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Revision 8736

lib/Firefox_bookmarks.reformat.csv: label page's description: don't label an author-added quotation (which starts with " ) as the page's description

View differences:

18 18
</DD>",close <DD> when followed by tags which don't autoclose it properly
19 19
" ICON=""data:.*?""",,"remove ICON attributes with favicon contents, which clutter up the svn diffs"
20 20
" LAST_MODIFIED="".*?""",,"remove LAST_MODIFIED attributes, which seem to change whenever the favicon is updated and clutter up the svn diff"
(?<=^<DD>)(?:[^:\n]*? description: )?,page's description: ,"label page's description as such to avoid confusing it with comments added by the bookmark author, who may not agree with it. the page's description is in the 1st paragraph(s), when provided."
(?<=^<DD>)(?!&quot;)(?:[^:\n]*? description: )?,page's description: ,"label page's description as such to avoid confusing it with comments added by the bookmark author, who may not agree with it. the page's description is in the 1st paragraph(s), when provided. if the bookmark desc starts with "" , this is an author-added quotation and not the page's description."
113 113
            <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1363420108" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1">mod_autoindex - Apache HTTP Server</A>
114 114
            <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1363354438" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1">RewriteRule Flags - Apache HTTP Server</A>
115 115
            <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1365850001" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">Bug 31210 – Problematic competition between mod_rewrite and mod_dir</A>
<DD>page's description: &quot;
117 117
&gt; /* if someone used the PASSTHROUGH flag in per-dir
118 118
&gt; * context we just ignore it. It is only useful
119 119
&gt; * in per-server context
120 120
&gt; */
121 121
122 122
            <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1365931468" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">Apache vs Lighttpd - WikiVS</A>
<DD>page's description: &quot;In Lighttpd you&#39;re restricted to rewriting via the config level only, which means for things like Wordpress you will need to hard code the rewrite rule in.&quot;
<DD>&quot;In Lighttpd you&#39;re restricted to rewriting via the config level only, which means for things like Wordpress you will need to hard code the rewrite rule in.&quot;
124 124
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        <DT><H3 ADD_DATE="1367306535">BitTorrent Sync</H3>
126 126
<DD>page's description: -
181 181
                        <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1366898705" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">How To have Dynamic SQL in MySQL Stored Procedure - Stack Overflow</A>
182 182
                        <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1366898755" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">MySQL – Writing dynamic SQL in stored procedures « IT Integrated Business Solutions</A>
183 183
                        <DT><A HREF=",127701,127719#msg-127719" ADD_DATE="1366898787" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">MySQL :: Re: Dynamic SQl in Triggers/Procdures</A>
<DD>page's description: &quot;Stored procedures called from triggers operate under the same restrictions as triggers, i.e., no dynamic SQL is allowed.&quot;
<DD>&quot;Stored procedures called from triggers operate under the same restrictions as triggers, i.e., no dynamic SQL is allowed.&quot;
185 185
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                    <DT><H3 ADD_DATE="1366740023">MySQL Workbench</H3>
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                    <DT><H3 ADD_DATE="1366864765">string primary keys</H3>
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                        <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1366864782" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">mysql - performance penalty of strings as primary keys? - Stack Overflow</A>
<DD>page's description: &quot;we use varchar(32) for primary keys (GUIDs) and we haven&#39;t met performance issues of this. Our product is a web site with extreme overload and is critical to be stable. We use SQL Server 2005.&quot;
<DD>&quot;we use varchar(32) for primary keys (GUIDs) and we haven&#39;t met performance issues of this. Our product is a web site with extreme overload and is critical to be stable. We use SQL Server 2005.&quot;
199 199
200 200
                    <DT><H3 ADD_DATE="1366900069">vs. other SQL DBs</H3>
201 201
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                    <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1364875901" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"></A>
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<DD>page's description: a blog by ariejan de vroom about software engineering and craftsmanship.
209 209
                    <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1366752124" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">casting - How to use the CAST function correctly in a MySql SELECT statement? - Stack Overflow</A>
<DD>page's description: &quot;VARCHAR isn&#39;t a valid type for the CAST function, but CHAR is.&quot;
<DD>&quot;VARCHAR isn&#39;t a valid type for the CAST function, but CHAR is.&quot;
211 211
                    <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1364874584" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">Creating a MySQL View directly in phpMyAdmin | Sky on Tech</A>
212 212
                    <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1366749540" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">Getting out of MySQL Character Set Hell &lt; Blue Box Blog</A>
213 213
                    <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1366764865" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">How Do I Enable Remote Access To MySQL Database Server?</A>
235 235
                    <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1366865295" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 8.3.8 Comparison of B-Tree and Hash Indexes</A>
236 236
                    <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1366748434" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 9.2 Schema Object Names</A>
237 237
                    <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1366896044" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: MySQL Glossary :: clustered index</A>
<DD>page's description: &quot;Because modifying the columns of the clustered index is an expensive operation, choose primary columns that are rarely or never updated.&quot;
<DD>&quot;Because modifying the columns of the clustered index is an expensive operation, choose primary columns that are rarely or never updated.&quot;
239 239
                    <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1346340363" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">MySQL :: MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual :: 13.1.1 ALTER DATABASE Syntax</A>
240 240
                    <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1346821922" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">MySQL :: MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual :: 4.5.4 mysqldump — A Database Backup Program</A>
241 241
                    <DT><A HREF=",243757,245694" ADD_DATE="1361398973" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">MySQL :: Re: How to Restore a particular table from the mysqldump of a whole database?</A>
312 312
                        <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1360831167" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">Converting MySQL to PostgreSQL - Wikibooks, open books for an open world</A>
313 313
                        <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1360832036" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"></A>
314 314
                        <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1365879925" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">MySQL vs PostgreSQL - WikiVS</A>
<DD>page's description: &quot;PostgreSQL will feature the MERGE clause in a future version [5], which follows the SQL:2008 standard. This can do the same as MySQL&#39;s non-standard &#39;INSERT IGNORE&#39;,&#39;REPLACE&#39; and &#39;INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE UPDATE&#39; statements but with more granularity.&quot;
<DD>&quot;PostgreSQL will feature the MERGE clause in a future version [5], which follows the SQL:2008 standard. This can do the same as MySQL&#39;s non-standard &#39;INSERT IGNORE&#39;,&#39;REPLACE&#39; and &#39;INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE UPDATE&#39; statements but with more granularity.&quot;
316 316

317 317
&quot;MySQL triggers are also not activated by cascading updates and deletes even when caused by a SQL statement&quot;
318 318
                        <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1365882733" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">sql - How can you represent inheritance in a database? - Stack Overflow</A>
391 391
<DD>page's description: phpPgAdmin is a fully functional web-based administration utility for a PostgreSQL database server. It handles all the basic functionality as well as some advanced features such as triggers, views and functions (stored procs)
392 392
                    <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1362551133" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">sql - Foreign key to a pg_catalog table in PostgreSQL - Stack Overflow</A>
393 393
                    <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1366152256" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">sql - PostgreSQL HASH index - Stack Overflow</A>
<DD>page's description: &quot;It should be noted that as of version 8.4 the issue with Hash indexes being less efficient and slower than b-tree indexes is resolved&quot;
<DD>&quot;It should be noted that as of version 8.4 the issue with Hash indexes being less efficient and slower than b-tree indexes is resolved&quot;
395 395
                    <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1360679821" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">sql - What is the maximum number of columns in a PostgreSQL select query - Stack Overflow</A>
396 396
                    <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1362550434" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">String Functions and Operators Compatibility - PostgreSQL wiki</A>
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        <DT><H3 ADD_DATE="1365937546">git</H3>
486 486
487 487
            <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1365937554" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">A Gaggle Of Git Tips | Viget</A>
<DD>page's description: &quot;I use git rebase -i to make sure every commit is clean. For example, when I have two commits with broken code followed by a third clean commit&quot;
<DD>&quot;I use git rebase -i to make sure every commit is clean. For example, when I have two commits with broken code followed by a third clean commit&quot;
489 489
            <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1365937443" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">Effectively Using Git With Subversion | Viget</A>
490 490
            <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1365938585" ICON_URI="" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8">Emmanuel Bernard: How to install Git and git-svn on Mac OS X</A>
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