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Revision 5141

schemas/vegbien.sql: placepath.canon_placepath_id: Changed hierarchy comment to match the taxonpath.canon_taxonpath_id comment, but with a two-level hierarchy of datasource name -> accepted name. This may later be changed to a three-level hierarchy like taxonpath.canon_taxonpath_id depending on how GNRS works.

View differences:

983 983
-- Name: COLUMN placepath.canon_placepath_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
984 984
985 985

COMMENT ON COLUMN placepath.canon_placepath_id IS 'The placepath containing the accepted name of this verbatim place path. placepaths should be linked only one level deep, with verbatim place paths pointing to accepted names.
COMMENT ON COLUMN placepath.canon_placepath_id IS 'The placepath containing the accepted name of this verbatim place path.  placepaths should be linked in a two-level hierarchy of datasource name -> accepted name.
987 987

988 988
A accepted name should point to itself in this field. This will happen automatically by setting it to the special value 0.';
989 989


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