sql_io.py: put_table(): NullValueException: Missing mapping for NOT NULL column: Raise error if there is no default input column to fill in the rows with. Missing mappings for required columns are a normal circumstance with path mappings (plantname, namedplace) because the mappings include intervening levels that may not be specified by the datasource. These mappings have default input columns for the intervening levels, so for them, this will continue to not be flagged as an error.
sql_io.py: put_table(): NullValueException: Missing mapping for NOT NULL column: Raise error if there is no default input column to fill in the rows with. Missing mappings for required columns are a normal circumstance with path mappings (plantname, namedplace) because the mappings include intervening levels that may not be specified by the datasource. These mappings have default input columns for the intervening levels, so for them, this will continue to not be flagged as an error.