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Revision 5511

schemas/vegbien.sql: *_update_ancestors(): Telling immediate children to update their ancestors lists: Exclude self to avoid infinite recursion

View differences:

354 354
    SET place_id = place_id -- need at least one SET statement
355 355
    -- Add COALESCE() to enable using place_unique index for lookup
356 356
    WHERE COALESCE(parent_id, 2147483647) = new.place_id
    AND place_id != new.place_id -- avoid infinite recursion
357 358
358 359
359 360
    /* Note: We don't need an ON DELETE trigger to update the descendants'
503 504
    SET taxonconcept_id = taxonconcept_id -- need at least one SET statement
504 505
    -- Add COALESCE() to enable using taxonconcept_unique index for lookup
505 506
    WHERE COALESCE(parent_id, 2147483647) = new.taxonconcept_id
    AND taxonconcept_id != new.taxonconcept_id -- avoid infinite recursion
506 508
507 509
508 510
    /* Note: We don't need an ON DELETE trigger to update the descendants'

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