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Revision 3589

README.TXT: Moved Reinstall all datasources at once to Schema changes and renamed it to Reinstall staging tables to reflect that it is only necessary when the staging table format is changed

View differences:

4 4
    Uninstall: make uninstall
5 5
        WARNING: This will delete your entire VegBIEN DB!
6 6
        This includes all archived imports and staging tables.
    Reinstall all datasources at once: . bin/reinstall_all
8 7

9 8
Data import:
10 9
    Import data into VegBIEN: . bin/import_all
70 69
    Reinstall DB from schema: make schemas/reinstall
71 70
        WARNING: This will delete the current public schema of your VegBIEN DB!
72 71
    Reinstall errors tables: make inputs/install errors_table_only=1
    Reinstall staging tables: . bin/reinstall_all
73 73
    Sync ERD with vegbien.sql schema:
74 74
        Run make schemas/
75 75
        Open schemas/vegbien.ERD.mwb in MySQLWorkbench

Also available in: Unified diff