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Revision 7152

schemas/vegbien.sql: tnrs_input_name: Use TNRS.tnrs directly instead of the now-deprecated tnrs+accepted

View differences:

4484 4484
4485 4485

4486 4486
CREATE VIEW tnrs_input_name AS
    WITH accepted_name AS (SELECT DISTINCT "tnrs+accepted"."Accepted_scientific_name" AS taxonomicname FROM "TNRS"."tnrs+accepted" WHERE (("tnrs+accepted"."Accepted_scientific_name" IS NOT NULL) AND ("tnrs+accepted"."Accepted_name.Name_submitted" IS NULL))) SELECT accepted_name.taxonomicname FROM accepted_name UNION ALL (SELECT DISTINCT taxonlabel.taxonomicname FROM (taxonlabel LEFT JOIN "TNRS".tnrs ON ((tnrs."Name_submitted" = taxonlabel.taxonomicname))) WHERE (((taxonlabel.taxonomicname IS NOT NULL) AND (taxonlabel.matched_label_id IS NULL)) AND (tnrs."Name_submitted" IS NULL)) EXCEPT SELECT accepted_name.taxonomicname FROM accepted_name);
    WITH accepted_name AS (SELECT DISTINCT tnrs."Accepted_scientific_name" AS taxonomicname FROM ("TNRS".tnrs LEFT JOIN "TNRS".tnrs tnrs_accepted ON ((tnrs_accepted."Name_submitted" = tnrs."Accepted_scientific_name"))) WHERE ((tnrs."Accepted_scientific_name" IS NOT NULL) AND (tnrs_accepted."Name_submitted" IS NULL))) SELECT accepted_name.taxonomicname FROM accepted_name UNION ALL (SELECT DISTINCT taxonlabel.taxonomicname FROM (taxonlabel LEFT JOIN "TNRS".tnrs ON ((tnrs."Name_submitted" = taxonlabel.taxonomicname))) WHERE (((taxonlabel.taxonomicname IS NOT NULL) AND (taxonlabel.matched_label_id IS NULL)) AND (tnrs."Name_submitted" IS NULL)) EXCEPT SELECT accepted_name.taxonomicname FROM accepted_name);
4488 4488

4489 4489

4490 4490

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