


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  _archive 1598 almost 13 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza Moved _archive/tapir2flatClient/trunk/client/ t...
  analysis 3076 over 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza Added top-level analysis dir for range modeling
  backups 7564 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza lib/common.Makefile: remote server: Use jupiter...
  bin 7620 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza make_analytical_db: Wait for tnrs.make to acqui...
  config 7390 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza config/: Set svn:ignore to exclude *password files
  inputs 7625 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza inputs/SALVIAS/plotMetadata_/create.sql: Added ...
  lib 7569 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza lib/common.Makefile: rsync: $(rsync*): Use --no...
  mappings 7610 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv: Mapped reproducti...
  schemas 7626 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: plot...
  to_do 7355 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza to_do/timeline.2013.xls: Updated with changes d...
  validation 5971 over 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza Updated validation/BIEN2_Analytical_DB_overview...
Makefile 12.1 KB 7575 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza root Makefile: MySQL: mysql-Linux: Also install...
README.TXT 18.5 KB 7598 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza README.TXT: Full database import: Check that un...
fix_perms 97 Bytes 7560 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza Added root fix_perms
map 1001 Bytes 6949 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza vegbien_dest: Changed default $prefix to "", so...
new_terms.csv 38.1 KB 7222 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza new_terms.csv: Regenerated
unmapped_terms.csv 13.1 KB 7201 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza **/new_terms.csv, **/unmapped_terms.csv: Regene...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
7626 02/20/2013 12:28 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: plotArea_ha: Fixed bug where need to use parent plot's area when subplot's area is not provided

7625 02/20/2013 12:18 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

inputs/SALVIAS/plotMetadata_/create.sql: Added primary key

7624 02/20/2013 11:42 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

inputs/NY/NY_DATA_20130212.~.utils.sql: pkey: Made table an enum instead of a text field so that Ecatalog_LatLong could be sorted before Ecatalog

7623 02/20/2013 11:32 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

inputs/NY/Ecatalog_all/create.sql: primary key: Combine table, key into one value so that the primary key has a single column. This is necessary because multi-column primary keys are not supported by the import algorithm.

7622 02/20/2013 11:28 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

inputs/NY/NY_DATA_20130212.~.utils.sql: Added pkey record type for use by Ecatalog_all's generated pkey

7621 02/20/2013 10:47 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

inputs/NY/Ecatalog_all/create.sql: Add table column which scopes the key field. Add primary key to allow sorting by it. inputs/NY/Ecatalog_all/map.csv: Documented that UniqueNYInternalRecordNumber is sometimes duplicated.

7620 02/20/2013 09:20 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

make_analytical_db: Wait for tnrs.make to acquire the tnrs.make lock if being run right after import

7619 02/20/2013 09:13 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: taxonName_matched: Fixed bug where need to use the matched_taxonverbatim instead of the datasource_taxonverbatim

7618 02/20/2013 08:58 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

Moved wait on tnrs.make lock from import_all to make_analytical_db, so that running make_analytical_db for a one-time import also waits on the lock

7617 02/20/2013 08:56 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: taxondetermination: taxondetermination_unique: Added determinationtype so that when the matched and accepted determinations are the same, they still both get created rather than the second one being removed due to the unique constraint

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