Revision 6555
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza over 12 years ago
inputs/NVS/TaxonOccurrence/map.csv | ||
1 |
NVS,VegCore,Filter,Comments |
2 |
Project Abbreviation,projectName,, |
3 |
Plot,locationName,, |
4 |
Sub Plot,subplot,, |
5 |
Method Name,*Method Name,, |
6 |
Species Code,*Species Code,, |
7 |
Species Name,specificEpithet,, |
8 |
Verbatim Code,*Verbatim Code,, |
9 |
Taxon Bio Status,*Taxon Bio Status,, |
10 |
Taxon Palatibility,*Taxon Palatibility,, |
11 |
Taxon Growth Form,growthForm,, |
12 |
Herbivore,*Herbivore,, |
13 |
Severity,*Severity,, |
14 |
Taxon Obs Note,taxonRemarks,, |
inputs/NVS/TaxonOccurrence/VegBIEN.csv | ||
1 |
NVS,VegBIEN:/_setDefault:[source_id/source/shortname/_env:[name=source]]/path/_simplifyPath:[next=parent_id]/path,Comments |
2 |
Sub Plot,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
3 |
Plot,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/else/authorlocationcode/_first/1", |
4 |
Plot,"/location/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/parent_id/location/authorlocationcode", |
5 |
Sub Plot,/location/authorlocationcode, |
6 |
Project Abbreviation,/location/locationevent/*_id/project/projectname, |
7 |
Sub Plot,"/location/locationevent/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_exists", |
8 |
Sub Plot,"/location/locationevent/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/_if[@name=""if has event""]/then/parent_id/locationevent/*_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_first/2", |
9 |
Plot,"/location/locationevent/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/_if[@name=""if has event""]/then/parent_id/locationevent/*_id/location/authorlocationcode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then", |
10 |
Sub Plot,"/location/locationevent/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/then/_if[@name=""if has event""]/then/parent_id/locationevent/*_id/location/sourceaccessioncode/_if[@name=""if subplot""]/cond/_first/2", |
11 |
Plot,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/authortaxoncode/_if[@name=""if in plot""]/cond/_exists", |
12 |
Taxon Growth Form,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/growthform, |
13 |
Species Name,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[!isoriginal]/*_id/taxonverbatim/*_id/taxonlabel/_if[@name=""if has verbatim name""]/else/matched_label_id/taxonlabel:[source_id/source/shortname=TNRS]/taxonomicname/_join_words/2/_alt/2/_join_words/1/_alt/2/_join_words/3/_join_words/1", |
14 |
Species Name,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[!isoriginal]/*_id/taxonverbatim/*_id/taxonlabel/parent_id/taxonlabel/parent_id/_forEach:[in:[cultivar,forma,variety,subspecies,],do=""taxonlabel[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/taxonlabel[rank=species]/taxonepithet", |
15 |
Species Name,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[!isoriginal]/*_id/taxonverbatim/*_id/taxonlabel/taxonomicname/_join_words/2/_alt/2/_join_words/1/_alt/2/_join_words/3/_join_words/1, |
16 |
Species Name,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[!isoriginal]/*_id/taxonverbatim/specific_epithet, |
17 |
Taxon Obs Note,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[!isoriginal]/notes, |
18 |
Sub Plot,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_join/1/_if[@name=""if subplot and unique only within parent""]/cond/_exists", |
19 |
Plot,"/location/sourceaccessioncode/_join/1/_if[@name=""if subplot and unique only within parent""]/then/_first/2", |
20 |
Sub Plot,/location/sourceaccessioncode/_join/2, |
21 |
Herbivore,,** No join mapping for *Herbivore ** |
22 |
Method Name,,** No join mapping for *Method Name ** |
23 |
Severity,,** No join mapping for *Severity ** |
24 |
Species Code,,** No join mapping for *Species Code ** |
25 |
Taxon Bio Status,,** No join mapping for *Taxon Bio Status ** |
26 |
Taxon Palatibility,,** No join mapping for *Taxon Palatibility ** |
27 |
Verbatim Code,,** No join mapping for *Verbatim Code ** |
inputs/NVS/TaxonOccurrence/test.xml.ref | ||
1 |
Put template: |
2 |
<VegBIEN> |
3 |
<_setDefault id="-1"> |
4 |
<source_id><source><shortname>NVS</shortname></source></source_id> |
5 |
<path> |
6 |
<_simplifyPath> |
7 |
<next>parent_id</next> |
8 |
<path> |
9 |
<location> |
10 |
<parent_id><location><authorlocationcode>$Plot</authorlocationcode></location></parent_id> |
11 |
<authorlocationcode>$Sub Plot</authorlocationcode> |
12 |
<locationevent> |
13 |
<project_id><project><projectname>$Project Abbreviation</projectname></project></project_id> |
14 |
<taxonoccurrence> |
15 |
<growthform>$Taxon Growth Form</growthform> |
16 |
<taxondetermination> |
17 |
<taxonverbatim_id> |
18 |
<taxonverbatim> |
19 |
<taxonlabel_id> |
20 |
<taxonlabel> |
21 |
<matched_label_id> |
22 |
<taxonlabel> |
23 |
<source_id><source><shortname>TNRS</shortname></source></source_id> |
24 |
<taxonomicname>$Species Name</taxonomicname> |
25 |
</taxonlabel> |
26 |
</matched_label_id> |
27 |
<parent_id> |
28 |
<taxonlabel> |
29 |
<parent_id> |
30 |
<taxonlabel> |
31 |
<rank>cultivar</rank> |
32 |
<parent_id> |
33 |
<taxonlabel> |
34 |
<rank>forma</rank> |
35 |
<parent_id> |
36 |
<taxonlabel> |
37 |
<rank>variety</rank> |
38 |
<parent_id> |
39 |
<taxonlabel> |
40 |
<rank>subspecies</rank> |
41 |
<parent_id> |
42 |
<taxonlabel> |
43 |
<rank>species</rank> |
44 |
<taxonepithet>$Species Name</taxonepithet> |
45 |
</taxonlabel> |
46 |
</parent_id> |
47 |
</taxonlabel> |
48 |
</parent_id> |
49 |
</taxonlabel> |
50 |
</parent_id> |
51 |
</taxonlabel> |
52 |
</parent_id> |
53 |
</taxonlabel> |
54 |
</parent_id> |
55 |
</taxonlabel> |
56 |
</parent_id> |
57 |
<taxonomicname>$Species Name</taxonomicname> |
58 |
</taxonlabel> |
59 |
</taxonlabel_id> |
60 |
<specific_epithet>$Species Name</specific_epithet> |
61 |
</taxonverbatim> |
62 |
</taxonverbatim_id> |
63 |
<notes>$Taxon Obs Note</notes> |
64 |
</taxondetermination> |
65 |
</taxonoccurrence> |
66 |
</locationevent> |
67 |
<sourceaccessioncode> |
68 |
<_join> |
69 |
<1>$Plot</1> |
70 |
<2>$Sub Plot</2> |
71 |
</_join> |
72 |
</sourceaccessioncode> |
73 |
</location> |
74 |
</path> |
75 |
</_simplifyPath> |
76 |
</path> |
77 |
</_setDefault> |
78 |
</VegBIEN> |
79 |
Inserted 17 new rows into database |
inputs/NVS/TaxonOccurrence/new_terms.csv | ||
1 |
Project Abbreviation,projectName,, |
2 |
Plot,locationName,, |
3 |
Taxon Growth Form,growthForm,, |
4 |
Taxon Obs Note,taxonRemarks,, |
inputs/NVS/TaxonOccurrence/unmapped_terms.csv | ||
1 |
*Method Name |
2 |
*Species Code |
3 |
*Verbatim Code |
4 |
*Taxon Bio Status |
5 |
*Taxon Palatibility |
6 |
*Herbivore |
7 |
*Severity |
Also available in: Unified diff
Added inputs/NVS/TaxonOccurrence/