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Revision 5327

schemas/vegbien.sql: taxonconcept: family, genus, species comments: Changed "scoping" to "identifying" for clarity

View differences:

887 887
-- Name: COLUMN; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
888 888
889 889

 the scoping version of this field is stored in the chain of parent_id ancestors.';
 the identifying version of this field is stored in the chain of parent_id ancestors.';
891 891

892 892

893 893
894 894
-- Name: COLUMN taxonconcept.genus; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
895 895
896 896

 the scoping version of this field is stored in the chain of parent_id ancestors.';
 the identifying version of this field is stored in the chain of parent_id ancestors.';
898 898

899 899

900 900
901 901
-- Name: COLUMN taxonconcept.species; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
902 902
903 903

 the scoping version of this field is stored in the chain of parent_id ancestors.';
 the identifying version of this field is stored in the chain of parent_id ancestors.';
905 905

906 906

907 907
1243 1243
-- Name: COLUMN; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
1244 1244
1245 1245

COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'The family of the taxonomic name. This is a cached field for easy querying; the scoping version of this field is stored in the chain of parent_id ancestors.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'The family of the taxonomic name. This is a cached field for easy querying; the identifying version of this field is stored in the chain of parent_id ancestors.';
1247 1247

1248 1248

1249 1249
1250 1250
-- Name: COLUMN taxonconcept.genus; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
1251 1251
1252 1252

COMMENT ON COLUMN taxonconcept.genus IS 'The genus portion of the taxonomic name. This is a cached field for easy querying; the scoping version of this field is stored in the chain of parent_id ancestors.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN taxonconcept.genus IS 'The genus portion of the taxonomic name. This is a cached field for easy querying; the identifying version of this field is stored in the chain of parent_id ancestors.';
1254 1254

1255 1255

1256 1256
1257 1257
-- Name: COLUMN taxonconcept.species; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: -
1258 1258
1259 1259

COMMENT ON COLUMN taxonconcept.species IS 'The species portion of the taxonomic name. This is a cached field for easy querying; the scoping version of this field is stored in the chain of parent_id ancestors.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN taxonconcept.species IS 'The species portion of the taxonomic name. This is a cached field for easy querying; the identifying version of this field is stored in the chain of parent_id ancestors.';
1261 1261

1262 1262

1263 1263

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