


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  _archive 1598 almost 13 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza Moved _archive/tapir2flatClient/trunk/client/ t...
  analysis 3076 over 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza Added top-level analysis dir for range modeling
  backups 9496 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza added backups/*.md5
  bin 9741 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza bugfix: bin/make: use standard make logging por...
  config 7801 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza root Makefile: VegBIEN DB: mk_db: Added command...
  exports 8798 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza exports/: svn:ignore *.csv
  inputs 9781 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza inputs/GBIF/raw_occurrence_record_plants/run: t...
  lib 9777 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza *{.sh,run}: use mysql instead of mysql_ANSI bec...
  mappings 9459 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza bugfix: mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv: place.geo...
  planning 9671 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza *.url: mailto URLs: use the standard e-mail dot...
  schemas 9761 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: tnrs_input_name: m...
  web 9782 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza web/links/index.htm: updated to Firefox bookmar...
.htaccess 326 Bytes 8771 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza /.htaccess: use canonical URL without symlinks
Makefile 12.4 KB 9742 over 11 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza /Makefile: new config target (part of install):...
README.TXT 22.8 KB 9532 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza bugfix: README.TXT: Full database import: scree...
fix_perms 97 Bytes 7560 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza Added root fix_perms
map 1001 Bytes 6949 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza vegbien_dest: Changed default $prefix to "", so...
new_terms.csv 38.1 KB 7222 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza new_terms.csv: Regenerated
run 450 Bytes 9074 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza *{.sh,run}: removed extra space between functio...
unmapped_terms.csv 13.1 KB 7201 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza **/new_terms.csv, **/unmapped_terms.csv: Regene...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
9782 06/09/2013 11:36 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

web/links/index.htm: updated to Firefox bookmarks. added bookmarks about the `screen` command, especially how to access the scrollback. resorted several folders alphabetically.

9781 06/09/2013 11:13 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

inputs/GBIF/raw_occurrence_record_plants/run: table.tsv/make(): documented how to view the runtime when using `screen` (press Ctrl-A [ , use up-arrow, and then press Esc to leave copy mode)

9780 06/09/2013 11:12 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

inputs/GBIF/raw_occurrence_record_plants/run: herbaria_filter/make(): use new ih_herbarium table instead of the herbaria_filter.ih.csv_ file directly

9779 06/08/2013 12:23 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

inputs/GBIF/raw_occurrence_record_plants/run: added ih_herbarium/make(), which stores the IH herbaria

9778 06/08/2013 11:50 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: inputs/GBIF/raw_occurrence_record_plants/run: table/make(): also filter out rows with a non-plant family (as described at, since some institutions have both animal and plant rows, even though they are in IH or in the 80% list. (note that NULL families are OK.)

9777 06/08/2013 04:12 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

*{.sh,run}: use mysql instead of mysql_ANSI because mysql is now an alias to mysql_ANSI (since ANSI mode still supports key MySQL features, like `` quotes)

9776 06/08/2013 04:09 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

inputs/GBIF/raw_occurrence_record_plants/run: table.tsv/make(): documented that incremental output is provided right away with --quick (unbuffered), but takes awhile to become visible in Macfusion sshfs. this can be tested with `while true; do stat inputs/GBIF/raw_occurrence_record_plants/table.tsv; sleep 2; done` running concurrently with `./inputs/GBIF/raw_occurrence_record_plants/run table.tsv/make` on vegbiendev:/home/bien/svn .

9775 06/08/2013 04:00 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

inputs/GBIF/raw_occurrence_record_plants/run: table.tsv/make(): use new raw_occurrence_record_plants view from table/make()

9774 06/08/2013 03:15 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: inputs/GBIF/raw_occurrence_record_plants/run: table/make(): added make of prerequisites

9773 06/08/2013 03:14 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: inputs/GBIF/raw_occurrence_record_plants/run: table/make(): don't reset $table to plant_fraction_for_herbaria_filter for commands that use $table

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