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Revision 3942

mappings/VegCSV-VegBIEN.specimens.csv: catalogNumber: Split _if apart into separate _ifs for the indirect and direct voucher cases. Moved direct voucher _if inwards so it is just wrapping catalognumber_dwc itself. This will enable this mapping to be used for specimens data, which is always considered a direct voucher and will always have this _if return true. Also moved indirect voucher _if inwards in the same way, so that a future SQL function implementation of _if only needs to concern itself with returning one value or another, not with handling entire XML subtrees. Note that if the indirect voucher _if returns false, NOT NULL and CHECK constraint violations will cause the intervening voucher and specimenreplicate elements to be deleted, thus having the same effect. Use new @name syntax for distinguishing _if statements.

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