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Revision 8828

lib/Firefox_bookmarks.reformat.csv: labeling page's description: don't match descriptions with a leading blank line as an author comment, because sometimes page descriptions themselves start with a blank line. instead, author comments at the beginning of bookmark descriptions should always start with a " or be preceded by a line containing only hyphens (-). note that it was never reliable to use a blank line for this purpose, because it would be trimmed out upon reimport of the HTML file into Firefox.

View differences:

28 28
",put ICON attributes with favicon contents on their own line so the rest of the line is easier to see
29 29
" LAST_MODIFIED="".*?""",,"remove LAST_MODIFIED attributes, which seem to change whenever the favicon is updated and clutter up the svn diff"
30 30
,,#### bookmark text fixes
(?<=^<DD>)(?!&quot;|-*$)(?:[^:\n]*? description: )?,page's description: ,"label page's description as such to avoid confusing it with comments added by the bookmark author, who may not agree with it. the page's description is in the 1st paragraph(s), when provided. if the bookmark desc starts with "" or a blank line, this is an author-added quotation or comment and not the page's description."
(?<=^<DD>)(?!&quot;|-+$)(?:[^:\n]*? description: )?,page's description: ,"label page's description as such to avoid confusing it with comments added by the bookmark author, who may not agree with it. the page's description is in the 1st paragraph(s), when provided. if the bookmark desc starts with "" or a blank line, this is an author-added quotation or comment and not the page's description."
32 32
,,#### bookmark reorganization
33 33
34 34
    <DT><H3 [^\n]*
1144 1144
LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16"
1145 1145
1146 1146
style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Basic Guide to DNS - Google Apps Help</A>
<DD>page's description: 
1148 1148
This guide is a list of common terms you may encounter when managing the DNS settings of your domain. Click a term below to jump to the description of the term and its practical use with Google Apps
1149 1149
1150 1150
                    <DT><a name="TLDs" href="#TLDs"><H3 ADD_DATE="1363189686">TLDs</H3></a>

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