1 |
2 |
Cleaned up and exported spreadsheets are in "Madidi.cleaned_up.zip" and *.xls.
3 |
Exported file names may not contain spaces.
4 |
Before exporting a spreadsheet tab to CSV, delete the 2nd header row.
5 |
Otherwise, it will be interpreted as a data row.
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Remember to export both plots and organisms tabs (see translations below).
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Inventory description, Datos descripcion de las PPM = plots
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Data base, Datos de las PPM = organisms
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PPM, PP = Parcelas Permanentes de Muestreo = BIEN2.datasources.xlsx "Madidi Permanent Plots"
12 |
PT = BIEN2.datasources.xlsx "Madidi Transects"
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15 |
Expedition number and Expedition name are consistent (globally unique) between PPM and PT data
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There appears to be no data of inventory type C, although it's listed in the column name "Type Inventory (C, PP, TP)"
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How should an "expedition" (trip) be mapped: project, plot, plot event, or something else?
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See note above about Expedition name/number
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How should an "inventory" be mapped: plot or plot event?
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Why is inventory type only in the organisms sheet, but important enough to be included in the flat file name?
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To do:
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Need a SQL function to translate Spanish dates to English
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can Python strptime(), Python dateutil.parser.parse(), or PHP/GNU strtotime() do this?