


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  _archive 1598 almost 13 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza Moved _archive/tapir2flatClient/trunk/client/ t...
  analysis 3076 over 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza Added top-level analysis dir for range modeling
  backups 7564 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza lib/common.Makefile: remote server: Use jupiter...
  bin 7864 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza make_analytical_db: Support the $log flag, whic...
  config 7801 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza root Makefile: VegBIEN DB: mk_db: Added command...
  inputs 7875 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza inputs/NCU/Specimen/map.csv: cultivated: Map fa...
  lib 7728 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza lib/common.Makefile: rsync: $(rsync): Also excl...
  mappings 7866 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza mappings/VegCore.htm: Regenerated from wiki. Re...
  planning 7872 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza Added planning/goals/BIEN3_derived_data_product...
  schemas 7869 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: Merg...
  validation 5971 over 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza Updated validation/BIEN2_Analytical_DB_overview...
  web 7881 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza vegpath/index.*: Removed tagline from window ti...
Makefile 12.1 KB 7836 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza root Makefile: Datasources: scrub: Removed no l...
README.TXT 19.1 KB 7867 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza README.TXT: Full database import: In PostgreSQL...
fix_perms 97 Bytes 7560 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza Added root fix_perms
map 1001 Bytes 6949 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza vegbien_dest: Changed default $prefix to "", so...
new_terms.csv 38.1 KB 7222 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza new_terms.csv: Regenerated
unmapped_terms.csv 13.1 KB 7201 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza **/new_terms.csv, **/unmapped_terms.csv: Regene...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
7881 03/10/2013 06:46 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

vegpath/index.*: Removed tagline from window title because the window title (which becomes the bookmark name) only needs to be long enough to identify what the page is, and should not be cluttered with descriptions

7880 03/10/2013 06:43 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

vegpath/index.*: Changed tagline to emphasize that the shortened URLs are especially intended to be human-readable, e.g. for use as column names

7879 03/10/2013 06:37 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

VegRef/: Renamed to VegPath to make it clearer that the purpose of the web service is to provide short, globally unique paths to resources (e.g. for use as global IDs <;)

7878 03/10/2013 06:10 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

VegRef/.htaccess: URL resolution: mod_rewrite: Fixed bug where also need to consider if %{REQUEST_FILENAME} is a dir or symlink, which occurs e.g. when redirecting to the VegRef/ dir itself

7877 03/09/2013 10:50 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

web/VegRef/.htaccess: Turned off RewriteEngine temporarily because it was preventing the internal VegRef redirection from working

7876 03/09/2013 10:48 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

Added web/VegRef/, which provides a URL-shortening service for vegetation references. VegRef URLs are short and human-readable enough to be used as database column names. This also causes Google spreadsheets to display a clickable link for each column name, which takes the user to the data dictionary definition for the term. String row IDs (such as global IDs <;) can also be clickable VegRef URLs.

7875 03/08/2013 10:26 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

inputs/NCU/Specimen/map.csv: cultivated: Map false (0) to NULL because cultivated can only be true or NULL, not false

7874 03/08/2013 09:14 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

inputs/CTFS/_src/_README.TXT: Added e-mails from Brad Boyle about issues with species aggregation methods

7873 03/07/2013 06:27 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

inputs/UNCC/Specimen/map.csv: Populated specimenHolderInstitutions

7872 03/07/2013 03:21 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

Added planning/goals/BIEN3_derived_data_products.docx.url

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