Revision 4608
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza over 12 years ago
new_terms.csv | ||
1 |
"Calcio intercambiable (WSP S-5,10–cmolc/Kg–0.016)" |
2 |
"Carbón Orgánico (WSP S-9,10–%–0.06)" |
3 |
"Magnesio intercambiable (WSP S-5,10–cmolc/Kg–0.00083)" |
4 |
"Materia Orgánica (WSP S-9,10–%–0.1)" |
5 |
"Potasio intercambiable (WSP S-5,10–cmolc/Kg–0.0053)" |
6 |
"Sodio intercambiable (WSP S-5,10–cmolc/Kg–0.00083)" |
7 |
"Type Inventory (C, PP, TP)" |
8 |
%cover |
9 |
1haPlotCode |
10 |
AccessCode |
11 |
Accession Number |
12 |
Accuracy |
13 |
Acidez intercambiable (ISRIC 11–cmolc/Kg–0.05) |
14 |
Addcoll |
15 |
AgeClass |
16 |
Alt |
17 |
Alt E/W |
18 |
Alt N/S |
19 |
Alt2 |
20 |
Altitude |
21 |
Arcilla (DIN 18 123–%–1) |
22 |
Area |
23 |
Arena (DIN 18 123–%–2.5) |
24 |
AuthorOfScientificName |
25 |
AuthorYearOfScientificName |
26 |
Autor (revised) |
27 |
Barcode |
28 |
Basal area |
29 |
Bole height |
30 |
CIC (ISRIC 11–cmolc/Kg–0.05) |
31 |
CatalogNO |
32 |
CatalogNumberNumeric |
33 |
Circumference |
34 |
Collaborators |
35 |
Colldd |
36 |
Collect Date |
37 |
CollectionCD |
38 |
Collectors |
39 |
Collmm |
40 |
Collyy |
41 |
Comments |
42 |
Common name |
43 |
ConditionCodes |
44 |
Conductividad electrica (ASPT 6–µS/cm– 1 - 10000) |
45 |
Coordinates |
46 |
Coorsyst |
47 |
CountryID |
48 |
Crown position |
49 |
Crown shape |
50 |
DateInfo |
51 |
DayOfYear |
52 |
Description |
53 |
DetType |
54 |
Detby |
55 |
Determined by |
56 |
Detyy |
57 |
Diameter |
58 |
DimX |
59 |
DimY |
60 |
Direction |
61 |
Division |
62 |
EW |
63 |
Ecology |
64 |
Elev |
65 |
ElevSource |
66 |
ExactDate |
67 |
Expedition |
68 |
Expedition name |
69 |
Expedition number |
70 |
Expedition specimen |
71 |
72 |
Family (revised) |
73 |
FamilyID |
74 |
Field family |
75 |
Field name |
76 |
FieldFamily |
77 |
First evaluation |
78 |
Forma |
79 |
Format |
80 |
Full Taxon Name |
81 |
Fósforo disponible (ISRIC 14-2–mg/Kg–1.5) |
82 |
GBIFFamilyOriginal |
83 |
GBIFGenusOriginal |
84 |
Gazetteer |
85 |
GenAuth |
86 |
GenBankNum |
87 |
Genera |
88 |
GenusAuthority |
89 |
GenusID |
90 |
GenusReferenceID |
91 |
Geographic Name |
92 |
GeorefMethod |
93 |
94 |
HorizontalDatum |
95 |
IDLevel |
96 |
IdentificationModifier |
97 |
Ind |
98 |
Index collector |
99 |
InfraSpecificLevel |
100 |
Installed and evaluated by |
101 |
InstitutionCD |
102 |
Inventory code |
103 |
Inventory name |
104 |
Inventory number |
105 |
IsMorpho |
106 |
LastDateModified |
107 |
Lat |
108 |
Lat (-=S) |
109 |
LatDec |
110 |
LatLongComments |
111 |
LatestDateCollected |
112 |
Latitude (DMS) |
113 |
Liana presence |
114 |
Limo (DIN 18 123–%–1) |
115 |
Line |
116 |
Locality description |
117 |
Locality_Description |
118 |
LocationCodes |
119 |
Locnotes |
120 |
Long |
121 |
Long (-=W) |
122 |
LongDec |
123 |
Longitude (DMS) |
124 |
MajorGeo |
125 |
Majorarea |
126 |
MaximumElevationInMeter |
127 |
MeasDay |
128 |
MeasMon |
129 |
MeasYear |
130 |
MeasureID |
131 |
Method |
132 |
MethodCode |
133 |
Minimum altitude |
134 |
MinimumElevationInMeter |
135 |
NS |
136 |
Newgazett |
137 |
Nitrógeno total (ISRIC 6–%–0.0014) |
138 |
NoInd |
139 |
Number |
140 |
Number of inventory (expedition) |
141 |
Number of inventory (general) |
142 |
Number of stems |
143 |
Number of subplot |
144 |
Number of trees |
145 |
146 |
Observaciones |
147 |
ObservationDate |
148 |
Observations |
149 |
Orientación/exposicion |
150 |
OrigAuth |
151 |
OrigFamily |
152 |
OrigGenus |
153 |
OrigRecordID |
154 |
OrigSpecies |
155 |
OriginalCoordinateSystem |
156 |
OtherCatalogNumbers |
157 |
Phenology |
158 |
PlantFungusDescription |
159 |
Plot X |
160 |
Plot Y |
161 |
Plot specimen |
162 |
PlotCD |
163 |
PlotCode |
164 |
PlotMethod |
165 |
PlotObsID |
166 |
PolDiv1 |
167 |
Precip |
168 |
PrecipSource |
169 |
Prefix |
170 |
PrimOwnerID |
171 |
PrimaryStem |
172 |
Project specimen |
173 |
ProtocolLeadScientist |
174 |
ProtocolLeadScientistInstitution |
175 |
ProtocolVersion |
176 |
Qualifier |
177 |
ReferenceID |
178 |
ReferenceX |
179 |
ReferenceY |
180 |
Related Epilocs |
181 |
RelatedCatalogedItems |
182 |
ResponsibleInstitution |
183 |
RevisionComments |
184 |
SamplingPeriod |
185 |
SamplingUnitName |
186 |
SciName |
187 |
ScientificNameOriginal |
188 |
SeriesName |
189 |
Similar specimen |
190 |
SiteCode |
191 |
SiteName |
192 |
Slope |
193 |
Soil sample |
194 |
SourceVoucher |
195 |
SpAuthStatus |
196 |
Specie+autor |
197 |
Species and morphotypes |
198 |
SpeciesAuthority |
199 |
SpeciesCurrentTaxonFlag |
200 |
SpeciesID |
201 |
SpeciesMnemonic |
202 |
SpeciesObsoleteTaxonFlag |
203 |
SpeciesReferenceID |
204 |
Specimen |
205 |
StemDescription |
206 |
SubSpeciesAuthority |
207 |
SubSpeciesCurrentTaxonFlag |
208 |
SubSpeciesID |
209 |
SubSpeciesMnemonic |
210 |
SubSpeciesObsoleteTaxonFlag |
211 |
Subclass |
212 |
Subdivision |
213 |
Subkingdom |
214 |
Substrate |
215 |
Suffix |
216 |
Superdivision |
217 |
Tag number |
218 |
Temp |
219 |
TempSource |
220 |
Textural class |
221 |
TimeCollected |
222 |
Tissues |
223 |
Topographical situation |
224 |
Total height |
225 |
Tree number |
226 |
TreeID |
227 |
TreeNumber |
228 |
TreeTag |
229 |
Trunk |
230 |
Typology |
231 |
UniqueNYInternalRecordNumber |
232 |
Variety |
233 |
Vegetation |
234 |
Vegetation type |
235 |
VerbatimCollectingDate |
236 |
X_1haPlot |
237 |
Y_1haPlot |
238 |
accession |
239 |
accession_number |
240 |
accessioncode |
241 |
acronym |
242 |
allow_download_all |
243 |
area |
244 |
area|country|territory |
245 |
auth |
246 |
authordatum |
247 |
authore |
248 |
authorlocation |
249 |
authorn |
250 |
authorplantname |
251 |
authorplotcode |
252 |
authors |
253 |
authorzone |
254 |
autotaxoncover |
255 |
azimuth |
256 |
basal_diam |
257 |
basalarea |
258 |
bearing |
259 |
bryophytequality |
260 |
campus |
261 |
census_date |
262 |
census_no |
263 |
cf |
264 |
cf_aff |
265 |
cfaff |
266 |
clay_percent |
267 |
coll_day |
268 |
coll_firstname |
269 |
coll_inits |
270 |
coll_lastname |
271 |
coll_month |
272 |
coll_number |
273 |
coll_year |
274 |
collday |
275 |
collectiondate |
276 |
collectionnumber |
277 |
collectno |
278 |
collector1 |
279 |
collector2 |
280 |
collector3 |
281 |
collector_code |
282 |
collector_id |
283 |
collmonth |
284 |
collyear |
285 |
comment1 |
286 |
comment2 |
287 |
comment3 |
288 |
comment4 |
289 |
comments |
290 |
common_name |
291 |
confidentialityStatus |
292 |
confidentialityreason |
293 |
confidentialitystatus |
294 |
convertednotes |
295 |
coverdispersion |
296 |
covermethod_id |
297 |
currentTaxonName sec Weakley 2006 |
298 |
currentinterpretation |
299 |
d_currentaccepted |
300 |
d_obscount |
301 |
date_finish |
302 |
date_start |
303 |
dateaccuracy |
304 |
dateentered |
305 |
dbh_new |
306 |
dbh_new_pom |
307 |
dbh_pom |
308 |
dc_terms_modified |
309 |
det_by |
310 |
det_type |
311 |
dist |
312 |
dominantstratum |
313 |
dsgpoly |
314 |
effortlevel |
315 |
elev_m |
316 |
elev_max_m |
317 |
elev_min_m |
318 |
elevationaccuracy |
319 |
elevationrange |
320 |
emb_observation |
321 |
emb_plot |
322 |
emb_soilobs |
323 |
emb_taxoninterpretation |
324 |
emb_taxonobservation |
325 |
exchangecapacity |
326 |
fam_status |
327 |
fieldcover |
328 |
fieldht |
329 |
filler |
330 |
floatingcover |
331 |
floristicquality |
332 |
flower |
333 |
fruit |
334 |
gen_status |
335 |
gentry_dbh |
336 |
grouptype |
337 |
growthform1cover |
338 |
growthform1type |
339 |
growthform2cover |
340 |
growthform2type |
341 |
growthform3cover |
342 |
growthform3type |
343 |
height_class |
344 |
height_m |
345 |
height_m_commercial |
346 |
herbarium |
347 |
holdridge_life_zone |
348 |
homogeneity |
349 |
ht_first_branch_m |
350 |
hydrologicregime |
351 |
ind_id |
352 |
individual_code |
353 |
infra_auth_1 |
354 |
infra_ep_1 |
355 |
infra_rank_1 |
356 |
infraname |
357 |
infrarank |
358 |
inorout |
359 |
int_currplantcode |
360 |
int_currplantcommon |
361 |
int_currplantconcept_id |
362 |
int_currplantscifull |
363 |
int_currplantscinamenoauth |
364 |
int_origplantcode |
365 |
int_origplantcommon |
366 |
int_origplantconcept_id |
367 |
int_origplantscifull |
368 |
int_origplantscinamenoauth |
369 |
intercept_cm |
370 |
interp_bestfit_cc_id |
371 |
interp_bestfit_ci_id |
372 |
interp_bestfit_code |
373 |
interp_bestfit_party_id |
374 |
interp_bestfit_partyname |
375 |
interp_bestfit_sciname |
376 |
interp_current_cc_id |
377 |
interp_current_ci_id |
378 |
interp_current_code |
379 |
interp_current_party_id |
380 |
interp_current_partyname |
381 |
interp_current_sciname |
382 |
interp_orig_cc_id |
383 |
interp_orig_ci_id |
384 |
interp_orig_code |
385 |
interp_orig_party_id |
386 |
interp_orig_partyname |
387 |
interp_orig_sciname |
388 |
interpretationdate |
389 |
interpretationtype |
390 |
ipr_specific |
391 |
ipr_specific_updated |
392 |
key |
393 |
landscapenarrative |
394 |
lat_decimal |
395 |
lat_deg |
396 |
lat_long_accuracy |
397 |
lat_min |
398 |
lat_sec |
399 |
lat_string |
400 |
layoutnarrative |
401 |
leaves |
402 |
lichenquality |
403 |
life_zone |
404 |
life_zone_code |
405 |
loanto |
406 |
locality_description |
407 |
locationAccuracy-m |
408 |
locationaccuracy |
409 |
long_decimal |
410 |
long_deg |
411 |
long_min |
412 |
long_sec |
413 |
long_string |
414 |
major_geo |
415 |
max_diam |
416 |
max_diam_pom |
417 |
methodnarrative |
418 |
morphocf |
419 |
morphoname |
420 |
museum_id |
421 |
museumaccessionnumber |
422 |
name_status |
423 |
nameother |
424 |
new_world |
425 |
no_of_individuals |
426 |
nonvascularcover |
427 |
nonvascularht |
428 |
notesmgt |
429 |
notespublic |
430 |
numberoftaxa |
431 |
obsStartDate |
432 |
obsenddate |
433 |
observation_id |
434 |
observation_type |
435 |
observationnarrative |
436 |
obsstartdate |
437 |
on_project_list_index |
438 |
organic_percent |
439 |
organicdepth |
440 |
orig_family |
441 |
orig_filename |
442 |
orig_species |
443 |
originaldata |
444 |
originalinterpretation |
445 |
origrecord_id_stems |
446 |
other_annotations |
447 |
pH acuoso (ISRIC 4–– 1 - 14) |
448 |
parent_id |
449 |
party_id |
450 |
percentbaresoil |
451 |
percentbedrock |
452 |
percentlitter |
453 |
percentother |
454 |
percentrockgravel |
455 |
percentwater |
456 |
percentwood |
457 |
permanence |
458 |
perp_dist |
459 |
phenologicaspect |
460 |
phenology |
461 |
placementmethod |
462 |
plantcode |
463 |
plantconcept__accessioncode |
464 |
plantconcept__reference_id |
465 |
plantconcept_id |
466 |
plantdescription |
467 |
plantname |
468 |
plantname_id |
469 |
plot_administrator |
470 |
plot_area_ha |
471 |
plot_code |
472 |
plot_methodology |
473 |
plotrationalenarrative |
474 |
plotvalidationlevel |
475 |
pol1 |
476 |
pol1_type |
477 |
pol2 |
478 |
pol2_type |
479 |
precip_mm |
480 |
previousobs_id |
481 |
project |
482 |
project_distinct_index |
483 |
project_name_index |
484 |
project_pi |
485 |
publicLatitude |
486 |
publicLongitude |
487 |
quadrangle |
488 |
realLatitude |
489 |
realLongitude |
490 |
reallatitude |
491 |
reallongitude |
492 |
recensused |
493 |
reference_id |
494 |
region|state|province |
495 |
representativeness |
496 |
revisions |
497 |
rocktype |
498 |
role_id |
499 |
root |
500 |
row_num |
501 |
sand_percent |
502 |
shape |
503 |
sheetno |
504 |
shoredistance |
505 |
shrubcover |
506 |
shrubht |
507 |
silt_percent |
508 |
soil_C |
509 |
soil_Ca |
510 |
soil_K |
511 |
soil_Mg |
512 |
soil_N |
513 |
soil_Na |
514 |
soil_P |
515 |
soil_acidity |
516 |
soil_base |
517 |
soil_cation_cap |
518 |
soil_conductivity |
519 |
soil_texture |
520 |
soilclay |
521 |
soilcoarse |
522 |
soilcolor |
523 |
soildepth |
524 |
soildepthbottom |
525 |
soildepthtop |
526 |
soildescription |
527 |
soildrainage |
528 |
soilhorizon |
529 |
soilmoistureregime |
530 |
soilobs_id |
531 |
soilorganic |
532 |
soilph |
533 |
soilsand |
534 |
soilsilt |
535 |
soiltaxon_id |
536 |
soiltaxonsrc |
537 |
soiltexture |
538 |
species_code |
539 |
species_status |
540 |
specific_authority |
541 |
standmaturity |
542 |
standsize |
543 |
stem_canopy_form |
544 |
stem_canopy_position |
545 |
stem_dbh |
546 |
stem_height_first_branch_m |
547 |
stem_height_m |
548 |
stem_liana_infestation |
549 |
stem_tag1 |
550 |
stem_tag2 |
551 |
stemlocation_id |
552 |
stemobservationarea |
553 |
stemsamplemethod |
554 |
stemsizelimit |
555 |
stratummethod_id |
556 |
submergedcover |
557 |
submergedht |
558 |
submitter_email |
559 |
submitter_givenname |
560 |
submitter_surname |
561 |
successionalstatus |
562 |
surficialdeposits |
563 |
tag1 |
564 |
tag2 |
565 |
taxonconfidence |
566 |
taxoninferencearea |
567 |
taxoninterpretation_accessioncode |
568 |
taxoninterpretation_id |
569 |
taxoninterpretation_plantname_id |
570 |
taxonobservation_accessioncode |
571 |
taxonobservation_id |
572 |
taxonobservation_reference_id |
573 |
taxonobservationarea |
574 |
temp_c |
575 |
temp_dbh |
576 |
temp_liandbh |
577 |
tmp_del |
578 |
topography_desc |
579 |
topoposition |
580 |
toptaxon1name |
581 |
toptaxon2name |
582 |
toptaxon3name |
583 |
toptaxon4name |
584 |
toptaxon5name |
585 |
totalcover |
586 |
treecover |
587 |
treeht |
588 |
usdaRank |
589 |
vegetation_1 |
590 |
vegetation_2 |
591 |
voucher_string |
592 |
waterdepth |
593 |
watersalinity |
594 |
x |
595 |
x_position |
596 |
y |
597 |
y_position |
unmapped_terms.csv | ||
1 |
"" |
2 |
"Latitude/_replace:[""\?$""=]/value" |
3 |
"Locality/_merge/2/_label[label=""substrate""]/value" |
4 |
"Locality/_merge/3/_label[label=""vegetation""]/value" |
5 |
"Longitude/_replace:[""\?$""=]/value" |
6 |
"Notes/_merge/2/_label[label=""plant fungus""]/value" |
7 |
"VerbatimLocality/_merge/1/_label[label=""gazetteer""]/value/_merge/1" |
8 |
"VerbatimLocality/_merge/1/_label[label=""gazetteer""]/value/_merge/2" |
9 |
"acidity/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value/_map:[""<0.05""=0,*=*]/value" |
10 |
"associatedSequences/_label[label=""GenBank""]/value" |
11 |
"baseSaturation/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value" |
12 |
"calcium/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value" |
13 |
"carbon/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value" |
14 |
"clay/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value" |
15 |
"fieldNotes/_merge/5/_label[label=""campus""]/value" |
16 |
"fieldNotes/_merge/6/_label[label=""loaned to""]/value" |
17 |
"fieldNotes/_merge/7/_label[label=""in or out""]/value" |
18 |
"magnesium/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value" |
19 |
"nitrogen/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value" |
20 |
"organic/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value" |
21 |
"phosphorus/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value/_map:[""<1,5""=0,*=*]/value" |
22 |
"potassium/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value" |
23 |
"reproductiveCondition/_map:[A=*,I=*,M=*]/value" |
24 |
"sand/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value" |
25 |
"silt/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value" |
26 |
"sodium/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value" |
27 |
"texture/_units:[default=""%"",to=]/value" |
28 |
CatalogNumber/_alt/1 |
29 |
CatalogNumber/_alt/2 |
30 |
Collector/_merge/1 |
31 |
Collector/_merge/2 |
32 |
Collector/_merge/3 |
33 |
Collector/_merge/4 |
34 |
JulianDay/_alt/1 |
35 |
JulianDay/_alt/2 |
36 |
Locality/_merge/1 |
37 |
MinimumElevation/_nullIf:[null=.]/value |
38 |
Notes/_merge/1 |
39 |
40 |
RelatedCatalogItem/_alt/1 |
41 |
RelatedCatalogItem/_alt/2 |
42 |
ReproductiveCondition |
43 |
ScientificName/_alt/1 |
44 |
ScientificName/_alt/2 |
45 |
ScientificNameAuthor/_alt/1 |
46 |
ScientificNameAuthor/_alt/2 |
47 |
ScientificNameAuthor/_alt/3 |
48 |
VerbatimLocality/_merge/2 |
49 |
associatedMedia |
50 |
catalogNumber/_alt/1 |
51 |
catalogNumber/_alt/2 |
52 |
dateCollected/_alt/0 |
53 |
dcterms:modified |
54 |
eventTime |
55 |
fieldNotes/_merge/1 |
56 |
fieldNotes/_merge/2 |
57 |
fieldNotes/_merge/3 |
58 |
fieldNotes/_merge/4 |
59 |
georeferenceProtocol |
60 |
georeferenceRemarks |
61 |
height/_alt/1 |
62 |
height/_alt/2 |
63 |
lifeStage |
64 |
parentPlotID |
65 |
preparations |
66 |
previousTag/_alt/1 |
67 |
previousTag/_alt/2 |
68 |
recordNumber/_alt/1 |
69 |
recordNumber/_alt/2 |
70 |
recordNumber/_alt/3 |
71 |
slopeAspect/_alt/1 |
72 |
slopeAspect/_alt/2 |
73 |
tag/_alt/1 |
74 |
tag/_alt/2 |
75 |
taxonRank/_alt/1 |
76 |
taxonRank/_alt/2 |
77 |
typeStatus |
78 |
verbatimSRS |
Also available in: Unified diff
Generated global unmapped_terms.csv, new_terms.csv