Revision 4001
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza over 12 years ago
inputs/Madidi/test/import.plots.xml.ref | ||
147 | 147 |
<sodium>$Sodio intercambiable (WSP S-5,10–cmolc/Kg–0.00083)</sodium> |
148 | 148 |
<texture>$Textural class</texture> |
149 | 149 |
</soilobs> |
150 |
<sourceaccessioncode>$Inventory code</sourceaccessioncode> |
151 | 150 |
</locationevent> |
152 | 151 |
<locationnarrative><_merge><1>$Locality</1></_merge></locationnarrative> |
153 | 152 |
<notespublic>$Observaciones</notespublic> |
inputs/Madidi/maps/VegBIEN.plots.csv | ||
31 | 31 |
Limo (DIN 18 123–%–1),/location/locationevent/soilobs/silt, |
32 | 32 |
"Sodio intercambiable (WSP S-5,10–cmolc/Kg–0.00083)",/location/locationevent/soilobs/sodium, |
33 | 33 |
Textural class,/location/locationevent/soilobs/texture, |
34 |
Inventory code,/location/locationevent/sourceaccessioncode, |
35 | 34 |
Locality,/location/locationnarrative/_merge/1, |
36 | 35 |
Observaciones,/location/notespublic, |
37 | 36 |
Direction,/location/slopeaspect/_compass/value/_alt/1,Part files provide either this field or Direction |
inputs/SALVIAS-CSV/test/import.plots.xml.ref | ||
274 | 274 |
</sodium> |
275 | 275 |
<texture>$soil_texture</texture> |
276 | 276 |
</soilobs> |
277 |
<sourceaccessioncode>$PLOT_ID</sourceaccessioncode> |
278 | 277 |
<temperature>$temp_c</temperature> |
279 | 278 |
</locationevent> |
280 | 279 |
<locationnarrative><_merge><1>$locality_description</1></_merge></locationnarrative> |
inputs/SALVIAS-CSV/maps/VegBIEN.plots.csv | ||
37 | 37 |
silt_percent,"/location/locationevent/soilobs/silt/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value", |
38 | 38 |
soil_Na,"/location/locationevent/soilobs/sodium/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value", |
39 | 39 |
soil_texture,/location/locationevent/soilobs/texture, |
40 |
PLOT_ID,/location/locationevent/sourceaccessioncode,"Brad: This is artificial internal database ID; a unique identifier within SALVIAS DB to each plot, within the table plotMetadata." |
41 | 40 |
temp_c,/location/locationevent/temperature, |
42 | 41 |
locality_description,/location/locationnarrative/_merge/1,"Brad: No; this is free text description of locality where plot was situated, same as for DwC. Not a description of vegetation. Most likely='namedPlace.placeDescription' in VB; not sure about VX, again need to ask Nick where locality descriptions live in VX" |
43 | 42 |
slope_aspect,/location/slopeaspect/_compass/value, |
inputs/SALVIAS/test/import.plots.xml.ref | ||
280 | 280 |
</_units> |
281 | 281 |
</texture> |
282 | 282 |
</soilobs> |
283 |
<sourceaccessioncode>$PlotID</sourceaccessioncode> |
284 | 283 |
<temperature>$Temp</temperature> |
285 | 284 |
</locationevent> |
286 | 285 |
<locationnarrative><_merge><1>$Locality_Description</1></_merge></locationnarrative> |
inputs/SALVIAS/maps/VegBIEN.plots.csv | ||
37 | 37 |
silt_percent,"/location/locationevent/soilobs/silt/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value", |
38 | 38 |
soil_Na,"/location/locationevent/soilobs/sodium/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value", |
39 | 39 |
soil_texture,"/location/locationevent/soilobs/texture/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value", |
40 |
PlotID,/location/locationevent/sourceaccessioncode,"Brad: This is artificial internal database ID; a unique identifier within SALVIAS DB to each plot, within the table plotMetadata." |
41 | 40 |
Temp,/location/locationevent/temperature, |
42 | 41 |
Locality_Description,/location/locationnarrative/_merge/1,"Brad: No; this is free text description of locality where plot was situated, same as for DwC. Not a description of vegetation. Most likely='namedPlace.placeDescription' in VB; not sure about VX, again need to ask Nick where locality descriptions live in VX" |
43 | 42 |
slope_aspect,/location/slopeaspect/_compass/value, |
mappings/VegCSV-VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
43 | 43 |
silt,/location/locationevent/soilobs/silt, |
44 | 44 |
sodium,/location/locationevent/soilobs/sodium, |
45 | 45 |
texture,/location/locationevent/soilobs/texture, |
46 |
locationID,/location/locationevent/sourceaccessioncode, |
47 | 46 |
eventDate,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/collectiondate/_*/date/_dateRangeStart/value, |
48 | 47 |
individualCount,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/count, |
49 | 48 |
coverPercent,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/cover, |
mappings/for_review/VegCSV-VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
43 | 43 |
silt,//soilobs/silt, |
44 | 44 |
sodium,//soilobs/sodium, |
45 | 45 |
texture,//soilobs/texture, |
46 |
locationID,//locationevent/sourceaccessioncode, |
47 | 46 |
eventDate,//aggregateoccurrence/collectiondate/_*/date, |
48 | 47 |
individualCount,//aggregateoccurrence/count, |
49 | 48 |
coverPercent,//aggregateoccurrence/cover, |
Also available in: Unified diff
mappings/VegCSV-VegBIEN.specimens.csv: locationID: Removed mapping to locationevent.sourceaccessioncode, because locationID relates to the plot, not the plot event. (The locationevent is scoped by the location when the sourceaccessioncode and authoreventcode are not specified, so duplicate elimination will still occur correctly.)