Revision 4282
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza over 12 years ago
mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv | ||
144 | 144 |
slopeGradient,/location/slopegradient, |
145 | 145 |
subplot,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
146 | 146 |
locationID,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else", |
147 |
acceptedNameUsage,, |
148 |
acceptedNameUsageID,, |
149 |
associatedMedia,, |
150 |
associatedOccurrences,, |
151 |
associatedReferences,, |
152 |
associatedSequences,, |
153 |
associatedTaxa,, |
154 |
basisOfRecord,,Brad: OMIT? See for definition of this term. |
155 |
bed,, |
156 |
behavior,, |
157 |
countryCode,, |
158 |
dataGeneralizations,, |
159 |
datasetID,, |
160 |
datasetName,, |
161 |
day,,Brad: OMIT |
162 |
dcterms:accessRights,, |
163 |
dcterms:bibliographicCitation,, |
164 |
dcterms:language,, |
165 |
dcterms:modified,,"Brad: Mapping to VegX is incorrect. I think is this merely an internal timestamp indicated when record last modified, not necessarily when determination (taxon name) last modified. Probably we should omit this field, although might be useful for updating changed records from this source." |
166 |
dcterms:references,, |
167 |
dcterms:rights,, |
168 |
dcterms:rightsHolder,, |
169 |
dcterms:type,, |
170 |
disposition,, |
171 |
dynamicProperties,, |
172 |
earliestAgeOrLowestStage,, |
173 |
earliestEonOrLowestEonothem,, |
174 |
earliestEpochOrLowestSeries,, |
175 |
earliestEraOrLowestErathem,, |
176 |
earliestPeriodOrLowestSystem,, |
177 |
endDayOfYear,, |
178 |
eventID,, |
179 |
eventRemarks,, |
180 |
eventTime,,Brad: OMIT |
181 |
footprintSRS,, |
182 |
footprintSpatialFit,, |
183 |
formation,, |
184 |
geodeticDatum,, |
185 |
geologicalContextID,, |
186 |
georeferenceProtocol,, |
187 |
georeferenceRemarks,, |
188 |
georeferenceSources,, |
189 |
georeferenceVerificationStatus,, |
190 |
georeferencedBy,, |
191 |
georeferencedDate,, |
192 |
group,, |
193 |
higherClassification,, |
194 |
higherGeography,, |
195 |
higherGeographyID,, |
196 |
highestBiostratigraphicZone,, |
197 |
identificationID,, |
198 |
identificationReferences,, |
199 |
identificationRemarks,, |
200 |
identificationVerificationStatus,, |
201 |
informationWithheld,, |
202 |
institutionID,, |
203 |
island,, |
204 |
islandGroup,, |
205 |
latestAgeOrHighestStage,, |
206 |
latestEonOrHighestEonothem,, |
207 |
latestEpochOrHighestSeries,, |
208 |
latestEraOrHighestErathem,, |
209 |
latestPeriodOrHighestSystem,, |
210 |
lifeStage,, |
211 |
lithostratigraphicTerms,, |
212 |
locationAccordingTo,, |
213 |
locationRemarks,, |
214 |
lowestBiostratigraphicZone,, |
215 |
maximumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters,, |
216 |
measurementAccuracy,, |
217 |
measurementDeterminedBy,, |
218 |
measurementDeterminedDate,, |
219 |
measurementID,, |
220 |
measurementMethod,, |
221 |
measurementRemarks,, |
222 |
measurementType,, |
223 |
measurementUnit,, |
224 |
measurementValue,, |
225 |
member,, |
226 |
minimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters,, |
227 |
month,, |
228 |
municipality,, |
229 |
nameAccordingTo,, |
230 |
nameAccordingToID,, |
231 |
namePublishedIn,, |
232 |
namePublishedInID,, |
233 |
namePublishedInYear,, |
234 |
nomenclaturalCode,, |
235 |
nomenclaturalStatus,, |
236 |
occurrenceRemarks,, |
237 |
occurrenceStatus,, |
238 |
originalNameUsage,, |
239 |
originalNameUsageID,, |
240 |
otherCatalogNumbers,, |
241 |
ownerInstitutionCode,, |
242 |
parentNameUsage,, |
243 |
parentNameUsageID,, |
244 |
pointRadiusSpatialFit,, |
245 |
preparations,,Brad: OMIT |
246 |
previousIdentifications,,Brad: OMIT |
247 |
relatedResourceID,,Brad: OMIT |
248 |
relationshipAccordingTo,, |
249 |
relationshipEstablishedDate,, |
250 |
relationshipOfResource,,Brad: OMIT |
251 |
relationshipRemarks,, |
252 |
reproductiveCondition,, |
253 |
resourceID,, |
254 |
resourceRelationshipID,, |
255 |
samplingEffort,, |
256 |
scientificNameID,, |
257 |
startDayOfYear,, |
258 |
subgenus,, |
259 |
taxonConceptID,, |
260 |
taxonID,, |
261 |
taxonomicStatus,, |
262 |
typeStatus,,Brad: OMIT (?). Indicates whether this specimen served as type for taxon name. Probably not relevant for BIEN |
263 |
verbatimCoordinateSystem,, |
264 |
verbatimCoordinates,, |
265 |
verbatimDepth,, |
266 |
verbatimEventDate,, |
267 |
verbatimSRS,, |
268 |
verbatimTaxonRank,, |
269 |
vernacularName,, |
270 |
waterBody,, |
271 |
year,, |
mappings/for_review/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv | ||
144 | 144 |
slopeGradient,//location/slopegradient, |
145 | 145 |
subplot,"//location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
146 | 146 |
locationID,"//location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else", |
147 |
acceptedNameUsage,, |
148 |
acceptedNameUsageID,, |
149 |
associatedMedia,, |
150 |
associatedOccurrences,, |
151 |
associatedReferences,, |
152 |
associatedSequences,, |
153 |
associatedTaxa,, |
154 |
basisOfRecord,,Brad: OMIT? See for definition of this term. |
155 |
bed,, |
156 |
behavior,, |
157 |
countryCode,, |
158 |
dataGeneralizations,, |
159 |
datasetID,, |
160 |
datasetName,, |
161 |
day,,Brad: OMIT |
162 |
dcterms:accessRights,, |
163 |
dcterms:bibliographicCitation,, |
164 |
dcterms:language,, |
165 |
dcterms:modified,,"Brad: Mapping to VegX is incorrect. I think is this merely an internal timestamp indicated when record last modified, not necessarily when determination (taxon name) last modified. Probably we should omit this field, although might be useful for updating changed records from this source." |
166 |
dcterms:references,, |
167 |
dcterms:rights,, |
168 |
dcterms:rightsHolder,, |
169 |
dcterms:type,, |
170 |
disposition,, |
171 |
dynamicProperties,, |
172 |
earliestAgeOrLowestStage,, |
173 |
earliestEonOrLowestEonothem,, |
174 |
earliestEpochOrLowestSeries,, |
175 |
earliestEraOrLowestErathem,, |
176 |
earliestPeriodOrLowestSystem,, |
177 |
endDayOfYear,, |
178 |
eventID,, |
179 |
eventRemarks,, |
180 |
eventTime,,Brad: OMIT |
181 |
footprintSRS,, |
182 |
footprintSpatialFit,, |
183 |
formation,, |
184 |
geodeticDatum,, |
185 |
geologicalContextID,, |
186 |
georeferenceProtocol,, |
187 |
georeferenceRemarks,, |
188 |
georeferenceSources,, |
189 |
georeferenceVerificationStatus,, |
190 |
georeferencedBy,, |
191 |
georeferencedDate,, |
192 |
group,, |
193 |
higherClassification,, |
194 |
higherGeography,, |
195 |
higherGeographyID,, |
196 |
highestBiostratigraphicZone,, |
197 |
identificationID,, |
198 |
identificationReferences,, |
199 |
identificationRemarks,, |
200 |
identificationVerificationStatus,, |
201 |
informationWithheld,, |
202 |
institutionID,, |
203 |
island,, |
204 |
islandGroup,, |
205 |
latestAgeOrHighestStage,, |
206 |
latestEonOrHighestEonothem,, |
207 |
latestEpochOrHighestSeries,, |
208 |
latestEraOrHighestErathem,, |
209 |
latestPeriodOrHighestSystem,, |
210 |
lifeStage,, |
211 |
lithostratigraphicTerms,, |
212 |
locationAccordingTo,, |
213 |
locationRemarks,, |
214 |
lowestBiostratigraphicZone,, |
215 |
maximumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters,, |
216 |
measurementAccuracy,, |
217 |
measurementDeterminedBy,, |
218 |
measurementDeterminedDate,, |
219 |
measurementID,, |
220 |
measurementMethod,, |
221 |
measurementRemarks,, |
222 |
measurementType,, |
223 |
measurementUnit,, |
224 |
measurementValue,, |
225 |
member,, |
226 |
minimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters,, |
227 |
month,, |
228 |
municipality,, |
229 |
nameAccordingTo,, |
230 |
nameAccordingToID,, |
231 |
namePublishedIn,, |
232 |
namePublishedInID,, |
233 |
namePublishedInYear,, |
234 |
nomenclaturalCode,, |
235 |
nomenclaturalStatus,, |
236 |
occurrenceRemarks,, |
237 |
occurrenceStatus,, |
238 |
originalNameUsage,, |
239 |
originalNameUsageID,, |
240 |
otherCatalogNumbers,, |
241 |
ownerInstitutionCode,, |
242 |
parentNameUsage,, |
243 |
parentNameUsageID,, |
244 |
pointRadiusSpatialFit,, |
245 |
preparations,,Brad: OMIT |
246 |
previousIdentifications,,Brad: OMIT |
247 |
relatedResourceID,,Brad: OMIT |
248 |
relationshipAccordingTo,, |
249 |
relationshipEstablishedDate,, |
250 |
relationshipOfResource,,Brad: OMIT |
251 |
relationshipRemarks,, |
252 |
reproductiveCondition,, |
253 |
resourceID,, |
254 |
resourceRelationshipID,, |
255 |
samplingEffort,, |
256 |
scientificNameID,, |
257 |
startDayOfYear,, |
258 |
subgenus,, |
259 |
taxonConceptID,, |
260 |
taxonID,, |
261 |
taxonomicStatus,, |
262 |
typeStatus,,Brad: OMIT (?). Indicates whether this specimen served as type for taxon name. Probably not relevant for BIEN |
263 |
verbatimCoordinateSystem,, |
264 |
verbatimCoordinates,, |
265 |
verbatimDepth,, |
266 |
verbatimEventDate,, |
267 |
verbatimSRS,, |
268 |
verbatimTaxonRank,, |
269 |
vernacularName,, |
270 |
waterBody,, |
271 |
year,, |
mappings/VegCore.self.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
VegCore[Veg+],VegCore[Veg+] |
2 |
acceptedNameUsage,acceptedNameUsage |
3 |
acceptedNameUsageID,acceptedNameUsageID |
4 | 2 |
acidity,acidity |
5 |
associatedMedia,associatedMedia |
6 |
associatedOccurrences,associatedOccurrences |
7 |
associatedReferences,associatedReferences |
8 |
associatedSequences,associatedSequences |
9 |
associatedTaxa,associatedTaxa |
10 | 3 |
basalDiameter,basalDiameter |
11 | 4 |
baseSaturation,baseSaturation |
12 |
basisOfRecord,basisOfRecord |
13 |
bed,bed |
14 |
behavior,behavior |
15 | 5 |
calcium,calcium |
16 | 6 |
canopyForm,canopyForm |
17 | 7 |
canopyPosition,canopyPosition |
... | ... | |
30 | 20 |
coordinatePrecision,coordinatePrecision |
31 | 21 |
coordinateUncertaintyInMeters,coordinateUncertaintyInMeters |
32 | 22 |
country,country |
33 |
countryCode,countryCode |
34 | 23 |
county,county |
35 | 24 |
coverPercent,coverPercent |
36 |
dataGeneralizations,dataGeneralizations |
37 |
datasetID,datasetID |
38 |
datasetName,datasetName |
39 | 25 |
dateCollected,dateCollected |
40 | 26 |
dateIdentified,dateIdentified |
41 |
day,day |
42 |
dcterms:accessRights,dcterms:accessRights |
43 |
dcterms:bibliographicCitation,dcterms:bibliographicCitation |
44 |
dcterms:language,dcterms:language |
45 |
dcterms:modified,dcterms:modified |
46 |
dcterms:references,dcterms:references |
47 |
dcterms:rights,dcterms:rights |
48 |
dcterms:rightsHolder,dcterms:rightsHolder |
49 |
dcterms:type,dcterms:type |
50 | 27 |
decimalLatitude,decimalLatitude |
51 | 28 |
decimalLongitude,decimalLongitude |
52 | 29 |
diameterBreastHeight,diameterBreastHeight |
53 | 30 |
diameterBreastHeightGentry,diameterBreastHeightGentry |
54 |
disposition,disposition |
55 |
dynamicProperties,dynamicProperties |
56 |
earliestAgeOrLowestStage,earliestAgeOrLowestStage |
57 |
earliestEonOrLowestEonothem,earliestEonOrLowestEonothem |
58 |
earliestEpochOrLowestSeries,earliestEpochOrLowestSeries |
59 |
earliestEraOrLowestErathem,earliestEraOrLowestErathem |
60 |
earliestPeriodOrLowestSystem,earliestPeriodOrLowestSystem |
61 |
endDayOfYear,endDayOfYear |
62 | 31 |
establishmentMeans,establishmentMeans |
63 | 32 |
eventDate,eventDate |
64 |
eventID,eventID |
65 |
eventRemarks,eventRemarks |
66 |
eventTime,eventTime |
67 | 33 |
family,family |
68 | 34 |
fieldNotes,fieldNotes |
69 | 35 |
fieldNumber,fieldNumber |
70 |
footprintSRS,footprintSRS |
71 |
footprintSpatialFit,footprintSpatialFit |
72 | 36 |
footprintWKT,footprintWKT |
73 |
formation,formation |
74 | 37 |
genus,genus |
75 |
geodeticDatum,geodeticDatum |
76 |
geologicalContextID,geologicalContextID |
77 |
georeferenceProtocol,georeferenceProtocol |
78 |
georeferenceRemarks,georeferenceRemarks |
79 |
georeferenceSources,georeferenceSources |
80 |
georeferenceVerificationStatus,georeferenceVerificationStatus |
81 |
georeferencedBy,georeferencedBy |
82 |
georeferencedDate,georeferencedDate |
83 |
group,group |
84 | 38 |
growthForm,growthForm |
85 | 39 |
habitat,habitat |
86 | 40 |
height,height |
87 | 41 |
heightFirstBranch,heightFirstBranch |
88 |
higherClassification,higherClassification |
89 |
higherGeography,higherGeography |
90 |
higherGeographyID,higherGeographyID |
91 |
highestBiostratigraphicZone,highestBiostratigraphicZone |
92 |
identificationID,identificationID |
93 | 42 |
identificationQualifier,identificationQualifier |
94 |
identificationReferences,identificationReferences |
95 |
identificationRemarks,identificationRemarks |
96 |
identificationVerificationStatus,identificationVerificationStatus |
97 | 43 |
identifiedBy,identifiedBy |
98 | 44 |
individualCount,individualCount |
99 | 45 |
individualID,individualID |
100 |
informationWithheld,informationWithheld |
101 | 46 |
infraspecificEpithet,infraspecificEpithet |
102 | 47 |
institutionCode,institutionCode |
103 |
institutionID,institutionID |
104 |
island,island |
105 |
islandGroup,islandGroup |
106 | 48 |
kingdom,kingdom |
107 | 49 |
landform,landform |
108 |
latestAgeOrHighestStage,latestAgeOrHighestStage |
109 |
latestEonOrHighestEonothem,latestEonOrHighestEonothem |
110 |
latestEpochOrHighestSeries,latestEpochOrHighestSeries |
111 |
latestEraOrHighestErathem,latestEraOrHighestErathem |
112 |
latestPeriodOrHighestSystem,latestPeriodOrHighestSystem |
113 | 50 |
lianaInfestation,lianaInfestation |
114 |
lifeStage,lifeStage |
115 |
lithostratigraphicTerms,lithostratigraphicTerms |
116 | 51 |
locality,locality |
117 |
locationAccordingTo,locationAccordingTo |
118 | 52 |
locationID,locationID |
119 |
locationRemarks,locationRemarks |
120 |
lowestBiostratigraphicZone,lowestBiostratigraphicZone |
121 | 53 |
magnesium,magnesium |
122 | 54 |
maximumDepthInMeters,maximumDepthInMeters |
123 |
maximumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters,maximumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters |
124 | 55 |
maximumElevationInMeters,maximumElevationInMeters |
125 |
measurementAccuracy,measurementAccuracy |
126 |
measurementDeterminedBy,measurementDeterminedBy |
127 |
measurementDeterminedDate,measurementDeterminedDate |
128 |
measurementID,measurementID |
129 |
measurementMethod,measurementMethod |
130 |
measurementRemarks,measurementRemarks |
131 |
measurementType,measurementType |
132 |
measurementUnit,measurementUnit |
133 |
measurementValue,measurementValue |
134 |
member,member |
135 | 56 |
minimumDepthInMeters,minimumDepthInMeters |
136 |
minimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters,minimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters |
137 | 57 |
minimumElevationInMeters,minimumElevationInMeters |
138 |
month,month |
139 |
municipality,municipality |
140 |
nameAccordingTo,nameAccordingTo |
141 |
nameAccordingToID,nameAccordingToID |
142 |
namePublishedIn,namePublishedIn |
143 |
namePublishedInID,namePublishedInID |
144 |
namePublishedInYear,namePublishedInYear |
145 | 58 |
nitrogen,nitrogen |
146 |
nomenclaturalCode,nomenclaturalCode |
147 |
nomenclaturalStatus,nomenclaturalStatus |
148 | 59 |
occurrenceID,occurrenceID |
149 |
occurrenceRemarks,occurrenceRemarks |
150 |
occurrenceStatus,occurrenceStatus |
151 | 60 |
order,order |
152 | 61 |
organic,organic |
153 | 62 |
organismX,organismX |
154 | 63 |
organismY,organismY |
155 |
originalNameUsage,originalNameUsage |
156 |
originalNameUsageID,originalNameUsageID |
157 |
otherCatalogNumbers,otherCatalogNumbers |
158 |
ownerInstitutionCode,ownerInstitutionCode |
159 | 64 |
parentLocationID,parentLocationID |
160 |
parentNameUsage,parentNameUsage |
161 |
parentNameUsageID,parentNameUsageID |
162 | 65 |
parentPlotName,parentPlotName |
163 | 66 |
ph,ph |
164 | 67 |
phosphorus,phosphorus |
... | ... | |
168 | 71 |
plotEventStartDate,plotEventStartDate |
169 | 72 |
plotName,plotName |
170 | 73 |
plotNotes,plotNotes |
171 |
pointRadiusSpatialFit,pointRadiusSpatialFit |
172 | 74 |
potassium,potassium |
173 | 75 |
precipitation,precipitation |
174 |
preparations,preparations |
175 |
previousIdentifications,previousIdentifications |
176 | 76 |
previousTag,previousTag |
177 | 77 |
projectID,projectID |
178 | 78 |
projectName,projectName |
... | ... | |
180 | 80 |
recordedBy,recordedBy |
181 | 81 |
recordedBy.givenName,recordedBy.givenName |
182 | 82 |
recordedBy.surName,recordedBy.surName |
183 |
relatedResourceID,relatedResourceID |
184 |
relationshipAccordingTo,relationshipAccordingTo |
185 |
relationshipEstablishedDate,relationshipEstablishedDate |
186 |
relationshipOfResource,relationshipOfResource |
187 |
relationshipRemarks,relationshipRemarks |
188 |
reproductiveCondition,reproductiveCondition |
189 |
resourceID,resourceID |
190 |
resourceRelationshipID,resourceRelationshipID |
191 |
samplingEffort,samplingEffort |
192 | 83 |
samplingProtocol,samplingProtocol |
193 | 84 |
sand,sand |
194 | 85 |
scientificName,scientificName |
195 | 86 |
scientificNameAuthorship,scientificNameAuthorship |
196 |
scientificNameID,scientificNameID |
197 | 87 |
sex,sex |
198 | 88 |
silt,silt |
199 | 89 |
slopeAspect,slopeAspect |
200 | 90 |
slopeGradient,slopeGradient |
201 | 91 |
sodium,sodium |
202 | 92 |
specificEpithet,specificEpithet |
203 |
startDayOfYear,startDayOfYear |
204 | 93 |
stateProvince,stateProvince |
205 | 94 |
stemCount,stemCount |
206 | 95 |
stemNotes,stemNotes |
207 |
subgenus,subgenus |
208 | 96 |
subplot,subplot |
209 | 97 |
tag,tag |
210 |
taxonConceptID,taxonConceptID |
211 |
taxonID,taxonID |
212 | 98 |
taxonRank,taxonRank |
213 | 99 |
taxonRemarks,taxonRemarks |
214 |
taxonomicStatus,taxonomicStatus |
215 | 100 |
temperature,temperature |
216 | 101 |
texture,texture |
217 |
typeStatus,typeStatus |
218 | 102 |
verbatimClass,verbatimClass |
219 |
verbatimCoordinateSystem,verbatimCoordinateSystem |
220 |
verbatimCoordinates,verbatimCoordinates |
221 |
verbatimDepth,verbatimDepth |
222 | 103 |
verbatimElevation,verbatimElevation |
223 |
verbatimEventDate,verbatimEventDate |
224 | 104 |
verbatimFamily,verbatimFamily |
225 | 105 |
verbatimGenus,verbatimGenus |
226 | 106 |
verbatimIdentificationQualifier,verbatimIdentificationQualifier |
... | ... | |
231 | 111 |
verbatimLongitude,verbatimLongitude |
232 | 112 |
verbatimOrder,verbatimOrder |
233 | 113 |
verbatimPhylum,verbatimPhylum |
234 |
verbatimSRS,verbatimSRS |
235 | 114 |
verbatimScientificName,verbatimScientificName |
236 | 115 |
verbatimScientificNameAuthorship,verbatimScientificNameAuthorship |
237 | 116 |
verbatimSpecificEpithet,verbatimSpecificEpithet |
238 |
verbatimTaxonRank,verbatimTaxonRank |
239 |
vernacularName,vernacularName |
240 | 117 |
volumeCanopy,volumeCanopy |
241 | 118 |
voucherType,voucherType |
242 |
waterBody,waterBody |
243 |
year,year |
Also available in: Unified diff
mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv: Removed empty mappings for unmapped DwC terms because these terms are now listed and maintained in mappings/Veg+.terms.csv