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Revision 608

VegX-VegBIEN mapping: Take advantage of aggregateoccurrence.count being optional

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PlotID,/*_id/locationevent/authoreventcode,"Brad: Not sure why this is repeated? This field and plotCode, as the same as above."
NoInd,/aggregateoccurrence/count/_alt/1,"Brad: Incorrect for VegX. This is a count of number of indiiduals for an *aggregate* observation. For VegBank, I'm not sure. Not exactly the same as stemCount. An individual tree could have 3 stems but would still only count as 1. We need to check with Bob on this."
NoInd,/aggregateoccurrence/count,"Brad: Incorrect for VegX. This is a count of number of indiiduals for an *aggregate* observation. For VegBank, I'm not sure. Not exactly the same as stemCount. An individual tree could have 3 stems but would still only count as 1. We need to check with Bob on this."
4 4
5 5
intercept_cm,"/aggregateoccurrence/definedvalue[*_id/userdefined[tablename=aggregateoccurrence,userdefinedname=interceptCm]]:[@fkey=tableRecord_ID]/definedvalue","Brad: Incorrect for VegBank This is an aggregate observation. Used in line-intercept methodology only, describes the point along centerline at which an individual intercepts the center line of the plot. Used to determin relative abundance."
6 6
height_m,/aggregateoccurrence/individualplant/overallheight,Brad: Incorrect for VegBank. This is a measurement applied to a single tree. Check with Bob
27 27
28 28
infra_ep_1,"/taxondetermination[role_id/role/rolecode=computer,*_id/plantconcept/plantstatus/plantlevel=Subspecies]:[determinationtype=""Computer (automated)"",currentdetermination=true]/*_id/plantconcept/_name/last",
29 29
OrigFamily,"/taxondetermination[role_id/role/rolecode=identifier,*_id/plantconcept/plantstatus/plantlevel=Family]:[determinationtype=Author,originaldetermination=true,currentdetermination=true]/*_id/plantconcept/*_id/*/plantname",Brad: OMIT
PlotObsID,"/{aggregateoccurrence/individualplant/authorplantcode,specimen:[*_id/reference]/sourceaccessioncode}","Brad: Neither is correct; this is just an internal ID for table plotObservations. However, it has the important property of uniquely identifying an ""observation"", which is an individual tree, in the case of an individual observation, or a records of a species with an associated count of individuals or measurement of percent cover, in the case of aggregate observations. Not sure where to store this. Main point is that it is not part of the original data, but an auto_increment added later."
30 31
OrigSpecies,"/{taxondetermination[role_id/role/rolecode=collector]:[determinationtype=Author,originaldetermination=true,currentdetermination=true]/*_id/plantconcept/*_id/*/plantname/_alt/2,taxondetermination[role_id/role/rolecode=identifier,*_id/plantconcept/plantstatus/plantlevel=Species]:[determinationtype=Author,originaldetermination=true,currentdetermination=true]/*_id/plantconcept/*_id/*/plantname}",Brad: OMIT
PlotObsID,":[aggregateoccurrence/count/_alt/2=1]/{aggregateoccurrence/individualplant/authorplantcode,specimen:[*_id/reference]/sourceaccessioncode}","Brad: Neither is correct; this is just an internal ID for table plotObservations. However, it has the important property of uniquely identifying an ""observation"", which is an individual tree, in the case of an individual observation, or a records of a species with an associated count of individuals or measurement of percent cover, in the case of aggregate observations. Not sure where to store this. Main point is that it is not part of the original data, but an auto_increment added later."
1 1
2 2
PlotID,/*_id/locationevent/authoreventcode,"Brad: Not sure why this is repeated? This field and plotCode, as the same as above."
NoInd,/aggregateoccurrence/count/_alt/1,"Brad: Incorrect for VegX. This is a count of number of indiiduals for an *aggregate* observation. For VegBank, I'm not sure. Not exactly the same as stemCount. An individual tree could have 3 stems but would still only count as 1. We need to check with Bob on this."
NoInd,/aggregateoccurrence/count,"Brad: Incorrect for VegX. This is a count of number of indiiduals for an *aggregate* observation. For VegBank, I'm not sure. Not exactly the same as stemCount. An individual tree could have 3 stems but would still only count as 1. We need to check with Bob on this."
4 4
5 5
intercept_cm,"/aggregateoccurrence/definedvalue[*_id/userdefined[tablename=aggregateoccurrence,userdefinedname=interceptCm]]:[@fkey=tableRecord_ID]/definedvalue","Brad: Incorrect for VegBank This is an aggregate observation. Used in line-intercept methodology only, describes the point along centerline at which an individual intercepts the center line of the plot. Used to determin relative abundance."
6 6
height_m,/aggregateoccurrence/individualplant/overallheight,Brad: Incorrect for VegBank. This is a measurement applied to a single tree. Check with Bob
27 27
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infra_ep_1,"/taxondetermination[role_id/role/rolecode=computer,*_id/plantconcept/plantstatus/plantlevel=Subspecies]:[determinationtype=""Computer (automated)"",currentdetermination=true]/*_id/plantconcept/_name/last",
29 29
OrigFamily,"/taxondetermination[role_id/role/rolecode=identifier,*_id/plantconcept/plantstatus/plantlevel=Family]:[determinationtype=Author,originaldetermination=true,currentdetermination=true]/*_id/plantconcept/*_id/*/plantname",Brad: OMIT
PlotObsID,"/{aggregateoccurrence/individualplant/authorplantcode,specimen:[*_id/reference]/sourceaccessioncode}","Brad: Neither is correct; this is just an internal ID for table plotObservations. However, it has the important property of uniquely identifying an ""observation"", which is an individual tree, in the case of an individual observation, or a records of a species with an associated count of individuals or measurement of percent cover, in the case of aggregate observations. Not sure where to store this. Main point is that it is not part of the original data, but an auto_increment added later."
30 31
OrigSpecies,"/{taxondetermination[role_id/role/rolecode=collector]:[determinationtype=Author,originaldetermination=true,currentdetermination=true]/*_id/plantconcept/*_id/*/plantname/_alt/2,taxondetermination[role_id/role/rolecode=identifier,*_id/plantconcept/plantstatus/plantlevel=Species]:[determinationtype=Author,originaldetermination=true,currentdetermination=true]/*_id/plantconcept/*_id/*/plantname}",Brad: OMIT
PlotObsID,":[aggregateoccurrence/count/_alt/2=1]/{aggregateoccurrence/individualplant/authorplantcode,specimen:[*_id/reference]/sourceaccessioncode}","Brad: Neither is correct; this is just an internal ID for table plotObservations. However, it has the important property of uniquely identifying an ""observation"", which is an individual tree, in the case of an individual observation, or a records of a species with an associated count of individuals or measurement of percent cover, in the case of aggregate observations. Not sure where to store this. Main point is that it is not part of the original data, but an auto_increment added later."
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UniqueNYInternalRecordNumber,"/{aggregateoccurrence/individualplant/authorplantcode,specimen:[*_id/reference]/sourceaccessioncode}","Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key"
41 42
UniqueNYInternalRecordNumber,":[aggregateoccurrence/count/_alt/2=1]/{aggregateoccurrence/individualplant/authorplantcode,specimen:[*_id/reference]/sourceaccessioncode}","Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key"
1 1
2 2
PlotID,//locationevent/authoreventcode,"Brad: Not sure why this is repeated? This field and plotCode, as the same as above."
NoInd,//aggregateoccurrence/count/_alt/1,"Brad: Incorrect for VegX. This is a count of number of indiiduals for an *aggregate* observation. For VegBank, I'm not sure. Not exactly the same as stemCount. An individual tree could have 3 stems but would still only count as 1. We need to check with Bob on this."
NoInd,//aggregateoccurrence/count,"Brad: Incorrect for VegX. This is a count of number of indiiduals for an *aggregate* observation. For VegBank, I'm not sure. Not exactly the same as stemCount. An individual tree could have 3 stems but would still only count as 1. We need to check with Bob on this."
4 4
5 5
intercept_cm,"//aggregateoccurrence/definedvalue[*_id/userdefined[tablename=aggregateoccurrence,userdefinedname=interceptCm]]/definedvalue","Brad: Incorrect for VegBank This is an aggregate observation. Used in line-intercept methodology only, describes the point along centerline at which an individual intercepts the center line of the plot. Used to determin relative abundance."
6 6
height_m,//individualplant/overallheight,Brad: Incorrect for VegBank. This is a measurement applied to a single tree. Check with Bob
27 27
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29 29
OrigFamily,"/taxondetermination[rolecode=identifier,plantlevel=Family]/*_id/plantconcept/*_id/*/plantname",Brad: OMIT
PlotObsID,"/{aggregateoccurrence/individualplant/authorplantcode,specimen/sourceaccessioncode}","Brad: Neither is correct; this is just an internal ID for table plotObservations. However, it has the important property of uniquely identifying an ""observation"", which is an individual tree, in the case of an individual observation, or a records of a species with an associated count of individuals or measurement of percent cover, in the case of aggregate observations. Not sure where to store this. Main point is that it is not part of the original data, but an auto_increment added later."
30 31
OrigSpecies,"/{taxondetermination[rolecode=collector]/*_id/plantconcept/*_id/*/plantname/_alt/2,taxondetermination[rolecode=identifier,plantlevel=Species]/*_id/plantconcept/*_id/*/plantname}",Brad: OMIT
PlotObsID,"/{aggregateoccurrence/individualplant/authorplantcode,specimen/sourceaccessioncode}","Brad: Neither is correct; this is just an internal ID for table plotObservations. However, it has the important property of uniquely identifying an ""observation"", which is an individual tree, in the case of an individual observation, or a records of a species with an associated count of individuals or measurement of percent cover, in the case of aggregate observations. Not sure where to store this. Main point is that it is not part of the original data, but an auto_increment added later."
50 50
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40 40
UniqueNYInternalRecordNumber,"/{aggregateoccurrence/individualplant/authorplantcode,specimen/sourceaccessioncode}","Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key"
41 42
UniqueNYInternalRecordNumber,"/{aggregateoccurrence/individualplant/authorplantcode,specimen/sourceaccessioncode}","Brad: OMIT; Aaron: We need this field because it is the only ID column with an entry in every row; Brad: OK, use this as primary key"
2 2
3 3
plot_code,//location/authorlocationcode,"Brad: Same as plotCode, above"
4 4
no_of_individuals,//aggregateoccurrence/count/_alt/1,"Brad: Incorrect for VegX. This is a count of number of indiiduals for an *aggregate* observation. For VegBank, I'm not sure. Not exactly the same as stemCount. An individual tree could have 3 stems but would still only count as 1. We need to check with Bob on this."
no_of_individuals,//aggregateoccurrence/count,"Brad: Incorrect for VegX. This is a count of number of indiiduals for an *aggregate* observation. For VegBank, I'm not sure. Not exactly the same as stemCount. An individual tree could have 3 stems but would still only count as 1. We need to check with Bob on this."
6 6
7 7
intercept_cm,"//aggregateoccurrence/definedvalue[*_id/userdefined[tablename=aggregateoccurrence,userdefinedname=interceptCm]]/definedvalue","Brad: Incorrect for VegBank This is an aggregate observation. Used in line-intercept methodology only, describes the point along centerline at which an individual intercepts the center line of the plot. Used to determin relative abundance."
8 8
height_m,//individualplant/overallheight,Brad: Incorrect for VegBank. This is a measurement applied to a single tree. Check with Bob
36 36
37 37
38 38
orig_family,"/taxondetermination[rolecode=identifier,plantlevel=Family]/*_id/plantconcept/*_id/*/plantname",Brad: OMIT
OBSERVATION_ID,"/{aggregateoccurrence/individualplant/authorplantcode,specimen/sourceaccessioncode}","Brad: Neither is correct; this is just an internal ID for table plotObservations. However, it has the important property of uniquely identifying an ""observation"", which is an individual tree, in the case of an individual observation, or a records of a species with an associated count of individuals or measurement of percent cover, in the case of aggregate observations. Not sure where to store this. Main point is that it is not part of the original data, but an auto_increment added later."
39 40
orig_species,"/{taxondetermination[rolecode=collector]/*_id/plantconcept/*_id/*/plantname/_alt/2,taxondetermination[rolecode=identifier,plantlevel=Species]/*_id/plantconcept/*_id/*/plantname}",Brad: OMIT
OBSERVATION_ID,"/{aggregateoccurrence/individualplant/authorplantcode,specimen/sourceaccessioncode}","Brad: Neither is correct; this is just an internal ID for table plotObservations. However, it has the important property of uniquely identifying an ""observation"", which is an individual tree, in the case of an individual observation, or a records of a species with an associated count of individuals or measurement of percent cover, in the case of aggregate observations. Not sure where to store this. Main point is that it is not part of the original data, but an auto_increment added later."
2 2
3 3
plot_code,/*_id/locationevent/*_id/location/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode,"Brad: Same as plotCode, above"
4 4
no_of_individuals,/aggregateoccurrence/count/_alt/1,"Brad: Incorrect for VegX. This is a count of number of indiiduals for an *aggregate* observation. For VegBank, I'm not sure. Not exactly the same as stemCount. An individual tree could have 3 stems but would still only count as 1. We need to check with Bob on this."
no_of_individuals,/aggregateoccurrence/count,"Brad: Incorrect for VegX. This is a count of number of indiiduals for an *aggregate* observation. For VegBank, I'm not sure. Not exactly the same as stemCount. An individual tree could have 3 stems but would still only count as 1. We need to check with Bob on this."
6 6
7 7
intercept_cm,"/aggregateoccurrence/definedvalue[*_id/userdefined[tablename=aggregateoccurrence,userdefinedname=interceptCm]]:[@fkey=tableRecord_ID]/definedvalue","Brad: Incorrect for VegBank This is an aggregate observation. Used in line-intercept methodology only, describes the point along centerline at which an individual intercepts the center line of the plot. Used to determin relative abundance."
8 8
height_m,/aggregateoccurrence/individualplant/overallheight,Brad: Incorrect for VegBank. This is a measurement applied to a single tree. Check with Bob
36 36
37 37
infra_ep_1,"/taxondetermination[role_id/role/rolecode=computer,*_id/plantconcept/plantstatus/plantlevel=Subspecies]:[determinationtype=""Computer (automated)"",currentdetermination=true]/*_id/plantconcept/_name/last",
38 38
orig_family,"/taxondetermination[role_id/role/rolecode=identifier,*_id/plantconcept/plantstatus/plantlevel=Family]:[determinationtype=Author,originaldetermination=true,currentdetermination=true]/*_id/plantconcept/*_id/*/plantname",Brad: OMIT
OBSERVATION_ID,"/{aggregateoccurrence/individualplant/authorplantcode,specimen:[*_id/reference]/sourceaccessioncode}","Brad: Neither is correct; this is just an internal ID for table plotObservations. However, it has the important property of uniquely identifying an ""observation"", which is an individual tree, in the case of an individual observation, or a records of a species with an associated count of individuals or measurement of percent cover, in the case of aggregate observations. Not sure where to store this. Main point is that it is not part of the original data, but an auto_increment added later."
39 40
orig_species,"/{taxondetermination[role_id/role/rolecode=collector]:[determinationtype=Author,originaldetermination=true,currentdetermination=true]/*_id/plantconcept/*_id/*/plantname/_alt/2,taxondetermination[role_id/role/rolecode=identifier,*_id/plantconcept/plantstatus/plantlevel=Species]:[determinationtype=Author,originaldetermination=true,currentdetermination=true]/*_id/plantconcept/*_id/*/plantname}",Brad: OMIT
OBSERVATION_ID,":[aggregateoccurrence/count/_alt/2=1]/{aggregateoccurrence/individualplant/authorplantcode,specimen:[*_id/reference]/sourceaccessioncode}","Brad: Neither is correct; this is just an internal ID for table plotObservations. However, it has the important property of uniquely identifying an ""observation"", which is an individual tree, in the case of an individual observation, or a records of a species with an associated count of individuals or measurement of percent cover, in the case of aggregate observations. Not sure where to store this. Main point is that it is not part of the original data, but an auto_increment added later."

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