Revision 621
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza about 13 years ago
inputs/input.Makefile | ||
96 | 96 |
97 | 97 |
mapEnv := in_engine=$(dbEngine) in_database=$(db) |
98 | 98 |
99 |
%.ref: %.ref.sql |
100 |
$(inputDbAsBien) $(db) <$< >$@ |
101 |
.PRECIOUS: %.ref |
102 |
99 | 103 |
#### |
100 | 104 |
101 |
ifeq ($(dbEngine),MySQL)
105 |
install: _always db ;
102 | 106 |
103 |
bienPassword := $(shell cat $(root)/config/bien_password) |
104 |
mysqlAs = mysql --user=$(1) --password='$(bienPassword)' |
105 |
mysqlAsRoot := $(call mysqlAs,root) |
106 |
mysqlAsBien := $(call mysqlAs,bien) |
107 |
uninstall: _always rm_db ; |
107 | 108 |
109 |
#### |
110 |
108 | 111 |
import-%: maps/VegBIEN.%.csv _always |
109 | 112 |
-$(import_cmd) |
110 | 113 |
import_cmd = (set -x; "time" env commit=1 $(map) $<) \ |
111 | 114 |
$(if $(n),,>>$(log)) 2>&1$(if $(n),|tee -a $(log)) |
112 | 115 |
113 |
%.ref: %.ref.sql |
114 |
$(mysqlAsBien) $(db) <$< >$@ |
115 |
.PRECIOUS: %.ref |
116 |
#### |
116 | 117 |
117 |
### |
118 |
test/import.out: $(vegbienMaps) _always |
119 |
env test=1 n=$(test_n) $(map) $(+_) >$@ 2>&1 || { e=$$?; cat $@; exit $$e;} |
120 |
.PRECIOUS: test/import.out |
118 | 121 |
119 |
install: _always db ;
122 |
120 | 123 |
121 |
uninstall: _always rm_db ;
124 |
# Each DB engine needs var $(dbAsBien) and targets db, rm_db
122 | 125 |
126 |
ifeq ($(dbEngine),MySQL) |
127 |
128 |
bienPassword := $(shell cat $(root)/config/bien_password) |
129 |
mysqlAs = mysql --user=$(1) --password='$(bienPassword)' |
130 |
mysqlAsRoot := $(call mysqlAs,root) |
131 |
dbAsBien := $(call mysqlAs,bien) |
132 |
123 | 133 |
db: src.$(db).sql _always |
124 | 134 |
-$(mysqlAsRoot) <$< |
125 | 135 |
echo "GRANT SELECT ON $(db).* TO 'bien'@'localhost';"|$(mysqlAsRoot) |
... | ... | |
130 | 140 |
echo "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS $(db);"|$(mysqlAsRoot) |
131 | 141 |
# ignore errors if grant not defined |
132 | 142 |
133 |
### |
143 |
134 | 144 |
135 | 145 |
else |
136 | 146 |
$(error dbEngine variable must be one of the following: MySQL, PostgreSQL) |
137 | 147 |
endif |
138 | 148 |
139 |
#### |
140 |
141 |
test/import.out: $(vegbienMaps) _always |
142 |
env test=1 n=$(test_n) $(map) $(+_) >$@ 2>&1 || { e=$$?; cat $@; exit $$e;} |
143 |
.PRECIOUS: test/import.out |
144 |
145 | 149 |
##### |
146 | 150 |
147 | 151 |
else |
Also available in: Unified diff
input.Makefile: Factored as much as possible out of section for each DB engine