Revision 8176
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza almost 12 years ago
map.csv | ||
1 |
CVS,VegCore,Filter,Comments |
2 |
3 |
4 |
PLOT_ID,locationID,, |
5 |
PROJECT_ID,projectID,, |
6 |
authorObsCode,authorEventCode,, |
7 |
obsStartDate,startDate,, |
8 |
obsEndDate,endDate,, |
9 |
dateAccuracy,*dateAccuracy,, |
10 |
dateEntered,*dateEntered,, |
11 |
12 |
coverDispersion,*coverDispersion,, |
13 |
autoTaxonCover,*autoTaxonCover,, |
14 |
15 |
methodNarrative,samplingProtocol,, |
16 |
taxonObservationArea,*taxonObservationArea,, |
17 |
stemSizeLimit,*stemSizeLimit,, |
18 |
stemObservationArea,*stemObservationArea,, |
19 |
stemSampleMethod,*stemSampleMethod,, |
20 |
originalData,*originalData,, |
21 |
effortLevel,*effortLevel,, |
22 |
plotValidationLevel,*plotValidationLevel,, |
23 |
floristicQuality,*floristicQuality,, |
24 |
bryophyteQuality,*bryophyteQuality,, |
25 |
lichenQuality,*lichenQuality,, |
26 |
observationNarrative,*observationNarrative,, |
27 |
landscapeNarrative,*landscapeNarrative,, |
28 |
homogeneity,*homogeneity,, |
29 |
phenologicAspect,*phenologicAspect,, |
30 |
representativeness,*representativeness,, |
31 |
standMaturity,*standMaturity,, |
32 |
successionalStatus,*successionalStatus,, |
33 |
basalArea,*basalArea,, |
34 |
hydrologicRegime,*hydrologicRegime,, |
35 |
soilMoistureRegime,*soilMoistureRegime,, |
36 |
soilDrainage,*soilDrainage,, |
37 |
waterSalinity,*waterSalinity,, |
38 |
waterDepth,*waterDepth,, |
39 |
shoreDistance,*shoreDistance,, |
40 |
soilDepth,*soilDepth,, |
41 |
organicDepth,*organicDepth,, |
42 |
43 |
soilTaxonSrc,*soilTaxonSrc,, |
44 |
soilTaxonComplex,*soilTaxonComplex,, |
45 |
soilMapUnit,*soilMapUnit,, |
46 |
percentBedRock,*percentBedRock,, |
47 |
percentRockGravel,*percentRockGravel,, |
48 |
percentWood,*percentWood,, |
49 |
percentLitter,*percentLitter,, |
50 |
percentBareSoil,*percentBareSoil,, |
51 |
percentWater,*percentWater,, |
52 |
percentOther,*percentOther,, |
53 |
nameOther,*nameOther,, |
54 |
treeHt,*treeHt,, |
55 |
shrubHt,*shrubHt,, |
56 |
fieldHt,*fieldHt,, |
57 |
nonvascularHt,*nonvascularHt,, |
58 |
submergedHt,*submergedHt,, |
59 |
treeCover,*treeCover,, |
60 |
shrubCover,*shrubCover,, |
61 |
fieldCover,*fieldCover,, |
62 |
nonvascularCover,*nonvascularCover,, |
63 |
floatingCover,*floatingCover,, |
64 |
submergedCover,*submergedCover,, |
65 |
dominantStratum,*dominantStratum,, |
66 |
growthform1Type,*growthform1Type,, |
67 |
growthform2Type,*growthform2Type,, |
68 |
growthform3Type,*growthform3Type,, |
69 |
growthform1Cover,*growthform1Cover,, |
70 |
growthform2Cover,*growthform2Cover,, |
71 |
growthform3Cover,*growthform3Cover,, |
72 |
totalCover,*totalCover,, |
73 |
accessionCode,*accessionCode,, |
74 |
notesPublic,*notesPublic,, |
75 |
notesMgt,*notesMgt,, |
76 |
revisions,*revisions,, |
77 |
cust_cvs_CowardinSystem,*cust_cvs_CowardinSystem,, |
78 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_asp,*cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_asp,, |
79 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_45,*cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_45,, |
80 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_90,*cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_90,, |
81 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_135,*cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_135,, |
82 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_180,*cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_180,, |
83 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_225,*cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_225,, |
84 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_270,*cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_270,, |
85 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_315,*cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_315,, |
86 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_asp,*cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_asp,, |
87 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_45,*cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_45,, |
88 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_90,*cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_90,, |
89 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_135,*cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_135,, |
90 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_180,*cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_180,, |
91 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_225,*cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_225,, |
92 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_270,*cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_270,, |
93 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_315,*cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_315,, |
94 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI,*cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI,, |
95 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI,*cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI,, |
96 |
cust_cvs_LeafType,*cust_cvs_LeafType,, |
97 |
cust_cvs_LeafPhenology,*cust_cvs_LeafPhenology,, |
98 |
cust_cvs_CanopyHeight,*cust_cvs_CanopyHeight,, |
99 |
cust_cvs_compassType,*cust_cvs_compassType,, |
100 |
cust_cvs_LocationSource,*cust_cvs_LocationSource,, |
101 |
cust_cvs_GPSLocationX,*cust_cvs_GPSLocationX,, |
102 |
cust_cvs_GPSLocationY,*cust_cvs_GPSLocationY,, |
103 |
cust_cvs_Ownership,*cust_cvs_Ownership,, |
104 |
cust_cvs_taxaRichness,*cust_cvs_taxaRichness,, |
105 |
cust_cvs_lengthSoilProbe,*cust_cvs_lengthSoilProbe,, |
106 |
cust_cvs_percentHistosol,*cust_cvs_percentHistosol,, |
107 |
cust_cvs_percentBedrock,*cust_cvs_percentBedrock,, |
108 |
cust_cvs_percentBoulder,*cust_cvs_percentBoulder,, |
109 |
cust_cvs_percentGravelCobble,*cust_cvs_percentGravelCobble,, |
110 |
cust_cvs_percentMineralSoil,*cust_cvs_percentMineralSoil,, |
111 |
cust_cvs_percentCWD,*cust_cvs_percentCWD,, |
112 |
cust_cvs_percentFWD,*cust_cvs_percentFWD,, |
113 |
cust_cvs_percentDuff,*cust_cvs_percentDuff,, |
114 |
cust_cvs_percentLitter,*cust_cvs_percentLitter,, |
115 |
cust_cvs_percentNonVasc,*cust_cvs_percentNonVasc,, |
116 |
cust_cvs_percentWater,*cust_cvs_percentWater,, |
117 |
cust_cvs_percentOther,*cust_cvs_percentOther,, |
118 |
cust_cvs_percentOtherName,*cust_cvs_percentOtherName,, |
119 |
cust_cvs_samplingLevel,*cust_cvs_samplingLevel,, |
120 |
cust_cvs_postDsgPoly,*cust_cvs_postDsgPoly,, |
121 |
cust_cvs_stemsSampled,*cust_cvs_stemsSampled,, |
122 |
cust_cvs_stemSamplingNarrative,*cust_cvs_stemSamplingNarrative,, |
123 |
cust_eep_plotLastPlantedDate,*cust_eep_plotLastPlantedDate,, |
124 |
cust_eep_plotNotSampled,*cust_eep_plotNotSampled,, |
125 |
cust_eep_plotNotSampledReason,*cust_eep_plotNotSampledReason,, |
126 |
entry_ares_herbs,*entry_ares_herbs,, |
127 |
entry_ares_trees,*entry_ares_trees,, |
128 |
entry_currentLandUse,*entry_currentLandUse,, |
129 |
entry_depth,*entry_depth,, |
130 |
entry_elevationUnits,*entry_elevationUnits,, |
131 |
entry_formerLandUse,*entry_formerLandUse,, |
132 |
entry_identificationNarrative,*entry_identificationNarrative,, |
133 |
entry_IntensiveModuleList,*entry_IntensiveModuleList,, |
134 |
entry_moduleSize_Overall,*entry_moduleSize_Overall,, |
135 |
entry_moduleSizeX,*entry_moduleSizeX,, |
136 |
entry_moduleSizeY,*entry_moduleSizeY,, |
137 |
entry_photosTaken,*entry_photosTaken,, |
138 |
entry_physClass,*entry_physClass,, |
139 |
entry_plot_X,*entry_plot_X,, |
140 |
entry_plot_Y,*entry_plot_Y,, |
141 |
entry_soilModulesSampled,*entry_soilModulesSampled,, |
142 |
entry_subsequentObsNum,*entry_subsequentObsNum,, |
143 |
entry_taxonomicAuthority_ID,*entry_taxonomicAuthority_ID,, |
144 |
entry_taxonomicAuthorityDate,*entry_taxonomicAuthorityDate,, |
145 |
entry_team,*entry_team,, |
146 |
entry_plot,*entry_plot,, |
147 |
entry_numberOfModules,*entry_numberOfModules,, |
148 |
errors,*errors,, |
149 |
dba_src_ID,*dba_src_ID,, |
150 |
dba_notes,*dba_notes,, |
151 |
numberOfTaxa,*numberOfTaxa,, |
152 |
153 |
soilHorizon,*soilHorizon,, |
154 |
soilDepthTop,*soilDepthTop,, |
155 |
soilDepthBottom,*soilDepthBottom,, |
156 |
soilColor,*soilColor,, |
157 |
soilOrganic,organic_percent,, |
158 |
soilTexture,texture,, |
159 |
soilSand,sand_percent,, |
160 |
soilSilt,silt_percent,, |
161 |
soilClay,clay_percent,, |
162 |
soilCoarse,*soilCoarse,, |
163 |
soilPH,ph,, |
164 |
exchangeCapacity,cationExchangeCapacity_cmol_kg,, |
165 |
baseSaturation,baseSaturation_percent,, |
166 |
soilDescription,*soilDescription,, |
167 |
cust_cvs_collectionName,*cust_cvs_collectionName,, |
168 |
cust_cvs_Lab,*cust_cvs_Lab,, |
169 |
cust_cvs_N,*cust_cvs_N,, |
170 |
cust_cvs_S,*cust_cvs_S,, |
171 |
cust_cvs_P,*cust_cvs_P,, |
172 |
cust_cvs_Ca_ppm,*cust_cvs_Ca_ppm,, |
173 |
cust_cvs_Mg_ppm,*cust_cvs_Mg_ppm,, |
174 |
cust_cvs_K_ppm,*cust_cvs_K_ppm,, |
175 |
cust_cvs_Na_ppm,*cust_cvs_Na_ppm,, |
176 |
cust_cvs_percent_Ca,*cust_cvs_percent_Ca,, |
177 |
cust_cvs_percent_Mg,*cust_cvs_percent_Mg,, |
178 |
cust_cvs_percent_K,*cust_cvs_percent_K,, |
179 |
cust_cvs_percent_Na,*cust_cvs_percent_Na,, |
180 |
cust_cvs_percent_Othr,*cust_cvs_percent_Othr,, |
181 |
cust_cvs_percent_H,*cust_cvs_percent_H,, |
182 |
cust_cvs_B_ppm,*cust_cvs_B_ppm,, |
183 |
cust_cvs_Fe_ppm,*cust_cvs_Fe_ppm,, |
184 |
cust_cvs_Mn_ppm,*cust_cvs_Mn_ppm,, |
185 |
cust_cvs_Cu_ppm,*cust_cvs_Cu_ppm,, |
186 |
cust_cvs_Zn_ppm,*cust_cvs_Zn_ppm,, |
187 |
cust_cvs_Al_ppm,*cust_cvs_Al_ppm,, |
188 |
cust_cvs_Density,*cust_cvs_Density,, |
189 |
cust_cvs_Ca_over_Mg_ppm,*cust_cvs_Ca_over_Mg_ppm,, |
190 |
soilObs_dba_src_ID,*soilObs_dba_src_ID,, |
1 |
CVS,VegCore,Filter,Comments |
2 |
3 |
4 |
PLOT_ID,locationID,, |
5 |
PROJECT_ID,projectID,, |
6 |
authorObsCode,authorEventCode,, |
7 |
obsStartDate,startDate,, |
8 |
obsEndDate,endDate,, |
9 |
dateAccuracy,*dateAccuracy,, |
10 |
dateEntered,*dateEntered,, |
11 |
12 |
coverDispersion,*coverDispersion,, |
13 |
autoTaxonCover,*autoTaxonCover,, |
14 |
15 |
methodNarrative,samplingProtocol,, |
16 |
taxonObservationArea,*taxonObservationArea,, |
17 |
stemSizeLimit,*stemSizeLimit,, |
18 |
stemObservationArea,*stemObservationArea,, |
19 |
stemSampleMethod,*stemSampleMethod,, |
20 |
originalData,*originalData,, |
21 |
effortLevel,*effortLevel,, |
22 |
plotValidationLevel,*plotValidationLevel,, |
23 |
floristicQuality,*floristicQuality,, |
24 |
bryophyteQuality,*bryophyteQuality,, |
25 |
lichenQuality,*lichenQuality,, |
26 |
observationNarrative,*observationNarrative,, |
27 |
landscapeNarrative,*landscapeNarrative,, |
28 |
homogeneity,*homogeneity,, |
29 |
phenologicAspect,*phenologicAspect,, |
30 |
representativeness,*representativeness,, |
31 |
standMaturity,*standMaturity,, |
32 |
successionalStatus,*successionalStatus,, |
33 |
basalArea,*basalArea,, |
34 |
hydrologicRegime,*hydrologicRegime,, |
35 |
soilMoistureRegime,*soilMoistureRegime,, |
36 |
soilDrainage,*soilDrainage,, |
37 |
waterSalinity,*waterSalinity,, |
38 |
waterDepth,*waterDepth,, |
39 |
shoreDistance,*shoreDistance,, |
40 |
soilDepth,*soilDepth,, |
41 |
organicDepth,*organicDepth,, |
42 |
43 |
soilTaxonSrc,*soilTaxonSrc,, |
44 |
soilTaxonComplex,*soilTaxonComplex,, |
45 |
soilMapUnit,*soilMapUnit,, |
46 |
percentBedRock,*percentBedRock,, |
47 |
percentRockGravel,*percentRockGravel,, |
48 |
percentWood,*percentWood,, |
49 |
percentLitter,*percentLitter,, |
50 |
percentBareSoil,*percentBareSoil,, |
51 |
percentWater,*percentWater,, |
52 |
percentOther,*percentOther,, |
53 |
nameOther,*nameOther,, |
54 |
treeHt,*treeHt,, |
55 |
shrubHt,*shrubHt,, |
56 |
fieldHt,*fieldHt,, |
57 |
nonvascularHt,*nonvascularHt,, |
58 |
submergedHt,*submergedHt,, |
59 |
treeCover,*treeCover,, |
60 |
shrubCover,*shrubCover,, |
61 |
fieldCover,*fieldCover,, |
62 |
nonvascularCover,*nonvascularCover,, |
63 |
floatingCover,*floatingCover,, |
64 |
submergedCover,*submergedCover,, |
65 |
dominantStratum,*dominantStratum,, |
66 |
growthform1Type,*growthform1Type,, |
67 |
growthform2Type,*growthform2Type,, |
68 |
growthform3Type,*growthform3Type,, |
69 |
growthform1Cover,*growthform1Cover,, |
70 |
growthform2Cover,*growthform2Cover,, |
71 |
growthform3Cover,*growthform3Cover,, |
72 |
totalCover,*totalCover,, |
73 |
accessionCode,*accessionCode,, |
74 |
notesPublic,*notesPublic,, |
75 |
notesMgt,*notesMgt,, |
76 |
revisions,*revisions,, |
77 |
cust_cvs_CowardinSystem,*cust_cvs_CowardinSystem,, |
78 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_asp,*cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_asp,, |
79 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_45,*cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_45,, |
80 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_90,*cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_90,, |
81 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_135,*cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_135,, |
82 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_180,*cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_180,, |
83 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_225,*cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_225,, |
84 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_270,*cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_270,, |
85 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_315,*cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI_315,, |
86 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_asp,*cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_asp,, |
87 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_45,*cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_45,, |
88 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_90,*cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_90,, |
89 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_135,*cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_135,, |
90 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_180,*cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_180,, |
91 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_225,*cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_225,, |
92 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_270,*cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_270,, |
93 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_315,*cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI_315,, |
94 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI,*cust_cvs_mcnab_LFI,, |
95 |
cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI,*cust_cvs_mcnab_TSI,, |
96 |
cust_cvs_LeafType,*cust_cvs_LeafType,, |
97 |
cust_cvs_LeafPhenology,*cust_cvs_LeafPhenology,, |
98 |
cust_cvs_CanopyHeight,*cust_cvs_CanopyHeight,, |
99 |
cust_cvs_compassType,*cust_cvs_compassType,, |
100 |
cust_cvs_LocationSource,*cust_cvs_LocationSource,, |
101 |
cust_cvs_GPSLocationX,*cust_cvs_GPSLocationX,, |
102 |
cust_cvs_GPSLocationY,*cust_cvs_GPSLocationY,, |
103 |
cust_cvs_Ownership,*cust_cvs_Ownership,, |
104 |
cust_cvs_taxaRichness,*cust_cvs_taxaRichness,, |
105 |
cust_cvs_lengthSoilProbe,*cust_cvs_lengthSoilProbe,, |
106 |
cust_cvs_percentHistosol,*cust_cvs_percentHistosol,, |
107 |
cust_cvs_percentBedrock,*cust_cvs_percentBedrock,, |
108 |
cust_cvs_percentBoulder,*cust_cvs_percentBoulder,, |
109 |
cust_cvs_percentGravelCobble,*cust_cvs_percentGravelCobble,, |
110 |
cust_cvs_percentMineralSoil,*cust_cvs_percentMineralSoil,, |
111 |
cust_cvs_percentCWD,*cust_cvs_percentCWD,, |
112 |
cust_cvs_percentFWD,*cust_cvs_percentFWD,, |
113 |
cust_cvs_percentDuff,*cust_cvs_percentDuff,, |
114 |
cust_cvs_percentLitter,*cust_cvs_percentLitter,, |
115 |
cust_cvs_percentNonVasc,*cust_cvs_percentNonVasc,, |
116 |
cust_cvs_percentWater,*cust_cvs_percentWater,, |
117 |
cust_cvs_percentOther,*cust_cvs_percentOther,, |
118 |
cust_cvs_percentOtherName,*cust_cvs_percentOtherName,, |
119 |
cust_cvs_samplingLevel,*cust_cvs_samplingLevel,, |
120 |
cust_cvs_postDsgPoly,*cust_cvs_postDsgPoly,, |
121 |
cust_cvs_stemsSampled,*cust_cvs_stemsSampled,, |
122 |
cust_cvs_stemSamplingNarrative,*cust_cvs_stemSamplingNarrative,, |
123 |
cust_eep_plotLastPlantedDate,*cust_eep_plotLastPlantedDate,, |
124 |
cust_eep_plotNotSampled,*cust_eep_plotNotSampled,, |
125 |
cust_eep_plotNotSampledReason,*cust_eep_plotNotSampledReason,, |
126 |
entry_ares_herbs,*entry_ares_herbs,, |
127 |
entry_ares_trees,*entry_ares_trees,, |
128 |
entry_currentLandUse,*entry_currentLandUse,, |
129 |
entry_depth,*entry_depth,, |
130 |
entry_elevationUnits,*entry_elevationUnits,, |
131 |
entry_formerLandUse,*entry_formerLandUse,, |
132 |
entry_identificationNarrative,*entry_identificationNarrative,, |
133 |
entry_IntensiveModuleList,*entry_IntensiveModuleList,, |
134 |
entry_moduleSize_Overall,*entry_moduleSize_Overall,, |
135 |
entry_moduleSizeX,*entry_moduleSizeX,, |
136 |
entry_moduleSizeY,*entry_moduleSizeY,, |
137 |
entry_photosTaken,*entry_photosTaken,, |
138 |
entry_physClass,*entry_physClass,, |
139 |
entry_plot_X,*entry_plot_X,, |
140 |
entry_plot_Y,*entry_plot_Y,, |
141 |
entry_soilModulesSampled,*entry_soilModulesSampled,, |
142 |
entry_subsequentObsNum,*entry_subsequentObsNum,, |
143 |
entry_taxonomicAuthority_ID,*entry_taxonomicAuthority_ID,, |
144 |
entry_taxonomicAuthorityDate,*entry_taxonomicAuthorityDate,, |
145 |
entry_team,*entry_team,, |
146 |
entry_plot,*entry_plot,, |
147 |
entry_numberOfModules,*entry_numberOfModules,, |
148 |
errors,*errors,, |
149 |
dba_src_ID,*dba_src_ID,, |
150 |
dba_notes,*dba_notes,, |
151 |
numberOfTaxa,*numberOfTaxa,, |
152 |
153 |
soilHorizon,*soilHorizon,, |
154 |
soilDepthTop,*soilDepthTop,, |
155 |
soilDepthBottom,*soilDepthBottom,, |
156 |
soilColor,*soilColor,, |
157 |
soilOrganic,organic_percent,, |
158 |
soilTexture,texture,, |
159 |
soilSand,sand_percent,, |
160 |
soilSilt,silt_percent,, |
161 |
soilClay,clay_percent,, |
162 |
soilCoarse,*soilCoarse,, |
163 |
soilPH,ph,, |
164 |
exchangeCapacity,cationExchangeCapacity_cmol_kg,, |
165 |
baseSaturation,baseSaturation_percent,, |
166 |
soilDescription,*soilDescription,, |
167 |
cust_cvs_collectionName,*cust_cvs_collectionName,, |
168 |
cust_cvs_Lab,*cust_cvs_Lab,, |
169 |
cust_cvs_N,*cust_cvs_N,, |
170 |
cust_cvs_S,*cust_cvs_S,, |
171 |
cust_cvs_P,*cust_cvs_P,, |
172 |
cust_cvs_Ca_ppm,*cust_cvs_Ca_ppm,, |
173 |
cust_cvs_Mg_ppm,*cust_cvs_Mg_ppm,, |
174 |
cust_cvs_K_ppm,*cust_cvs_K_ppm,, |
175 |
cust_cvs_Na_ppm,*cust_cvs_Na_ppm,, |
176 |
cust_cvs_percent_Ca,*cust_cvs_percent_Ca,, |
177 |
cust_cvs_percent_Mg,*cust_cvs_percent_Mg,, |
178 |
cust_cvs_percent_K,*cust_cvs_percent_K,, |
179 |
cust_cvs_percent_Na,*cust_cvs_percent_Na,, |
180 |
cust_cvs_percent_Othr,*cust_cvs_percent_Othr,, |
181 |
cust_cvs_percent_H,*cust_cvs_percent_H,, |
182 |
cust_cvs_B_ppm,*cust_cvs_B_ppm,, |
183 |
cust_cvs_Fe_ppm,*cust_cvs_Fe_ppm,, |
184 |
cust_cvs_Mn_ppm,*cust_cvs_Mn_ppm,, |
185 |
cust_cvs_Cu_ppm,*cust_cvs_Cu_ppm,, |
186 |
cust_cvs_Zn_ppm,*cust_cvs_Zn_ppm,, |
187 |
cust_cvs_Al_ppm,*cust_cvs_Al_ppm,, |
188 |
cust_cvs_Density,*cust_cvs_Density,, |
189 |
cust_cvs_Ca_over_Mg_ppm,*cust_cvs_Ca_over_Mg_ppm,, |
190 |
soilObs_dba_src_ID,*soilObs_dba_src_ID,, |
Also available in: Unified diff
inputs/input.Makefile: %/.map.csv.last_cleanup: Run fix_line_endings after canon/translate to standardize Python's \r\n line endings back to \n. This prevents issues with mixed line endings because LibreOffice (and probably Excel) treat all cell-internal line endings as \n but row line endings as whatever the file had, while text editors like jEdit translate all line endings to whatever the autodetected line ending is. (This creates spurious line ending diffs when a map spreadsheet containing multiline cells is edited in a text editor.)