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Revision 9761

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: tnrs_input_name: must anti-join against MatchedTaxon rather than ValidMatchedTaxon to ensure that all of TNRS.tnrs is excluded from the input names. this prevents duplicates from appearing in the TNRS results, which would break the TSV import into TNRS.tnrs. it also prevents no-match names from being scrubbed repeatedly because they were not properly filtered out of the input names.

View differences:

4561 4561
4562 4562

4563 4563
CREATE VIEW tnrs_input_name AS
    WITH "AcceptedTaxon" AS (SELECT DISTINCT "ValidMatchedTaxon"."acceptedScientificName" AS taxonomicname FROM ("TNRS"."ValidMatchedTaxon" LEFT JOIN "TNRS"."AcceptedTaxon" ON (("AcceptedTaxon"."acceptedScientificName" = "ValidMatchedTaxon"."acceptedScientificName"))) WHERE (("ValidMatchedTaxon"."acceptedScientificName" IS NOT NULL) AND ("AcceptedTaxon"."acceptedScientificName" IS NULL))) SELECT "AcceptedTaxon".taxonomicname FROM "AcceptedTaxon" UNION ALL (SELECT DISTINCT taxonlabel.taxonomicname FROM (taxonlabel LEFT JOIN "TNRS"."ValidMatchedTaxon" ON (("ValidMatchedTaxon"."concatenatedScientificName" = taxonlabel.taxonomicname))) WHERE ((taxonlabel.taxonomicname IS NOT NULL) AND ("ValidMatchedTaxon"."concatenatedScientificName" IS NULL)) EXCEPT SELECT "AcceptedTaxon".taxonomicname FROM "AcceptedTaxon");
    WITH "AcceptedTaxon" AS (SELECT DISTINCT "MatchedTaxon"."acceptedScientificName" AS taxonomicname FROM ("TNRS"."MatchedTaxon" LEFT JOIN "TNRS"."AcceptedTaxon" ON (("AcceptedTaxon"."acceptedScientificName" = "MatchedTaxon"."acceptedScientificName"))) WHERE (("MatchedTaxon"."acceptedScientificName" IS NOT NULL) AND ("AcceptedTaxon"."acceptedScientificName" IS NULL))) SELECT "AcceptedTaxon".taxonomicname FROM "AcceptedTaxon" UNION ALL (SELECT DISTINCT taxonlabel.taxonomicname FROM (taxonlabel LEFT JOIN "TNRS"."MatchedTaxon" ON (("MatchedTaxon"."concatenatedScientificName" = taxonlabel.taxonomicname))) WHERE ((taxonlabel.taxonomicname IS NOT NULL) AND ("MatchedTaxon"."concatenatedScientificName" IS NULL)) EXCEPT SELECT "AcceptedTaxon".taxonomicname FROM "AcceptedTaxon");
4565 4565

4566 4566

4567 4567

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