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Revision 8828

lib/Firefox_bookmarks.reformat.csv: labeling page's description: don't match descriptions with a leading blank line as an author comment, because sometimes page descriptions themselves start with a blank line. instead, author comments at the beginning of bookmark descriptions should always start with a " or be preceded by a line containing only hyphens (-). note that it was never reliable to use a blank line for this purpose, because it would be trimmed out upon reimport of the HTML file into Firefox.

View differences:

1144 1144
LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8"><img width="16" height="16"
1145 1145
1146 1146
style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>Basic Guide to DNS - Google Apps Help</A>
<DD>page's description: 
1148 1148
This guide is a list of common terms you may encounter when managing the DNS settings of your domain. Click a term below to jump to the description of the term and its practical use with Google Apps
1149 1149
1150 1150
                    <DT><a name="TLDs" href="#TLDs"><H3 ADD_DATE="1363189686">TLDs</H3></a>

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