Revision 4324
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza over 12 years ago
inputs/Madidi/0.plots/VegBIEN.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
Madidi[Veg+],VegBIEN:,Comments |
2 |
Inventory code,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/sourceaccessioncode", |
3 |
Inventory name,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode", |
4 |
Inventory code,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode", |
2 | 5 |
Area,/location/area, |
3 | 6 |
Inventory name,"/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/1/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else", |
4 | 7 |
Inventory code,"/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/2/_if[@name=""if locationID""]/cond/_exists", |
... | ... | |
34 | 37 |
Textural class,/location/locationevent/soilobs/texture, |
35 | 38 |
Locality,/location/locationnarrative/_merge/1, |
36 | 39 |
Observaciones,/location/notespublic, |
37 |
Inventory name,"/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
38 |
Inventory code,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
39 | 40 |
Direction,/location/slopeaspect/_compass/value/_alt/1,Part files provide either this field or Direction |
40 | 41 |
OrientaciĆ³n/exposicion,/location/slopeaspect/_compass/value/_alt/2,Part files provide either this field or OrientaciĆ³n |
41 | 42 |
Slope,/location/slopegradient, |
42 |
Inventory code,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else", |
inputs/Madidi/0.plots/test.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
Put template: |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<location id="-1"> |
4 |
<sourceaccessioncode>$Inventory code</sourceaccessioncode> |
4 | 5 |
<area>$Area</area> |
5 | 6 |
<authorlocationcode>$Inventory name</authorlocationcode> |
6 | 7 |
<elevation> |
... | ... | |
149 | 150 |
</_compass> |
150 | 151 |
</slopeaspect> |
151 | 152 |
<slopegradient>$Slope</slopegradient> |
152 |
<sourceaccessioncode>$Inventory code</sourceaccessioncode> |
153 | 153 |
</location> |
154 | 154 |
</VegBIEN> |
155 | 155 |
Inserted 19 new rows into database |
inputs/SALVIAS-CSV/0.plots/VegBIEN.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
2 |
PLOT_ID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/sourceaccessioncode","Brad: This is artificial internal database ID; a unique identifier within SALVIAS DB to each plot, within the table plotMetadata." |
3 |
plot_code,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode",Brad: plotCode is as-assigned by data provider; guranteed to be unique only within dataset (=project) |
4 |
PLOT_ID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode","Brad: This is artificial internal database ID; a unique identifier within SALVIAS DB to each plot, within the table plotMetadata." |
2 | 5 |
plot_area_ha,/location/area,"Brad: Area in hectares. Is there any way to store units?; Aaron: VegX plot area annotation says ""Total area of the plot in square meters."" so units are fixed" |
3 | 6 |
plot_code,"/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/1/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else",Brad: plotCode is as-assigned by data provider; guranteed to be unique only within dataset (=project) |
4 | 7 |
PLOT_ID,"/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/2/_if[@name=""if locationID""]/cond/_exists","Brad: This is artificial internal database ID; a unique identifier within SALVIAS DB to each plot, within the table plotMetadata." |
... | ... | |
40 | 43 |
soil_texture,/location/locationevent/soilobs/texture, |
41 | 44 |
temp_c,/location/locationevent/temperature, |
42 | 45 |
locality_description,/location/locationnarrative/_merge/1,"Brad: No; this is free text description of locality where plot was situated, same as for DwC. Not a description of vegetation. Most likely='namedPlace.placeDescription' in VB; not sure about VX, again need to ask Nick where locality descriptions live in VX" |
43 |
plot_code,"/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then",Brad: plotCode is as-assigned by data provider; guranteed to be unique only within dataset (=project) |
44 |
PLOT_ID,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then","Brad: This is artificial internal database ID; a unique identifier within SALVIAS DB to each plot, within the table plotMetadata." |
45 | 46 |
slope_aspect,/location/slopeaspect/_compass/value, |
46 | 47 |
slope_gradient,/location/slopegradient, |
47 |
PLOT_ID,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else","Brad: This is artificial internal database ID; a unique identifier within SALVIAS DB to each plot, within the table plotMetadata." |
inputs/SALVIAS-CSV/0.plots/test.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
Put template: |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<location id="-1"> |
4 |
<sourceaccessioncode>$PLOT_ID</sourceaccessioncode> |
4 | 5 |
<area>$plot_area_ha</area> |
5 | 6 |
<authorlocationcode>$plot_code</authorlocationcode> |
6 | 7 |
<elevation> |
... | ... | |
271 | 272 |
<locationnarrative>$locality_description</locationnarrative> |
272 | 273 |
<slopeaspect><_compass><value>$slope_aspect</value></_compass></slopeaspect> |
273 | 274 |
<slopegradient>$slope_gradient</slopegradient> |
274 |
<sourceaccessioncode>$PLOT_ID</sourceaccessioncode> |
275 | 275 |
</location> |
276 | 276 |
</VegBIEN> |
277 | 277 |
Inserted 16 new rows into database |
inputs/SALVIAS-CSV/1.organisms/VegBIEN.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
2 |
subplot,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
3 |
PLOT_ID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/sourceaccessioncode", |
4 |
plot_code,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode", |
5 |
PLOT_ID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode", |
2 | 6 |
subplot,/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/1, |
3 | 7 |
subplot,"/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/1/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
4 | 8 |
plot_code,"/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/1/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else", |
... | ... | |
56 | 60 |
det_type,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/voucher/*_id/specimenreplicate/catalognumber_dwc/_if[@name=""if indirect voucher""]/cond/_eq:[right=indirect]/left","Brad: A SALVIAS value referring to the relationship between the voucher specimen and the observation. Affect how the identification of the specimen(latin name) is transferred to the observation. 'direct'=voucher specimen was collected from this same tree; they are one and the same individual. 'indirect'=voucher specimen was collected for a different individual, but the original data provider confirmed that this is the same species. 'default'=basically same as 'indirect'. 'uncollected'=no voucher specimen, data provider asserted that this was the name but was unable to collect. The main different is that with 'direct', 'indirect', and 'default', the scientific name can be updated automatically based on the name attached to the specimen voucher (assuming you have a link to that data, presumably from a herbarium database. Whereas, if det_type='uncollected', the name can never change because there is no specimen." |
57 | 61 |
coll_number,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/voucher/*_id/specimenreplicate/catalognumber_dwc/_if[@name=""if indirect voucher""]/then/_alt/1",Brad: Map instead as for voucher_string |
58 | 62 |
voucher_string,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/voucher/*_id/specimenreplicate/catalognumber_dwc/_if[@name=""if indirect voucher""]/then/_alt/2","Brad: OMIT. This is the verbatim text, which includes both collectors name and collection number. I would use coll_number, below." |
59 |
subplot,"/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
60 |
plot_code,"/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
61 |
subplot,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
62 |
PLOT_ID,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
63 |
subplot,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
64 |
PLOT_ID,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else", |
inputs/SALVIAS-CSV/1.organisms/test.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
Put template: |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<location id="-1"> |
4 |
<parent_id> |
5 |
<location> |
6 |
<authorlocationcode>$plot_code</authorlocationcode> |
7 |
<sourceaccessioncode>$PLOT_ID</sourceaccessioncode> |
8 |
</location> |
9 |
</parent_id> |
4 | 10 |
<authorlocationcode> |
5 | 11 |
<_alt> |
6 | 12 |
<1>$subplot</1> |
... | ... | |
287 | 293 |
</voucher> |
288 | 294 |
</taxonoccurrence> |
289 | 295 |
</locationevent> |
290 |
<parent_id> |
291 |
<location> |
292 |
<authorlocationcode>$plot_code</authorlocationcode> |
293 |
<sourceaccessioncode>$PLOT_ID</sourceaccessioncode> |
294 |
</location> |
295 |
</parent_id> |
296 | 296 |
</location> |
297 | 297 |
</VegBIEN> |
298 | 298 |
Inserted 51 new rows into database |
inputs/CTFS/Subplot/VegBIEN.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
CTFS[Veg+],VegBIEN:,Comments |
2 |
QuadratName,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
3 |
PlotID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/sourceaccessioncode", |
4 |
PlotID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode", |
2 | 5 |
QuadratName,/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/1, |
3 | 6 |
QuadratName,"/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/1/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
4 | 7 |
PlotID,"/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/2/_if[@name=""if locationID""]/cond/_exists", |
5 |
QuadratName,"/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
6 |
QuadratName,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
7 |
PlotID,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
8 | 8 |
QuadratID,/location/sourceaccessioncode, |
9 |
QuadratName,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
10 |
PlotID,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else", |
11 | 9 |
StartX,/location/sublocationxposition, |
12 | 10 |
StartY,/location/sublocationyposition, |
inputs/CTFS/Subplot/test.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
Put template: |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<location id="-1"> |
4 |
<parent_id><location><sourceaccessioncode>$PlotID</sourceaccessioncode></location></parent_id> |
4 | 5 |
<authorlocationcode>$QuadratName</authorlocationcode> |
5 |
<parent_id><location><sourceaccessioncode>$PlotID</sourceaccessioncode></location></parent_id> |
6 | 6 |
<sourceaccessioncode>$QuadratID</sourceaccessioncode> |
7 | 7 |
<sublocationxposition>$StartX</sublocationxposition> |
8 | 8 |
<sublocationyposition>$StartY</sublocationyposition> |
inputs/CTFS/Plot/VegBIEN.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
CTFS[Veg+],VegBIEN:,Comments |
2 |
PlotID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/sourceaccessioncode", |
3 |
PlotName,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode", |
4 |
PlotID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode", |
2 | 5 |
SizeOfSite,/location/area, |
3 | 6 |
PlotName,"/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/1/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else", |
4 | 7 |
PlotID,"/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/2/_if[@name=""if locationID""]/cond/_exists", |
... | ... | |
9 | 12 |
CountryName,"/location/locationdetermination/namedplace_id/_simplifyPath:[next=""parent_id/namedplace"",require=placename]/path/_forEach:[in:[county,stateProvince,],do=""namedplace[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/namedplace[rank=country]/placename", |
10 | 13 |
DescriptionOfSite,/location/locationnarrative/_merge/1, |
11 | 14 |
LocationName,/location/locationnarrative/_merge/1, |
12 |
PlotName,"/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
13 |
PlotID,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
14 |
PlotID,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else", |
inputs/CTFS/Plot/test.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
Put template: |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<location id="-1"> |
4 |
<sourceaccessioncode>$PlotID</sourceaccessioncode> |
4 | 5 |
<area>$SizeOfSite</area> |
5 | 6 |
<authorlocationcode>$PlotName</authorlocationcode> |
6 | 7 |
<elevation> |
... | ... | |
54 | 55 |
<1>$LocationName</1> |
55 | 56 |
</_alt> |
56 | 57 |
</locationnarrative> |
57 |
<sourceaccessioncode>$PlotID</sourceaccessioncode> |
58 | 58 |
</location> |
59 | 59 |
</VegBIEN> |
60 | 60 |
Inserted 6 new rows into database |
inputs/SALVIAS/0.plots/VegBIEN.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
SALVIAS,VegBIEN:,Comments |
2 |
PlotID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/sourceaccessioncode","Brad: This is artificial internal database ID; a unique identifier within SALVIAS DB to each plot, within the table plotMetadata." |
3 |
SiteCode,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode",Brad: plotCode is as-assigned by data provider; guranteed to be unique only within dataset (=project) |
4 |
PlotID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode","Brad: This is artificial internal database ID; a unique identifier within SALVIAS DB to each plot, within the table plotMetadata." |
2 | 5 |
plot_area_ha,/location/area,"Brad: Area in hectares. Is there any way to store units?; Aaron: VegX plot area annotation says ""Total area of the plot in square meters."" so units are fixed" |
3 | 6 |
SiteCode,"/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/1/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else",Brad: plotCode is as-assigned by data provider; guranteed to be unique only within dataset (=project) |
4 | 7 |
PlotID,"/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/2/_if[@name=""if locationID""]/cond/_exists","Brad: This is artificial internal database ID; a unique identifier within SALVIAS DB to each plot, within the table plotMetadata." |
... | ... | |
40 | 43 |
soil_texture,"/location/locationevent/soilobs/texture/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value", |
41 | 44 |
Temp,/location/locationevent/temperature, |
42 | 45 |
Locality_Description,/location/locationnarrative/_merge/1,"Brad: No; this is free text description of locality where plot was situated, same as for DwC. Not a description of vegetation. Most likely='namedPlace.placeDescription' in VB; not sure about VX, again need to ask Nick where locality descriptions live in VX" |
43 |
SiteCode,"/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then",Brad: plotCode is as-assigned by data provider; guranteed to be unique only within dataset (=project) |
44 |
PlotID,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then","Brad: This is artificial internal database ID; a unique identifier within SALVIAS DB to each plot, within the table plotMetadata." |
45 | 46 |
slope_aspect,/location/slopeaspect/_compass/value, |
46 | 47 |
slope_gradient,/location/slopegradient, |
47 |
PlotID,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else","Brad: This is artificial internal database ID; a unique identifier within SALVIAS DB to each plot, within the table plotMetadata." |
inputs/SALVIAS/0.plots/test.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
Put template: |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<location id="-1"> |
4 |
<sourceaccessioncode>$PlotID</sourceaccessioncode> |
4 | 5 |
<area>$plot_area_ha</area> |
5 | 6 |
<authorlocationcode>$SiteCode</authorlocationcode> |
6 | 7 |
<elevation> |
... | ... | |
277 | 278 |
<locationnarrative>$Locality_Description</locationnarrative> |
278 | 279 |
<slopeaspect><_compass><value>$slope_aspect</value></_compass></slopeaspect> |
279 | 280 |
<slopegradient>$slope_gradient</slopegradient> |
280 |
<sourceaccessioncode>$PlotID</sourceaccessioncode> |
281 | 281 |
</location> |
282 | 282 |
</VegBIEN> |
283 | 283 |
Inserted 23 new rows into database |
inputs/SALVIAS/1.organisms/VegBIEN.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
SALVIAS,VegBIEN:,Comments |
2 |
Line,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
3 |
PlotID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/sourceaccessioncode", |
4 |
PlotCode,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode", |
5 |
PlotID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode", |
2 | 6 |
Line,/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/1, |
3 | 7 |
Line,"/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/1/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
4 | 8 |
PlotCode,"/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/1/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else", |
... | ... | |
60 | 64 |
DetType,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/voucher/*_id/specimenreplicate/catalognumber_dwc/_if[@name=""if indirect voucher""]/cond/_eq:[right=indirect]/left","Brad: A SALVIAS value referring to the relationship between the voucher specimen and the observation. Affect how the identification of the specimen(latin name) is transferred to the observation. 'direct'=voucher specimen was collected from this same tree; they are one and the same individual. 'indirect'=voucher specimen was collected for a different individual, but the original data provider confirmed that this is the same species. 'default'=basically same as 'indirect'. 'uncollected'=no voucher specimen, data provider asserted that this was the name but was unable to collect. The main different is that with 'direct', 'indirect', and 'default', the scientific name can be updated automatically based on the name attached to the specimen voucher (assuming you have a link to that data, presumably from a herbarium database. Whereas, if det_type='uncollected', the name can never change because there is no specimen." |
61 | 65 |
coll_number,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/voucher/*_id/specimenreplicate/catalognumber_dwc/_if[@name=""if indirect voucher""]/then/_alt/1",Brad: Map instead as for voucher_string |
62 | 66 |
SourceVoucher,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/voucher/*_id/specimenreplicate/catalognumber_dwc/_if[@name=""if indirect voucher""]/then/_alt/2","Brad: OMIT. This is the verbatim text, which includes both collectors name and collection number. I would use coll_number, below." |
63 |
Line,"/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
64 |
PlotCode,"/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
65 |
Line,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
66 |
PlotID,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
67 |
Line,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
68 |
PlotID,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else", |
inputs/SALVIAS/1.organisms/test.xml.ref | ||
1 | 1 |
Put template: |
2 | 2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 | 3 |
<location id="-1"> |
4 |
<parent_id> |
5 |
<location> |
6 |
<authorlocationcode>$PlotCode</authorlocationcode> |
7 |
<sourceaccessioncode>$PlotID</sourceaccessioncode> |
8 |
</location> |
9 |
</parent_id> |
4 | 10 |
<authorlocationcode> |
5 | 11 |
<_alt> |
6 | 12 |
<1>$Line</1> |
... | ... | |
260 | 266 |
</voucher> |
261 | 267 |
</taxonoccurrence> |
262 | 268 |
</locationevent> |
263 |
<parent_id> |
264 |
<location> |
265 |
<authorlocationcode>$PlotCode</authorlocationcode> |
266 |
<sourceaccessioncode>$PlotID</sourceaccessioncode> |
267 |
</location> |
268 |
</parent_id> |
269 | 269 |
</location> |
270 | 270 |
</VegBIEN> |
271 | 271 |
Inserted 42 new rows into database |
mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
VegCore[Veg+],VegBIEN:,Comments |
2 |
subplot,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
3 |
locationID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/sourceaccessioncode", |
4 |
plotName,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode", |
5 |
locationID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode", |
2 | 6 |
plotArea,/location/area, |
3 | 7 |
subplot,/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/1, |
4 | 8 |
subplot,"/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/1/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
... | ... | |
136 | 140 |
verbatimLocality,/location/locationnarrative/_merge/2, |
137 | 141 |
habitat,"/location/locationnarrative/_merge/3/_label[label=""habitat""]/value","Brad: Free-text description of vegetation community where collected, frequently redundane wrt 'Vegetation'. Bob, Nick: keep as user defined or create special element?" |
138 | 142 |
plotNotes,/location/notespublic, |
139 |
subplot,"/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
140 |
plotName,"/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
141 |
subplot,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
142 |
locationID,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
143 | 143 |
slopeAspect,/location/slopeaspect/_compass/value, |
144 | 144 |
slopeGradient,/location/slopegradient, |
145 | 145 |
subplotID,/location/sourceaccessioncode, |
146 |
subplot,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
147 |
locationID,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else", |
148 | 146 |
subplotX,/location/sublocationxposition, |
149 | 147 |
subplotY,/location/sublocationyposition, |
mappings/Veg+-VegBIEN.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
Veg+,VegBIEN:,Comments |
2 |
QuadratName,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
3 |
Subplot,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
4 |
subplot,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
5 |
LocationID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/sourceaccessioncode", |
6 |
PlotID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/sourceaccessioncode", |
7 |
locationID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/sourceaccessioncode", |
8 |
plotID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/sourceaccessioncode", |
9 |
PlotName,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode", |
10 |
plotName,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode", |
11 |
LocationID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode", |
12 |
PlotID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode", |
13 |
locationID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode", |
14 |
plotID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode", |
2 | 15 |
PlotArea,/location/area, |
3 | 16 |
SizeOfSite,/location/area, |
4 | 17 |
plotArea,/location/area, |
... | ... | |
410 | 423 |
habitat,"/location/locationnarrative/_merge/3/_label[label=""habitat""]/value","Brad: Free-text description of vegetation community where collected, frequently redundane wrt 'Vegetation'. Bob, Nick: keep as user defined or create special element?" |
411 | 424 |
PlotNotes,/location/notespublic, |
412 | 425 |
plotNotes,/location/notespublic, |
413 |
QuadratName,"/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
414 |
Subplot,"/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
415 |
subplot,"/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
416 |
PlotName,"/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
417 |
plotName,"/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
418 |
QuadratName,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
419 |
Subplot,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
420 |
subplot,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
421 |
LocationID,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
422 |
PlotID,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
423 |
locationID,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
424 |
plotID,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
425 | 426 |
SlopeAspect,/location/slopeaspect/_compass/value, |
426 | 427 |
slopeAspect,/location/slopeaspect/_compass/value, |
427 | 428 |
SlopeGradient,/location/slopegradient, |
... | ... | |
429 | 430 |
QuadratID,/location/sourceaccessioncode, |
430 | 431 |
SubplotID,/location/sourceaccessioncode, |
431 | 432 |
subplotID,/location/sourceaccessioncode, |
432 |
QuadratName,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
433 |
Subplot,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
434 |
subplot,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
435 |
LocationID,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else", |
436 |
PlotID,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else", |
437 |
locationID,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else", |
438 |
plotID,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else", |
439 | 433 |
StartX,/location/sublocationxposition, |
440 | 434 |
SubplotX,/location/sublocationxposition, |
441 | 435 |
subplotX,/location/sublocationxposition, |
mappings/Veg+.cs-VegBIEN.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
Veg+,VegBIEN:,Comments |
2 |
QuadratName,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
3 |
subplot,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
4 |
locationID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/sourceaccessioncode", |
5 |
plotID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/sourceaccessioncode", |
6 |
plotName,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode", |
7 |
locationID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode", |
8 |
plotID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode", |
2 | 9 |
SizeOfSite,/location/area, |
3 | 10 |
plotArea,/location/area, |
4 | 11 |
QuadratName,/location/authorlocationcode/_alt/1, |
... | ... | |
210 | 217 |
verbatimLocality,/location/locationnarrative/_merge/2, |
211 | 218 |
habitat,"/location/locationnarrative/_merge/3/_label[label=""habitat""]/value","Brad: Free-text description of vegetation community where collected, frequently redundane wrt 'Vegetation'. Bob, Nick: keep as user defined or create special element?" |
212 | 219 |
plotNotes,/location/notespublic, |
213 |
QuadratName,"/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
214 |
subplot,"/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
215 |
plotName,"/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
216 |
QuadratName,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
217 |
subplot,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
218 |
locationID,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
219 |
plotID,"/location/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
220 | 220 |
slopeAspect,/location/slopeaspect/_compass/value, |
221 | 221 |
slopeGradient,/location/slopegradient, |
222 | 222 |
QuadratID,/location/sourceaccessioncode, |
223 | 223 |
subplotID,/location/sourceaccessioncode, |
224 |
QuadratName,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
225 |
subplot,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
226 |
locationID,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else", |
227 |
plotID,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else", |
228 | 224 |
StartX,/location/sublocationxposition, |
229 | 225 |
subplotX,/location/sublocationxposition, |
230 | 226 |
StartY,/location/sublocationyposition, |
mappings/for_review/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv | ||
1 | 1 |
VegCore[Veg+],VegBIEN:,Comments |
2 |
subplot,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
3 |
locationID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/sourceaccessioncode", |
4 |
plotName,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode", |
5 |
locationID,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/sourceaccessioncode", |
2 | 6 |
plotArea,//location/area, |
3 | 7 |
subplot,//location/authorlocationcode, |
4 | 8 |
subplot,"//location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
... | ... | |
136 | 140 |
verbatimLocality,//location/locationnarrative, |
137 | 141 |
habitat,"//location/locationnarrative/_label[label=""habitat""]/value","Brad: Free-text description of vegetation community where collected, frequently redundane wrt 'Vegetation'. Bob, Nick: keep as user defined or create special element?" |
138 | 142 |
plotNotes,//location/notespublic, |
139 |
subplot,"//location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
140 |
plotName,"//location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
141 |
subplot,"//location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
142 |
locationID,"//location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
143 | 143 |
slopeAspect,//location/slopeaspect, |
144 | 144 |
slopeGradient,//location/slopegradient, |
145 | 145 |
subplotID,//location/sourceaccessioncode, |
146 |
subplot,"//location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
147 |
locationID,"//location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else", |
148 | 146 |
subplotX,//location/sublocationxposition, |
149 | 147 |
subplotY,//location/sublocationyposition, |
Also available in: Unified diff
mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv: Moved "if subplot" _if statement around /location/parent_id and /location/sourceaccessioncode themselves, so that only one _if cond mapping for subplot is needed. Note that this is only possible because this _if statement uses _exists, allowing it to be fully evaluated by the XML template simplifying mechanism, which supports subtrees as arguments to _if.