Revision 7214
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza about 12 years ago
inputs/Madidi/map.csv | ||
1 |
Madidi,VegCore,Filter,Comments |
2 |
"Calcio intercambiable (WSP S-5,10–cmolc/Kg–0.016)",calcium_percent,,Assuming units are % based on the range of values |
3 |
"Carbón Orgánico (WSP S-9,10–%–0.06)",carbon_percent,,Assuming units are % based on the range of values |
4 |
"Magnesio intercambiable (WSP S-5,10–cmolc/Kg–0.00083)",magnesium_percent,,Assuming units are % based on the range of values |
5 |
"Materia Orgánica (WSP S-9,10–%–0.1)",organic_percent,,Assuming units are % based on the range of values |
6 |
"Potasio intercambiable (WSP S-5,10–cmolc/Kg–0.0053)",potassium_percent,,Assuming units are % based on the range of values |
7 |
"Sodio intercambiable (WSP S-5,10–cmolc/Kg–0.00083)",sodium_percent,,Assuming units are % based on the range of values |
8 |
Acidez intercambiable (ISRIC 11–cmolc/Kg–0.05),acidity_percent,,Assuming units are % based on the range of values |
9 |
Altitude,elevationInMeters,,"Assuming units are m based on the range of values [1] and the region the data is from (Madidi National Park) [2]. |
10 |
11 |
[1] Using the following query: |
12 |
----- |
13 |
SELECT ""Altitude""::real, ""Locality"" |
14 |
FROM ""Madidi"".""Plot"" |
15 |
WHERE ""Altitude"" IS NOT NULL AND ""Altitude"" != ' 1430' |
16 |
GROUP BY ""Altitude""::real , ""Locality"" |
17 |
ORDER BY ""Altitude""::real DESC |
18 |
----- |
19 |
[2] This map shows both flat and mountainous regions: <,-68.380065&spn=3.730927,4.669189&z=7>" |
20 |
Arcilla (DIN 18 123–%–1),clay_percent,,Assuming units are % based on the range of values |
21 |
Area,plotArea_ha,,"""0.1 ha transects"" (""Madidi Transects"" description in <>)" |
22 |
Arena (DIN 18 123–%–2.5),sand_percent,,Assuming units are % based on the range of values |
23 |
Autor (revised),scientificNameAuthorship,, |
24 |
CIC (ISRIC 11–cmolc/Kg–0.05),cationExchangeCapacity_cmol_kg,, |
25 |
Conductividad electrica (ASPT 6–µS/cm– 1 - 10000),conductivity,, |
26 |
Determined by,identifiedBy,, |
27 |
Diameter,diameterBreastHeight_cm,,Assuming units based on the range and precision of values |
28 |
Direction,slopeAspect,/_alt/1,Part files provide either this field or Orientación |
29 |
Expedition name,projectName,,Consistent (globally unique) between PPM and PT data |
30 |
Expedition number,projectID,,Consistent (globally unique) between PPM and PT data |
31 |
Expedition,projectName,, |
32 |
Family (revised),family,, |
33 |
Field family,originalFamily,, |
34 |
Field name,originalGenus,,Often = Genera |
35 |
First evaluation,eventDate,, |
36 |
Fósforo disponible (ISRIC 14-2–mg/Kg–1.5),phosphorus_percent,,Assuming units are % based on the range of values |
37 |
Genera,genus,, |
38 |
Index collector,recordedBy,, |
39 |
Inventory code,locationID,, |
40 |
Inventory name,locationName,, |
41 |
Liana presence,lianaInfestation,, |
42 |
Limo (DIN 18 123–%–1),silt_percent,,Assuming units are % based on the range of values |
43 |
Locality description,communityName,,Often begins with the text in Vegetation type |
44 |
Minimum altitude,verbatimElevation_m,,"This is a range [1], not a minimum. Assuming units are m based on the range of values [1] and the region the data is from (Madidi National Park) [2]. |
45 |
46 |
[1] Using the following query: |
47 |
----- |
48 |
SELECT ""Minimum altitude"", ""Locality"" |
49 |
FROM ""Madidi"".""Plot"" |
50 |
WHERE ""Minimum altitude"" IS NOT NULL |
51 |
GROUP BY ""Minimum altitude"" , ""Locality"" |
52 |
----- |
53 |
[2] This map shows both flat and mountainous regions: <,-68.380065&spn=3.730927,4.669189&z=7>" |
54 |
Nitrógeno total (ISRIC 6–%–0.0014),nitrogen_percent,,Assuming units are % based on the range of values |
55 |
Number of subplot,subplot,, |
56 |
Observaciones,plotNotes,, |
57 |
Observations,fieldNotes,, |
58 |
Orientación/exposicion,slopeAspect,/_alt/2,Part files provide either this field or Direction |
59 |
Qualifier,identificationQualifier,, |
60 |
Slope,slopeGradient,, |
61 |
Specie+autor,scientificName,, |
62 |
Species and morphotypes,taxonName,,"Contains less than ""Specie+autor""" |
63 |
Specimen,catalogNumber,, |
64 |
Tag number,tag,, |
65 |
Textural class,texture,, |
66 |
Topographical situation,landform,, |
67 |
Total height,height_m,,Assuming units based on the range and precision of values |
68 |
Tree number,individualCode,, |
69 |
Trunk,authorStemCode,, |
70 |
Vegetation type,communityID,, |
71 |
pH acuoso (ISRIC 4–– 1 - 14),ph,, |
Also available in: Unified diff
Added inputs/Madidi/map.csv, created from new_terms.csv