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Revision 7277

schemas/vegbien.sql: provider_count_view: Include only sources with at least one row. Currently (as of r7023), all entries in BIEN2's geoscrub.herbaria are also in VegBIEN, so the filter is not yet necessary, but switching to bien3_adb.ih could create source entries without data rows which should be excluded from the providers list.

View differences:

3749 3749
3750 3750

3751 3751
CREATE VIEW provider_count_view AS
    SELECT s.level, s.provider, s.count, COALESCE(source.sourcetype, 'herbarium'::sourcetype) AS sourcetype, COALESCE(source.observationtype, 'specimen'::observationtype) AS observationtype FROM ((SELECT 'top-level'::text AS level, analytical_stem.datasource AS provider, count(*) AS count FROM analytical_stem GROUP BY analytical_stem.datasource UNION ALL SELECT 'data owner'::text AS level, AS provider, count(*) AS count FROM ((sourcename JOIN sourcelist USING (sourcelist_id)) JOIN specimenreplicate ON ((specimenreplicate.institution_id = sourcelist.sourcelist_id))) GROUP BY s LEFT JOIN source ON ((source.shortname = s.provider))) ORDER BY s.level DESC, s.count DESC, s.provider;
    SELECT s.level, s.provider, s.count, COALESCE(source.sourcetype, 'herbarium'::sourcetype) AS sourcetype, COALESCE(source.observationtype, 'specimen'::observationtype) AS observationtype FROM ((SELECT 'top-level'::text AS level, analytical_stem.datasource AS provider, count(*) AS count FROM analytical_stem GROUP BY analytical_stem.datasource UNION ALL SELECT 'data owner'::text AS level, AS provider, count(*) AS count FROM ((sourcename JOIN sourcelist USING (sourcelist_id)) JOIN specimenreplicate ON ((specimenreplicate.institution_id = sourcelist.sourcelist_id))) GROUP BY HAVING (count(*) > 0)) s LEFT JOIN source ON ((source.shortname = s.provider))) ORDER BY s.level DESC, s.count DESC, s.provider;
3753 3753

3754 3754

3755 3755

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