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Revision 7366

schemas/vegbien.sql: taxon_trait_view: Added workaround for bug where the taxonlabel's taxonomicname (concatenated taxonomicname) is occasionally not populated due to a taxonlabel constraint violation, by using the taxonverbatim's taxonomicname instead in these cases. This bug, which appeared in the r7317 import, is so far not reproducible (tested on Mac OS X), so its cause is unknown, but may be caused by a bug in functions._merge_prefix(), which is run on the taxonlabel's taxonomicname but not the taxonverbatim's taxonomicname.

View differences:

4175 4175
4176 4176

4177 4177
CREATE VIEW taxon_trait_view AS
    SELECT taxonlabel.taxonomicname AS "scientificName", AS "measurementType", trait.value AS "measurementValue", trait.units AS "measurementUnit" FROM ((((trait LEFT JOIN taxonoccurrence USING (taxonoccurrence_id)) LEFT JOIN taxondetermination ON (((taxondetermination.taxonoccurrence_id = taxonoccurrence.taxonoccurrence_id) AND taxondetermination.iscurrent))) LEFT JOIN taxonverbatim USING (taxonverbatim_id)) LEFT JOIN taxonlabel USING (taxonlabel_id));
    SELECT COALESCE(taxonlabel.taxonomicname, taxonverbatim.taxonomicname) AS "scientificName", AS "measurementType", trait.value AS "measurementValue", trait.units AS "measurementUnit" FROM ((((trait LEFT JOIN taxonoccurrence USING (taxonoccurrence_id)) LEFT JOIN taxondetermination ON (((taxondetermination.taxonoccurrence_id = taxonoccurrence.taxonoccurrence_id) AND taxondetermination.iscurrent))) LEFT JOIN taxonverbatim USING (taxonverbatim_id)) LEFT JOIN taxonlabel USING (taxonlabel_id));
4179 4179

4180 4180

4181 4181

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