schemas/vegbien.sql: specimenreplicate: specimenreplicate_unique_catalognumber UNIQUE INDEX: Limited to rows where sourceaccessioncode IS NULL, so that it will only be used as an alternate if the datasource does not specify a sourceaccessioncode. This should fix the SpeciesLink bug where input rows with catalognumber_dwc IS NULL match multiple output rows when compared on the specimenreplicate_unique_catalognumber UNIQUE INDEX because they were excluded from the uniquifying by the index filter.
schemas/vegbien.sql: specimenreplicate: specimenreplicate_unique_catalognumber UNIQUE INDEX: Limited to rows where sourceaccessioncode IS NULL, so that it will only be used as an alternate if the datasource does not specify a sourceaccessioncode. This should fix the SpeciesLink bug where input rows with catalognumber_dwc IS NULL match multiple output rows when compared on the specimenreplicate_unique_catalognumber UNIQUE INDEX because they were excluded from the uniquifying by the index filter.