


2012-11-16 conference call


  • No meeting on Wednesday 11/21
  • Meeting next at working group

To do

  1. send Brad the 3-4 key wiki pages
  2. flag FIA cultivated plots
    • 95% of FIA plots are cultivated; 2717 of 1 million plots are old growth (in BIEN2)
    • script: nimoy:/home/boyle/bien2/geoscrub/fia/flag_fia_oldGrowth.sql
    • change old growth age threshold from 250 to 80 years old
  3. flag cultivated specimens
    • scripts: nimoy:/home/boyle/bien2/geoscrub/cultivated/cult_by_herbaria, cult_by_locality, cult_by_taxon but NOT cult_by_city
    • translate scripts to PostgreSQL
  4. set up command-line interface to the DB
  5. print out VegBIEN schema poster
  6. flag which subproviders are herbaria
  7. determine which data exports are privileged

From Martha

  • Brad will send BIEN group a summary of what has been done on the database and what is in analytical database.
  • Martha send Brian E a list of potential agenda items and copy Brad.

After meeting

  1. reload GBIF, MO, NY


  1. remove mapping for SALVIAS access level 4 in plot
  2. add families that don't match to family_higher_plant_group
  3. see if any geoscrub countries are not in the newWorldCountries.countryNameStd
    • yes:
      • Brunei
      • Côte d'Ivoire
      • Democratic Republic of the Congo
      • East Timor
      • Falkland Islands
      • Iran
      • Laos
      • Moldova
      • North Korea
      • Pitcairn Islands
      • Reunion
      • Russia
      • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
      • South Korea
      • Syria
      • Virgin Islands, U.S.
    • query:
      SELECT geoscrub_output.countrystd
          SELECT DISTINCT countrystd
          FROM geoscrub.geoscrub_output
          WHERE countrystd IS NOT NULL
      ) geoscrub_output
      LEFT JOIN "newWorld"."newWorldCountries" ON "newWorldCountries"."countryNameStd" = geoscrub_output.countrystd
      WHERE "newWorldCountries"."countryNameStd" IS NULL -- no match
      ORDER BY geoscrub_output.countrystd
  4. change coordinates.coordsaccuracy_deg units to m
  5. add coordsaccuracy_m to analytical DB
  6. rename sourcecontributor.roletype to sourcecontributor.role
  7. make sourcecontributor.roletype an enum containing owner, etc.
  8. make sourcecontributor.position an enum containing PI, etc.: This is actually the order in which the person's name appears in a list of authors, so it has instead been renamed to order
  9. map SALVIAS PIs to sourcecontributor or locationeventcontributor with position = PI, role = owner
  10. map geoscrub.county