Revision 4093
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza over 12 years ago
mappings/Veg+.self.organisms.csv | ||
8 | 8 |
AssociatedReferences,AssociatedReferences |
9 | 9 |
AssociatedSequences,AssociatedSequences |
10 | 10 |
AssociatedTaxa,AssociatedTaxa |
11 |
AuthorObsCode,AuthorObsCode |
12 |
AuthorPlantCode,AuthorPlantCode |
11 | 13 |
BasalDiameter,BasalDiameter |
12 | 14 |
BaseSaturation,BaseSaturation |
13 | 15 |
BasisOfRecord,BasisOfRecord |
... | ... | |
28 | 30 |
CollectionCode,CollectionCode |
29 | 31 |
CollectionID,CollectionID |
30 | 32 |
Collector,Collector |
33 |
Collector.givenName,Collector.givenName |
34 |
Collector.surName,Collector.surName |
31 | 35 |
CollectorNumber,CollectorNumber |
32 | 36 |
CommunityID,CommunityID |
33 | 37 |
CommunityName,CommunityName |
... | ... | |
101 | 105 |
GlobalUniqueIdentifier,GlobalUniqueIdentifier |
102 | 106 |
Group,Group |
103 | 107 |
GrowthForm,GrowthForm |
108 |
Habit,Habit |
104 | 109 |
Habitat,Habitat |
105 | 110 |
Height,Height |
106 | 111 |
HeightFirstBranch,HeightFirstBranch |
... | ... | |
140 | 145 |
Locality,Locality |
141 | 146 |
LocationAccordingTo,LocationAccordingTo |
142 | 147 |
LocationID,LocationID |
148 |
LocationNarrative,LocationNarrative |
143 | 149 |
LocationRemarks,LocationRemarks |
144 | 150 |
Longitude,Longitude |
145 | 151 |
LowestBiostratigraphicZone,LowestBiostratigraphicZone |
... | ... | |
190 | 196 |
ParentLocationID,ParentLocationID |
191 | 197 |
ParentNameUsage,ParentNameUsage |
192 | 198 |
ParentNameUsageID,ParentNameUsageID |
199 |
ParentPlotID,ParentPlotID |
193 | 200 |
ParentPlotName,ParentPlotName |
194 | 201 |
Ph,Ph |
195 | 202 |
Phosphorus,Phosphorus |
196 | 203 |
Phylum,Phylum |
197 | 204 |
PlotArea,PlotArea |
198 | 205 |
PlotEventEndDate,PlotEventEndDate |
206 |
PlotEventID,PlotEventID |
199 | 207 |
PlotEventStartDate,PlotEventStartDate |
208 |
PlotID,PlotID |
200 | 209 |
PlotName,PlotName |
201 | 210 |
PlotNotes,PlotNotes |
202 | 211 |
PointRadiusSpatialFit,PointRadiusSpatialFit |
... | ... | |
253 | 262 |
Subspecies,Subspecies |
254 | 263 |
Tag,Tag |
255 | 264 |
TaxonConceptID,TaxonConceptID |
265 |
TaxonFit,TaxonFit |
256 | 266 |
TaxonID,TaxonID |
257 | 267 |
TaxonRank,TaxonRank |
258 | 268 |
TaxonRemarks,TaxonRemarks |
... | ... | |
288 | 298 |
associatedReferences,associatedReferences |
289 | 299 |
associatedSequences,associatedSequences |
290 | 300 |
associatedTaxa,associatedTaxa |
301 |
authorObsCode,authorObsCode |
302 |
authorPlantCode,authorPlantCode |
291 | 303 |
basalDiameter,basalDiameter |
292 | 304 |
baseSaturation,baseSaturation |
293 | 305 |
basisOfRecord,basisOfRecord |
... | ... | |
308 | 320 |
collectionCode,collectionCode |
309 | 321 |
collectionID,collectionID |
310 | 322 |
collector,collector |
323 |
collector.givenName,collector.givenName |
324 |
collector.surName,collector.surName |
311 | 325 |
collectorNumber,collectorNumber |
312 | 326 |
communityID,communityID |
313 | 327 |
communityName,communityName |
... | ... | |
381 | 395 |
globalUniqueIdentifier,globalUniqueIdentifier |
382 | 396 |
group,group |
383 | 397 |
growthForm,growthForm |
398 |
habit,habit |
384 | 399 |
habitat,habitat |
385 | 400 |
height,height |
386 | 401 |
heightFirstBranch,heightFirstBranch |
... | ... | |
420 | 435 |
locality,locality |
421 | 436 |
locationAccordingTo,locationAccordingTo |
422 | 437 |
locationID,locationID |
438 |
locationNarrative,locationNarrative |
423 | 439 |
locationRemarks,locationRemarks |
424 | 440 |
longitude,longitude |
425 | 441 |
lowestBiostratigraphicZone,lowestBiostratigraphicZone |
... | ... | |
470 | 486 |
parentLocationID,parentLocationID |
471 | 487 |
parentNameUsage,parentNameUsage |
472 | 488 |
parentNameUsageID,parentNameUsageID |
489 |
parentPlotID,parentPlotID |
473 | 490 |
parentPlotName,parentPlotName |
474 | 491 |
ph,ph |
475 | 492 |
phosphorus,phosphorus |
476 | 493 |
phylum,phylum |
477 | 494 |
plotArea,plotArea |
478 | 495 |
plotEventEndDate,plotEventEndDate |
496 |
plotEventID,plotEventID |
479 | 497 |
plotEventStartDate,plotEventStartDate |
498 |
plotID,plotID |
480 | 499 |
plotName,plotName |
481 | 500 |
plotNotes,plotNotes |
482 | 501 |
pointRadiusSpatialFit,pointRadiusSpatialFit |
... | ... | |
533 | 552 |
subspecies,subspecies |
534 | 553 |
tag,tag |
535 | 554 |
taxonConceptID,taxonConceptID |
555 |
taxonFit,taxonFit |
536 | 556 |
taxonID,taxonID |
537 | 557 |
taxonRank,taxonRank |
538 | 558 |
taxonRemarks,taxonRemarks |
mappings/Veg+-VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
3 | 3 |
plotArea,/location/area, |
4 | 4 |
PlotName,/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/1, |
5 | 5 |
plotName,/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/1, |
6 |
AuthorObsCode,/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/2, |
6 | 7 |
FieldNumber,/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/2, |
8 |
authorObsCode,/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/2, |
7 | 9 |
fieldNumber,/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/2, |
8 | 10 |
GlobalUniqueIdentifier,/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/3, |
9 | 11 |
Id,/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/3, |
... | ... | |
83 | 85 |
projectName,/location/locationevent/*_id/project/projectname, |
84 | 86 |
ProjectID,/location/locationevent/*_id/project/sourceaccessioncode, |
85 | 87 |
projectID,/location/locationevent/*_id/project/sourceaccessioncode, |
88 |
AuthorObsCode,/location/locationevent/authoreventcode, |
86 | 89 |
FieldNumber,/location/locationevent/authoreventcode, |
90 |
authorObsCode,/location/locationevent/authoreventcode, |
87 | 91 |
fieldNumber,/location/locationevent/authoreventcode, |
88 | 92 |
CommunityID,/location/locationevent/commclass/commdetermination/*_id/commconcept/*_id/*/commname, |
89 | 93 |
communityID,/location/locationevent/commclass/commdetermination/*_id/commconcept/*_id/*/commname, |
... | ... | |
181 | 185 |
Notes,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/notes, |
182 | 186 |
fieldNotes,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/notes, |
183 | 187 |
notes,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/notes, |
188 |
AuthorPlantCode,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/plantobservation/collectionnumber, |
189 |
authorPlantCode,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/plantobservation/collectionnumber, |
184 | 190 |
CollectorNumber,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/plantobservation/collectionnumber/_alt/1, |
185 | 191 |
collectorNumber,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/plantobservation/collectionnumber/_alt/1, |
186 | 192 |
RecordNumber,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/plantobservation/collectionnumber/_alt/2, |
... | ... | |
233 | 239 |
relativePlotX,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/plantobservation/stemobservation/xposition, |
234 | 240 |
RelativePlotY,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/plantobservation/stemobservation/yposition, |
235 | 241 |
relativePlotY,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/plantobservation/stemobservation/yposition, |
242 |
AuthorPlantCode,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/authortaxoncode/_alt/1, |
243 |
authorPlantCode,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/authortaxoncode/_alt/1, |
236 | 244 |
CollectorNumber,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/authortaxoncode/_alt/1/_alt/1, |
237 | 245 |
collectorNumber,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/authortaxoncode/_alt/1/_alt/1, |
238 | 246 |
RecordNumber,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/authortaxoncode/_alt/1/_alt/2, |
... | ... | |
240 | 248 |
ScientificName,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/authortaxoncode/_alt/2, |
241 | 249 |
scientificName,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/authortaxoncode/_alt/2, |
242 | 250 |
GrowthForm,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/growthform, |
251 |
Habit,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/growthform, |
243 | 252 |
growthForm,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/growthform, |
253 |
habit,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/growthform, |
244 | 254 |
EstablishmentMeans,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/iscultivated/_map:[cultivated=t,wild=f,*=]/value", |
245 | 255 |
establishmentMeans,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/iscultivated/_map:[cultivated=t,wild=f,*=]/value", |
246 | 256 |
EstablishmentMeans,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/isnative/_map:[native=t,exotic=f,*=]/value", |
... | ... | |
308 | 318 |
remarks,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true]/notes, |
309 | 319 |
taxonRemarks,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true]/notes, |
310 | 320 |
IdentificationQualifier,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true]/taxonfit, |
321 |
TaxonFit,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true]/taxonfit, |
311 | 322 |
identificationQualifier,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true]/taxonfit, |
323 |
taxonFit,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true]/taxonfit, |
312 | 324 |
Collector,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/verbatimcollectorname, |
313 | 325 |
RecordedBy,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/verbatimcollectorname, |
314 | 326 |
collector,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/verbatimcollectorname, |
315 | 327 |
recordedBy,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/verbatimcollectorname, |
328 |
Collector.givenName,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/verbatimcollectorname/_name/first, |
316 | 329 |
RecordedBy.givenName,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/verbatimcollectorname/_name/first, |
330 |
collector.givenName,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/verbatimcollectorname/_name/first, |
317 | 331 |
recordedBy.givenName,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/verbatimcollectorname/_name/first, |
332 |
Collector.surName,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/verbatimcollectorname/_name/last, |
318 | 333 |
RecordedBy.surName,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/verbatimcollectorname/_name/last, |
334 |
collector.surName,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/verbatimcollectorname/_name/last, |
319 | 335 |
recordedBy.surName,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/verbatimcollectorname/_name/last, |
320 | 336 |
VoucherType,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/voucher/*_id/specimenreplicate/catalognumber_dwc/_if[@name=""if indirect voucher""]/cond/_eq:[right=indirect]/left", |
321 | 337 |
voucherType,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/voucher/*_id/specimenreplicate/catalognumber_dwc/_if[@name=""if indirect voucher""]/cond/_eq:[right=indirect]/left", |
... | ... | |
332 | 348 |
minimumDepth,"/location/locationevent/waterdepth/_avg/min/_units:[default=m,to=m,to=]/value/_replace:[""\bca\.?""=]/value", |
333 | 349 |
minimumDepthInMeters,"/location/locationevent/waterdepth/_avg/min/_units:[default=m,to=m,to=]/value/_replace:[""\bca\.?""=]/value", |
334 | 350 |
Locality,/location/locationnarrative/_merge/1, |
351 |
LocationNarrative,/location/locationnarrative/_merge/1, |
335 | 352 |
locality,/location/locationnarrative/_merge/1, |
353 |
locationNarrative,/location/locationnarrative/_merge/1, |
336 | 354 |
VerbatimLocality,/location/locationnarrative/_merge/2, |
337 | 355 |
verbatimLocality,/location/locationnarrative/_merge/2, |
338 | 356 |
Habitat,"/location/locationnarrative/_merge/3/_label[label=""habitat""]/value","Brad: Free-text description of vegetation community where collected, frequently redundane wrt 'Vegetation'. Bob, Nick: keep as user defined or create special element?" |
... | ... | |
342 | 360 |
ParentPlotName,/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode, |
343 | 361 |
parentPlotName,/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode, |
344 | 362 |
ParentLocationID,/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode, |
363 |
ParentPlotID,/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode, |
345 | 364 |
parentLocationID,/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode, |
365 |
parentPlotID,/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode, |
346 | 366 |
SlopeAspect,/location/slopeaspect/_compass/value, |
347 | 367 |
slopeAspect,/location/slopeaspect/_compass/value, |
348 | 368 |
SlopeGradient,/location/slopegradient, |
349 | 369 |
slopeGradient,/location/slopegradient, |
350 | 370 |
LocationID,/location/sourceaccessioncode, |
371 |
PlotID,/location/sourceaccessioncode, |
351 | 372 |
locationID,/location/sourceaccessioncode, |
373 |
plotID,/location/sourceaccessioncode, |
352 | 374 |
AcceptedNameUsage,,** No non-empty join mapping for acceptedNameUsage ** |
353 | 375 |
AcceptedNameUsageID,,** No non-empty join mapping for acceptedNameUsageID ** |
354 | 376 |
AccessRights,,** No non-empty join mapping for accessRights ** |
... | ... | |
452 | 474 |
OwnerInstitutionCode,,** No non-empty join mapping for ownerInstitutionCode ** |
453 | 475 |
ParentNameUsage,,** No non-empty join mapping for parentNameUsage ** |
454 | 476 |
ParentNameUsageID,,** No non-empty join mapping for parentNameUsageID ** |
477 |
PlotEventID,,** No non-empty join mapping for plotEventID ** |
455 | 478 |
PointRadiusSpatialFit,,** No non-empty join mapping for pointRadiusSpatialFit ** |
456 | 479 |
Preparation,,** No non-empty join mapping for preparation ** |
457 | 480 |
PreparationType,,** No non-empty join mapping for preparationType ** |
... | ... | |
594 | 617 |
ownerInstitutionCode,, |
595 | 618 |
parentNameUsage,, |
596 | 619 |
parentNameUsageID,, |
620 |
plotEventID,,** No non-empty join mapping for eventID ** |
597 | 621 |
pointRadiusSpatialFit,, |
598 | 622 |
preparation,,** No non-empty join mapping for preparations ** |
599 | 623 |
preparationType,,** No non-empty join mapping for preparations ** |
mappings/Veg+.cs-VegBIEN.specimens.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
Veg+,VegBIEN:,Comments |
2 | 2 |
plotArea,/location/area, |
3 | 3 |
plotName,/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/1, |
4 |
authorObsCode,/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/2, |
4 | 5 |
fieldNumber,/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/2, |
5 | 6 |
globalUniqueIdentifier,/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/3, |
6 | 7 |
id,/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/3, |
... | ... | |
41 | 42 |
samplingProtocol,/location/locationevent/*_id/method/name, |
42 | 43 |
projectName,/location/locationevent/*_id/project/projectname, |
43 | 44 |
projectID,/location/locationevent/*_id/project/sourceaccessioncode, |
45 |
authorObsCode,/location/locationevent/authoreventcode, |
44 | 46 |
fieldNumber,/location/locationevent/authoreventcode, |
45 | 47 |
communityID,/location/locationevent/commclass/commdetermination/*_id/commconcept/*_id/*/commname, |
46 | 48 |
communityName,/location/locationevent/commclass/commdetermination/*_id/commconcept/commdescription, |
... | ... | |
90 | 92 |
volumeCanopy,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/linecover, |
91 | 93 |
fieldNotes,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/notes, |
92 | 94 |
notes,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/notes, |
95 |
authorPlantCode,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/plantobservation/collectionnumber, |
93 | 96 |
collectorNumber,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/plantobservation/collectionnumber/_alt/1, |
94 | 97 |
recordNumber,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/plantobservation/collectionnumber/_alt/2, |
95 | 98 |
sex,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/plantobservation/definedvalue[*_id/userdefined[tablename=plantobservation,userdefinedname=sex]]:[@fkey=tablerecord_id]/definedvalue","Brad: OMIT. Apparently not used by this institution and of uncertain applicability to plants. With other collections, *sometimes* used for phenological information (if specimen in flower, in fruit, sterile, etc.). If so, this is important information we should keep. Bob, Nick, anywhere for phenological information in VB and VX?; Aaron: Keeping it because it's useful for some collections" |
... | ... | |
116 | 119 |
previousTag,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/plantobservation/stemobservation/stemtag[iscurrent=true]:[../stemtag?[iscurrent/_alt/2=true]/iscurrent/_alt/1=false]/tag, |
117 | 120 |
relativePlotX,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/plantobservation/stemobservation/xposition, |
118 | 121 |
relativePlotY,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/plantobservation/stemobservation/yposition, |
122 |
authorPlantCode,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/authortaxoncode/_alt/1, |
119 | 123 |
collectorNumber,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/authortaxoncode/_alt/1/_alt/1, |
120 | 124 |
recordNumber,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/authortaxoncode/_alt/1/_alt/2, |
121 | 125 |
scientificName,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/authortaxoncode/_alt/2, |
122 | 126 |
growthForm,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/growthform, |
127 |
habit,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/growthform, |
123 | 128 |
establishmentMeans,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/iscultivated/_map:[cultivated=t,wild=f,*=]/value", |
124 | 129 |
establishmentMeans,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/isnative/_map:[native=t,exotic=f,*=]/value", |
125 | 130 |
individualID,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/sourceaccessioncode, |
... | ... | |
154 | 159 |
remarks,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true]/notes, |
155 | 160 |
taxonRemarks,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true]/notes, |
156 | 161 |
identificationQualifier,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true]/taxonfit, |
162 |
taxonFit,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[role=identifier]:[isoriginal=true]/taxonfit, |
157 | 163 |
collector,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/verbatimcollectorname, |
158 | 164 |
recordedBy,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/verbatimcollectorname, |
165 |
collector.givenName,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/verbatimcollectorname/_name/first, |
159 | 166 |
recordedBy.givenName,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/verbatimcollectorname/_name/first, |
167 |
collector.surName,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/verbatimcollectorname/_name/last, |
160 | 168 |
recordedBy.surName,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/verbatimcollectorname/_name/last, |
161 | 169 |
voucherType,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/voucher/*_id/specimenreplicate/catalognumber_dwc/_if[@name=""if indirect voucher""]/cond/_eq:[right=indirect]/left", |
162 | 170 |
catalogNumber,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/voucher/*_id/specimenreplicate/catalognumber_dwc/_if[@name=""if indirect voucher""]/then", |
... | ... | |
166 | 174 |
minimumDepth,"/location/locationevent/waterdepth/_avg/min/_units:[default=m,to=m,to=]/value/_replace:[""\bca\.?""=]/value", |
167 | 175 |
minimumDepthInMeters,"/location/locationevent/waterdepth/_avg/min/_units:[default=m,to=m,to=]/value/_replace:[""\bca\.?""=]/value", |
168 | 176 |
locality,/location/locationnarrative/_merge/1, |
177 |
locationNarrative,/location/locationnarrative/_merge/1, |
169 | 178 |
verbatimLocality,/location/locationnarrative/_merge/2, |
170 | 179 |
habitat,"/location/locationnarrative/_merge/3/_label[label=""habitat""]/value","Brad: Free-text description of vegetation community where collected, frequently redundane wrt 'Vegetation'. Bob, Nick: keep as user defined or create special element?" |
171 | 180 |
plotNotes,/location/notespublic, |
172 | 181 |
parentPlotName,/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode, |
173 | 182 |
parentLocationID,/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode, |
183 |
parentPlotID,/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode, |
174 | 184 |
slopeAspect,/location/slopeaspect/_compass/value, |
175 | 185 |
slopeGradient,/location/slopegradient, |
176 | 186 |
locationID,/location/sourceaccessioncode, |
187 |
plotID,/location/sourceaccessioncode, |
177 | 188 |
acceptedNameUsage,, |
178 | 189 |
acceptedNameUsageID,, |
179 | 190 |
accessRights,,** No non-empty join mapping for dcterms:accessRights ** |
... | ... | |
277 | 288 |
ownerInstitutionCode,, |
278 | 289 |
parentNameUsage,, |
279 | 290 |
parentNameUsageID,, |
291 |
plotEventID,,** No non-empty join mapping for eventID ** |
280 | 292 |
pointRadiusSpatialFit,, |
281 | 293 |
preparation,,** No non-empty join mapping for preparations ** |
282 | 294 |
preparationType,,** No non-empty join mapping for preparations ** |
mappings/Veg+-VegCore.specimens.csv | ||
22 | 22 |
rights,dcterms:rights, |
23 | 23 |
rightsHolder,dcterms:rightsHolder, |
24 | 24 |
type,dcterms:type, |
25 |
plotEventID,eventID, |
25 | 26 |
timeOfDay,eventTime, |
26 | 27 |
notes,fieldNotes, |
28 |
authorObsCode,fieldNumber, |
27 | 29 |
boundingBox,footprintWKT, |
30 |
habit,growthForm, |
31 |
taxonFit,identificationQualifier, |
28 | 32 |
subspecies,infraspecificEpithet, |
33 |
locationNarrative,locality, |
34 |
plotID,locationID, |
29 | 35 |
maximumDepth,maximumDepthInMeters, |
30 | 36 |
maximumElevation,maximumElevationInMeters, |
31 | 37 |
minimumDepth,minimumDepthInMeters, |
... | ... | |
33 | 39 |
globalUniqueIdentifier,occurrenceID, |
34 | 40 |
id,occurrenceID, |
35 | 41 |
previousCatalogNumber,otherCatalogNumbers,According to <> |
42 |
parentPlotID,parentLocationID, |
36 | 43 |
preparation,preparations, |
37 | 44 |
preparationType,preparations, |
45 |
authorPlantCode,recordNumber, |
38 | 46 |
collectorNumber,recordNumber/_alt/1, |
39 | 47 |
recordNumber,recordNumber/_alt/2, |
40 | 48 |
collector,recordedBy, |
49 |
collector.givenName,recordedBy.givenName, |
50 |
collector.surName,recordedBy.surName, |
41 | 51 |
relatedCatalogItem,relatedResourceID, |
42 | 52 |
relationshipType,relationshipOfResource, |
43 | 53 |
scientificNameAuthor,scientificNameAuthorship, |
mappings/Veg+.self.specimens.csv | ||
8 | 8 |
AssociatedReferences,AssociatedReferences |
9 | 9 |
AssociatedSequences,AssociatedSequences |
10 | 10 |
AssociatedTaxa,AssociatedTaxa |
11 |
AuthorObsCode,AuthorObsCode |
12 |
AuthorPlantCode,AuthorPlantCode |
11 | 13 |
BasalDiameter,BasalDiameter |
12 | 14 |
BaseSaturation,BaseSaturation |
13 | 15 |
BasisOfRecord,BasisOfRecord |
... | ... | |
28 | 30 |
CollectionCode,CollectionCode |
29 | 31 |
CollectionID,CollectionID |
30 | 32 |
Collector,Collector |
33 |
Collector.givenName,Collector.givenName |
34 |
Collector.surName,Collector.surName |
31 | 35 |
CollectorNumber,CollectorNumber |
32 | 36 |
CommunityID,CommunityID |
33 | 37 |
CommunityName,CommunityName |
... | ... | |
101 | 105 |
GlobalUniqueIdentifier,GlobalUniqueIdentifier |
102 | 106 |
Group,Group |
103 | 107 |
GrowthForm,GrowthForm |
108 |
Habit,Habit |
104 | 109 |
Habitat,Habitat |
105 | 110 |
Height,Height |
106 | 111 |
HeightFirstBranch,HeightFirstBranch |
... | ... | |
140 | 145 |
Locality,Locality |
141 | 146 |
LocationAccordingTo,LocationAccordingTo |
142 | 147 |
LocationID,LocationID |
148 |
LocationNarrative,LocationNarrative |
143 | 149 |
LocationRemarks,LocationRemarks |
144 | 150 |
Longitude,Longitude |
145 | 151 |
LowestBiostratigraphicZone,LowestBiostratigraphicZone |
... | ... | |
190 | 196 |
ParentLocationID,ParentLocationID |
191 | 197 |
ParentNameUsage,ParentNameUsage |
192 | 198 |
ParentNameUsageID,ParentNameUsageID |
199 |
ParentPlotID,ParentPlotID |
193 | 200 |
ParentPlotName,ParentPlotName |
194 | 201 |
Ph,Ph |
195 | 202 |
Phosphorus,Phosphorus |
196 | 203 |
Phylum,Phylum |
197 | 204 |
PlotArea,PlotArea |
198 | 205 |
PlotEventEndDate,PlotEventEndDate |
206 |
PlotEventID,PlotEventID |
199 | 207 |
PlotEventStartDate,PlotEventStartDate |
208 |
PlotID,PlotID |
200 | 209 |
PlotName,PlotName |
201 | 210 |
PlotNotes,PlotNotes |
202 | 211 |
PointRadiusSpatialFit,PointRadiusSpatialFit |
... | ... | |
253 | 262 |
Subspecies,Subspecies |
254 | 263 |
Tag,Tag |
255 | 264 |
TaxonConceptID,TaxonConceptID |
265 |
TaxonFit,TaxonFit |
256 | 266 |
TaxonID,TaxonID |
257 | 267 |
TaxonRank,TaxonRank |
258 | 268 |
TaxonRemarks,TaxonRemarks |
... | ... | |
288 | 298 |
associatedReferences,associatedReferences |
289 | 299 |
associatedSequences,associatedSequences |
290 | 300 |
associatedTaxa,associatedTaxa |
301 |
authorObsCode,authorObsCode |
302 |
authorPlantCode,authorPlantCode |
291 | 303 |
basalDiameter,basalDiameter |
292 | 304 |
baseSaturation,baseSaturation |
293 | 305 |
basisOfRecord,basisOfRecord |
... | ... | |
308 | 320 |
collectionCode,collectionCode |
309 | 321 |
collectionID,collectionID |
310 | 322 |
collector,collector |
323 |
collector.givenName,collector.givenName |
324 |
collector.surName,collector.surName |
311 | 325 |
collectorNumber,collectorNumber |
312 | 326 |
communityID,communityID |
313 | 327 |
communityName,communityName |
... | ... | |
381 | 395 |
globalUniqueIdentifier,globalUniqueIdentifier |
382 | 396 |
group,group |
383 | 397 |
growthForm,growthForm |
398 |
habit,habit |
384 | 399 |
habitat,habitat |
385 | 400 |
height,height |
386 | 401 |
heightFirstBranch,heightFirstBranch |
... | ... | |
420 | 435 |
locality,locality |
421 | 436 |
locationAccordingTo,locationAccordingTo |
422 | 437 |
locationID,locationID |
438 |
locationNarrative,locationNarrative |
423 | 439 |
locationRemarks,locationRemarks |
424 | 440 |
longitude,longitude |
425 | 441 |
lowestBiostratigraphicZone,lowestBiostratigraphicZone |
... | ... | |
470 | 486 |
parentLocationID,parentLocationID |
471 | 487 |
parentNameUsage,parentNameUsage |
472 | 488 |
parentNameUsageID,parentNameUsageID |
489 |
parentPlotID,parentPlotID |
473 | 490 |
parentPlotName,parentPlotName |
474 | 491 |
ph,ph |
475 | 492 |
phosphorus,phosphorus |
476 | 493 |
phylum,phylum |
477 | 494 |
plotArea,plotArea |
478 | 495 |
plotEventEndDate,plotEventEndDate |
496 |
plotEventID,plotEventID |
479 | 497 |
plotEventStartDate,plotEventStartDate |
498 |
plotID,plotID |
480 | 499 |
plotName,plotName |
481 | 500 |
plotNotes,plotNotes |
482 | 501 |
pointRadiusSpatialFit,pointRadiusSpatialFit |
... | ... | |
533 | 552 |
subspecies,subspecies |
534 | 553 |
tag,tag |
535 | 554 |
taxonConceptID,taxonConceptID |
555 |
taxonFit,taxonFit |
536 | 556 |
taxonID,taxonID |
537 | 557 |
taxonRank,taxonRank |
538 | 558 |
taxonRemarks,taxonRemarks |
mappings/for_review/Veg+-VegCore.specimens.csv | ||
22 | 22 |
rights,dcterms:rights, |
23 | 23 |
rightsHolder,dcterms:rightsHolder, |
24 | 24 |
type,dcterms:type, |
25 |
plotEventID,eventID, |
25 | 26 |
timeOfDay,eventTime, |
26 | 27 |
notes,fieldNotes, |
28 |
authorObsCode,fieldNumber, |
27 | 29 |
boundingBox,footprintWKT, |
30 |
habit,growthForm, |
31 |
taxonFit,identificationQualifier, |
28 | 32 |
subspecies,infraspecificEpithet, |
33 |
locationNarrative,locality, |
34 |
plotID,locationID, |
29 | 35 |
maximumDepth,maximumDepthInMeters, |
30 | 36 |
maximumElevation,maximumElevationInMeters, |
31 | 37 |
minimumDepth,minimumDepthInMeters, |
... | ... | |
33 | 39 |
globalUniqueIdentifier,occurrenceID, |
34 | 40 |
id,occurrenceID, |
35 | 41 |
previousCatalogNumber,otherCatalogNumbers,According to <> |
42 |
parentPlotID,parentLocationID, |
36 | 43 |
preparation,preparations, |
37 | 44 |
preparationType,preparations, |
45 |
authorPlantCode,recordNumber, |
38 | 46 |
collectorNumber,recordNumber, |
39 | 47 |
recordNumber,recordNumber, |
40 | 48 |
collector,recordedBy, |
49 |
collector.givenName,recordedBy.givenName, |
50 |
collector.surName,recordedBy.surName, |
41 | 51 |
relatedCatalogItem,relatedResourceID, |
42 | 52 |
relationshipType,relationshipOfResource, |
43 | 53 |
scientificNameAuthor,scientificNameAuthorship, |
mappings/Veg+.self.stems.csv | ||
8 | 8 |
AssociatedReferences,AssociatedReferences |
9 | 9 |
AssociatedSequences,AssociatedSequences |
10 | 10 |
AssociatedTaxa,AssociatedTaxa |
11 |
AuthorObsCode,AuthorObsCode |
12 |
AuthorPlantCode,AuthorPlantCode |
11 | 13 |
BasalDiameter,BasalDiameter |
12 | 14 |
BaseSaturation,BaseSaturation |
13 | 15 |
BasisOfRecord,BasisOfRecord |
... | ... | |
28 | 30 |
CollectionCode,CollectionCode |
29 | 31 |
CollectionID,CollectionID |
30 | 32 |
Collector,Collector |
33 |
Collector.givenName,Collector.givenName |
34 |
Collector.surName,Collector.surName |
31 | 35 |
CollectorNumber,CollectorNumber |
32 | 36 |
CommunityID,CommunityID |
33 | 37 |
CommunityName,CommunityName |
... | ... | |
101 | 105 |
GlobalUniqueIdentifier,GlobalUniqueIdentifier |
102 | 106 |
Group,Group |
103 | 107 |
GrowthForm,GrowthForm |
108 |
Habit,Habit |
104 | 109 |
Habitat,Habitat |
105 | 110 |
Height,Height |
106 | 111 |
HeightFirstBranch,HeightFirstBranch |
... | ... | |
140 | 145 |
Locality,Locality |
141 | 146 |
LocationAccordingTo,LocationAccordingTo |
142 | 147 |
LocationID,LocationID |
148 |
LocationNarrative,LocationNarrative |
143 | 149 |
LocationRemarks,LocationRemarks |
144 | 150 |
Longitude,Longitude |
145 | 151 |
LowestBiostratigraphicZone,LowestBiostratigraphicZone |
... | ... | |
190 | 196 |
ParentLocationID,ParentLocationID |
191 | 197 |
ParentNameUsage,ParentNameUsage |
192 | 198 |
ParentNameUsageID,ParentNameUsageID |
199 |
ParentPlotID,ParentPlotID |
193 | 200 |
ParentPlotName,ParentPlotName |
194 | 201 |
Ph,Ph |
195 | 202 |
Phosphorus,Phosphorus |
196 | 203 |
Phylum,Phylum |
197 | 204 |
PlotArea,PlotArea |
198 | 205 |
PlotEventEndDate,PlotEventEndDate |
206 |
PlotEventID,PlotEventID |
199 | 207 |
PlotEventStartDate,PlotEventStartDate |
208 |
PlotID,PlotID |
200 | 209 |
PlotName,PlotName |
201 | 210 |
PlotNotes,PlotNotes |
202 | 211 |
PointRadiusSpatialFit,PointRadiusSpatialFit |
... | ... | |
253 | 262 |
Subspecies,Subspecies |
254 | 263 |
Tag,Tag |
255 | 264 |
TaxonConceptID,TaxonConceptID |
265 |
TaxonFit,TaxonFit |
256 | 266 |
TaxonID,TaxonID |
257 | 267 |
TaxonRank,TaxonRank |
258 | 268 |
TaxonRemarks,TaxonRemarks |
... | ... | |
288 | 298 |
associatedReferences,associatedReferences |
289 | 299 |
associatedSequences,associatedSequences |
290 | 300 |
associatedTaxa,associatedTaxa |
301 |
authorObsCode,authorObsCode |
302 |
authorPlantCode,authorPlantCode |
291 | 303 |
basalDiameter,basalDiameter |
292 | 304 |
baseSaturation,baseSaturation |
293 | 305 |
basisOfRecord,basisOfRecord |
... | ... | |
308 | 320 |
collectionCode,collectionCode |
309 | 321 |
collectionID,collectionID |
310 | 322 |
collector,collector |
323 |
collector.givenName,collector.givenName |
324 |
collector.surName,collector.surName |
311 | 325 |
collectorNumber,collectorNumber |
312 | 326 |
communityID,communityID |
313 | 327 |
communityName,communityName |
... | ... | |
381 | 395 |
globalUniqueIdentifier,globalUniqueIdentifier |
382 | 396 |
group,group |
383 | 397 |
growthForm,growthForm |
398 |
habit,habit |
384 | 399 |
habitat,habitat |
385 | 400 |
height,height |
386 | 401 |
heightFirstBranch,heightFirstBranch |
... | ... | |
420 | 435 |
locality,locality |
421 | 436 |
locationAccordingTo,locationAccordingTo |
422 | 437 |
locationID,locationID |
438 |
locationNarrative,locationNarrative |
423 | 439 |
locationRemarks,locationRemarks |
424 | 440 |
longitude,longitude |
425 | 441 |
lowestBiostratigraphicZone,lowestBiostratigraphicZone |
... | ... | |
470 | 486 |
parentLocationID,parentLocationID |
471 | 487 |
parentNameUsage,parentNameUsage |
472 | 488 |
parentNameUsageID,parentNameUsageID |
489 |
parentPlotID,parentPlotID |
473 | 490 |
parentPlotName,parentPlotName |
474 | 491 |
ph,ph |
475 | 492 |
phosphorus,phosphorus |
476 | 493 |
phylum,phylum |
477 | 494 |
plotArea,plotArea |
478 | 495 |
plotEventEndDate,plotEventEndDate |
496 |
plotEventID,plotEventID |
479 | 497 |
plotEventStartDate,plotEventStartDate |
498 |
plotID,plotID |
480 | 499 |
plotName,plotName |
481 | 500 |
plotNotes,plotNotes |
482 | 501 |
pointRadiusSpatialFit,pointRadiusSpatialFit |
... | ... | |
533 | 552 |
subspecies,subspecies |
534 | 553 |
tag,tag |
535 | 554 |
taxonConceptID,taxonConceptID |
555 |
taxonFit,taxonFit |
536 | 556 |
taxonID,taxonID |
537 | 557 |
taxonRank,taxonRank |
538 | 558 |
taxonRemarks,taxonRemarks |
mappings/Veg+.self.plots.csv | ||
8 | 8 |
AssociatedReferences,AssociatedReferences |
9 | 9 |
AssociatedSequences,AssociatedSequences |
10 | 10 |
AssociatedTaxa,AssociatedTaxa |
11 |
AuthorObsCode,AuthorObsCode |
12 |
AuthorPlantCode,AuthorPlantCode |
11 | 13 |
BasalDiameter,BasalDiameter |
12 | 14 |
BaseSaturation,BaseSaturation |
13 | 15 |
BasisOfRecord,BasisOfRecord |
... | ... | |
28 | 30 |
CollectionCode,CollectionCode |
29 | 31 |
CollectionID,CollectionID |
30 | 32 |
Collector,Collector |
33 |
Collector.givenName,Collector.givenName |
34 |
Collector.surName,Collector.surName |
31 | 35 |
CollectorNumber,CollectorNumber |
32 | 36 |
CommunityID,CommunityID |
33 | 37 |
CommunityName,CommunityName |
... | ... | |
101 | 105 |
GlobalUniqueIdentifier,GlobalUniqueIdentifier |
102 | 106 |
Group,Group |
103 | 107 |
GrowthForm,GrowthForm |
108 |
Habit,Habit |
104 | 109 |
Habitat,Habitat |
105 | 110 |
Height,Height |
106 | 111 |
HeightFirstBranch,HeightFirstBranch |
... | ... | |
140 | 145 |
Locality,Locality |
141 | 146 |
LocationAccordingTo,LocationAccordingTo |
142 | 147 |
LocationID,LocationID |
148 |
LocationNarrative,LocationNarrative |
143 | 149 |
LocationRemarks,LocationRemarks |
144 | 150 |
Longitude,Longitude |
145 | 151 |
LowestBiostratigraphicZone,LowestBiostratigraphicZone |
... | ... | |
190 | 196 |
ParentLocationID,ParentLocationID |
191 | 197 |
ParentNameUsage,ParentNameUsage |
192 | 198 |
ParentNameUsageID,ParentNameUsageID |
199 |
ParentPlotID,ParentPlotID |
193 | 200 |
ParentPlotName,ParentPlotName |
194 | 201 |
Ph,Ph |
195 | 202 |
Phosphorus,Phosphorus |
196 | 203 |
Phylum,Phylum |
197 | 204 |
PlotArea,PlotArea |
198 | 205 |
PlotEventEndDate,PlotEventEndDate |
206 |
PlotEventID,PlotEventID |
199 | 207 |
PlotEventStartDate,PlotEventStartDate |
208 |
PlotID,PlotID |
200 | 209 |
PlotName,PlotName |
201 | 210 |
PlotNotes,PlotNotes |
202 | 211 |
PointRadiusSpatialFit,PointRadiusSpatialFit |
... | ... | |
253 | 262 |
Subspecies,Subspecies |
254 | 263 |
Tag,Tag |
255 | 264 |
TaxonConceptID,TaxonConceptID |
265 |
TaxonFit,TaxonFit |
256 | 266 |
TaxonID,TaxonID |
257 | 267 |
TaxonRank,TaxonRank |
258 | 268 |
TaxonRemarks,TaxonRemarks |
... | ... | |
288 | 298 |
associatedReferences,associatedReferences |
289 | 299 |
associatedSequences,associatedSequences |
290 | 300 |
associatedTaxa,associatedTaxa |
301 |
authorObsCode,authorObsCode |
302 |
authorPlantCode,authorPlantCode |
291 | 303 |
basalDiameter,basalDiameter |
292 | 304 |
baseSaturation,baseSaturation |
293 | 305 |
basisOfRecord,basisOfRecord |
... | ... | |
308 | 320 |
collectionCode,collectionCode |
309 | 321 |
collectionID,collectionID |
310 | 322 |
collector,collector |
323 |
collector.givenName,collector.givenName |
324 |
collector.surName,collector.surName |
311 | 325 |
collectorNumber,collectorNumber |
312 | 326 |
communityID,communityID |
313 | 327 |
communityName,communityName |
... | ... | |
381 | 395 |
globalUniqueIdentifier,globalUniqueIdentifier |
382 | 396 |
group,group |
383 | 397 |
growthForm,growthForm |
398 |
habit,habit |
384 | 399 |
habitat,habitat |
385 | 400 |
height,height |
386 | 401 |
heightFirstBranch,heightFirstBranch |
... | ... | |
420 | 435 |
locality,locality |
421 | 436 |
locationAccordingTo,locationAccordingTo |
422 | 437 |
locationID,locationID |
438 |
locationNarrative,locationNarrative |
423 | 439 |
locationRemarks,locationRemarks |
424 | 440 |
longitude,longitude |
425 | 441 |
lowestBiostratigraphicZone,lowestBiostratigraphicZone |
... | ... | |
470 | 486 |
parentLocationID,parentLocationID |
471 | 487 |
parentNameUsage,parentNameUsage |
472 | 488 |
parentNameUsageID,parentNameUsageID |
489 |
parentPlotID,parentPlotID |
473 | 490 |
parentPlotName,parentPlotName |
474 | 491 |
ph,ph |
475 | 492 |
phosphorus,phosphorus |
476 | 493 |
phylum,phylum |
477 | 494 |
plotArea,plotArea |
478 | 495 |
plotEventEndDate,plotEventEndDate |
496 |
plotEventID,plotEventID |
479 | 497 |
plotEventStartDate,plotEventStartDate |
498 |
plotID,plotID |
480 | 499 |
plotName,plotName |
481 | 500 |
plotNotes,plotNotes |
482 | 501 |
pointRadiusSpatialFit,pointRadiusSpatialFit |
... | ... | |
533 | 552 |
subspecies,subspecies |
534 | 553 |
tag,tag |
535 | 554 |
taxonConceptID,taxonConceptID |
555 |
taxonFit,taxonFit |
536 | 556 |
taxonID,taxonID |
537 | 557 |
taxonRank,taxonRank |
538 | 558 |
taxonRemarks,taxonRemarks |
Also available in: Unified diff
mappings/Veg+-VegCore.specimens.csv: Added mappings for miscellaneous terms