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Revision 5300

schemas/vegbien.sql: taxonconcept: taxonconcept_required_key check constraint: Also allow a taxonconcept to have just an author when it has a parent_id, so that an author can uniquely identify a taxon within a more general taxon, such as a species name, that has no author

View differences:

1138 1138
    cultivar text,
1139 1139
    description text,
1140 1140
    accessioncode text,
    CONSTRAINT taxonconcept_required_key CHECK (((((((identifyingtaxonomicname IS NOT NULL) OR (taxonname IS NOT NULL)) OR (taxonomicname IS NOT NULL)) OR (taxonomicnamewithauthor IS NOT NULL)) OR (family IS NOT NULL)) OR (genus IS NOT NULL)))
    CONSTRAINT taxonconcept_required_key CHECK ((((((((taxonname IS NOT NULL) OR (identifyingtaxonomicname IS NOT NULL)) OR (taxonomicname IS NOT NULL)) OR (taxonomicnamewithauthor IS NOT NULL)) OR (family IS NOT NULL)) OR (genus IS NOT NULL)) OR ((parent_id IS NOT NULL) AND (author IS NOT NULL))))
1142 1142
1143 1143

1144 1144


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