreplicate id="1"> |
60 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>NCU-NCSC</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
58 | 61 |
<locationevent_id> |
59 | 62 |
<locationevent> |
60 | 63 |
<location_id> |
61 | 64 |
<location> |
65 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>NCU-NCSC</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
62 | 66 |
<locationdetermination> |
63 | 67 |
<coordsaccuracy>1000</coordsaccuracy> |
64 | 68 |
<namedplace_id> |
... | ... | |
84 | 88 |
</locationdetermination> |
85 | 89 |
<centerlatitude>35.1611111</centerlatitude> |
86 | 90 |
<centerlongitude>-79.3486111</centerlongitude> |
91 |
<sourceaccessioncode>1</sourceaccessioncode> |
87 | 92 |
</location> |
88 | 93 |
</location_id> |
89 | 94 |
<obsstartdate>1965-05-08</obsstartdate> |
90 | 95 |
<obsenddate/> |
91 | 96 |
</locationevent> |
92 | 97 |
</locationevent_id> |
93 |
<collectioncode_dwc>WEWO</collectioncode_dwc> |
94 | 98 |
<taxondetermination> |
95 | 99 |
<isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
96 | 100 |
<iscurrent>true</iscurrent> |
... | ... | |
106 | 110 |
</plantconcept> |
107 | 111 |
</plantconcept_id> |
108 | 112 |
</taxondetermination> |
113 |
<collectioncode_dwc>WEWO</collectioncode_dwc> |
109 | 114 |
<growthform/> |
110 | 115 |
<iscultivated>f</iscultivated> |
111 | 116 |
<isnative/> |
112 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>NCU-NCSC</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
113 | 117 |
<sourceaccessioncode>1</sourceaccessioncode> |
114 | 118 |
</specimenreplicate> |
115 | 119 |
</VegBIEN> |
inputs/NCU-NCSC/maps/VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 |
1 |
2 | 2 |
Accuracy,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/coordsaccuracy/_noCV/value/_alt/1,,88 |
3 | 3 |
County,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=county]/placename",,66 |
4 | 4 |
State,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[county,],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=stateProvince]/placename",,65 |
... | ... | |
6 | 6 |
Lat (-=S),"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/{locationdetermination/latitude,centerlatitude}/_alt/1/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value/_replace:[""\?$""=]/value",,81 |
7 | 7 |
Long (-=W),"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/{locationdetermination/longitude,centerlongitude}/_alt/1/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value/_replace:[""\?$""=]/value",,82 |
8 | 8 |
Collect Date,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/3",,44 |
9 |
SeriesName,/collectioncode_dwc,Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
10 | 9 |
Full Taxon Name,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=binomial]/plantname","Brad: Bob, Nick, please is this mapping OK?",134 |
10 |
Barcode,"/{catalognumber_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/3}","Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
11 |
SeriesName,"/{collectioncode_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/2}",Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
11 | 12 |
Cultivated?,"/{growthform/_map:[./{tree,shrub,liana,vine,herb,hemiepiphyte,epiphyte,grass,forb,moss,lichen,fungus,""floating aquatic"",""submerged aquatic""}=*,*=],iscultivated/_map:[cultivated=t,wild=f,*=],isnative/_map:[native=t,exotic=f,*=]}/value/_map:[Yes=cultivated,No=wild]/value",,30 |
12 |
Barcode,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/catalognumber_dwc,"Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
13 |
Accession Number,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/sourceaccessioncode,"Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
13 |
Accession Number,"/{sourceaccessioncode,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/1}","Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
14 | 14 |
Alt E/W,,** No input mapping for Alt E/W ** |
15 | 15 |
Alt N/S,,** No input mapping for Alt N/S ** |
16 | 16 |
Elevation,,** No non-empty join mapping for VerbatimElevation ** |
inputs/SpeciesLink/test/VegBIEN.specimens.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
<?xml version="1.0" ?> |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<specimenreplicate id="0"> |
4 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>SpeciesLink</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
4 | 5 |
<locationevent_id> |
5 | 6 |
<locationevent> |
6 | 7 |
<location_id> |
7 | 8 |
<location> |
9 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>SpeciesLink</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
8 | 10 |
<locationdetermination> |
9 | 11 |
<namedplace_id> |
10 | 12 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
38 | 40 |
<elevationrange>0.0</elevationrange> |
39 | 41 |
<centerlatitude>-6.73845</centerlatitude> |
40 | 42 |
<centerlongitude>-35.1385666667</centerlongitude> |
43 |
<sourceaccessioncode>96848826</sourceaccessioncode> |
41 | 44 |
</location> |
42 | 45 |
</location_id> |
43 | 46 |
<obsstartdate>2009-09-09</obsstartdate> |
44 | 47 |
<obsenddate/> |
45 | 48 |
</locationevent> |
46 | 49 |
</locationevent_id> |
47 |
50 |
48 | 51 |
<description>Árvore; ca. de 4,5m Alt.; botão floral com coloraçao verde.</description> |
49 | 52 |
<taxondetermination> |
50 | 53 |
<role>identifier</role> |
... | ... | |
100 | 103 |
</plantconcept_id> |
101 | 104 |
</taxondetermination> |
102 | 105 |
<verbatimcollectorname>Silva, F.O.</verbatimcollectorname> |
103 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>SpeciesLink</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
104 | 106 |
<catalognumber_dwc>43226</catalognumber_dwc> |
105 |
107 |
106 | 108 |
<institution_id><party><organizationname>UFPB</organizationname></party></institution_id> |
107 | 109 |
<sourceaccessioncode>96848826</sourceaccessioncode> |
108 | 110 |
</specimenreplicate> |
109 | 111 |
<specimenreplicate id="1"> |
112 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>SpeciesLink</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
110 | 113 |
<locationevent_id> |
111 | 114 |
<locationevent> |
112 | 115 |
<location_id> |
113 | 116 |
<location> |
117 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>SpeciesLink</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
114 | 118 |
<locationdetermination> |
115 | 119 |
<namedplace_id> |
116 | 120 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
142 | 146 |
<locationnarrative>Mata de Igapó. Margens inundadas.</locationnarrative> |
143 | 147 |
<centerlatitude>-2.8333333333</centerlatitude> |
144 | 148 |
<centerlongitude>-67.8333333333</centerlongitude> |
149 |
<sourceaccessioncode>96848863</sourceaccessioncode> |
145 | 150 |
</location> |
146 | 151 |
</location_id> |
147 | 152 |
<obsstartdate>1986-11-18</obsstartdate> |
148 | 153 |
<obsenddate/> |
149 | 154 |
</locationevent> |
150 | 155 |
</locationevent_id> |
151 |
156 |
152 | 157 |
<description>Árvore pequena com 5m de altura; frutos jovens esverdeados. Boca do rio Tonantins, abaixo de Vila Velha. Frequente.</description> |
153 | 158 |
<taxondetermination> |
154 | 159 |
<role>identifier</role> |
... | ... | |
204 | 209 |
</plantconcept_id> |
205 | 210 |
</taxondetermination> |
206 | 211 |
<verbatimcollectorname>Lima, H.C.</verbatimcollectorname> |
207 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>SpeciesLink</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
208 | 212 |
<catalognumber_dwc>14046</catalognumber_dwc> |
209 |
213 |
210 | 214 |
<institution_id><party><organizationname>UFPB</organizationname></party></institution_id> |
211 | 215 |
<sourceaccessioncode>96848863</sourceaccessioncode> |
212 | 216 |
</specimenreplicate> |
inputs/SpeciesLink/maps/VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 |
1 |
2 | 2 |
coordinateUncertaintyInMeters,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/coordsaccuracy/_noCV/value/_alt/1,,88 |
3 | 3 |
CoordinatePrecision,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/coordsaccuracy/_noCV/value/_alt/2,,89 |
4 | 4 |
BoundingBox,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/footprintgeometry_dwc,,91 |
... | ... | |
38 | 38 |
DayCollected,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/day/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
39 | 39 |
MonthCollected,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/month/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
40 | 40 |
YearCollected,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/year/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
41 |
CollectionCode,/collectioncode_dwc,Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
42 |
collectionCode,/collectioncode_dwc,Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
41 |
CollectorNumber,/collectionnumber/_alt/1/_alt/1,,22 |
42 |
recordNumber,/collectionnumber/_alt/1/_alt/2,,22 |
43 |
collectionID,/collectionnumber/_alt/2,,9 |
44 |
FieldNumber,/collectionnumber/_alt/3,"Brad: Correct for VB, not sure about VX; Nick, is there an element in VX fo Collection Number?",53 |
45 |
fieldNumber,/collectionnumber/_alt/3,"Brad: Correct for VB, not sure about VX; Nick, is there an element in VX fo Collection Number?",53 |
43 | 46 |
Sex,"/definedvalue[*_id/userdefined[tablename=specimenreplicate,userdefinedname=sex]]:[@fkey=tablerecord_id]/definedvalue","Brad: OMIT. Apparently not used by this institution and of uncertain applicability to plants. With other collections, *sometimes* used for phenological information (if specimen in flower, in fruit, sterile, etc.). If so, this is important information we should keep. Bob, Nick, anywhere for phenological information in VB and VX?; Aaron: Keeping it because it's useful for some collections",26 |
44 | 47 |
sex,"/definedvalue[*_id/userdefined[tablename=specimenreplicate,userdefinedname=sex]]:[@fkey=tablerecord_id]/definedvalue","Brad: OMIT. Apparently not used by this institution and of uncertain applicability to plants. With other collections, *sometimes* used for phenological information (if specimen in flower, in fruit, sterile, etc.). If so, this is important information we should keep. Bob, Nick, anywhere for phenological information in VB and VX?; Aaron: Keeping it because it's useful for some collections",26 |
45 | 48 |
Notes,/description/_merge/1,, |
... | ... | |
75 | 78 |
kingdom,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,genus,family,order,class,subkingdom,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=kingdom]/plantname",,142 |
76 | 79 |
Collector,/verbatimcollectorname,,23 |
77 | 80 |
recordedBy,/verbatimcollectorname,,23 |
78 |
CatalogNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/catalognumber_dwc,"Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
79 |
catalogNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/catalognumber_dwc,"Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
80 |
CollectorNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/1/_alt/1,,22 |
81 |
recordNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/1/_alt/2,,22 |
82 |
collectionID,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/2,,9 |
83 |
FieldNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/3,"Brad: Correct for VB, not sure about VX; Nick, is there an element in VX fo Collection Number?",53 |
84 |
fieldNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/collectionnumber/_alt/3,"Brad: Correct for VB, not sure about VX; Nick, is there an element in VX fo Collection Number?",53 |
85 |
InstitutionCode,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/institution_id/party/organizationname,, |
86 |
institutionCode,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/institution_id/party/organizationname,, |
87 |
GlobalUniqueIdentifier,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/sourceaccessioncode,"Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
81 |
CatalogNumber,"/{catalognumber_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/3}","Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
82 |
catalogNumber,"/{catalognumber_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/3}","Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20 |
83 |
CollectionCode,"/{collectioncode_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/2}",Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
84 |
collectionCode,"/{collectioncode_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/2}",Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12 |
85 |
InstitutionCode,"/{institution_id/party/organizationname,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/1}",, |
86 |
institutionCode,"/{institution_id/party/organizationname,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/1}",, |
87 |
GlobalUniqueIdentifier,"/{sourceaccessioncode,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/1}","Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key",19 |
88 | 88 |
BasisOfRecord,,** No non-empty join mapping for BasisOfRecord ** |
89 | 89 |
DateLastModified,,** No non-empty join mapping for DateLastModified ** |
90 | 90 |
DayOfYear,,** No non-empty join mapping for JulianDay ** |
inputs/MO/test/VegBIEN.specimens.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
<?xml version="1.0" ?> |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<specimenreplicate id="0"> |
4 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>MO</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
4 | 5 |
<locationevent_id> |
5 | 6 |
<locationevent> |
6 | 7 |
<location_id> |
7 | 8 |
<location> |
9 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>MO</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
8 | 10 |
<locationdetermination> |
9 | 11 |
<namedplace_id> |
10 | 12 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
25 | 27 |
</namedplace> |
26 | 28 |
</namedplace_id> |
27 | 29 |
</locationdetermination> |
30 |
<sourceaccessioncode>MO; Tropicos; 1</sourceaccessioncode> |
28 | 31 |
</location> |
29 | 32 |
</location_id> |
30 | 33 |
</locationevent> |
31 | 34 |
</locationevent_id> |
32 |
35 |
33 | 36 |
<taxondetermination> |
34 | 37 |
<isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
35 | 38 |
<iscurrent>true</iscurrent> |
... | ... | |
76 | 79 |
</plantconcept_id> |
77 | 80 |
</taxondetermination> |
78 | 81 |
<verbatimcollectorname>Wiggins</verbatimcollectorname> |
79 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>MO</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
80 | 82 |
<catalognumber_dwc>1</catalognumber_dwc> |
81 |
83 |
82 | 84 |
<institution_id><party><organizationname>MO</organizationname></party></institution_id> |
83 | 85 |
</specimenreplicate> |
84 | 86 |
<specimenreplicate id="1"> |
87 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>MO</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
85 | 88 |
<locationevent_id> |
86 | 89 |
<locationevent> |
87 | 90 |
<location_id> |
88 | 91 |
<location> |
92 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>MO</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
89 | 93 |
<locationdetermination> |
90 | 94 |
<namedplace_id> |
91 | 95 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
109 | 113 |
<locationnarrative>Foot of Mt. Mulanje along the Nakholu stream just aboe Lauderdale Forest.</locationnarrative> |
110 | 114 |
<elevation>800.0</elevation> |
111 | 115 |
<elevationrange/> |
116 |
<sourceaccessioncode>MO; Tropicos; 2</sourceaccessioncode> |
112 | 117 |
</location> |
113 | 118 |
</location_id> |
114 | 119 |
<obsstartdate>1985-10-29</obsstartdate> |
115 | 120 |
<obsenddate/> |
116 | 121 |
</locationevent> |
117 | 122 |
</locationevent_id> |
118 |
123 |
119 | 124 |
<taxondetermination> |
120 | 125 |
<isoriginal>true</isoriginal> |
121 | 126 |
<iscurrent>true</iscurrent> |
... | ... | |
168 | 173 |
</plantconcept_id> |
169 | 174 |
</taxondetermination> |
170 | 175 |
<verbatimcollectorname>J.D. & E.G. Chapman</verbatimcollectorname> |
171 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>MO</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
172 | 176 |
<catalognumber_dwc>2</catalognumber_dwc> |
173 |
177 |
174 | 178 |
<institution_id><party><organizationname>MO</organizationname></party></institution_id> |
175 | 179 |
</specimenreplicate> |
176 | 180 |
</VegBIEN> |
inputs/MO/maps/VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 |
1 |
2 | 2 |
County,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=county]/placename",,66 |
3 | 3 |
StateProvince,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[county,],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=stateProvince]/placename",,65 |
4 | 4 |
Country,"/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[county,stateProvince,],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=country]/placename",Brad: Required; reject record if this field NULL,63 |
... | ... | |
11 | 11 |
DayCollected,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/day/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
12 | 12 |
MonthCollected,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/month/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
13 | 13 |
YearCollected,"/*_id/locationevent/{obsstartdate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart,obsenddate/_*/date/_dateRangeEnd}/value/_alt/1/_date/year/_nullIf:[null=0,type=float]/value",,44 |
14 |
CollectionCode,/collectioncode_dwc,Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12
14 |
15 | 15 |
convertednotes,/description/_merge/1,, |
16 | 16 |
IdentifiedBy,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[iscurrent=true]/*_id/party/{givenname/_namePart/first,middlename/_namePart/middle,surname/_namePart/last}",Brad: Bob: does this look correct for VegBank?,119 |
17 | 17 |
ScientificName,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=binomial]/plantname","Brad: Bob, Nick, please is this mapping OK?",134 |
... | ... | |
22 | 22 |
family,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,genus,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=family]/plantname",,146 |
23 | 23 |
Kingdom,"/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true,iscurrent=true]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/plantname"",require=plantname]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,subspecies,species,genus,family,order,class,subkingdom,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=kingdom]/plantname",,142 |
24 | 24 |
Collector,/verbatimcollectorname,,23 |
25 |
CatalogNumber,:[datasource_id/party/organizationname/_alt/2=$/_ignore/inLabel]/catalognumber_dwc,"Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20
26 |
27 |
25 |
CatalogNumber,"/{catalognumber_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/3}","Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. Nick, is there an element for institutional accession codes in VegX?; Aaron: This can't be used as the accession code (primary key) because some rows don't have a value for it",20
26 |
CollectionCode,"/{collectioncode_dwc,*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_alt/2/_merge/2}",Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,12
27 |
28 | 28 |
BasisOfRecord,,** No non-empty join mapping for BasisOfRecord ** |
29 | 29 |
DateLastModified,,** No non-empty join mapping for DateLastModified ** |
30 | 30 |
IndividualCount,,** No non-empty join mapping for IndividualCount ** |
inputs/QMOR/test/VegBIEN.specimens.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
<?xml version="1.0" ?> |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<specimenreplicate id="0"> |
4 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>QMOR</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
4 | 5 |
<locationevent_id> |
5 | 6 |
<locationevent> |
6 | 7 |
<location_id> |
7 | 8 |
<location> |
9 |
<datasource_id><party><organizationname>QMOR</organizationname></party></datasource_id> |
8 | 10 |
<locationdetermination> |
9 | 11 |
<namedplace_id> |
10 | 12 |
<namedplace> |
... | ... | |
26 | 28 |
</namedplace_id> |
27 | 29 |
</locationdetermination> |
28 | 30 |
<locationnarrative>Rigaud</locationnarrative> |
31 |
<sourceaccessioncode>1</sourceaccessioncode> |
29 | 32 |
</location> |
30 | 33 |
</location_id> |
31 | 34 |
<obsstartdate>1938-06-02</obsstartdate> |
32 | 35 |
<obsenddate/> |
33 | 36 |
</locationevent> |
34 | 37 |
</locationevent_id> |
35 |
38 |
36 | 39 |
<definedvalue fkey="tablerecord_id"> |
37 | 40 |
<userdefined_id> |
38 | 41 |
<userdefined> |
... | ... | |
107 | 110 |
</plantconcept_id> |
108 | 111 |
</taxondetermination> |
Also available in: Unified diff
VegBIEN: Fixing import issue related to duplicate entries in tables with children, where when a new table entry duplicates an existing entry, the 1:1 tables of that table and those tables' children are not merged, causing them to become orphaned. It is described in detail at <>, including the rationale for this solution. Note that this is not a bug in column-based import, it applies to row-based import as well. This commit fixes the issue for specimenreplicate->...->location, by also mapping specimenreplicate's unique keys to location.sourceaccessioncode and setting location.datasource_id.