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Revision 5611

schemas/vegbien.sql: taxonlabel: Added separate morphospecies field per today's conference call, where it was decided it could not go in taxonepithet (the lowest-rank component of the name)

View differences:

210 210
    taxonomicname text,
211 211
    author text,
212 212
    taxonomicnamewithauthor text,
    morphospecies text,
213 214
    family text,
214 215
    genus text,
215 216
    species text,
509 509
    taxonomicname text,
510 510
    author text,
511 511
    taxonomicnamewithauthor text,
    morphospecies text,
512 513
    family text,
513 514
    genus text,
514 515
    species text,
515 516
    description text,
516 517
    accessioncode text,
517 518
    CONSTRAINT taxonlabel_matched_label_fit_fraction_range CHECK (((matched_label_fit_fraction >= (0)::double precision) AND (matched_label_fit_fraction <= (1)::double precision))),
    CONSTRAINT taxonlabel_required_key CHECK (((((((sourceaccessioncode IS NOT NULL) OR (taxonepithet IS NOT NULL)) OR (identifyingtaxonomicname IS NOT NULL)) OR (taxonomicname IS NOT NULL)) OR (taxonomicnamewithauthor IS NOT NULL)) OR ((parent_id IS NOT NULL) AND ((creationdate IS NOT NULL) OR (author IS NOT NULL)))))
    CONSTRAINT taxonlabel_required_key CHECK ((((((((sourceaccessioncode IS NOT NULL) OR (taxonepithet IS NOT NULL)) OR (identifyingtaxonomicname IS NOT NULL)) OR (taxonomicname IS NOT NULL)) OR (taxonomicnamewithauthor IS NOT NULL)) OR (morphospecies IS NOT NULL)) OR ((parent_id IS NOT NULL) AND ((creationdate IS NOT NULL) OR (author IS NOT NULL)))))
519 520
520 521

521 522

4721 4722
-- Name: taxonlabel_unique; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: 
4722 4723
4723 4724

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX taxonlabel_unique ON taxonlabel USING btree ((COALESCE(parent_id, 2147483647)), (COALESCE(taxonepithet, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(rank, 'unknown'::taxonrank)), creator_id, (COALESCE(sourceaccessioncode, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(creationdate, 'infinity'::date)), (COALESCE(identifyingtaxonomicname, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(taxonomicname, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(author, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(taxonomicnamewithauthor, '\\N'::text)));
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX taxonlabel_unique ON taxonlabel USING btree ((COALESCE(parent_id, 2147483647)), (COALESCE(taxonepithet, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(rank, 'unknown'::taxonrank)), creator_id, (COALESCE(sourceaccessioncode, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(creationdate, 'infinity'::date)), (COALESCE(identifyingtaxonomicname, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(taxonomicname, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(author, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(taxonomicnamewithauthor, '\\N'::text)), (COALESCE(morphospecies, '\\N'::text)));
4725 4726

4726 4727

4727 4728

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